Katie Rose (7 page)

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Authors: A Hint of Mischief

BOOK: Katie Rose
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He gaped at her, outraged that she should turn his questions back on him. “You are the most exasperating woman I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet! Do you know what they are saying about you? They think you are like Victoria Woodhull, a free lover as well as a spiritualist! Is that the reputation you want?”

“I see.” She lowered her face, appearing appropriately demure, but Gabriel knew better. He could almost sense her restrained mirth. When she looked up a moment later, it was as if a halo encircled her fair head.

“I truly appreciate your concern. As a gentleman, it was most kind of you to instruct me in the error of my ways. I am reformed, sir, thanks to you. I shall be forever grateful.”

With that, she rose on her pink slippers and placed a schoolmistresslike peck on his cheek. “Good day, Mr. Forester. I leave you the garden.”

Gabriel’s admiration mingled with his outrage and disbelief as Jennifer daintily curtsied, then swirled to walk gracefully out of the glade. Evidently, she saw him as some mawkish schoolboy that she could toy with. His thoughts went back to her legal reply to Charles’s letter, to the incident with the police, even to his first confrontation with her. So far, she had bested him at every turn. He had to appreciate her audacity, even as it enraged his male ego. She badly needed a lesson, Gabriel decided. One that he would teach her.

“Miss Appleton?”

He laid his hand on her shoulder, intending to give her a well-deserved dressing-down, but she turned so quickly that she wound up in his arms. The merriment disappeared from her eyes and she looked at him with something else, something that made him think she didn’t entirely despise him back. His chastising words suddenly caught in his throat as he gazed into her eyes, eyes that had convinced lesser souls they’d seen a ghost. As if of its own accord, his mouth lowered to hers, unable to resist the soft, sweet temptation.

She was luscious, spicy, and entrancing like a great wine, full of innocence, yet rich with erotic promise. Gabriel groaned, wanting badly to taste more of her. Desire wrenched through him with almost as much force as his previous anger as he felt the petal softness of her lips beneath his. Forgetting everything except need, he placed scorching kisses along her throat, then to the sensitive
place beneath her ear, then finally, back to her mouth. He increased the pressure, urging her lips to part.

Slowly, she stopped resisting and her young, slender body seemed to melt against him, making him gasp with pleasure. His own heart pounded so forcefully that he was concerned it would frighten her, but she shyly lifted her hands to his neck and buried her fingers in his hair, silently encouraging him. Almost roughly, he pulled her even closer and began to explore her mouth, plunging in fully to taste the depths of her sweetness as she yielded to him.

Jennifer surrendered mindlessly to the hot swirling emotions that seemed determined to consume her. Jolt after jolt of electrical sensation raced up her spine and through her body, jarring her nerves, making her blood sing with a gushing warmth. Intoxicated by his kiss, she unwittingly increased their passion by leaning fully against him, wanting every sensation, every delicious pleasure he could give her. Her tongue mingled with his, then her head fell back, cradled in his hand as he groaned, devouring her completely.

“My God, Jennifer …”

The sweetness of her response tore all logic from his brain. Gabriel wanted this woman desperately. He had to have her. He was lost in a sea of pure sensation, pleasurably drowning in a woman he’d sworn to hate.…


He was jolted back to reality as Allison’s voice shattered the stillness of the glade. He pulled away quickly, furious at himself and his lack of control. He was also confused, stunned by the passion that Jennifer had engendered in him. He glanced down at her, fully expecting a slap or a scathing remark. Instead, she was staring at him with a look he would never forget: Her eyes were wide, shining with desire and wonder, and a kind of adoration that made him pause.

Quickly he reminded himself that she was an actress above all else, and an accomplished one at that. He heard Allison approaching, and knew it would be a matter of moments before they were discovered. Aware that Jennifer’s dubious reputation would be completely compromised should they be seen together, he turned swiftly and headed toward the gate. A backward glance assured him that Jennifer had sense enough to dodge into the gazebo, where she could collect herself unobserved.

“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. What have you been doing?” Allison asked petulantly.

“I was just looking at the famous Barrymore roses. They certainly haven’t done well this year. I am dying of thirst, though. Let’s get some punch.”

He led her back toward the party, ignoring the suspicious glances she gave him. Most likely, she had seen him accost Jennifer, and had seen them enter the garden together. In truth, he didn’t know what he would say if she questioned him.

There was no explanation for his fascination with “the Appleton” creature. None whatsoever.

On the way home, Jennifer had been strangely silent. Penelope chattered the entire time, while Winifred made several keen observations about the party and their success. The three sisters crept into the rickety old mansion, closing the door as quietly as they could, trying to hush every possible sound and not disturb their elderly aunt. When they were in their bedroom, Penelope, dying of curiosity, confronted Jennifer.

“So? What happened? Don’t look at me like that—I saw you disappear into the garden with handsome Mr. Forester!”

Jennifer blushed, pressing her lace-covered hands to
her face. “You don’t think—did everyone notice?” She whispered.

“No, silly. I only saw because I was looking. I want to know everything! I can tell something happened. Just look at you! You’re practically glowing!”

Jennifer looked as radiant as a bride on her wedding day, and her eyes fairly sparkled with suppressed excitement. She raised her arms, allowing Winifred to pull the voluminous dress over her head. When she reappeared, her face was screwed up in concern.

“Are you sure he isn’t really interested in Allison Howe? He did escort her to the party, after all. And he did seem to be, well, close with her.”

“Allison!” Penelope waved her hand in dismissal. “He doesn’t care for Allison! You heard what the Billings said, and they would know. Besides, it’s every girl for herself. All you’re doing is giving Gabriel a chance to decide. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

The cloud lifted from Jennifer’s face and she hid a mischievous smile. “Well, then, I’ll tell you. First he was furious. He wanted to know what we were doing there, and even accused us of crashing the party!”

“How dare he!” Penelope said indignantly.

Winifred sent her a sardonic look. “Penelope, we weren’t invited. The man was right.”

Penelope pouted, then tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for Jennifer to continue. “So then what? Surely you’re not so happy because he yelled at you.”

Jennifer shrugged coyly. “Then he berated me again for taking advantage of his mother. He even lectured me on my dress, accusing me of flaunting myself before all the men! He really was furious.”

“That’s strange,” Winifred remarked, folding Jennifer’s gown carefully before removing her own dress. “He doesn’t have any claim to you. Why should he care what you wear or who you talk to?”

Penelope practically danced with excitement. She clapped her hands together like a little girl, and tossed a pillow at Winifred.

“What is the matter with you? It means everything, don’t you see? If Gabriel wasn’t attracted to Jennifer, none of this would have happened!”

Winifred looked stunned by Penelope’s conclusion, while Jennifer appeared hopeful. Unconsciously, in a gesture as old as femininity, Jennifer smoothed her hair, then glanced shyly at her sister.

“Do you really think—”

“Of course,” Penelope said triumphantly. “The only thing better would have been if he kissed you.”

Winifred looked at Jennifer, surprised to see the red flush creep up her face. Penelope thankfully had her back to them and Jennifer quickly tugged on her nightgown, grateful for the concealment offered by the thin fabric. By the time she had pulled it into place and Penelope had turned around, she was composed and practical once again.

“We have to find out more about Gabriel,” Jennifer said firmly, returning to the task of stalking her prey with all the determination of Napoleon himself. “Mary Forester has asked me to tea on Sunday, and she mentioned Gabriel will be there, but I can’t depend on her forever. We need to know more about where Gabriel goes, what he does, so that I can
run into him.” She rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

“We need to follow him!” Penelope blurted out. Winifred’s eyebrows lurched up in alarm, but Penelope was little put out. “That way we can discover firsthand what he does.”

“Penny!” Jennifer cried. “Do you really think we should?”

“Of course.” Penelope looked at her strangely, as if surprised she would ask such a thing. “How else will we
find out about him? I tried to get more out of the Billings, but they don’t seem to know. Following him is the only way.”

Jennifer sucked in her breath, then, with her eyes shining, nodded. “I’ll do it. I’ll start tomorrow.”

Penelope clapped, while Winifred shook her head, conveying her uncertainty about this plan. Still, she knew better than to argue when Jennifer was determined. Changing the subject back to business, she surveyed the ledger. “We need more money coming in. There are a few more gowns in mother’s trunk that you can make over, but it is imperative that we get some new outfits made for all these upcoming events. Penelope, you especially need a new bonnet and some silk gloves. I know we have some more séances to do. Jennifer, what is the schedule like?”

“We have Amelia Stryker tomorrow night, Carol Jenik the following, and Ellen MacPherson on Thursday,” Jennifer said, shaking her head with worry. “I just hope we can keep Auntie out of the picture. She’s been asking to attend one of our ‘theatricals.’ ”

“That won’t do,” Penelope shuddered. “I don’t know how she’d react if she ever knew what we really did. I’ll make sure she’s invited to tea by the minister, and there’s the sewing circle tomorrow night.”

“Do you really think we can fool her forever?” Winifred questioned.

Jennifer shrugged with the resignation of a person who handles one catastrophe at a time. “We haven’t much choice, have we? Don’t forget we have the appointment with Charles Howe tomorrow,” she reminded her scholarly sister. “Auntie knows he’s coming and will help with the tea. I’m sure Charles is looking forward to giving us the legal thrashing of our lives.”

Winifred pulled herself upright, steel in her stern hazel
eyes. “I’ll take care of Mr. Charles Howe. You, Penny, provide the charm. Jenny, you and Aunt Eve bring the food and distractions. I will answer his legal concerns in a way that will have his proverbial head spinning. I’m looking forward to it.”

Jennifer and Penelope chuckled as Winifred rubbed her hands, flexing her fingers like a swordsman preparing for a duel. As the gaslights went out, Jennifer slipped into bed. Pulling the covers up to her chin, she waited until Penelope and Winifred were fast asleep. Only then did she allow herself to recall the kiss that she and Gabriel had shared in the garden.

She could still feel the warmth of his body pressed against hers, the pulsing ache that had begun inside her when he pulled her into his embrace, and the clean, rich taste of him as he boldly explored her mouth. Jennifer gasped anew as she experienced those feelings all over again, and she was filled with awe and a nameless need.

Privately, she could admit the truth: It had been incredible. Although she’d only been kissed twice before, once by Billy Donahue in school, another time by a pesky cousin, those kisses had been nothing compared to Gabriel’s. When he’d pulled her into his arms and his mouth had devoured hers, she’d felt as if her curls had been singed once more.

So this is what it was all about. Jennifer thought of Penelope’s excited whispers about passionate kisses—something scandalous, yet truly enjoyable, her sister had assured her. Jennifer never had any idea what she was talking about, and had attributed it to Penelope’s hopelessly romantic nature. Yet in the privacy of her room, Jennifer could admit that she’d been close to swooning in Gabriel’s arms.

She tried to go to sleep, but strangely, it eluded her.
Tossing and turning beneath the covers, she tried to make sense of it all.

She was the one who chose to set her cap for Gabriel Forester.

Why then, did his kiss turn her into a plate of quivering jelly?


“He’s here!” Penelope cried. She drew back from the curtain and smoothed her dress, then peered critically into the mirror. Jennifer thought of a soldier preparing for battle as her gorgeous sister dampened a small piece of flannel with lilac water, then slipped it beneath the buttons of her dress and into her corset.

Aunt Eve hurried about the room, adjusting a picture here, a vase of flowers there. “That’s better. Fresh flowers and a warm reception will do much to enhance your cause, dearies. With three beautiful women to choose from, Mr. Howe will certainly be in a dither! Don’t answer the door too quickly, now. You don’t want to appear too eager.”

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