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Yep; nursing background helps! Was a marathon & certainly required ‘all hands on deck’ – no pun intended! Felt worst for film crew/security!


“all hands on deck.”

No pun intended. Yet she put the pun in quotes.

To wrap up the show, Kate says “I believe that the kids will look forward to it every year, waiting to go down there because it’s a place where we find peace and happiness and rest and relaxation.”

Oh, yeah. It sure looked like those poor kids were incredibly peaceful and relaxed as they puked their guts up on a made-up reality fishing trip.

Cut to the kids about to eat and Ashley the babysitter, not Kate the religious mother, leading a lunch prayer for the kids.

Back on the couch Kate tells us, “Last year it felt weird taking the kids on my first vacation, just me, and this year it felt normal, it felt good, and um, wow, it’s a great place.”

By “just me,” Kate means just her and two bodyguards, two production assistants, five TLC crew members and Ashley the babysitter…at the very least.

The “traditional” trips to Bald Head Island stopped after TLC stopped filming. Kate only created traditions for her children when someone else was footing the bill.

On April 16, 2012, Twitter photos showing one of the Gosselin boys looking very thin, even gaunt, were circulating. The bloggers pointed to them as evidence that Kate doesn’t feed the kids enough food, as they had been claiming for many months. Kate, ever the protective mother, got wind of the photos and leaped into action to make sure that NOBODY would be exploiting any of her children. Here is a Twitter exchange about the photos:


@Kateplusmy8 Kate, you have fans/nonfans posting half naked pictures of your kids on Twitter. Improper.


Where? Please send me links. I’ll take care of it… Fast!


As it turned out, the joke was on Kate. The improper pictures of her “half-naked” kids that were posted on Twitter – the ones she was so prepared to take care of – were actually screen captures from the TLC “Vomit Fest” episode of
Kate Plus Ei8ht
. Sorry Kate, but you’re the only one showing us half-naked pictures of your kids.





The Gosselin kids wake up at 5:30 AM and are out the door at 6:30 AM to get to the bus stop in time for a 6:45 AM pickup. By my calculations, that amounts to a whopping 1
hour of time that Kate has to “deal” with her kids each morning before she spends the next 8 hours and 45 minutes alone in her big house with nothing to do except nap and tweet. Oh, did I mention…there is always a “helper” there in the morning to do most of the work for Kate and sometimes even to drive the kids to the bus stop while Kate stays behind being “exhausted.” So was this unsolicited tweet from Kate really necessary?


..Some mornings it’s a miracle if I can get away for five seconds to go to the bathroom..’wait, mommy’ ‘hey mommy!’ ‘mommy where are you?


And did she really need to imply that her children are animals?


xxxxx @
happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo. Im sure u know the rest lol that's what my kids sang to me! Have a good one:)


Doesn’t even have to be my birthday…. I always live in a zoo! Lol! :) I say to people ‘welcome to my zoo’ all the time! :)


This is a woman who is home alone – without her kids – for NINE hours every school day, while most REAL moms are working one, sometimes two jobs to support their children. But Kate wants everyone to believe that she is the most exhausted person on Earth. She tans, she jogs, she gets her nails done, she travels to New York City to get her hair done, she goes to Starbucks, she shops, and she tweets. Over and over and over again. Doing all of that for herself can get very exhausting.





Anyone who is interested in learning about the real Kate Gosselin and finding out what kind of a mother she is should simply follow her comments on Twitter. All day, most every day, except when she is traveling or doing things for herself, you too can have the pleasure of reading about how burdensome her children are. They’re nothing more to her than a means to make her rich and famous.


Good morning all..Doing the school morning grind here…Another day, same routine..Have a great day! Who’s running today? How far? I just want to know! :)


Anything having to do with the kids is always a burden to Kate, or in this case, a “grind.”


At dinner table, twins talking in code to figure out winner of their quiet game??! It’s amazing..& I don’t get it?! Dinners here are entertaining!


Kate can’t even make it through a meal spending quality time with her children without taking time out to ignore them while tweeting. When she is alone or with Steve, she rarely tweets, but when she’s with the kids, she tweets non-stop so she doesn’t have to interact with them. She tells them she’s working to provide for them.

Here she is again, not spending quality time with her kids while she spends quality time telling the Twitterverse that she’s spending quality time with her kids:


Mady and Cara are hanging out in my room & we are riveted by the latest issue of Natl Geographic Kids..Such neat facts! Thanks to the sender ;)!





The following tweets and blog from Kate’s website provide a disturbing snapshot of Kate’s idea of conflict resolution. They also left a lot of people, fans and haters alike, shaking their heads at the madness of it. It left me wondering, once again, if Kate Gosselin is insane.


A globe taught us all an important lesson! Go to:
to read about it…


Moms especially, please go to:
today to read an emotional parenting story! I’ll never forget our GLOBE experience!


It is impossible to appreciate the sadness and cruelty of this situation without reading Kate’s blog in its entirety. Credit, or blame to be more accurate, goes to Kate Gosselin for posting this on her website,

Please take the time to read the entire post


Lessons Learned from the Gosselin Globe


MARCH 15, 2012


What mother in their right mind would post something like that? Those poor Gosselin children are subjected to this kind of treatment every day, but on a much more severe scale.

Kate related this incident with the globe with such
pride; you would have thought her method of resolving this conflict was worthy of the Nobel Peace prize. It sounded like Kate actually thought she was a genius, and that her handling of the situation would be an example to mediocre moms everywhere on how to handle such terrible crises.

There are so many things wrong, on so many levels, with what Kate recounted here. To start with, Kate allowed her son Joel to be vilified and humiliated by the rest of his family. Then, after finding out he
had been unjustly accused in her kangaroo court, Kate decided not to tell the other children who the guilty party was, thus leaving Joel to remain the scapegoat. I have a feeling that poor, little Joel will “remember the globe” for a very, very long time to come.

To make matters worse, all this drama happened at dinner time, which should have been a calm, pleasant time where the family could have bonded sharing stories of the day. But while the children were sitting at the table, trying to eat their dinner after a full day at school, Kate was giving them the third degree. Instead of dinner being a safe and happy time for family discussion, Kate turned it into an opportunity to interrogate her children and terrify them with her global warning. Talk about law and disorder. The damaged object was a simple globe from Target that costs around $14, and Kate used it to traumatize her children and get them to turn on each other in “Gosselin court” because they were desperate to save themselves from suffering the “consequence!”

In this charming story, Kate also informed us that, with her eight children in the house, she was holed up in her bedroom with the door closed “finishing some work.” She has all day long to be alone and away from her children to finish her work, and only a few short hours to spend with them after school until bedtime, but she vanishes to her room to get away from them.

Continuing with the absurdity, Kate felt compelled to mix in her “wonderful” dinner and dessert menu (with a side of sick and twisted) in this blog about a life lesson. She must have been trying to convince her groupies and tweeties that, despite the horror she had endured with the unlawful peeling of the equator, she’s still able to be a great mother. It was also a not-so-thinly veiled reminder for them to continue to beg her to put out a cookbook.

Let’s not forget another surreal part of her blog. Kate had the nerve to write:


I am very clear with them about respecting our own belongings and especially others belongings. It’s an important lesson and I have taught it well, or so I thought


Kate has been filmed throwing her children’s toys down the stairs. She has admitted to throwing her kids’ toys, stuffed animals and school projects in the trash. She kicks the boys’ Lego buildings into a million pieces if they don’t put them away the minute she tells them to. She mistreats and mishandles everything that doesn’t belong to her, including Jon’s two German Shepherds (now only one), … all in front of her children. Is that her definition of respecting others’ belongings?

The globe blog offered even more proof of the depth of Kate’s delusions:


I was frustrated and disappointed at this point because I felt like I had a group of lying kids on my hands – something I have always harped against!!!! How could this be happening

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