Kayla's Gift: Powertools, Book 3 (3 page)

BOOK: Kayla's Gift: Powertools, Book 3
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If they guilted Dave into admitting something she couldn’t erase from her memory, it’d be one hell of a long sentence for them all, confined in such close quarters until the road re-opened.

“Jesus. You’d think I kicked a puppy. Screw this.” Dave shoved a couple inches from the table. “It was supposed to be a fucking secret, but it’s not like you can spill the beans up here.”

“About?” Neil and James leaned forward.

Kayla got the feeling they didn’t often keep each other in the dark.

“Joe asked me to shop with him tonight. For a ring. An engagement ring.” Dave’s smile nearly blinded her. “He’s planning to pop the question to Morgan next month, on Valentine’s Day.”

“No shit.” James scrubbed his hands over his face. “Like it wasn’t coming sooner or later. He might as well have asked her to marry him on Halloween. He was playing for keeps even then.”

“I know.” Dave shrugged. “He’s still nervous for some reason.”

“There’s not a chance in holy hell she’ll say no.” Neil beamed. “Morgan’s too smart to turn down her destiny. You can feel the electricity between them any time you’re near. And I don’t even mean the times we’ve…”

“What?” Kayla could have kicked herself for cutting in when their revelations stalled.






Dave scanned around the table. James and Neil nodded so subtly, she might have missed it if she hadn’t stared at them with wide eyes.

“It’s no secret we’re great friends.” Dave set his utensils on his plate and gave her his full attention.

“The crew is tight. Closer than brothers. We share everything. Including sex. With women we’ve cared for through the years, and—”

“With each other,” she finished for him. It made perfect sense.

“Yeah.” Neil confirmed her suspicions.

She squirmed in her seat. A pulse of arousal dampened her panties. “Nice. How does that work?”

“Figures.” Dave laughed before reaching over to clasp her hand. She squeezed his fingers. “I debated telling you for weeks, and you’re genuinely curious. No censure, no embarrassment, no disgust.”

“What a high opinion you have of me.” She rolled her eyes.

“It’s hard to admit your kinks, no matter how sure you are someone’s cool, that it’s safe. It’s still a giant leap of faith.”

Kayla sighed as she recalled her own omission. Who was she to give him shit?

“You’re right.” She drew their joined hands to her lips and kissed his knuckles. “So if Morgan’s aware of the crew’s preferences, why is Joe worried about proposing?”

“It’s dumb. He’s afraid she might not accept his nature for the long haul. As if it’s one thing to date and fool around, but another to marry someone, to bond with them forever, because their tastes are unconventional.”

“Bullshit.” Neil shook his head. “They’re already fused. He couldn’t pry them apart if he tried.

They’d both shatter.”

“Duh.” Dave rocked onto the back legs of the pine chair. “I’ve been over this a million times with him. Part of him gets it, the rest is terrified he’ll lose his soul mate. Morgan’s been burned before. I think he’s scared she’ll bolt. Not that I agree.”

Kayla peeked at him from beneath her lashes. He returned her stare as though waiting for her to weigh in. She barely resisted shoving her sleeves up her forearms.
Damn, it’s hot in here.
“Sounds like Joe’s freaked out over nothing. Tell me what it’s like between you guys? How do things work now that Kate and Morgan are in the picture?”

“Why don’t we clean up the kitchen then move this party by the fire so we can be more comfortable while we divulge our convoluted life story?” Neil suggested.

“We’ll answer all of your questions.” James nodded.

“Then maybe you can tell me if you’re still interested in investigating the chemistry between us.”

Dave’s murmur sent a shiver through her. “I’m dying to taste you again.”



“You could be our dessert. Who needs TV?” Neil laughed when James smacked his rock-hard abs with the back of his hand. “What?”


“Make me.”

The two men chased each other around the kitchen island, trading a few stinging spanks with a spatula and a wooden spoon before turning serious about their chores. Suds flew as Dave plunged his arms into the dishwater, scrubbing so fast a bit of the foamy liquid sloshed onto his socks.



Chapter Three

The four of them snagged overstuffed husband cushions from the corner of the room and piled them on the area rug in front of the fire. They sank into the comfy cross between beanbags and pillows.

Kayla sighed, wishing she could feel the texture of the faux fur on her legs and the crinkled silk on her back. She yanked the hem of her sweater.

“What’d that thing do to you?” Dave winced then smoothed the pucker she’d made in the cornflower blue fabric of her sweater. The caress of his hand on her trim belly made her hips jerk in his direction. If he noticed, he didn’t call her out. “You’re uncomfortable. Go ahead and change. We don’t mind you hanging out in your pajamas. Hell, I’d sign on for dish duty for a week if it’d net me a pair of sweats right now.”

“That won’t help,” she grumbled.

“Why not?” James narrowed his sexy blue eyes on her.

“Because.” She debated explaining, but the truth stuck in her throat. Despite their earlier confessions and their permissive views on sexuality, Dave had been right. Sharing her unusual preferences still frightened her. Too many others hadn’t understood.

“You’ve been fidgeting with your clothes for hours.” Dave stilled her fingers. They’d plucked at the seams of her jeans, which left skindentations on the sides of her thighs. “Actually, I’ve noticed you do it a bunch. Please tell me you’re not worried about how you look. You’re gorgeous.”

“Thank you.” She blushed. “No, it’s nothing like that. I might have been self-conscious about my height, my size, when I was a teenager. Not now.”

“Well, don’t let us cramp your style.” Neil waved at the three men. “We’re fine with whatever you want to wear—holey sweats, ball gown or birthday suit. It doesn’t matter to us.”

“Be careful what you wish for.”

“What’s that supposed to mean, baby?” Dave scooted closer, taking her chin in his hand. He angled her face until she couldn’t avoid his sultry eyes, which smoldered in the firelight.

She couldn’t hide any longer without sacrificing her integrity. Besides, it would even their swap of secrets—seal their bond, sort of like blood brothers but hotter.

“I detest clothes,” she blurted. “All clothes. I can’t stand them.”

Dave, James and Neil stared at her. None of them reacted.

Kayla poured out the truth she’d yearned to share for weeks. “My spa? It’s not just for relaxing in the woods. I’m opening a clothing-optional facility. A place where naturists can come to indulge without

worrying about others judging them. Someplace sheltered, beautiful and high-quality for like-minded individuals to enjoy a break from their daily routines.”

She waited for the crew to laugh.

They didn’t.

“That’s a damn bit more interesting than a frou-frou spa.” Dave smiled. “Sounds like a brochure when you pitch it. I can picture it. It’s a great idea.”

“With you in charge, it’ll be a huge success.” James rested a hand on her knee, where it tucked near his hip.

“So are you… What’d you call it?” Neil waggled his eyebrows. “A naturist?”

“Damn straight.” She folded her arms across her chest.

“Then what the hell are we doing sitting around in our work clothes?” Dave unbuttoned his fly. “Do you have any idea how stiff and scratchy these are? I’m roasting with this freaking bonfire too.”

“Wait!” Kayla covered his broad fingers with her smaller ones. Bad move. The bulge of his erection flexed beneath their joined hands. “Don’t.”

“Why not?” James raised an eyebrow at her.

“You’re screwing me up. All three of you.” She bounded to her feet, yanking on the roots of her waist-length copper hair. “You suck.”

“Mmm.” Neil moaned. “James and Dave do a respectable job. It’s not really my thing, though.”

?” James flipped Neil off. “That’s not what you said this morning.”

“Guys.” Dave shushed their squabbling before it escalated into a wrestling match. “Calm down a minute. What’s wrong, Kay?”

She flinched when he brushed her hair aside to lay one palm on her shoulder. Her stomach did somersaults, begging her to pivot in his hold and steal another sample of his luscious mouth. How strong would the craving be if they were actually nude?


“I’ve spent a large part of my life trying to explain my beliefs to others. Ignorant people will often confuse nudism with some kind of contagious, immoral hedonism. They assume because you’re naked, you intend to fuck anything that moves—willing or not. As if you’ll lure innocents to the dark side with bare skin. Sure… I’m open about my sexuality. I enjoy intimacy with the right man, woman or a combination thereof, but that doesn’t mean I’m some kind of slut—”

“Stop right there.” Dave cupped her other shoulder then pressed, gentle but insistent, until she pivoted. “You weren’t really teasing at dinner, were you? Your belief in naturism does not make you some kind of dirty leper, driving you to roam around the mountain naked, fucking anything you encounter. We would never believe such bullshit. How could you imagine we would after what we told you about our relationship?”



“Because this time it’s true.” A tear slipped from the corner of her eye, horrifying her. She dashed it away before it’d traveled an inch across her cheek.

Dave reached out.

Kayla stepped back, evading his comforting embrace. “During sessions where I’m around you naked—any of you, all of you—sex eclipses everything else in my mind. The whole time I massage you, I wonder what it’d be like to have you buried inside me. I want to ride you. I’d give half this mountain to taste you. I’m
for you to use me.”

Dave groaned.

“When I need to be strong and sure in my purpose, you’ve given me reason to doubt.” She slumped.

Holding her frame upright a moment longer seemed impossible. “Maybe I was kidding myself all along.

Maybe it’s impossible to separate nudity from sexuality.”

“So, you’re saying you’re only attracted to me—to us—when we’re undressed?” Dave crowded closer.

“Ah, no.” She shook her head as she took stock of the ache between her legs and the heavy weight of her sensitive breasts. “But when you’re bare, the magnetism’s impossible to resist. It’s not like that when you’re covered up.”

“Are you lying to us…or to yourself? Consider carefully or I’ll prove you’re a little fibber.”

“How?” She gave herself a mental head slap. Why antagonize the man?
Because you’re tired of
wanting and not having. Tired of restraint.

“Take off your clothes.” Dave’s command weakened her knees. “Do it quick, or I’ll rip them to shreds so you never have to worry about wearing them again.”

“Oh shit, now you did it.” James shifted his gaze between her and Dave.

Kayla shrugged. No matter what happened, it would be a welcome relief. She shimmied her jeans off her hips without unfastening them then whipped her sweater over her head as she kicked the denim so hard it flopped over the armrest of the couch. She rolled her shoulders and stretched. Finally.

Though she forced herself to don the necessary garments, she never could torture herself with a bra or underwear. Naked, she propped one hand on her hip and stared down the three prime males fixated on her every move.

Dave breathed in and out several times, his fingers clenched at his sides as he took in the smattering of bright, floral tattoos decorating her ribs and the modest silver hoops piercing her nipples. The metal tugged deliciously as her flesh reacted to his appraisal. “Lie on the rug between James and Neil.”

Her body complied without conscious approval from her mind. Something about this man, these men, called to her on an instinctive level.

“I love it when he turns all bossy.” Neil hummed his approval.

“Good ’cause you’re about to assist.” Dave doled out orders as she sank to floor.






Soft and fuzzy, the rug caressed her backside from her calves to her ass to her shoulders while allowing air to circulate over her skin. She squirmed, relishing the sensation while the fire cooked one side of her front and the cool air in the room regulated the other. Freedom sang through her blood with each pump of her racing heart.

Kayla surrendered to instinct, spreading her legs to tease the three men ringing her with the glistening fluid on her upper thighs. She painted the proof of her arousal over her waxed pussy with the tip of one finger, biting her lip when she skimmed her clit.

No one had ever dared to call her inhibited.

“Jesus.” Neil untucked his shirt.

“No.” Dave placed a restraining hand on the other man’s tense forearm. “Leave your clothes on.

Every stitch. We’re going to make her scream. Blow her mind. Steal all her rational thought without showing a hint of skin.”

“Fuck.” James dropped to his knees beside her shoulder. She reached out to take his proffered hand, lacing their fingers.

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