Keep the Faith (Bulletproof #1.5) (13 page)

BOOK: Keep the Faith (Bulletproof #1.5)
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“Ryder, I want…” I start to say but Ryder cuts me off as his mouth descends where no other man has dare ventured. I grew up in a religious family where missionary was the only way. This was all new to me. Ryder starts eating me like he’s a starving man, and I’m a five course meal. Like a lion who finally got the wildebeest he’s been chasing for the longest time. Letting out a gasp mixed with a moan, my hips instinctively buck against his face.

“Oh god! That feels…oh my god don’t stop!” I cry out but something tells me he doesn’t plan on stopping. Pushing his erection against my bottom, another foreign territory, Ronan continues his assault on the pressure points on my neck, knowing exactly what spots to hit to make Ryder’s tongue work harder on my clit to catch all the juices that are flowing. Ryder’s hands are firmly grasping my hips to control my movements which makes the pressure that much more intense. 

Ryder wraps both of my legs around his head and goes in deeper with his tongue, massaging my clit with his expert tongue, sending shockwave after shockwave of intense pleasure throughout my entire body.

“Hurry up and make her come, man. I need to claim this tight little ass of hers.” Ronan says, but his voice has changed. The once sweet, caring voice has been switched to that of a man hell bent on one thing and one thing only. Raw, passionate sex.


“Oh god, I’m so close,” I say, which only makes Ryder’s tongue assaults more forceful. I look down and lock eyes with him and the wicked smile he gives me sends me over the edge. One, two, three more flicks of his tongue and I’m gone. He’s got me squeezing my thighs on either side of his head as my orgasm rips across my body and making me scream out my release. My arms that were tightly wrapped around Ronan’s neck are tightly bound. White spots cloud my vision as the endorphins kick into overdrive.

“God, that was…I’ve never felt…wow.” See, words are barely coming out. This is a good thing. Ryder pulls away from my mouth and stands up abruptly. “Magic, wasn’t it?” He says then leans down and kisses me fiercely. I should be grossed out I can taste myself on his lips but I’m not. One thing is for certain, this man has a powerful tongue. It almost makes me wonder if Ronan’s is the same.


Chapter 26









Once Ryder pulls back from kissing me, he reaches at the hem of my shirt and pulls it up over my head, exposing my breasts. Why did I not wear a bra today? I’m suddenly glad I made that decision.

“Beautiful is too little of a word to describe you, sweet Anna. Breathtaking, magnificent, are more appropriate words. Whoever let you go before, was a fool.” The endorphins from my orgasm are still flooding my body in huge waves. Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly, allowing my lungs to fill up with some much needed oxygen.

“I think I’m ready to have you both take me now. I can’t decide between you two, so I guess I’m lucky enough to get you both.” I say, laughing. Maybe it’s the post-orgasmic bliss I’m still enveloped in.

Ronan scoops me up again then carries me over to the four poster bed. I look around and there is every kind of pain and pleasure device you can think of. They must see the curiosity on my face because they both pull my focus back from them, and onto me.

“We’re not going to use any of that one you right now. We just want to play with you for now. Ryder already got a sample of you, but I’m going to wait on mine. Right now, I just need to be inside you.” Ronan reaches over to the nightstand beside the bed and pulls out a bottle of KY jelly and squirts a generous amount into his hand.

“Turn over, sweetness. I’m going to prep you for me. This jelly is a little cold.” As I turn over, my head is on Ryder’s lap and his cock is right at eye level. Ronan slides his fingers around the tight hole of my ass and it’s such a foreign feeling, my body tenses up but Ronan is quick to massage the muscles and allow me to relax.

“Relax, baby girl. God, you’re so tight back here. I don’t know if you’ll be able to fit all of me.” Ronan says, as he sits the bottle aside. The sound of a zipper catches me off guard, making my whole body tense up again. I know it’s going to hurt but it’s the most deliciously wicked kind of hurt, a hurt I couldn’t be more ready for.

Ronan pulls his cock free of his jeans and oh my god. He’s huge. Not outrageously huge, but large enough it’s making me wonder if he put enough jelly back there for me to accommodate him.

“Are you ready, sweet girl? I’m going to put just the tip in at first but once I do, I won’t stop.”

“Please, Ronan. Take me. I want to belong to both of you with everything I have in me.” With that last beg, the head of Ronan’s cock slides into my tight hole. I tense up at the strange feeling but Ryder is below me, massaging my clit to make me relax which it does. Soft moans escape me as Ronan pushes more of his length into me.

“More.” I beg. That’s all it takes before Ronan slides into me fully and I let out a scream. Tears prick my vision as the pain subsides and pleasure replaces it.

“God, she’s so fucking tight, Ry. You might want to get her off so she relaxes some.” Ryder nods to his brother and picks up speed on my clit, moving his fingers in circles, making my body start to relax as pleasure begins to take over. Just as I’m starting to relax, Ronan picks up his speed and starts thrusting in and out of my ass, “Oh my god! Ronan!” I cry out. It’s the only audible thing I can say. Ryder removes his fingers from my clit just as I’m about to come, which disappoints me. He pulls me up while Ronan is still deep inside me. I look down and Ryder has freed his own cock from his jeans and my mouth is watering all over again. He tasted me, so it should only be fair I taste him, right?

“I want to taste you, Ryder. May I taste you?” I ask in between heavy breaths. Ronan looks up and nods at Ryder who lowers me back down. “Let’s let the little girl have her fun, brother.”

“Indeed. It will be my pleasure, literally.” With that, Ronan lets me lay back down on the bed and my mouth is lined up perfectly at Ryder’s cock at this angle.

Ryder stands up to dispose of his jeans then realigns himself at my mouth, which I hungrily accept with no question. The tip slides easily in and with one more easy thrust, he bottoms out down my throat. I gag a little until I get used to it.

“Goddamn, she is taking it like a champ.” Ryder says while Ronan’s thrusts get harder and more violent. His grip on my waist is like lock jaw with his hands. The familiar buildup is slowing boiling down deep in my stomach and it’s slowly making its way to the surface.

Once Ryder’s cock is completely inside my mouth, I begin showing him the same courtesy he gave me a while ago. I can’t use my hands so my mouth is my only weapon. My throat contracts and spasms, making Ryder grunt. “Fuck, her mouth is like heaven.” Bobbing my head up and down on his cock, he mimic’s my thrusts with some of his own, making me move faster on Ronan’s cock.

“I’m close,” I mumble around a mouth full of cock. It comes out as “Erm closss” but it was enough to let them know I was about to come. Without warning, Ronan comes with a roar with one more thrust and he’s emptying himself inside my ass. I come with him just as violently and in my intense delight, my teeth bite down gently on Ryder’s cock, making his release follow both of ours. I swallow every bit of his come without hesitation. Ronan gently slides out of my ass just as we all three collapse onto a pile of sweaty messes on the bed, and work on catching our breaths.

“I’ve never done anything like that before,” I say, staring up at the ceiling as my breathing works on returning to normal.

“Believe it, baby. You’re ours now. Ryder will claim your pussy with his cock tomorrow. Right now, we have to get back downstairs to the others. They’ll be wondering where we are.” Ronan sits up on the bed, pulling me with him, but I’m unable to move.

“I think I’m just going to lay here and sleep for ten days.” I say, turning over and pretending to go to sleep. I wouldn’t have to pretend too much considering all the endorphins rushing through my body right now.

A loud smack comes across my naked ass, “sleep later. Right now, we have to get back to the office and work on finding your best friend.” Ronan says, as he walks over to the other side of the room and collects my clothes and tosses them to me. I have everything except, “my panties?” I ask, looking around the room.

Ryder holds them up in my view, and I blush. “I think I’m going to hold onto these for now. You don’t need them. I would work on not even wearing panties from here on out. I want access to that whenever I feel like it.”

After Ryder and Ronan are dressed, we exit the beautiful room I someday want to live in and head back downstairs. Sarah and Leo are still sitting in the same spot we left them. They’re going to know what happened. I rush back to the bathroom and freshen up a little before reappearing in public.

Nobody will know what happened up there. I smile just thinking about our naughty little secret and just like that, I wish the brothers didn’t rush off so quickly because I am wet once again. I am so royally fucked. 


Chapter 27









After Anna left and headed for the bathroom, Leo wrapped his arm around my shoulder and just held me there. The feeling was odd, but not so much considering what we did in the same hallway Anna just disappeared down. All this is happening so fast and I don’t want to jeopardize anything happening in finding Jayde.

“Leo, we really need to talk. What happened back down the hallway can’t happen again. At least, not right now until I find my sister, nothing else can happen between us,” I say, turning my full attention back to him. As much as I like him, I have to remain focused.

“I understand. I just couldn’t help myself I guess when I saw you and I just had to let it be known.” Leo brings his fingers up and brushes them across my cheek and I can still smell the essence of myself on them. It makes everything inside turn in the best possible way.

“Known? What needs to be known?” I ask nervously, watching his fingers move along the edge of my cheek and slide down the front of my throat. Leo wraps his hands softly but firm around the base of my neck and holds me there.

“That you’re mine now. I won’t let anybody else touch you where I have touched you. You may have had lovers before me but I can guarantee you there will be nobody after me. I won’t let you go. As long as there is still air in my lungs and a beat of my heart, you’re mine. End. Of. Fucking. Story.” Leo lets go of my neck and leans back away from me just as Ronan and Ryder come walking out of the hallway.

“Where are you two going so soon?” Leo says, slightly un-phased by what he just did to me.

“I have to go take care of some shit boss, so I’ll talk to you later,” Ryder says before bolting out the front door. His face was contorted but not out of anger, but out of relief. Wonder what that was all about?

“And I’m going to go make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble. See y’all later.” Ronan’s face was the same way. Just as Ronan walks away, Zac is walking back in and sitting down.

“Where the hell did you disappear to?” I ask him, a little irritated.

“Got a phone call from Craig. And it couldn’t have come at a better fucking time too because I couldn’t stand to see y’all getting all lovey-dovey over there,” Zac says, faking a gag.

Leo laughs deeply. “Haha well from what I’ve heard, you have your own little lovey-dovey package in the form of a curvy, chocolate haired, green eyed raven that I promise I’ll help in any way I can to try and help find her with you.”

Zac nods at Leo out of respect. “Thanks, man. I…I mean we really appreciate that.” In the midst of their brotherly connection moment, Anna comes back out of the bathroom looking flustered and her hair is a mess. Looking down at my watch, it’s been about a half hour since she left. I guess I lost track of the time while Leo was claiming me. 

“What happened back there?” Leo asks Anna with a smug smile. 

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing at all happened,” Anna says quickly and I feel something warm around the back of my neck. I turn to see Leo has placed his arm back around my shoulder and I turn to him with a slight smile then pull away, silently telling him now is not the best time. He nods then returns his arm back in front of him on the table. If he truly is a Dom like he claims, then he knows the meaning of respect. And I’ll be damned if he doesn’t make me even hotter for him knowing that.

“Well, Leo and I have been talking while you were gone and we discussed the fact about Jayde and how we need to focus more on finding Jayde and less on the men right now,” I tell her, hoping Anna understands. As much as I would love to get involved with Leo right now, there’s just no possibility of that happening.

“And I don’t fucking like it, either,” Leo pipes up, making me smile.

I lean over and give him a soft pat on the knee. “Aw, don’t worry, babe.”

Leo’s lip curls up in a snarl. “Call me babe again and you’ll be bent over this table with your panties around your ankles,” He warns, making me blush. A sharp pain shoots across my leg at the contact he makes when he smacks me. “Ouch,” I whisper pulling a sly grin from his face. Even in his darkest glares, Leo still has a hint of boyish mischief behind his eyes. He reaches for my hand beneath the table and because I want to keep things on a cool level with him, I let him hold it.

Anna takes a sip of her drink before turning her attention back to us. “So what do we do now?” she asks, a little distracted. What the hell happened while she was gone?

Leo pulls his phone out of his pocket and types a few times then lays it back down. “You said she was taken at Hibernian Hall? Their security system is top notch and one of the best. My club has hosted several events there over the years. That’s why I continue to use them. So the hall is located in the historic district but in the back, there is a huge garden of sunflowers.”

“That’s where she was taken, yes. My team has searched high and low around that area for a clue. For something, but we keep coming up short,” Zac says glancing over at the phone Anna is holding. She hands it back to him and meets his eyes confused.

“So what does this have to do with finding Jayde?” Anna asks, looking down at his phone.

Leo points to something on his phone. “Because I have a hunch that won’t be the last time the monster who took her visits that place. If he knew what his motive was, then he will return. It’s just a matter of time.” Letting out a sigh, I look up at Leo once he’s finished talking.

“I don’t know. He seems to have disappeared off the face of the planet. We couldn’t even find him on radar. It’s like he disappeared.”

Leo nods. “I know, and luckily the cameras around the hall are recorded to a room upstairs on the third floor of the hall where I can get you guys into.”

I raise an eyebrow in question. “You have that access?” I ask.

“Yes. Like I said, I use the hall a lot so they get a lot of my business. A little security clearance isn’t a whole lot to ask for. We’ll start there and see what happens.”

Zac nods his head like he’s thinking then quickly stands up. “Let’s do it, there’s nothing else we can really do right now. I don’t know where else to look so it’s best to just start there.” Zac types something on his phone, looking confused then looks up to us. “I’ll tell Craig the plan but I have to get back to the office and get shit straightened out. I just hope that sick son of a bitch hasn’t done anything with her. If he hurts her, I swear to god he’ll pay.”

Anna stands up suddenly and places a hand on Zac’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Zac. We’ll find her and bring her home. I have faith that we will do that.”

“Keep the faith, Zac. That’s what I used to say to Jayde when she was feeling insecure. It helped and now it’s going to help for you.”

He nods with a stern look on his face. “I have to go. All I’m going to say is Finley Cole is dead. He better pray he dies before I find him, because I won’t show him any mercy.” Zac warns in a cold voice. The seriousness behind his anger is frightening.

Suddenly, Leo stands up and places both hands on the table in front of him. “Did you just say, Finley Cole?” he asks.

“Yeah, what about him?” Zac asks. Leo sits back down and shakes his head. “I can’t believe it. I just can’t fucking believe it,” Leo says over and over again.

“What is it?” I ask with genuine curiosity in my voice. Something doesn’t feel right all of a sudden.

With a heavy sigh, Leo looks away briefly, “Finley Cole is a member of this club,” Leo says, turning to me. Everything in my stomach is fighting its way to come back up and I cover my mouth to hold it in.

“Oh my god,” Anna whispers until she almost collapses onto the floor from this news. She would, if Zac wasn’t holding her up. It all makes sense.

“But that’s not all,” Leo speaks up once again. We all turn to him waiting for his next comment. My hands are gripping the edge of the table, just waiting.

“He’s also my cousin.” Leo says with a finality. I gasp and everything I’ve been holding in comes flooding out in a jet of vomit. This can’t be happening.

Oh my god. This has got to be a dream. Just a bad fucking dream.

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