Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Katlyn (M/F/M red-hot menage shifter romance) Standalone (Shadow Creek Shifters Book 1)
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In the cabin, Katlyn was locked in an embrace with Brendan, who kissed her softly as Chase tugged off her clothing. She could get used to this, having two shifters to satisfy her. Brendan sucked a pert nipple into his mouth, his fangs not grazing it this time, and Katlyn wanted to protest but was too busy moaning as Chase reached around and rubbed her pussy. She ached for his finger to plunge inside her folds, but even that friction had her weak in the knees.

“I want to feel you, Chase, back there. I want both of your cocks in me at the same time.”

Brendan raised a brow, and they both asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’ve been thinking a lot about it and I think it’s time. I want you to show me how much you love me.”

“I thought I had,” Brendan said with a dark look. “You’re the only woman that I’ve ever felt this way about. I really tried not to love you. That way, when you one day left, I wouldn’t be alone with a broken heart. Women aren’t the only ones who can get their hearts broken, you know.”

“I know that. I’m just so happy to hear you say that, Brendan. I love you, too.” Katlyn then turned to gaze at Chase with tears glistening in her eyes, “Don’t feel left out, Chase. I love you, too. If someone had told me that I could fall in love with two shifters and love them in completely separate ways, I’d have told them to go jump in a creek.”

Chase hugged Katlyn tight. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re the only woman for me. I fell in love with you that first night back in the club.”

Brendan kissed the back of Katlyn’s neck and he gripped her ass firmly with his hands, squeezing her playfully. “I think that’s enough talk for now. I need to be inside you, and soon.”

Katlyn was led to the king-sized bed by her mates, and when she crawled on the bed and lay on her back, she opened her legs slightly at the sight of Brendan and Chase crawling in after her, their cocks hard and throbbing. Chase and Brendan lowered themselves on either side of her and she closed her eyes as they each took a breast in their hands, a nipple in their hot mouths, their fingers inside her thrusting her to an eye-opening send-off that left her trembling from head to toe. Instinctively, her hands reached out, grabbing ahold of their cocks, and she slowly caressed them both until they removed her hands with heavy groans. Her hips where turned and Katlyn relaxed as she heard the tube of lube opened and felt Chase’s probing finger as he readied her for what was going to be a yet another new experience. Katlyn shook with need, wanting to feel it now, but she knew this was something that would take time to get used to. She trusted her shifters, and sank into the oncoming pleasure.

“How is this going to work?” Katlyn asked.

“Mount Brendan,” Chase breathed into her neck.

Katlyn didn’t need any more cueing than that. Brendan smiled up at her and she happily worked his hardness into her tightness, pivoting her hips as Chase came up from behind her and gently inserted his cock into her tight ass. She gasped, surprised at the pleasure waves pulsing through her. She moaned at first until she got used to the feeling and began to move, as did both shifters. The feeling was so overwhelming and quickly, unexpectedly, was send over the edge, screaming. She felt every inch of them both and she felt herself tugged one way and then the next as both of them fucked her completely. She grabbed her breast in one hand and tugged her nipple until it was hard, increasing the sensations. When they began to move faster and harder, it was all Katlyn could do to not collapse, but how could she as the men had her sandwiched between them? The trio came together, with each of the men screaming her name, and Katlyn felt herself filled with their hot seed as they throbbed deep inside her.

None of them moved for quite awhile, each of the men holding her until their cocks left her. A wicked smile formed on her lips and she sighed. This was truly one of the best moments of her life. Brendan then picked up Katlyn and carried her into the bathroom and helped her in the shower. When the water was hot, the men parted her legs and washed her from front to back, and themselves.

“Are you okay?” Brendan asked.

“Yes, that was so ... like, wow.”

“We don’t have to do that every time,” Chase said. “But I hope you enjoyed it.”

“Oh, yes. I loved it, really.”

Brendan kissed her and Chase pressed against her, rubbing his cock against her slick ass. She turned to kiss Chase and took ahold of him, and with a wicked grin, she went to her knees, taking him into her mouth. She worked him deeply in and out until he tried to pull away, but she clamped her hands around his balls and kept him in place. Within minutes, Chase groaned, filling her mouth with his essence and she swallowed every drop.

She stood up and Brendan motioned for her to come toward him. He then went down and licked her pussy until she screamed as his fingers pumped deep inside her. Katlyn pulsed around his fingers and she went limp. Before she hit the shower floor, she was caught with strong arms and the water was turned off.

She was toweled off and Brendan’s fangs extended as did Chase’s. Katlyn knew they planned to bite her and for a fraction of a second she felt afraid. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“We’re claiming you as our mate. Officially,” Brendan said.

She felt the fatty part of her shoulders penetrated and she shuddered as she felt them take in some of her blood before releasing her, continuing to lap at her wound for a few minutes. Katlyn now felt more their mate than ever before. For once she had nothing in the back of her mind to worry about, just being with Brendan and Chase like this was more than she needed.


Chapter Fifteen

When Clayton drove back to the ranch, he took his vehicle, heading for home as Brendan, Chase, and Katlyn made way for the door. The door was slightly ajar and Katlyn’s heart beat rapidly. She raced up the stairs and into the room Tessa was in the last time she saw her, but she was not there. The room was in disarray and all she could think about was the patrol had found her and taken her into custody.

Katlyn ran back down the stairs and Paige walked forward. “I didn’t expect you back so soon.” Her white shirt and pants were blood-stained, with dabs of blood in the corners of her mouth.

Katlyn wailed. “What have you done to Tessa?”

“Oh, she’s fine. It’s not what I’ve done this time, but what Tessa has done to others.”

Katlyn made way for the dining room and Paige said, “You really shouldn’t go in there.”

She only made it two feet into the room when Katlyn choked back a scream as Tessa was feasting on Martha’s prone body that was on the table.

Paige entered the room. “Keep drinking, pet. That’s one bitch none of us wants as a member of the undead.”

The man who had arrested Katlyn by the name of Sam was dead on the floor, with his neck torn out, and Paige shrugged. “They barged in here and planned to take Tessa with them, but Tessa had other ideas. When they removed her IV she was quite hungry, you see, and you just can’t stop a vampire from feeding the first time after she wakes up.”

“Is this what I have to look forward to?” Katlyn asked. “Will Tessa bite me, too?”

“Of course not,” Tessa said as she gazed at her friend. “How will you be able to produce cubs for your shifters if you’re a vampire?”

“But you murdered Martha.”

“Only after she ripped my IV out. I hardly think they cared if I’d be harmed or not. I would have died if they’d taken me outside in the daylight. By the time they had dragged me down the stairs, I was wide awake and well, hungry. It was either them or me. Luckily, Paige made it there in time to take care of Sam before he could kill me while I dealt with the woman.”

“She’s right. We really didn’t have a choice and those two would have come back for you eventually, Katlyn. Now you’ll never have to worry about it.”

Katlyn tried to wrap her mind around it and knew they were right, but she would have much rather seen Sam and Martha charged for their crimes. Now it would be a secret she’d have to take to her grave, like knowing Brendan and Chase had killed one of the men from the Shifter Patrol to save her back in Wisconsin.

“Tessa will learn how to control her hunger. I’ve ordered the medication from Germany that helps with the cravings, but she’ll be forced to drink the blood supplied to her by the blood bank in the future. You can’t just start feeding off every human you meet. They start to ask questions when bodies begin to pile up. That’s how I ended up in a hole near Devil’s Tower.”

“Someone put you in that hole?”

“Yes. They meant to kill me, but when there was a rock slide and I was trapped under one of the rocks, the humans decided to leave me to die. They thought a death by fire would be a more fitting death for a vampire, but even though the sun was able to shine into the hole, I was laying in the shade. With no food, I thought I’d be toast, but I put myself into a trance and went into brumation, like lizards do.”

“We thought Paige was dead,” Brendan said as he walked into the room. “Make sure you put stakes through those two after you get through, and bury their bodies far from this ranch.”

“I have a cremator on hand for such an occasion,” Paige said. “So leave us now. We’ll clean up.”

* * *

Days later, Tessa and Katlyn sat on a log overlooking a stream in the dead of night, listening to the chirps of the crickets. “I’m so sorry, Tessa,” Katlyn said. “I really wonder what would have happened if we’d just stayed back in Wisconsin.”

“We’d be dead. And really, this vampire thing is not so bad. I’ve never felt so empowered before, or sexy. Someday I hope to find myself a shifter like you have. I’m still trying to adjust to the fact that you’re the mate of two mountain lion shifters. What’s it like?”

“It’s not all hot sex. I love them both, truly, and they don’t seem to mind sharing me most of the time.”

“I can’t even imagine it and I’d rather not, if you don’t mind. You’re like a sister to me.”

“Are you angry at Paige?”

“I’m not sure. When I figured out what she was, I didn’t exactly resist. She’s sexy that way.”

“You were drunk and not making rational decisions.”

“Perhaps, but Paige has told me just how rare it is for someone to be turned so easily, like one in a thousand.”

“It makes me very uncomfortable to think that there are thousands of vampires roaming the earth.”

Tessa laughed. “Paige is my sister now and I’d like you to forget about all the resentment you have against her. She really saved my life, you know. She didn’t have to help me ease into my new existence.”

“I think she might have done that because Brendan or Chase expected it of her.”

“Things go deeper than that. Paige had a sister once, Arielle, but she died after they had been bitten coming home one night. Paige’s transition was a hard one, but she educated herself afterward and learned that blood transfusion in the beginning did help.”

“I know she saved you and whatever her motives might have been to do that, she’s redeemed herself in my eyes.”

* * *

Katlyn stood next to Maxwell at his father’s funeral. Werewolves believed in burning the bodies of their deceased, and as an alpha, his funeral was attended by werewolves from far and wide. Governor Martin Crosbie also attended, with his wife Betsy, as he vowed to get to know the ways of the shifters. He passed a state law that offered protections of shifters in Wyoming. It was currently considered murder if you kill them as man or beast. Since not everyone loved shifters, they continued to live in the shadows.

Raphael stood on the other side of his nephew and he had taken over as alpha easily. Maxwell’s uncle actually smiled when nobody was looking and lived up to his promise to raise Maxwell, who continued to come to the schoolhouse at Shadow Creek. The children no longer tormented him as Robert left Wyoming with his mother, Annabelle, who wasn’t happy that two vampires now resided in Creeksboro.

Brendan and Chase were teary-eyed when the flame was put on the funeral pyre. Many people recounted tales of Nate’s life that involved his love for his son Maxwell, his fellow shifters, regardless of type, and paying the ultimate price by helping out Shadow Creek where a bronze statue of a wolf was erected in Nate’s honor.

* * *

Two weeks later, Katlyn massaged her abdomen absently. She kept the secret to herself that she was with child from her mates for now, as confirmed by a recent ultrasound. She waltzed into the capital and onto the senate floor. As she was sworn in, she felt all eyes on her. Katlyn knew that nobody in the room had probably ever met someone who would stand up for the shifters.

Katlyn was questioned for hours and she skirted around why she had gone to the Wilted Petal that night, feigning ignorance of what kind of place it really was. She wanted to leave out Brendan’s and Chase’s part in killing a member of the Shifter Patrol, but she felt it best to prove that shifters would protect a mere human who they didn’t even know.

The members of the Shifter Patrol that murdered everyone in the club that night were tried and sentenced to prison for murder, but only for the humans they killed. Laws were being reworked and the president vowed that changes would happen, encouraging all to be patient.

“Well, Miss, I’m honored that you came forward to testify today, and our hope is that nothing like this happens ever again. A vigilante group just shouldn’t ever get this strong and with your input it will help us decide how to proceed with new laws to protect all of our citizens, even the ones that are only half human.

* * *

When they arrived back home from Washington, pink and blue balloons were attached to the ceiling of the cabin Katlyn shared with Brendan and Chase.

“Does this mean what I think it means?” Brendan asked.

Chase’s face was devoid of all color, but he managed to choke out, “We’re going to need a bigger cabin.”

“Yes. I’m with child, or cub.”

Brendan and Chase put a hand on Katlyn’s stomach and they kissed her tenderly on her brow. Whatever was in store for them now was uncertain, but Katlyn felt that this baby would bring them closer together than ever before. What she didn’t tell them, just yet, was that she wasn’t carrying just one cub, but two.

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