Keeper vs. Reaper (Graveyard Guardians Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Keeper vs. Reaper (Graveyard Guardians Book 1)
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Jack closed his eyes and let the steaming hot water of the shower beat down onto him. He couldn’t get the image of Lucy’s wide, fearful eyes out of his head. He never wanted to see a look like that on her face ever again.

She had seen him
drive by as he was leaving the cemetery. They had made eye contact, so he was certain that she’d seen him.

For hours he had hidden in his truck, watching her house and waiting for Aiden to come back for her. The whole time he wondered what the fuck he was doing there in the first place. There was absolutely no reason that he should be protecting her. Saving her from Aiden had been wrong. No, it had been the right thing … but also the wrong thing.

Mother fucker.

Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. And why did it have to happen with a Keeper, out of all the chicks in the world. If he was going to get an overwhelming urge to protect someone, he would have preferred it
be an Estmond Keeper.

He had seen that love at first sight shit in the movies and never believed in it. Shit, he barely believed in love to begin with. This … this sure as hell wasn’t love at first sight. Yeah, she was fucking awesome to look at, but this was more like an instinct to protect. Like a mother over her babies. Now that was a disturbing analogy if there ever was one.

He had no reasonable explanation for his actions, but one thing was for certain. Nothing … fucking nothing, was going to hurt Lucy if he had anything to do with it.

And that was that.

But why?

Aiden hadn’t come back. He was probably recuperating from the silver in his system. That would keep him off for a day or so, but it wouldn’t be long before Aiden was back on the job.

He had seen the entire family of Estmond Keepers speeding down the farmhouse driveway and he’d known that all of them were now aware of the attack on Lucy. He had to be more careful now than ever. If he was smart, he would pack his shit and head out of town now. But, no … he couldn’t go yet. Not until he was sure Lucy was going to be safe.

Except, that probably wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She was the Chosen One, which meant she was always going to be in danger from his kind. The only way she was ever going to be safe was if he offed his parents and maybe even Aiden … and that sure as hell wasn’t going to happen.

He wanted to punch something, or fuck something. Only he was pretty sure that wasn’t going to work because the last time he tried that he’d seen Lucy’s face when she wasn’t the one he was fucking.

He felt his cock responding to even the mere association of Lucy and sex together.

Well … that was

He shut the shower off, dried with a towel and threw on a pair of pajama pants
, then headed for his bed. He needed to try and catch a few hours of sleep since he’d been up all night. The summer warmth was enough that he didn’t need to get underneath the covers, so he flopped down on top of the fluffy comforter and threw his arm over his eyes, hoping it wouldn’t take long to pass out.

Only about five minutes had gone by before he heard the dreaded sound of his mother’s ringtone. “No fucking way.” Without opening his eyes he flipped his middle finger in the direction of his phone. He let it ring until the voice mail picked it up and then let out a rather large sigh for someone who was supposed to be so rugged and manly.

Fifteen minutes later, just as he was in that place where you are just a little bit asleep, but still aware of what is going on around you, some asshole started pounding on his door.

He jolted up into a sitting position, wondering for a moment if he had dreamt it.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

The person behind the door went for another round of pounding on it.

Son of a bitch. He moved off the bed and reached into his duffel to grab his gun. Whoever was at the door was pretty intent on getting him to answer. They knew he was here, obviously, because his truck was outside. So, really, his choices were either to answer the damn door, or run out the back door like a bitch.

He wasn’t a bitch.

With soft footing he crept toward the door, hoping that he could take the person out there by surprise. First, he took a peek out the window. He knew damn well that he couldn’t see the doorstep from the window, but he could see if there were any vehicles out there.

Yup. A dark green minivan was parked right behind his truck. Who the fuck drove a minivan anymore
, besides soccer moms.

His fingers wrapped gently around the door knob, trying not to jiggle it too much as he turned it. Then, when it was completely turned he flung the door wide and aimed his Glock at whoever was on the porch.

“Is that how you greet all your guests?”

What in the fresh hell?
It was the older sister Keeper from the bakery.

“What do you want?”
he demanded.

She shook her head, acting like she didn’t even care that there was a gun pointed at her head. “You know exactly what I want. I know you were out at our place. I know you tore that Reaper
off of Lucy and I want to know why.”

“What, you want to know why I didn’t want to witness a murder. I think that kinda explains itself.”

“No. It doesn’t.”

Jack didn’t say anything. What was he supposed to say? He sure as hell wasn’t going to spill his guts to this Keeper at his doorstep, but on the other hand … he had a Keeper on his doorstep and probably more outside in the fucking bushes or something. “How did you find out where I was?”

She actually laughed at him. “I have lived in this town my entire life and I know pretty much everyone else who lives here. I work in a shop that most of the town’s people frequent, and if
isn’t enough, I can see your truck from the road. Now tell me what I want to know.” She paused. “And put that damn gun away.” She swatted the air as if the Glock were a pesky mosquito.

“I don’t trust you. I’d rather keep it out.”

She lifted an eyebrow. “Uh, do you actually think that I trust
? No, I don’t. Not even a little bit, but you don’t see me pointing a gun at you … and you are the one who was with the guy who tried to murder my sister.”

Jack was having a hard time believing that she was just here to talk, for the very reason that she just specified. “I don’t understand what exactly it is that you want to know.”

She tilted her head. “I don’t understand why you still have your gun pointed at me.”

, if anything, he appreciated the quick wit and sheer stubbornness of the women in their family. He lowered the gun but didn’t put it away. “Tell me how she is.”

Liv shook her head. “Nope. You don’t get that kind of information.”

“Oh, but you want answers from me.”

She nodded. “Yes. So, to start with, you obviously know who we are and who my sister is, which is why one of your buddies tried to off her. Why didn’t you just let him?”

“I don’t approve of murder.”

“Apparently. You Reapers have been a pain in our asses for generations, but in today
’s day and age the amount of murders is minimal.”

Jack shook his head. “Not true, the big cities have a shit ton of murders caused by both sides.”

“That’s not the point, though,” Liv continued. “If my sister is of the prophecy, the Chosen One, why didn’t you let your friend kill her.”

“I told you.”


“I’m not lying
,” Jack insisted.

“Look man, I saw you and Lucy wrestling in the shop. I saw what happened … or didn’t happen when you guys touched. Then, you save her from being murdered by one of your own kind. And she, for some reason, doesn’t think you’re a threat.”

Jack wished for a beer so hard he wouldn’t have been surprised if one popped out of the clouds and fell into his hand. “I’m offended. I’m one badass mother fucker.”

She rolled her eyes. “Anyone who calls themselves a badass mother fucker, really isn’t one.”

His free hand went to his heart. “You wound me, Keeper.”

“And frankly, I don’t feel like you’re a threat either.”

Shit, time to get serious again. “Look, I’m not the one you need to worry about. But, Lucy is still in danger. The guy coming after her is someone I know very well. He doesn’t like to commit murder either, but he will if he has to. He is very dedicated to his job and will do whatever the Empress requests of him.”

“And that request is the death of my sister?”

Jack nodded, feeling kind of sick to his stomach at the thought of Lucy dying. “Yes, it is.”

Liv cracked her neck to the side. She had her dark red hair pulled up into a huge bun on top of her head
, secured with a light blue ribbon, and she wore jeans that had the white residue of flour or something streaked across the material. “So, if you aren’t here to kill her, what are you doing in Summer Hollow?” she pressed.

“I like it here, it’s quaint. I’m thinking about settling down.”

“Again, you’re a liar.”

He was done messing around. “Look, I told you that I wasn’t the one you have to worry about. I don’t have all the answers.”

Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “But, you do have some of them. Namely, about this friend of yours who is going to come back for Lucy.”

He paused for a moment, contemplating how he should respond and then decided to go with honesty. “I’ll be helping watch for him. I’m going to do my best to make sure he doesn’t get to her.”

“What’s it going to take to get him to stay away?”

“You’ll probably have to kill him. He’s under orders from the
Empress and will continue the attacks until he succeeds.”

,” she muttered under her breath.

“Make sure she is never alone
,” he told her.

Liv looked up at him, her face plastered with concern. “That is a lot harder than it sounds. Lucy isn’t someone who deals well with being told what to do or being assigned bodyguards.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I kinda figured.”

Really, how did he know that? He shouldn’t have a fucking clue about Lucy and her reactions. “Well, do your best and I will do what I can from my end, just don’t let any of the other Keepers off me if they see me around.”

“I can’t make any promises,” she told him. “I’m not telling them I came here, and I’m sure as hell not going to tell them that you aren’t the enemy … because you still are.”

“Same goes for you. I don’t even know why I’m sticking around to help as it is.”

Her eyebrows lifted. “You seriously
know do you?”

“Not a fucking clue.”

“Can you explain it to me?”

He leaned against the door jamb. “I don’t know. It’s just …” He trailed off, why the hell should he tell her anything. Oh yeah, cause telling a chick about your crazy is better than telling your friend who you’re supposed to only be manly around. That’s right.

She waited and when he didn’t continue she looked him in the eye and said softly. “It’s all right. You can tell me.”

“I can’t explain the feelings. It’s not like romantic comedy bullshit or anything, but ever since we met in your bakery and my skin came into contact with Lucy’s, my intentions have
completely changed.”

“What do you mean?” Liv looked like she might beat the shit out of him if he didn’t tell her.

“I mean that … when I came here I was supposed to find Lucy and kill her. Then we met, and when our skin touches there is no burning, no shocks, nothing that is painful. Ever since that moment, I have felt this
urge to protect her, to keep her safe. When my friend had his knife to her throat I moved on instinct, like I had no choice.

I would have killed him if he hadn’t been someone I knew.”

He had been staring off into the trees while he spoke and came back to reality as he finished the last sentence. “I don’t know what the fuck it is. I wish I didn’t have it at all, but I do and I am going to do what I can to make sure nothing happens to her. At least until this particular threat is taken care of.”

BOOK: Keeper vs. Reaper (Graveyard Guardians Book 1)
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