Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series (11 page)

BOOK: Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series
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“Who are you? Why have you taken me? What is it you want?”

The man raised his eyebrows.

“All in good time, Lady Aileana, all in good time. You will not be harmed, if you stay quiet.”

Her other abductors were also inside the cottage and smirked at his comment, but said nothing. Their silence was unnerving, yet after the initial encounter, she was relieved when they left her alone. No one spoke to her or bothered her in any way whatsoever. Whatever they had in mind, they were taking their time about it. An act of ransom? Those were rare these days, yet so far, their behaviour suggested it.

Time crept by and her bindings dug into her hands and feet. Her back ached and her mind spun. With the men occupied by doing little and ignoring her, she could try to figure this mess out.

The silence was endless. Her captors were relaxed and she prayed that meant they didn’t intend to harm her. In fact, from the way the biggest one peered through the window, it seemed like he waited for someone.

She memorized every last detail of their faces, their bodies, and their clothing. If she ever got out of this horrible situation, she would make sure these men were held accountable for their treachery.

She counted eight of them. The man who’d removed her from the cart was well over six feet tall and looked older than the others. He was rather well dressed, for a barbarian. His tunic was properly arranged and belted. He wore deep blue, black and green plaid with a large silver brooch attached at his shoulder.

She blinked when he strolled over to check her bindings and she saw the single arm raising a sword stamped into the brooch, whic
h made bile rise in her throat.

Manu Forti
—With a Strong Hand. MacKay. She shuddered.

Aileana glanced away before he caught her staring. The last thing she wanted was any attention, yet her breath came in shallow pants. She continued making mental notes about her captors; tall, brownish black or flaming red hair, well dressed, calm. She came to the troubling conclusion that if she were to sum any of them up in a word, barbaric would not be suitable. Focused? Certainly. Powerful, too. Even though they were responsible for dragging her from her bed in the middle of the night and binding her as she was, she could not bring herself to label them barbaric. There was an air of quiet patience about these men that made no sense. These were the men responsible for the horrific MacKenzie attack.


Aileana snapped her head up. The leader stood beside her, holding a cup of water. She cursed her nervousness. He helped her drink and
she was thankful for the cool liquid hydrating her parched throat. How did he know she was thirsty when she hadn’t known it herself? He took the cup away and she resumed her downward gaze.

His single act of pity piqued her curiosity and forced her to glance up at him again. He’d already turned away from her and was again looking out the window. She dared a glimpse at the other men. They had no interest in her either, instead played some kind of game with dice.

The ease with which they abducted her was startling. How did they know where to find her room? Who was the mastermind of this scheme and who would they negotiate with?


It was not possible for an organized caper such as this to be planned without knowledge of the MacIntosh’s relationship to her. Oh, but they were bold indeed if that were the case.

She wondered about James’s reaction once he returned to Chattan Castle to find her taken. Would he be desperate to save her or annoyed at the inconvenience? She couldn’t say. At times it appeared he had taken quite a fancy to her and at others he appeared irritated by her presence.

The man who hauled her out of the cart placed a woollen blanket around her shoulders, drawing her from her troubled thoughts. His expression softened before he turned and sa
untered out of the cottage.

Aileana was at a loss and stared at the door in utter disbelief. A grunt on the other side distracted her just before James exploded through it.


Chapter Nine


Digging underneath the prison cell hadn’t been difficult, considering the wet spring they’d had. They had managed to dig a passage and escape into the woods behind the cell. James’s fing
ers throbbed from the exercise.

Once he was confident of their hiding place, he tried to rationalize which direction to move. That question was answered once the other men exited the cottage. He overheard enough to discover that Aileana was in another dwelling close by. He had no idea if she was there by choice or not, but he intended to find out.

Dawn had broken just enough so he could see some of the men. Fergus McKay was among them. His guts dropped like they were full of lead. The winter had no doubt been rough and he was responsible for some of Fergus’s hardships, but this was nonsensical. Was this about money? If so why wouldn’t they just come to him for help?

Before he could dwell on what he’d like to say to Fergus, Gawain stepped into view. He had a good look at the man the day he stormed out of Chattan Castle and later in the garden. James was sure of his identity. Visions of the rendezvous he’d interrupted in the garden crept into his mind. His throat dried and blood pounded in his ears. They’d made a fool of him. Damn them all, he’d make them pay.

James was crouched and feral and ready to pounce. Calum placed his hand on his shoulder and shook his head. It was enough for James to ease up a little. His brother’s clear head was full of reason. Though Aileana was close, they still didn’t know where she was. By remaining undetected for a short while longer, they could glean her location.

Though appearances would suggest otherwise, his instinct still told him to trust Fergus. The man must know who his captive had been. James frowned. So a Cameron had not blackmailed Fergus after all. What then? Was this some bizarre form of protection? His head swam with the implications.

From well behind them, James saw the flash of crimson tunics. The message he’d sent to the King’s Guard earlier had given them enough time to assemble. His scouts had been in the area when they were taken and created a trail. His men were good at carrying out their assignments and he was forever in their debt. Within minutes, twenty of King James’s guards surrounded the McKay clan and Gawain, odds even Fergus wouldn’t take. No one would escape now.

James erupted from his hiding place. “You! You’re behind this?” He growled and lunged toward Gawain, caught just i
n time by Calum and two guards.

Gawain sneered. “It was all her idea! She wanted to run away with me. I’ve had her many times over the years and she wanted to feel me inside her again and again

James broke free from Calum’s hold and smashed Gawain’s jawbone with a sickening crunch. Pain shot up his arm and he suspected Gawain’s jaw was not the only thing broken. Holding his throbbing hand close to him, he pounde
d the man with his other fist.

Gawain would pay for this hellish night; he’d pay in the king’s dungeon or he’d pay with his life. Gawain dropped to the ground, writhing and moaning. Breathing hard, James turned away from the disgusting sight of him and wiped his bloodied hands off in his tunic.

Gawain claimed they ran away together, and James could do nothing to disprove it. Still, the lass was somewhere close by and he was still responsible for her. Damn Gawain and damn Aileana for involving everyone else in their scheme to run away. Fergus’s capture, an event he’d been trying to avoid for months, had occurred on James’s bidding and he didn’t even care. After all their hard work to uncover the truth surrounding the MacKenzie attack, Fergus’s own stupidity would land him in the dungeon or worse.

Aileana Chattan was responsible for this. A clear path led in the direction the MacKays had been headed and James took off toward it followed by several guards. In the moments it took him to get to the other cottage, all sorts of images of the Gawain and Aileana together exploded in his mind. His blood surged through his veins. He ran through the first MacKay he encountered and burst through the door, with no weapons, to confront the woman he despised. Oh how she would pay. The moment their gazes locked, she fainted.

* * *

Aileana floated along on a cloud, bobbing up and down with James’s strong arms around her, holding her tight. Fluffy pillows spread out for miles around them and were so irresistible she reached down to touch one. She couldn’t quite reach it and so leaned down a little further.

* * *

James caught her just before she fell off Arion’s back. Once he had roused her from fainting and had her settled atop Arion, she fell into a slumber. He was grateful for the momentary respite from the night’s chaos and focused on returning to Chattan Castle. What he would do with her once there, he did not know, but her limp body quelled some of his fire. She’d proven much more troublesome than he’d ever imagined and, unfortunately, he was responsible for dealing with her. And deal with her he would. At least now that he’d been captured by the King’s Guard, the cousin was out of the picture. James’s fist still throbbed, but in a satisfying way.

He peeked over her shoulder. Aileana still dozed. He would have thought she’d at least act upset that her plan had been thwarted, but she hadn’t even pressed him for information about her lover. Instead, she lay limp and relaxed in his arms as if everything was in order. What game was she playing?

When they returned to the first cottage and his former prison cell, the Guard had already secured their prisoners and was on their way back to the larger encampment several miles west. From there they would proceed south to court to meet their fate. Good riddance to them all.

Aileana’s soft and yielding body moved against him as Arion trotted forward. James shifted in his saddle to move away from her warm body. Damned if she didn’t move closer to him in her sleep.

All the times he imagined them plotting and scheming were not just fleeting impressions. He’d been right all along. It took everything in him to not send her off to the dungeon as well. He was angry enough with her, but her punishment would not come from a cold, rotten hole in the ground. Hers would come from careful planning once he calmed down.

They rode in silence while the gray morning mist lifted around them. He searched for the right words to say to her while she slept, knowing she would lie to him the minute she awoke. He would trap her in those lies.

Calum trotted beside him. “Was any of that real?”

James’s voice was flat when he answered. “Aye, Brother. I believe it was.”

Calum shook his head.
“Have you spoken with her yet?”

James looked down at her soft profile to see her
eyes still closed.

“No, not yet. There’s plenty of time to get into that. I just want to get her home first. I don’t think she’s going to like what I have to say or the new security measures I’m going to impose.” He glanced down at her again and smiled.

“Security measures?”

“Oh aye, she’ll not escape again.”

“Escape? Is that what you think?”

“You heard Chattan, they ran away.”

“You can’t be serious? Did you not remove the bindings from her wrists and ankles yourself? She wasn’t running away.”

“Yes, I’m sure ’twas all a good show to appear as though she was not a willing partner. You’ve no need to worry, she’ll not go to the dungeon like her lover. She will learn her place, however, and discover that she cannot play these games and expect no consequences.”

“Oh my poor, poor brother.” Calum shook his head. “You are in this far deeper that I ever imagined.”

James glared at him. “I don’t know what you mean, and considering the night we just shared, I’m in no mood for your games. I will say one thing though, my visit to Edinburgh must happen as soon as possible.” He pushed Aileana’s bottom forward a little to ease the tightness gathering in his loins. “While Fergus’s involvement in this crime baffles my wits, I would not see him hang for the MacKenzie attack when I know he’s not responsible.”

Calum pulled back on his horse’s reins and stopped.

“James, do you think ’twill make a difference if you attend the court and speak for Fergus? The Stewart is not tolerant of Highland conflicts. Your presence alone will not make the difference so the argument you present must be sound.”

That was exactly why he was so determined to go. He dearly wished he could have spoken to Fergus, if for a moment. Any discussion with him would require the king’s approval—not an easy acquisition.

He slowed his pace while Calum caught up with him again and took note of his surroundings. They were almost at Chattan Castle. He couldn’t wait to see how she would face all who would be waiting. He glanced down at her relaxed countenance, avoiding the angry red marks on her wrists.

* * *

“You’re almost home.” His breath tickled the delicate skin beneath her ear. His deep voice roused her and she became aware of his firm thighs and the thick chest muscle cradling her head.

Her body flooded with warmth. She opened her eyes and discovered they were almost home. The familiar road had never looked so good. Conscious of her casual position in front of James, she straightened her back, trying not to lean on him.

“No need to move away, lass. I don’t think anyone will be concerned about how much you’ve warmed up to me once they learn of our ordeal.” His voice was a husky whisper.

Her face grew hot at his meaning and she was thankful for her long tresses hanging around her face. In her semi-awake state she forgot the peril she’d encountered mere hours before and had taken wanton comfort in the MacIntosh’s arms. He had saved her after all. Still, some decorum was in order.

“I realize I haven’t yet thanked you, my lord, for my rescue.”

Aileana turned her head to the side to glance up at him and noted how much he towered over her even seated. Her heart skittered along in an insane drumbeat inside her chest.

“Your rescue indeed, my lady. ’Tis my hope you’ll find a way to thank me for my services and my discretion.” His tone was no longer husky, it held a warning.

“Your discretion?” What did he suggest? “My lord, I’m certain I have nothing to hide.” Her chin shot up and her back straightened to the point of cracking.

“Oh aye, I’m certain we’ll come to an understanding.” He smirked and looked ahead as if to dismiss her. “No one need know of your treachery just yet.”

“Just what are you implying?” Her fists clenched. She had no intention of repaying him with any sort of ‘services’ as he put it, or his discretion. She had nothing to be discrete about! Her cheeks burned again, but with anger this time not desire. Before she could recover, her clansmen spewed from the castle. Aileana had been so absorbed in him, she didn’t realize he’d brought her right to the front door.

James dismounted in one fluid movement and reached up to help her down before she could swat his hands away. His firm fingers tightened around her waist, and for a moment he stared hard into her eyes, as if searching into her soul. Infuriated and semi-aroused, she was powerless under that gaze. She shuddered to think where that could lead her and was grateful for the people who descended upon them.

Father Addison was the first to greet them. Behind him was Aunt Sheena who motioned for Gwen’s assistance. Together, they ushered her inside the castle’s protective stone walls. Once in her chamber, Sheena and Gwen couldn’t do enough for her comfort. While they prepared her bath, servants arrived with a large platter of roasted chicken, bread, cheese and a pitcher of warm mead. When she had devoured most of it, she recounted her story to the two women.

“Aileana, love, you do realize who was behind it all.”

“I do not. I assume there will be an investigation. I would not want to fear monger, however, one man wore a MacKay crested brooch.” Her body shuddered with the realization she was lucky to be alive.

“Aye, there might be MacKay involvement, but I can tell you with certainty your cousin Gawain, the foul man, was also involved. I saw him leaving early this morning.” Sheena crossed her arms over her chest.

“How is that possible? Gawain would do me no harm.” Gawain? Did this have something to do with the MacIntosh’s evasive accusation?

“My lady, please do not gag me any longer on that man and his intentions,” Gwen said.

“Gwen, what is it you wish to say?”

“That he was behind the whole thing and meant to hurt you because of your uncle’s plan to marry you to the MacIntosh.”

“I know you have never liked him, but do you believe him capable of intending harm?” There was no doubt Gawain was different, but was he so bad?

“I believe it with my whole heart and have watched him over the months since his return.” Gwen paced and fisted her hands at her sides. “He slithers in and out of the castle like a snake.” She stopped. “I know of a kitchen maid who lives not far from here who had the unfortunate bad luck to encounter him one night at a tavern in Moy.” Gwen swallowed hard. “She was beaten so bad she couldn’t work for a fortnight.”

Gwen’s face had never been filled with so much worry. “Gwen, surely ’tis vicious rumour you speak of and not hard fact.”

“No, my lady. ’Tis true. I know because I was asked to heal her. I’ve kept this from you because you asked me not to speak ill of him. I will never disobey you my lady, but you’ve given me the freedom to speak, and speak I shall.” Gwen wrung her hands. “I admire your ability to see the best attributes in every soul. That speaks to your goodness, but there is none in him.”

BOOK: Kate Robbins - The Highland Chiefs Series
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