Keeper (Matefinder Next Generation Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Keeper (Matefinder Next Generation Book 1)
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“What?” I asked her.

“You were born connected!” Avery shouted and jumped up, scaring me.

“Yes?” I looked at her, dumbfounded.

Avery began to pace. “Born connected so if he dies, you die,” she spoke out loud.

“That doesn’t exactly sound like you’re helping with my problem,” I reminded my bestie.

She came to rest her hands on my shoulders. “
are what has kept him alive this whole time. Maybe together you can fix this.”

A lightbulb went off then, something Nahuel had said before he left. I get his fevers, he gets my wolf. I was taking some of the illness and he was borrowing my wolf’s strength! Together we could fix this.

‘Testing, testing … 1, 2, 3,’
Gavin spoke into my mind and I grinned.

I answered back.

Avery was looking at me like I was crazy.

‘This is so weird. Can you ... like … read my thoughts?’
Gavin asked me.

I chuckled.
‘Not really, just what you want me to get.’

Mates actually could read thoughts if they probed each other but I didn’t want to freak him out.

‘Cool, so we have built-in texting,’
Gavin joked.

I laughed. Avery was waving her hand in front of my face.

“Are you having a vision? You look crazy,” Avery said.

I grinned at my best friend and tapped my forehead. “Matebond Gavin is fascinated.”

Avery suddenly gave me a sultry look. “So, about Gavin. Have you?” She wagged her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. “Dude, we just met and he was sick and stuff.”

She nodded. “Mm hmm, but he’s your mate and he’s damn hot.”

I had to suppress my wolf then. Avery didn’t mean anything by it but the jealousy flared nonetheless.

‘Your brother and Mason both threatened to skin me alive if I mistreated you,’
Gavin told me.

“Come on, Mason and Jax are threatening him.”

Avery laughed and we made our way into the basement. Our basement was huge, over 2,000 square feet and was sectioned off into a full work-out gym with mats and all the fancy equipment, cages for containing wolves, and a  bedroom and bathroom. This is where my dad had set up Gavin while he was staying with us.

When we turned the corner into the basement, I skidded to a halt. Gavin and Jax were wrestling on the pads. Gavin had my twin in an arm-bar hold and Jaxon was trying not to show pain before he tapped out and Gavin released him.

Jax stood to his full height and grumbled. “I’m better on my feet.”

Gavin turned as if sensing me.

Avery looked from me to Gavin. “You know, Anya is really the better wrestler of the two.”

Gavin looked me up and down and my cheeks reddened.

Jax growled again. “Avery, you’re my girlfriend. You’re not supposed to admit that my sister is a better wrestler.”

Avery batted her eyelashes. “I’m sorry, you’re better at boxing than she is.”

I chuckled and stepped further into the room. “Because he’s freaking ten feet tall.”

Suddenly, I felt Alpha power surge through the pack bonds. We all froze. My heart hammered in my chest.

‘Anya! The council has assembled at the barn ready for your meeting. Come alone.’

My dad must be totally losing his shit to let it trickle through the entire pack like that. Something was up. Everyone looked to me, so I stood tall.

“The council has assembled. I need to speak with them about my vision.”

Both Jax and Gavin stepped forward but I shook my head. “Alone.”

Gavin looked hurt but nodded, Jax just shrugged.

Turning my back to my friends, I nervously made my way back through the house and outside. Shit. Why did I tell my dad to assemble the council? Maybe I should have just told him my vision and then he could have relayed it to the council. No, that wouldn’t work because the council would want to question me anyway. Lost in my thoughts, I was at the barn in record time. My hand froze on the door handle of the barn as I forced myself to calm my breathing. I didn’t want the werewolf council to see me looking anything but strong.

Entering the large barn, I saw that a table had been set up with thirteen chairs. The twelve council members had assembled, plus my mother. I gave a nod to my grandfather, Raj, who was a council member and the Alpha of the largest pack in India. The council was made up of some bad-ass mothers. Making sure I didn’t meet their eyes head on, I addressed them formally.

“Council.” I bowed deeply and got a growl from my inner wolf. She didn’t like bowing but I knew for what I was about to share I needed to show the utmost respect.

My father gestured to me. “Tell us of your vision.”

I took a deep breath. “I have news of our future that I feel I must share with you.” If Nahuel was right, and this was my purpose than I needed to do what was best for my people. One of the more serious council members, Griff, leaned forward listening intently. He had a look in his eyes I didn’t like.

“I have seen the future and I was shown a world where humans were capturing werewolves, caging them, torturing them. Mass riots, and zero respect for our rights. We were treated like animals.” Now that I had said it out loud, it sounded worse than I had originally thought. The council was outraged. They lost all composure and shouted at each other. My mother and father shared a look.

Griff stood. “When, where?”

I shrugged. “Time wasn’t given to me. I saw Los Angeles, but I got the sense this would be worldwide.”

Griff narrowed his eyes at me. “You got the sense? Is this your first future sight vision?”

“Well … kind of, yeah,” I mumbled.

Another council member turned to me. “How do we know it’s not some witch trick? Dark magic messing with you?”

My mouth opened in shock but before I could retort, my mother stood so fast that her chair fell back and hit the ground.

“How dare you! You come into my home as a guest and call my daughter a liar!” Mist leaked from my mother’s skin and the barn doors rattled. Holy shit. The slightest bit of fear passed over Griff’s face before being replaced with anger.

My father tried to put a hand on my mother’s arm, but she shrugged him off and walked around the table to stand next to me.

She put one hand on her hip and addressed the council. “So, when I have visions of your mates, it’s okay to believe me? But anything else is a witch trick? Maybe I’ll stop telling you when I have mate visions and let our race die out.”

My eyes bugged out of my head at my mother’s threat. She stared down Griff; the tension was so thick it could almost be felt, like a wet blanket saturating my body.

‘Holy shit! Mom just threatened the entire werewolf council,’
I told Jax.

‘I miss all the good shit,’
my twin told me.

My father stood. “I agree. I’m offended by your line of questioning my daughter.”

Raj stood then, placing his hands out and addressing the council. “We’re old wolves. Wolves don’t like witches and magic, but we must admit that Aurora’s gift and magic has benefited our pack greatly. Now my granddaughter shares that gift and we too must trust that it is for the benefit of our kind.” His words rippled through the space with the power of an Alpha. I had to resist the urge to bow my head.

Griff shrugged in agreement as my mother glared at him.

“Tell us every detail from the vision, Anya,” my grandfather prompted. I looked at my mother who nodded beside me.

So I did, I described the awful scene I witnessed. The wolf caged in the pick-up truck, the girl being whipped and cracking out her teeth. I told them everything Nahuel had shown me and only left out the part about Gavin being my True Mate. It felt too intimate to share in this setting. When I was done, my father thanked me and dismissed me as the council figured out what to do.

Walking back to the house, I saw everyone was outside waiting for me. Waving, I faltered as dizziness suddenly hit me and the fever raged to life inside of my body making me fall to my knees. My breathing hitched as heat flushed my cheeks and my heart raced. Jaxon ran to my side as I saw Gavin stumble in front of me as well. Flushed, looking sweaty, Gavin met my eyes. A pulsing need burned inside my belly to touch him. Reaching out, he clasped my hand and that’s when I drifted into the blackness.

Chapter Five


I came to, groggily, a pounding in my temples that threatened to make me sick. Then I felt it, a soft, warm hand laced with mine. Peeling open my eyelids, I looked over to see Gavin. He appeared to be sleeping soundly, breathing even, cheeks flushed and a light sheen of sweat upon his brow. I looked up and saw my mother and father standing at the foot of my bed. My mom’s eyes were ringed red; it looked like she had been crying. My father stood arms crossed like a sentinel, wearing a wild expression.

“Anya.” His voice was gruff. “Are you okay?”

I winced, and licked my lips. Suddenly, a raging thirst took over me.

“Water,” I croaked.

My mother dashed out of the room and returned quickly with water as I reluctantly let go of Gavin’s hand to sit up and drink.

“What happened?” I asked after wetting my throat.

My parents shared a look. “You have both been unconscious for about twelve hours. When we tried to separate you, you got worse.”

What the? I looked at Gavin again, he had 24-hour scruff and messy hair. He was shirtless. As I scanned his torso and the tan tight muscles, I had to suppress a moan. I’d never been so attracted to someone in all my life.

My mom cleared her throat and I snapped out of my trance.

“That’s not all. I tried to contact Nahuel and he never came.” My mother told me, concern in her eyes.

My mouth dropped open. “What? Has that ever happened before?”

Nahuel was my only hope that Gavin and I weren’t ticking time bombs slated for death. I needed to learn more about what was ailing my mate and me.

Suddenly, Gavin groaned beside me and opened his eyes, squinting. I handed him the water glass and he met my eyes. His eyes flashed yellow for a brief second as our fingers touched and I watched as he took a swig, placing his lips where mine had just been.

Sitting up, he looked around the room, at my parents, and then me. “Didn’t expect my first time in your bed to include your parents,” he joked and I saw my mom suppress a grin. My father on the other hand, didn’t look so happy.

“He’s funny. I like him,” my mother declared and Gavin blushed.

Looking at my father’s grim expression, Gavin cleared his throat. “I tell jokes when I’m nervous,” he offered, and that finally got my dad to give a half smile. I slipped out of the bed and saw that I was wearing my short soccer shorts and a tank top.

My mother met my eyes. “You were both burning up, got hotter when we tried to separate you. I think you need to stick close together. Whatever is ailing Gavin, affects you, Anya, and it’s worse when you’re apart.”

I tried not to meet Gavin’s gaze but the sexual tension was getting to be stifling. “I need to go for a run or a walk or something. Clear my head.”

Gavin stood, shirtless and in gym shorts. “I’ll come.”

I nodded and my parents shared a look before silently leaving the room.

‘Don’t stray too far. If Nahuel shows up, you need to come back quickly,’
my father told me.

I could feel Jax near; he must in the basement. My parents would update him. I needed air, trees, nature. I didn’t bother changing, my skin was still hot with fever. Stalking barefoot out of the house, Gavin trailed behind me.

It looked to be mid-morning; the sun shone through the trees making small shafts of light on the blades of grass.

I was about to strip down and shift when I realized Gavin couldn’t shift with me. Instead, I slipped on flip flops that were piled on my porch as Gavin did the same. Wordlessly, we walked to the back of my house and the thick trees that rested there. I wasn’t sure what to say or do. My wolf was dying to touch him. At that thought, his hand slipped into mine and I smiled. Ducking into the woods, hand in hand, we walked for a few minutes before he finally spoke through the matebond.

‘Do you believe in fate?’

My belly warmed at his voice inside my head, an intimate thing reserved for only the closest bonds. I noticed him looking at me with a side glance, eyes trailing up and down my body.

I mulled over his words. I liked the idea of fate. Of mates that were destined to be together, but I also wanted to be in control of my reality. I didn’t want to feel helpless for my future, thinking everything was written for me.

‘Yes and no,’
I told him.

He stopped, dropping my hand, and faced me. My long dark hair was down, splayed out around my shoulders and I was suddenly very aware of the lack of clothing both of us had on.

“I think that no matter what, I was meant to find you. Whether I was adopted or not, we would have ended up together, eventually.” He paused and I felt his nerves through the matebond. “I think you’re my destiny.”

My breath hitched at his words and he took two steps closer to me, closing the gap between us. My eyes fell on his soft, full lips as the words he had said bounced around inside my brain. Destiny. I needed more of him then, not this cautious display we had been doing. At my thought, we crashed into each other. My mouth sought his and when they touched, an explosion of pleasure released in my belly, heated and warm. His arms came around me, pulling me closer with a hunger that I matched. His rock hard body felt so good against my bare skin. Opening my mouth to deepen the kiss, our tongues brushed and a moan escaped me. His hands roamed down my back and to my butt as he lifted me up and I straddled my legs around his waist. Gavin walked a few paces and gently pressed my back against a tree as I continued to kiss him, letting our tongues find a perfect slow pace.

he said and my inner wolf howled.

’ I replied.

I’d been dreaming of this moment since I first saw him. I wanted more. All social rules and insecurities flew out the window. I wanted to take him right here and now on the forest floor. At that thought, he pulled back, looking into his eyes. I saw so much passion and need. My body ached for him, for more. This was crazy … but felt so normal. Like we had been together for a thousand lifetimes and were just now reconnecting in this one. I made fun of chicks that fell for guys this quickly, and yet here I was … falling.

‘Nahuel is here.’
My father’s voice broke our heated display. Shit. I could see from Gavin’s face that my father had sent that to both of us. He took a second to catch his breath and then slowly sat me down, his hand came up to cup my cheek as he placed a sweet kiss on my lips once more.

Smiling, I took his hand as we walked back to the house and I tried not to think about the amazing kiss we just shared and the promise of more.

Nahuel stood talking with my parents on the porch. Behind him, I saw a dusty, red pick-up truck in the driveway and assumed it was his. Huh. I never knew he drove. I assumed he astral traveled or something. Jax came out the door then and tipped his head to me. As Gavin and I drew closer, I noticed Nahuel was covered in ceremonial war paint. Interesting … nerves suddenly clawed at my belly.

Cutting to the point, he looked directly at me and Gavin. “You both need to come with me. We’ll be gone a few days. Pack light. No food.”

My father growled, staring Nahuel down. “I don’t like this! What if they get sick again, go unconscious, get the fever? We need to be there to help them.”

Nahuel sighed, looking tired. “Alpha, when have I ever steered you wrong?”

Something passed between them then because my father looked defeated. My mom rested a hand on my father’s shoulder. “They must go. I’ve seen it.”

My heart stopped. I hadn’t gotten around to interrogating her about that vision yet.

“You’ve seen what?” I stood firm, holding her gaze as she looked up at me.

Staring into her bright blue eyes I suddenly felt grown up. For the first time in my life, I was getting visions, I was finding that I had a life purpose and it looked like mine was very separate from my mother’s.

“I’ve seen you go with Nahuel,” she stated and I could almost smell that she was hiding something.

I tilted my chin up and stared her right in the eyes. “What else?” My voice was much more demanding than I intended and a flash of hurt crossed my mother’s face as she strode over to me.

“Doesn’t matter, baby, the future can change.”

There! In her face,
. Shit. She’d seen something bad. It took a lot to scare my mother.

Jax cleared his throat. “Good, if the future can change, then I will be going along whether I was in your vision or not.” My brother stood tall and gave off an air of ‘Don’t mess with me.’

Nahuel nodded. “Your path is intertwined with Anya’s.”

Huh. That was easy. Jax looked smug as my father balked. Before they could begin to argue, my mom linked her arm with mine and led me into the house. Feeling her warm skin on mine, I became sad. I felt like I was finally flying the nest and no longer would be seeing her or needing her every day. It was exciting and sad all at the same time. We entered my room and my mother began shoving my clothes into a duffle bag.

“Mom, tell me. What did you see?”

She looked up from the duffle bag and I nearly stumbled back at the yellow eyes and feral expression that she gave me. Her long blonde hair hung in tousled waves framing her face. Striding across the room, she cupped both sides of my face.

“My birth mother had a vision when I was born that I wouldn’t make it to my fifth birthday.” Her voice was strong and didn’t waver. I knew the story, my mom and her twin were hidden away with humans,
the humans to think they were their own biological children. In doing this, it had broken the chain of events that would have led to my mother’s death at age five. But her twin brother still died pulling her from a raging creek. He drowned. I knew then that she wasn’t going to tell me what she saw because she believed I could change it. I also knew with 100% certainty that she saw my death.

She kissed my forehead. “Nothing is stronger than the bond between the Matefinder and her mate.”

I paused thinking of that. My mother was immune to silver and when my father got silver poisoning she could ‘share’ her silver immunity. But Gavin didn’t have any gifts to share with me and I certainly didn’t have anything that could heal him. Then my mother reached around her neck and pulled off her sacred protection pouch, putting it around me. My energy sizzled with the power as it saturated me with protection magic. This necklace was a treasured item to her; it was powerful and she told me that she had earned it. Gotten it from Nahuel.

“No, Mom, I can’t.”

She put out a hand to stop me. “On loan until you get your own.” Then all of a sudden she pulled me into a huge, tight hug, the kind that felt like goodbye, the kind that squeezed your heart. I let her lavender and sage scent wash over me.

“You got this,” was all she whispered and it gave me strength. Sometimes all we need is to know that someone else is cheering us on in this crazy world.


              The drive to Canada was long and tiresome. I was hungry but Nahuel said we were fasting and would not be allowed anything but water and herbs for the next few days. Can I just say FML? Food was my favorite thing in the world, and being without it for a ‘few days’ was nothing short of torture. Gavin and I rode in the car with Nahuel as Jaxon followed behind in our Land Rover. Why we were going to Canada, I had no idea. But if my mother’s stories could be believed, then we were about to take some hallucinogenic drugs and trip out with some Native Americans.

‘Do you think Nahuel knows who my real mother is?’

Gavin’s voice in my head stopped my random thoughts. Oh my God, I had been so selfish. Here I was worrying about the next time I could have ice cream and Gavin was wondering big life questions like who his mother was.

Never one to shy away from opening my big fat mouth, I decided to ask. “Nahuel, do you know who Gavin’s parents are?”

Leaning over to gauge the shaman’s reaction, I saw the telltale signs on his face. Tense, withdrawn, jaw clenched. “I have a theory. We will know for sure when we get there.”

Ah Hah! He had a theory. My gaze fell onto my mate and the apprehension there. Who the hell would give up their kid like that? Especially a kid with magic powers, and not tell him what was coming. It must have been so scary for him to discover all this shit on his own. I slipped my hand into Gavin’s and squeezed.

We drove the rest of the way in silence, until finally we pulled into a thick wooded area about thirty minutes inside of the Canadian border. As we drove up to the small open clearing, I saw three teepees surrounding a fireplace and a larger tent in the back. It looked like there was no electricity, running water, or house type of shelter around here. As Nahuel pulled his truck further onto the property, I saw six hulking males decked head to toe in Indian ceremonial garb and wearing war paint on their faces. I swallowed, unexpectedly nervous. What the hell were we getting ourselves into here? As I turned to look at my mate, I saw something I had never seen from the guy before … complete and utter peace. Like his soul had returned home. His face held none of the apprehension I was sure that mine did. Instead he looked ready, excited, content.

Nahuel put the car in park and we all filed out. Jax pulled up behind us. I saw one of the flaps open to the tent and out stepped a gorgeous, tall, exotic woman. She was in her late twenties, wearing a long heavy woven skirt and loose white linen top. Her long brown braid hung down over one shoulder and her neck and arms were littered with turquoise and silver jewelry. As she stepped closer, I saw her face was also painted with red and white streaks and her almond-shaped eyes bore into my mate. I had to suppress a growl. Nahuel opened his arms and took the girl into a big hug. She seemed transfixed at staring at Gavin and he was doing the same with her. WTF. My wolf was two seconds from shifting and attacking her.

BOOK: Keeper (Matefinder Next Generation Book 1)
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