Keep It Sexy (KIS Series Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Keep It Sexy (KIS Series Book 3)
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“Uh, cool, okay. Thanks man.” Trey smiled with thin lips before he walked forward toward the bar.

“Turd,” I mumbled pinching his stomach. Christian lowered his mouth against my head and chuckled lowly.

“I can still feel you against me. I want some more when we get home, but this time I’m going to taste you.”

I trembled, feeling my nipples harden. “Promise?” I replied, grinning.

He groaned approvingly before swatting my behind, then retreated back to work. We were all kept busy, but managed to make it a good night. I only had the urge to stab Claudia once, after watching her flirt with Christian. I tried my best to ignore what they were doing and just focused on my work. Before last call, the bar had almost emptied out. Soon, everyone was gone. We were all making good time cleaning up and cashing out when Lincoln strolled inside. I was counting my tips when I heard Jade gasp next to me. Lincoln crossed the dining room and pulled up a bar stool to sit next to me.

“What are you doing here?” I stepped off the chair, afraid of what he might do. Linc saw my expression and looked at me like he was hurt from my reaction. Then, he glanced behind me and stood with his hands up.

“Listen, I’m not here to cause any problems. I just want to talk to Billie,” he said. I knew he was talking to Christian because soon I felt his hand on my hip.

“Nah, man, that isn’t happening.”

Lincoln seemed unable to believe a man in my life was standing up for me. My previous choices in men hadn’t been very good, after all.

“Linc, just say what you have to say in front of Christian. He’s already involved in this mess.”

Lincoln breathed in, then nodded. “All right, but can we go somewhere where there isn’t an audience?” I turned to see Jade, Claudia, and Jaime all staring at us. Ava was cleaning up in the kitchen.

“Yeah, let’s go into my office.” Christian directed his attention to the others. “Guys, when you finish what you’re doing, go ahead and head home. You don’t need to wait for us. Thanks for all your hard work tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He smiled, especially at the girls, then said something to Jaime in Spanish. Jaime nodded in return. I looked at Jade, who mouthed if I was okay. I nodded, giving her a reassuring smile.

Inside Christian’s office, he closed the door and sat on his chair, pulling me to his lap. Lincoln sat on the opposite chair, shifting uncomfortably.

“Spill, Linc,” I said.

“All right, that thing that went down today…It wasn’t Dad, or at least I don’t think so. It’s Connor. He’s gotten Da all fucked up in the head. Something big is going on. I don’t know what yet, but it has Don losing sleep. So much so that he’s made Connor his second.”

Lincoln lowered his head. This was a big deal and I felt a little bad for him. “They don’t know I’m here, Bil. You know what could happen if I go against them. You’re Don’s favorite. That’s why nothing happened to you when you left, but Donnie and I…we’re different.” He sighed, then looked up at me, distressed. “Connor, Donnie and I have some business to take care of in Boston. We’ll be gone for two weeks or so. I’ll try to find out more about what’s going on.” He stood, looking at me apologetically. “I didn’t know, Bil. I didn’t know they did that to your bike. Worst thing is, I don’t know
they did it.”

I nodded, and then sighed. “What about Christian’s windows?”

Lincoln tried not to smirk, but failed. “Yeah, that was for disrespecting Donnie.” He looked at Christian. “Politics, you understand.” Chris grunted.

“Sure, man.”

I stood to hug my brother, surprising him
myself. He was risking a lot by coming here, so the least I could do was hug him. He didn’t hug me back, but I understood our family wasn’t big on showing love. I followed him to the door, then closed it behind him.

“You trust him?” Christian asked, rising from the office chair.

“Yeah, actually, I do.”

He kissed my cheeks before looking into my eyes. “You look like you can use some more bad news.” I frowned. Jesus, what else could happen in one day?

“What?” I asked. Christian pressed me against the door before pulling out his phone. He typed something then put it back in his pocket. Within seconds my phone vibrated in my apron. I pulled it out, looking at the notification of a text from him. My nose wrinkled in amusement as I read the message.


Will you PLZ be my girlfriend?


“Are you the type to even
to be in a relationship?” I asked.

“With you I would be,” Christian answered softly, but the words felt like they were coming at me like a speeding truck straight to my chest. Puzzled, I moved away from him.

“With me?”

Christian bent his knees to be at eye level with me. “Yes, c
, with you. I want to be in a relationship with
.” The blood pumping through my heart had turned into a river of hot lead overflowing as it sped faster. With every vessel pumping, my lungs seemed to be losing air as the seconds passed. “Billie?” He spoke tenderly when he held my face in his hands. “I know who you are, what you’re about. I’m not asking to save you. I’m no one’s knight in shining armor, but I’m a damn good cuddle buddy and I make one helluva peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” His words calmed me. He didn’t want anything serious. It hurt a little, but at the same time I wasn’t looking for serious either. However, I also didn’t want something without meaning.

“So you’re saying we’d be in a relationship with no prospects of getting serious in the future? But we’d be exclusive.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying. Let’s just see where this goes. No expectations.”

This could make me the stupidest girl in the world, purposely putting myself into a situation where I’d be tempted by his tanned muscular flesh and not having anything serious with him, but I was tired of being afraid I’d get screwed over again by a man. I wanted someone. It was almost comforting to know this would run its course, although in the pit of my stomach I couldn’t help but feel when it ended, it would end in fire. It would end by destroying everything inside of me.
I leaned up to kiss him, then quickly typed a reply.












Chapter Twenty-Three





I didn’t go through with my promise of tasting her because by the time we reached my apartment we both crashed. Emotionally and physically drained, we didn’t even bother to change out of our work clothes. Yesterday was one of the most bizarre days I’ve ever had. My emotions ranged from one end of the spectrum to the other. But I’d do it all over again if it meant having Billie pressed up against me.

Throughout the night, I had startled awake to make sure she was next to me. Every time I woke, she was in a different position. First snuggled beside me like we had fallen asleep, then her leg and arms were draped over me, and finally I woke up to have her spread out on top of me. It looked like I had a human starfish glued to my chest. With the certainty in knowing she couldn’t tell I was staring at her, I watched the way her eyelids fluttered in her deep sleep. My gaze traveled slowly down to her lips where they curled up ever so slightly into a smile. She was happy, and whatever she was dreaming was making her smile. I couldn’t help but wish she was dreaming about me. With that hope in mind, I fell asleep soon after.

“Wake up, sleepy head.” Her voice flowed into my ears like a sweet song. I felt the warmth of her thigh against mine. She wasn’t in the bed with me, she was standing. My arms shot up to grab her hips and I pulled her back where she belonged, in bed next to me. Billie squealed and giggled when she landed on the mattress. I tucked her in my nook and instinctively inhaled the fruity smell of her hair.

“That’s better,” I murmured against her. She sighed in contentment before she turned to look at my face. I thought she was going to kiss me but then she stopped short and lowered her nose to my nose and inhaled deeply.

“I like breathing in your air,” she whispered.

I was surprised by her words and the way they made me feel. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah, it fills me,” she explained.

If she was going to continue to say things like that to me I wasn’t sure how I was going to keep being a good boy, because all I wanted to do was ravish her. Taking her small chin in between my thumb and index finger I softly gripped it and led her mouth to mine. Her lips were warm with the taste of mint and something entirely Billie. I feathered my lips against hers and when she parted her mouth, my tongue darted out to fill the opening. Billie let out a small whimper and I lost my will by the feeling of her skin against mine. I flipped her on her back and deepened the kiss, my hand traveling from her bent knee up to her thigh, stopping before reaching her forbidden middle.

“Christian,” she whimpered against my lips, and it was a mixture of pleading for more and a warning that it was going too far. I reluctantly pulled back to see her face, her eyes filled with desire, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “You haven’t forgotten, have you?” she asked.

“Of course not. No sex, not yet.”

She smiled before moving her nose around mine, then kissing me. “But we can play in other ways.” She slid her hands down, then gripped my cock through my pants. I hissed, taking her bottom lip in my mouth.

“We sure can, babe.” I reached down, moving her panties to the side, eliciting a moan from her. “Fuck, yeah, we sure can.”




We’d showered together, playing around some more before we went into the kitchen to eat. When I asked what she wanted, she answered with bacon, so I cooked my girl some bacon. As we sat, her eating her slices of pork and me digging into my egg whites, I asked specifically what it was that Don was involved in. I was hoping after what happened yesterday that she’d have a little more trust in me.

“He cons people, you know that.” By her tone, I knew she wasn’t going to tell me.

“What is it that
do?” I tried a different approach. I needed to know more about her. And this life was still so much of her. She sighed, then swallowed her food.

“I count cards. I go around casinos and basically rob them.”

“Don’t casinos have people to check for that?” I frowned. She made it sound easy. “If you go too often, wouldn’t they catch on?”

“They do, but I’m good. And we only hit the big casinos if we want a big payout. That’s the problem with others, they want to make bank right away, and they’re not willing to play for small amounts at different casinos.”

“So you hit local casinos too?”

“Yeah, local, countrywide, even Europe. It’s easier for me not to get caught. I can easily disguise myself as someone else.”

“And your brothers? What do they do?” I asked, taking a drink from my glass of orange juice.

“Different things.” It was clear I couldn’t ask anything involving her brothers or father.

“You’ve never spoken of your mom.”

Billie sat back, picking up and dropping a crumb of bacon. “There’s nothing much to tell. I don’t remember her. She died when I was a baby.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, babe.”

“Thanks.” She glanced up with a small smile. “So tell me about
mom.” She propped her elbows on the table.

“She’s a great woman, hardworking, tiny, a hell of a cook and she’s loud as fuck. There’s no telling my mom to be quiet.”

Billie’s grin widened tenderly. “She sounds wonderful.”

“She is.” I smirked, getting up to clear off the table. Billie rushed to help me. “Sing for me?” I asked, as I passed her a soapy dish to rinse off. Biting her lip, she leaned in to kiss my arm.

“Okay,” she whispered. Then she cleared her throat and began to sing.

I knew the song. I’d heard it before in a movie. But I couldn’t remember which one. It was as if she had a song playing in her head at all times. She was always able to think of something to sing, not to mention she knew the lyrics. I wasn’t sure what it was about her voice that made me feel the way I did. It was calming yet beguiling. I was brought into her world when she sang. I felt the glass against my fingers, the warm water and bubbles. My hands were submerged but I wasn’t there. I was wherever Billie had taken me with her voice and the calming sadness of the song. When she finished, I shook my head back to the present.

“Hallelujah,” I said, clearing my throat. She smiled with pride then reached up and planted a peck on my lips.

“That’s right.”

“My favorite so far.”

“Really?” she asked, taking the soapy glass from my hands. I didn’t respond, just kissed her head instead.










Chapter Twenty-Four





The next couple of days went by smoothly. Christian hired someone to fix his car windows, but my Frog was totaled. Since Lincoln’s visit to Blush, Christian and I both breathed a little easier. Still, we knew chaos would storm back into Colorado soon, and we’d need to figure out something to do about Connor and my dad, but for now we were living in blissful ignorance. Something Jade didn’t understand. Christian had dropped me off at Jade’s when he went to visit his mom this morning. Pete made breakfast for us.

“I don’t get it. Why are you not freaking the fuck out?” This was the second time she’d asked since I sat down to eat. I hadn’t been able to tell her about Christian and me. The moment didn’t feel right. I brushed my hair back with my fingers.

“Let’s be logical here, okay? What would be the worst thing Don or Connor would ever do to me, besides mess with my ride, which they already did?”

Pete shook his head and grimaced. “Not you, Bil. Christian, his mom, his bar, Jade…”

I suddenly had to stop and concentrate on breathing at the thought.

“They’re not violent. That’s not how we operate.” I shook my head. There was no way Don would ever lay a finger on anyone. He would not allow LCD to do that, either
. This rules the world, wee girl, not this.
I shook my head again. “He would never.”

Pete sighed before rubbing his jaw. “You need to call John.”


“There’re rumors…rumors that Don no longer needs B.J. for muscle because he’s doing it himself.”

“That doesn’t make any sense, Pete. Don has never, and I mean
, needed to do that. He doesn’t believe in violence.”

Jade grabbed my hand and looked at me with concerned eyes, almost patronizing.

“Baby, Don’s a criminal, and violence is a part of that world.”

I yanked my hand away from her and stood, almost knocking the chair to the floor before I pushed it under the table with force. Both Jade and Pete looked at me, confused.

“I know what and who my father is, Jade, and he’s not some common thug.” I fumed. “And how do you get off telling me shit like that? Don’t forget who the hell
father is.”

Jade stood. “Why are you defending him? How can you easily forget all the shit he’s put you through? All the shit he’s forced you to do?” Jade gripped her head on each side. “I can’t believe you’re defending him.”

“I’m not defending him, but it’s not always right or wrong,
not for us.”

Jade dropped her arms and looked down, grunting. “That’s the thing, Billie, it is. I left Harden years ago because it’s not who I am. But I guess it’s still you.”

“That’s not true. I hate it there. I hated that life.”

“Oh, yeah? Funny, because you still talk about the crew like you’re part of it, like you know they’d never do anything to you because you’re still part of the team.”

“You’re being ridiculous.” I grabbed my backpack to leave. I’d had enough of this. Before I could bring the strap over my shoulder, Jade pulled up my shirt to reveal my back, then pressed her finger against the ink on my lower rib. I hissed, feeling like her finger was on fire.

“I thought you got that removed?”

“Fuck you, Jade.” I stormed out of her house and walked to the bus stop five blocks away.

How dare she assume that was how I felt? Jade grew up living next to me; she saw the comparison between her father and mine. She would have to throw away John’s boots because they were unable to wash off the blood. My father, on the other hand, was wiping
off the floor, not blood.

I rounded the corner, relieved to find the bench empty. I sat watching traffic pass me by and zoned out, ignoring the noises of people stopping to fill their tanks at the gas station a few feet away, and the honking and yelling from the busy street. Opening my bag, I took out my phone and scrolled down to find John’s name. The number was highlighted to call, but I just stared at it. I felt like I was betraying my family. I should have believed what was in my heart. I knew who Don was, who my brothers were. They would always remain true to Don’s teachings. I sat on the wooden bench, waiting for the bus, when my phone vibrated in my hand. Another unknown number.

“Hello?” I asked, irritated.

“Billie, we need to talk.”

“Don? Where are you calling me from?”

“From a throwaway. Can we meet somewhere?” I looked around, trying to find the nearest restaurant. Across from me was a Mexican restaurant called Del Sol.

“I’m in front of Del Sol in Denver. Can you come here?” I asked.

“Aye, I’m around the corner. Be there in ten minutes.” I hung up, then stood and jogged across the street when the light flashed the walk sign. Inside the restaurant, I was hit with a blast of cold air and the smell of fried tortilla chips and fresh salsa.

“Welcome to Del Sol. Just one today?” the hostess asked.

“Two, actually.”

“Follow me.” She smiled. I walked behind her as she guided me to an empty booth toward the back of the restaurant. Pushing my bag to the end of the bench, I sat beside it as the bus boy dropped off a bowl of salsa and tortilla chips. Five minutes had passed when my phone rang. It was Christian.


“Are you okay?” he asked with concern, but there was a sharpness to his tone. I frowned, wondering what was up with him.

“Yeah, why?”

“Are you still at Jade’s?”

“Ah, no, I’m having lunch with Don. What’s going on, Chris?”

He stayed quiet for a moment. “Where at?” he asked.

I was getting annoyed with his evasion of my questions.

“I’m not telling you until you tell me what’s going on.” Even through the phone, I could feel the tension in his jaw as he spoke.

“I’d rather discuss this in person. Tell me where you’re eating and I’ll wait outside until you’re done.”

I looked up as Don walked inside. He waved, spotting me right away.

“Del Sol, on Colfax.”

“I’ll be there in twenty.” He didn’t even give me a chance to say goodbye before he hung up.

“Trouble in paradise?” Don asked, sitting down across from me. The waitress appeared suddenly, asking us what we would like to drink. Don ordered a Corona, and I settled for water.

“So?” I asked, getting right to the point and ignoring his comment.

“I’m going to Ireland. I have to take care of some stuff.” This wasn’t anything new. Don periodically traveled to the motherland. The difference this time was that he felt the need to tell me about it. I didn’t even live with him anymore.


“Do you still have that piece I gave you?”

I nodded, taking a sip through my straw.

“Do you carry it with you?”

I wasn’t sure why he was asking, or why I suddenly felt like I had to lie to him. Something was off. Surprisingly, I was concerned for my safety, and I instantly feared for Christian.

“Yeah, I carry it with me at all times.”

He nodded, and I was thankful he didn’t ask me to show it to him.

“Was that all, Don?”

“Yeah…I…I…I lo—” He stopped, then sighed, rubbing his face. “Take care, wee girl.”

He got up, then bent to kiss the top of my head. I stilled. He noticed and backed away quickly. He left without looking back at me. I was so confused as to what was happening. Maybe now it was time to give John a call. I gripped the phone against my ear, hoping he wouldn’t answer, because I wasn’t so sure if I wanted to know the truth.

“Billie girl, how ya been?” John asked as a form of greeting.

I stayed quiet as the waitress came toward me and asked if I needed a refill on my water. She looked irritated; she knew I wasn’t going to order anything and she would be missing out on a tip. I told her I didn’t need anything else, and she tried to smile politely, then left.

“What’s going on, John? Why do I feel like he’s keeping something big from me?”

John mumbled something to someone, then stayed quiet for a moment like he was waiting for them to leave the room. He grunted, then sighed.

“There’s an underground video going around, with two guys dressed in black and ski masks beating up a member from the
Eme Syndicate.

He stayed quiet, letting me process this. I squeezed my fingers along the bridge of my nose.

The Eme Syndicate was basically
but a Mexican version. They were a family of seven. It was made of Felipe, their father, and by order of eldest to youngest—Mateo, Diego, Gael, Santino, Camilo and Juan Felipe. I’d met them several times in my life. Don and Felipe would team up on occasion. They had a long lasting peaceful agreement. We’d stay in the U.S. and parts of Europe and they would get Mexico, Canada, and the remaining European countries. Everything else was fair game.

John cleared his throat, letting me know he was going to continue. “The video shows Diego Martinez getting beaten with a tire iron. You’re able to see the tattoo on the hands of the two men beating him. It’s the McAllisters’ Mark, Billie, and there’re only three men who have it tattooed on their hands.”

Don, Donnie, and Connor.
Instantly, I wanted to protect them.

“What if it was someone trying to pretend they were one of us?”

One of us?
” he asked.

I shook my head, catching my mistake. “One of them.”

“Listen, Billie, you need to stay away from your dad and brothers, especially Connor. The video is pretty gruesome, even for my sick standards. No one knows what’s going on in the inside, but one thing’s for sure. When Don gets backed into a corner, he doesn’t think correctly. He’s in deep with a crew from Ireland, he owes them big, and rumor has it one of the boys is out to replace Don. And it won’t be a peaceful takeover.” Don always knew he would be replaced one day. I doubted that’s what was getting him all freaked out. There was more to what John was telling me. I could feel it.

“What are you leaving out, John?”

B.J. grumbled something that sounded like a line of curse words. “I’m betraying my best friend by telling you this, Bil, but I love you like my own, and now shit’s getting too dangerous for you to continue to stay in the dark.”

A heavy brick settled in my stomach, and I said nothing for a long moment.

“Connor didn’t move here because his dad was getting him out of harm’s way,” John continued. “He came here to collect payment.”

I frowned. “What does that mean?”

“He came here to collect


BOOK: Keep It Sexy (KIS Series Book 3)
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