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a scooter? No cheating is tolerated.R They Jealous much? Can’t accept I did it—I’m still in shock, and pain!:)


I wasn’t there and I really couldn’t care less if Kate ran a marathon or not. You decide, after having read this book, if you believe Kate Gosselin actually trained and completed a grueling 26.2 mile marathon, or if she took a few shortcuts presented to her.

What I do care about is the constant lying, self-promotion and extreme ignoring of her children’s needs and the toll it will eventually take on them. All I know is that Kate left her kids in the hands of babysitters beginning on the morning of November 29, and didn’t return home until the evening of December 8, all so she could spend a day running, or pretending to run, a marathon.

Once Kate finally returned home to her children, she was suddenly completely exhausted. She had been filled with energy and enthusiasm for nine days while she was away from them in Las Vegas, but the minute she got home, she became exhausted.


I’m taking the day off…other than taking care of my kids of course. Just letting the work build up..feeling exhausted&feels good to rest!


Looks like the Marathon Mama was another one-off, failed experiment. Kate now completely ignores Tweets like this.


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Do you have any races planned this summer? How’s the running going?





Kate considers anyone who disagrees with her about anything, or criticizes her at all, a “hater.” But instead of ignoring the people who criticize her, she argues with them.


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 why do you have so many haters? I think you are great


I think because the fiercest hate comes from jealousy, boredom, and hate for oneself…


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Kate how dare you presume to speak for “real moms” You are a cheat, a liar, and an abuser


ALL real moms work hard@whatever makes kids happy and provides best for them, including me!:) Have a gd day!:)


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 How can you stand all these people who seem to have nothing better to do with their lives than direct their misery at you?


I just block them. To me, they don't even exist ;) my rule: ignore annoying ppl in life- you'll succeed, they'll crumble :)


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Omg your haters make me not want to tweet you! Ergh!! Keep on rockin Kate, our home loves you & your kids!


no! Don’t go away! Just block liberally! That’s what I do and my screen is ALLL positive! Yay!:)


Kate said above that her Twitter “screen is ALLL positive! Yay!” Yet she spends the majority of her time interacting with haters. Instead of just simply and quietly blocking them, she feels compelled to engage them first, for the attention.

Kate constantly tweets about positivity and love, but her Twitter timeline shows nothing but negative and hateful comments, bullying and threats. She is very critical, but she can’t take criticism. She bullies others, but she complains that she is bullied when others criticize her or express a differing opinion.


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Jealous? I don’t keep company with people that are beneath me!


then stop following me since I’m ‘beneath you’. I’ll help you, I’ll block you now…. Have a nice day!


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Spend some time with your kids before they get taken away


seriously? If u can’t stand reading about our awesome and happy lives,unfollow. U are now blocked. Negativity doesn’t fly here!


nope. Can't have people bullying, name calling, and telling UNTRUTHS... So, yes, you are now blocked.


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Those kids are thought of as a commodity & always have been.


Your comment disgusts me. Consider yourself blocked.


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 Good for you Kate


I know, really, ‘commodities’?They r reason I live&breath& meaning of my life! Yes, they belong 2 me&blessed2b their mom! Geesh!


I think that tweeter made a good point there. The d
efinition of “Commodity” is: 1. A basic good used in commerce. Let’s not forget Kate’s letter to Gymboree when the sextuplets were born where she wrote “…if there is a way my children could be a help in marketing your clothing lines, we’re all for it!”





“Think b4 tweeting pls.”


From watching Kate in action on “reality” television, listening to her interviews, and reading her Twitter words, it is clear that she has demonstrated stunning ignorance and a complete lack of interest in the world around her whenever it isn’t about her. She is also intellectually challenged. Kate was once
quoted during the Australia/New Zealand episodes as saying of the Kiwi bird… “Whenever you say Kiwi, I do not think of the bird with no arms. I think of a fruit. I’m sorry.”

I’m sorry, too, Kate, that you think birds have arms and you say things like that in front of your young children who are learning from you.

Normally, I wouldn’t even think to point out someone’s grammatical errors, since I make enough of my own all the time. Kate, however, very condescendingly tells us over and over again how important education is, and always talks about how important grammar and spelling are to her; she says she “despises” misspelled words. She was shown correcting Jon’s grammar, even though she is guilty of some of the most idiotic and repetitive spelling and grammar mistakes I have ever seen.

Having studied Kate’s journal and Twitter feed, and having watched her on television for several years analyzing her words, I can say one thing for certain: Kate Gosselin is ignorant and lacking in intelligence and common sense. She puts other people down to hide the fact that she’s shallow and uneducated.


we were so this year, last year at this time… In Sidney for the new year! Wish we were there now! :(


xxxxx @
but you can’t spell it??


oh crap… Spell check must have gotten me?! Oops!


Kate always blames spell check whenever she is called out on her atrocious spelling. Spell check is not the culprit. Spell check wouldn’t have automatically changed Sydney to Sidney. The only way it would have changed the spelling of that word is if she wasn’t even close to the correct spelling, and spell check picked a spelling for her.


xxxxx @
that’s ok – us Aussies get offended when our cities are misspelt :))


I get offended when anything is misspelled lol!


xxxxx @
I’m not hating but do you intently spell things wrong? Gorgeous btw. Just saying and I do love your show and miss it!


no just lots to say on twitter & cut corners. In ‘real’ life, I despise misspelled words! :) thanks..


Kate’s excuse about cutting corners would be understandable, except that many of her misspelled words actually have too many letters in them, so the cutting corners excuse doesn’t fly. She types more letters than she needs. She also consistently spells certain words wrong, like “gorgeous,” as the tweeter pointed out. Kate always spells it “georgous.”

When she traveled to Connecticut to exploit her children further by making them run in a “kidsmarathon” that they clearly didn’t want to run in, as evidenced by videos posted on YouTube, she thanked her host town repeatedly via Twitter after the race. It obviously wasn’t important enough for her to spell the name of the town correctly.


What a wonderful wkend!The Lichtfield road race was HARD but fun&running w Rod Dixon was a wonderful honor! Thx Lichtfield! We love u all!


And, I must add much thanks2the town of Lichtfield,Ct 4 ur hospitality,&4welcoming our family!We were honored2b a part of a ur trad events!


thank you for your kind words! We SO loved being a part of such a wonderful Lichtfield tradition! Such kind wonderful ppl!


I enjoyed ur 'neck of the (beautiful) woods' so much that we'd love 2 make it a tradition 2 visit Lichtfield each yr 4 events!:)


Kate had four cracks at spelling correctly the name of the “beautiful” Connecticut town she ran in. She got it wrong all four times. For the next time, just in case she’s reading this, it’s Litchfield. Litchfield, Connecticut. This tweetie spelled it correctly:


race times are always determined by the weather and it's .9 longer than a 10k so a 1:08 is a great time!


The more Kate tries to use words that make her sound intelligent, the more they highlight her ignorance:


xxxxx @
Rain here on the sunshine coast near Australia Zoo too!!


I find ‘rain on the sunshine coast’ to be an Oxy moron? Is it just me?? Lol!


Yes. It is just you, Kate. The rest of us know that oxymoron is one word. You also didn’t need to capitalize the “O” either. You actually added a corner to your corner cutting.


you can’t see good when it’s raining outside? Don’t let surroundings determine your attitude! :) have a good rainy am! :)


You can’t see WELL when it’s raining either.


xxxxx @Kateplusmy8 big ‘G’ on God! (:


I know. Twitter has done it to me—pet peeve of mine too. Sorry..So disrespectful :( bad me.


She somehow managed to capitalize four letters in that tweet, though. Just not the “G” in God.

Kate isn’t just a poor speller, she’s plain lazy. With her iPhone in her hand 24/7, she has access to a world of information. Any question she has can be answered with the press of a button or two. On March 19, 2012, Kate was tweeting about the new season of
Dancing With The Stars
, which was starting that night. She had to insert herself into the story to remind everyone that SHE, you know, was on DWTS.


I woke up feeling NERVES.. For all DWTS contestants!!! First dance is tonight! Eeek! Good luck all! Have FUN!!!


….getting my pjs on &ready2watch @dwts! SO happy 2b sitting on my sofa w/ my girls watching¬ vomiting from nerves back stage!:)


I’m loving the dancing on @DWTS this season already! So glad I don’t have to dance tho! Happy on my sofa! Lol #dwts

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