Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)
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The final weeks passed by and we were
done. Thank god. We decided it would be best to stay up at our home since my OB
was out here. Nick decided to stay with us, I thought he would go home but
apparently he didn’t want a reason to be in the same zip code as Mel. Erica
came up to our house for the summer and helped me with all things baby. We did
some shopping and we moved Max to the larger room on the other side of the
floor. By now he was completely comfortable in the house so he had no issues.
He actually felt like more of a big boy being a little further from us. We
decided to turn his old room into a nursery. Landon was still a mother hen, but
as time passed he let me get more freedom.

It was mid-august and I woke up
excited. I turned over and peered at Landon who was still sound asleep. I
started placing kisses all over his face.

“Lucy…” he groaned.

“Landon wake up.” I sang to him.

He threw an arm up to cover his eyes.
“No Lucy, go back to bed.”

I sighed and threw back the covers.
“No, I don’t want to.”

He shifted his arm and peeked at me
with one eye. “Your hair looks like a birds nest.” He told me and I flipped him

“We can’t all wake up beautiful.”

He snatched me and gave me a kiss.
“You look beautiful even with the nest on your head. Now why are you so happy
this early in the morning?”

“Today is our doctor’s appointment.”
I prodded.

He nodded. “Yes, but that’s not for a
few hours.” He said confused.

I sighed. “It’s our six month
appointment. We find out the sex of the baby!” I told him in excitement.

He smiled and brought me closer. “Yes
I know baby. That’s why you’re excited?”

“Well duh. Me and Erica have been
going crazy. We are having such a hard time getting anything since we don’t
know if it’s a boy or girl.” I told him.

He snickered. “So this is about being
able to shop is it?” he asked.

“No I’m just excited. Now get out of
bed I’m making breakfast… I’m so hungry.” I told him.

He chuckled. “Baby when aren’t you
hungry these days?”

I swatted him with a pillow and got
up to make food. Max was eating his pancakes when he turned to me asked, “Do
you find out if I’m getting a little brother or sister today?” he asked.

Landon only shook his head then
responded for me. “Yea little man you’ll be the first to know.”

Max smiled his megawatt smile. “I
can’t wait to be a big brother. I’m going to take care of him I promise. I’ll
play with him and

That made me laugh. Max has been
really excited about the baby since he found out. He still calls me his mother
so to him this baby is his brother or sister. At this point we just leave him
alone. Truth is me and Landon pretty much taking care of him the way we do,
they’ll probably grow up as siblings anyway. When he gets a little older he’ll
understand better. We try to not confuse him since it’s weird to say your
brother and mother are having a baby… but he’s been taking to looking at Landon
as a father. A few nights ago when he was dozing off on the couch lying on
Landon’s shoulder, he called him dad. He knows his real parents, but in his
mind we’re the people that take care of him the way he would want his parents
to. It kind of sucks also to be the only kid without any parents.

We headed to the doctor’s appointment
with Erica in tow. She wasn’t going to let us do this alone she was practically
brimming with excitement. She already told me that we are going shopping
immediately after the appointment, which is why she was in a separate car... so
that we can ditch Landon. We sat in the waiting room and I flipped through
magazines but didn’t see a thing. It felt like we were sitting there forever,
but it was only about twenty minutes. Landon kept sneaking glances at me and I
could see the amusement in his eyes. When they called my name I practically
jumped out of my seat. This time Landon did laugh. I cut my eyes at him and
stuck out my tongue.

I changed into the gown they provided
and laid down. “I’m so excited.” I squealed and gave Landon’s hand a squeeze.

He bent down and kissed me on my
forehead. “Baby I can tell. I am too I’m just not screaming it out.”

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever, what do
you think it is?” I asked.

Erica chimed in. “A girl.”

“Why a girl?” I asked curious.

Her eyes took on this dreamy stare.
“Are you kidding me? I’ll get to dress her up and do all types of girl things
with her. Take her to get her first manicure. Buy her her first tube of lip
gloss…” she sighed, “all of those things Landon and Nick never did with me.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I honestly
had no comment for her. I turned to Landon, “and you?” I asked.

“I honestly don’t care. As long as
the baby is healthy and happy I’m good. I’m hoping they’ll have their mom’s
beautiful hair.” He told me looking me in the eyes and I was like goo in his

The door opened and the doctor
stepped in. “How are the parents to be doing?” she asked.

“Fine.” I answered.

“She’s losing her mind. She’s so
excited I’m scared she might piss on herself or something is she doesn’t find
out what the baby is going to be.” Landon told her and I blushed.

I swatted at him and muttered, “Shut

The doctor only laughed. “Well then,
let’s get this show on the road.” She grabbed the sonogram machine and rolled
it over to us. I eyed the cold blue goo wearily since I knew she was going to
squirt me with it and it was going to give me a chill. I sucked in a breath as
she applied it to my stomach and got the wand. This time when I saw my baby on
the screen it looked like a baby. You could see the arms and legs and it was
moving all around. I heard sniffling and turned around to face Erica. She was
wiping at her eyes as she cried lightly. I gave her a reassuring smile.

“Come on little baby, show us what we
want…” the doctor urged still moving the wand around. The baby kept moving like
it was playing hide and seek.

“Stubborn like its daddy.” I

Landon looked at me and lifted an
eyebrow. “What was that Lucy?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Nothing.” Even though I
knew he heard me the first time.

“There we are.” The doctor said and
we redirected our attention to the screen. She snapped a few photos and then
turned to us. “Ready?” she asked. I smiled and nodded eagerly. “It’s a boy,
congratulations!” she said. I felt tears prick my eyes and I clapped. She
turned on the volume so we could hear the heartbeat. “Strong and healthy heart,
he’s developing nicely and he’s pretty big.”

We wrapped up at the doctor’s office
and setup my next appointment. Erica and I went out and she went baby crazy.
She got so many clothes and things that I didn’t get a chance to get anything.
When we got home Landon and Nick only shook their heads at us in amusement. I
don’t blame them she has items up to two years old. Yes I agreed that she went
overboard. The next week or so was really hot, the weather was in the 90’s so
we decided to stay inside and shop. We oohed and ahhed over furniture online,
and we had some painting samples delivered.

We were sitting on the floor in the
living room when I’d had enough. “Erica, I am not making my son’s room this
gross color it looks like puke!” I fussed.

“It does not! You just don’t have a
vision. I could make this color look amazing if you let me. I’m the fashionista
here let me work.” She said snatching the sample from my hand.

I growled. “Listen you hardheaded
girl. That is not happening. So put it in the trash pile immediately.”

She sighed and threw her hands up in
frustration. “You have no taste.” I heard her mumble under her breathe and I
stuck my tongue out at her. “Where are the boys anyway?” she asked.

I gave her a knowing look. “They went
out fishing I think… who knows what they get up to when they decide to indulge
in their bromance.”

She laughed, “This is true. I can’t
wait to hear their made up warrior stories.”

I shook my head laughing. “Right,
they come home empty handed it’s going to be because they were fighting Jaws.”

Erica laughed hard and I heard a
knock at the door. I got up to answer it as Erica spoke, “Yea and then on the
way back they had to murder Medusa.”

I was cracking up; I had to hold my
stomach to try to calm myself. I opened up the door wiping tears from my eyes.
When I looked up I saw the last person I expected to see standing there… my

The laughter immediately died on my
lips. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

She waved a hand at me and let
herself in. “I’ve come to see my daughter… is that how you greet your mother
after all this time?” she asked.

I sighed. “Again, why are you here…

She was taking in her surroundings
still not looking at me as she spoke. “Well I sent you an invitation to my
upcoming wedding and I didn’t receive your RSVP. You are going to be my maid of
honor, and just so you know that invite was for one person. You will
be bringing either one of those heathens to my wedding. I’ll find you a lovely
date.” She clapped and spun to face me.

“I must say you didn’t dissa…” she
trailed off as she finally took me in. There was no hiding this huge bump in my
belly. From the way she gaped at me I could tell this was news to her.

“Well that’s easy
. I
didn’t RSVP because I’m not going.” I told her.

“Sure you are, however you absolutely
cannot be a bride’s maid. Who’s child is that?” she asked incredulously.

I rolled my eyes. “Who do you think?
It’s Landon’s mother.”

 She cleared her throat. “Better yet,
it might be better if you
go. I can’t have you showing up proving
to everyone just how stupid my child is. God, what were you thinking getting
pregnant? I knew you were promiscuous but I at least thought you were smart.
What are you doing having his kid? Did you not learn anything from his father?
He will leave you high and dry then what are you going to do? You think he’s
going to let you continue to live in this beautiful home? You should’ve at
least taken a page out my book.” She put her fingers to her temples and rubbed
as if she was seeking relief.

I scoffed. “You mean trap a guy into
knocking me up then welcoming myself to his money when his back is turned and
disappear with his child. Then raise my son to think that his father is dead
only to get wasted one day and tell the truth? Or wait for me to fuck up
something good and leave him with an ex, only to introduce him his dad when I’m
desperate to have my way.”

“You take that back that is not how
things happened! You just don’t understand anything Lucy. I’ve tried raising
you right but it was no use. You’re so fucking stubborn. Are you sure you know
which one of them is the father?” She threw at me.

That hurt. “I know who the father of
my child is.” I took a step toward her. “It makes me think, did
who the father of your child was? Is that the real reason you kept me hidden.
You only knew for sure when I came out looking just like him? How many Johns
were you sleeping with
? You seem to know a hell of a lot about
this situation yourself.”

“Don’t you dare call me a slut!
You’re a fool and you’re going to regret this. Soon you’re going to wish you
stayed with me,
listened to me
. I would’ve steered you in the right
direction. You just fucked up your entire life by getting pregnant. Trust me I
would know.” She glared at me.

“The only thing I regret in my life is
having you for a mother. You talk about stupid? Who the fuck sleeps with their
fiancés client, while on a cruise and is too fucked up to cover it up. Then you
want to blame everyone else for why he left you? All these years you’ve called
me a whore, when really it was you.” I said pointing an accusing finger at her.

She paled and then she slapped me.
She slapped me so hard that my head whipped violently to the side. I
instinctively put my hand up to cup my flaming cheek. “Get out.” I whispered.

She stood still and crossed her arms
in challenge. “I said, GET THE FUCK OUT!” I screamed.

Erica came running into the room and
took in the sight. She must not have heard the commotion until I started
screaming. She stepped between me and my mother. “Listen lady, you need to
leave or I will remove you. You’re lucky Landon isn’t here. I’ll give you three
seconds before I make the call and even if you’re gone he’ll still find you.”
She took a step closer to my mother and stared her down. I don’t know what
Erica looked like at that moment but my mother immediately shrunk back. “Or
I’ll come find you. You fuck with her again or put a hand on her, you’re going
to answer to me. She might hold back because you gave birth to her, but that
doesn’t mean a damn thing to me and I protect my family. Remember that next
time you got balls to show your face.”

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