Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (47 page)

BOOK: Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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That sounded like an excellent idea to Kathy. She’d have liked to encourage that kind of thinking, but couldn’t figure out any way to actually entice them into action. Naked and spread eagle, she had no other assets to put on display. Instead she had to endure Jack’s taunting response without the ability to offer up her own defense.

“And if you were any good at
, she still would have ended up submissive.”

“I guess the same goes for you.” Kathy might not have been able to move or back her words up with anything other than attitude, but that didn’t dampen the haughtiness of her taunting tone. “So why don’t you giddyup, cowboy, and show me what you g

Breaking into a scream with the force of the blow that cracked over her cunt, Kathy’s goading was met before she could finish issuing her challenge. Her pussy blossomed with heat as Jack’s palm left a searing imprint on her sensitive flesh. Gasping and twisting in her binds, Kathy tried in vain to protect her tender flesh.

“Watch yourself now, sweetness, or I can always add a gag to your restraints,” Jack warned her.

Kathy didn’t figure that would be a pleasure and so wisely kept her lips shut. She sealed them tight, feeling them thin into a pointed statement that Jack clearly received.

“Go on and press those lips tight, sweet stuff. You’re going to need every last bit of restraint you possess, because starting now, I’m your Lord and you are my puppet. Welcome to your seventy-two hours of servitude.”

Kathy’s heart clenched at his words as fear hit her, robbing all the pleasure from the moment. He hadn’t come back for good. She should have known, but she didn’t want to be that reasonable.

“Now, please, what?” Jack’s voice wove around her, trailing up from her feet to her ears as she sensed him drawing closer. The rough, husky sound infused her with a warmth that only emphasized the ache growing in her heart.

“Please, Master,” she whispered, trying to sound appropriately subdued as all her fighting spirit drained away along with desire. Not that Jack noticed. Instead he began issuing orders, flexing his newfound power, something Kathy could tell he relished in.

“You will refer to me as Master, and Collin can be your sir.” The soft thread of his footsteps stilled as he reached out to trace the curve of her jaw with one lone fingertip. “You will obey without question and will be punished instantly for any disobedience. Understood?”

As much as part of her longed to say, “Sure thing, boss,” Kathy didn’t dare give in to such flippancy. It took a great deal of effort for her to simply nod her head and hold her tongue, an effort that was lost on Jack. True to his word, he punished her instantly for failing to answer.

Landing another hard smack across her cunt, he reminded her of what really was at stake—soul-melting bliss. Kathy gasped as the first stray beams of ecstasy seared through her, jerking her body and making her crave even more of his discipline.

Still, she spared herself another electrifying rush, giving him what he demanded when he asked again, “Understood?”

“Yes, Master. I’ll do as you say, no hesitation, as long as you command me to fuck you.” Kathy might have gotten away with that bit of pushiness if she hadn’t added a smile and lifted her hips in bold invitation before issuing her own command. “Fuck me now…Master.”

Kathy was trying to be seductive and alluring but assumed she failed as Collin’s laughter split the air. “I guess you are that good, man.”

“Yeah, right,” Jack grumbled, clearly miffed with both her and Collin. “I think the wench
to be punished. Look at that cunt, it’s wet. It’s ready. It’s just dying to have something pounding on it. Isn’t it, sweetness?”

“That was kind of the point of telling you to fuck me.” Kathy forced a forlorn sigh through her lips as she tried her best to sound more annoyed than excited. “I think I want to switch my vote for Master back to Collin. He, at least, knew when to obey.”

Tensing in anticipation of Jack’s swift rebuttal, the man disappointed her when he failed to take that blatant piece of bait. Instead of making her pussy burn with another lick of his whip, Jack leaned in close enough for his warm, spicy scent to fill her head. He smelled so damn sexy, of leather and musk, a promise of a wild, rough ride to any woman daring enough to take him up on the invitation.

And he wanted her. She could hear it in the husky timbre of his voice. That knowledge had her heart tripping over itself as it caused spasms to ripple down her belly and unleash another heated wave of cream from her cunt.

“Yeah, but is he offering you the same deal I am?”

“Deal?” She licked her lips, wondering at his meaning even as a part of her dreaded finding out the answer. “What kind of deal?”

“I’ll suspend all your punishments,” Jack offered graciously, though his generosity didn’t come cheap. “We’ll start over with a new slate, but this time,
time you disobey me, you add a year to your service. Deal?”

The pain that had tinged her breath faded away with those words, proving yet again that she should learn to trust Jack. Trust, however, did not mean obey. While it took every last bit of her strength to deny him, Kathy found the strength to do just that buried in the certainty that the games had to end. More than they needed trust, they needed truth between them now. There was only one way to find it.

“No.” Kathy breathed that word out even if it was barely a whisper of sound. “I’m not going to demand years from you, Jack. I am not going to let you turn our future into some kind of game.”

“I never said—”

“I love you.”

As frightening as it was to make that simple statement, it also filled Kathy with a strange strength. She’d taken the plunge, leaving nothing left to fear, not even Jack’s response. It didn’t matter. Nothing he said would change the way she felt. It was time for the games to end.

“I love both you and Collin, but I’m not going to force either of you to stay. You’ll have to do that because you want to.”

Nothing but shocked silence greeted her declaration. As the seconds ticked by, Kathy began to wonder if she hadn’t made a very big mistake. The feel of the binds around her ankles loosening did not help her fear. Less than a minute later the straps around her wrists disappeared as well, leaving her free and uncertain.

“You say you love me?” Far from sounding overwhelmed by caring or concerned, the harsh growl rumbling through Jack’s tone assured Kathy her confession had only awoken even darker, more primitive needs within him. “Then prove it.

“Submit and be my slave, give me seventy-two hours of total obedience. No hesitation, no questions, no ability to say no and no safety words to buy your freedom. If you love me then you must trust me.
you can prove.”

Pure, molten desire seared through her at his words even as his hard tone assured her that she’d find no mercy under his command. That knowledge only intensified the need making her cunt clench and shudder with an ache that could only be quenched by her submission. She would give him her obedience, would prove her love to him, but only on one condition.

“And if I do? What will you do to prove your love to me?” Kathy dared to ask, fully expecting the question to catch Jack off guard. It didn’t. His answer whipped over her with a smooth assurance that had Kathy’s toes curling in anticipation.

“Don’t you worry about it, sweetness. It’s already taken care of,” Jack assured her. “Now do we have a deal?”

“Collin?” Kathy wouldn’t agree to anything until she knew he would as well.

“Doesn’t believe you can do it,” Collin answered without skipping a
beat. “So I think I’m going to stick with the first deal. Every time you fail—”

“I’m not going to fail,” Kathy defended herself instantly.

“—I get another year of guaranteed blow jobs.”

“I don’t remember blow jobs being part of the deal.”

“They are now, sweet meat,” Collin assured her, sounding genuinely pleased about that fact. “So we have a deal?”

“You know just for that I’m going to want a ring.”

“Don’t worry about that, sweetness. It’s already been taken care of.”

Collin’s assurance matched Jack’s from moments ago, making it impossible for Kathy to tell if he was being sincere or sarcastic. Of course, if he really had a ring her heart might really explode before he managed to get it on her finger. Wouldn’t that be something, though? Mrs. Kathy Hitchens. It had a ring to it like she should be riding a bike through the English countryside with a basket full of flowers and a mind sharp enough to solve the mysteries even the most talented minds at Scotland Yard couldn’t unravel.

“So? We got a deal?” Collin growled, reminding her that her future with him didn’t include baskets of flowers or the English countryside. There wasn’t even any great mystery to what life would be like with Collin and Jack. It would be a hell of a lot better.

“Okay.” Kathy gave in to the inevitable, seeing no reason to fight it anymore.

Whatever the future held, the one thing Kathy knew for certain was she wanted Jack and Collin in it. She also wanted them in her and figured the quickest way to get laid was to give them just what they wanted. That didn’t mean it didn’t cost her a certain amount of strain to hold back when Jack prompted her to correct her answer.

“What was that?” Jack prodded.

“I said, your every wish is my command, Master.” Kathy tried really hard to sound soft and subservient, but figured she failed when Collin snorted. Jack didn’t sound too impressed either as he growled above her.

“Prove it. I want to watch you touch yourself.”

Chapter 32


Collin couldn’t believe it. Jack’s plan had worked. Actually things had gone better than Jack had bragged they would. That ass had actually managed to get Kathy to confess to her love. Collin had already known it, but still it chafed that Jack had been the one to get her to admit it. If he hadn’t been so mesmerized by the sight of Kathy’s slender fingers slipping over the pink, creamy folds of her pussy, Collin might actually have done something about his irritation.

It was forgotten, though, as his focus fixated fully on only one thing. So soft, so wet, the sight of her pale, dainty fingers sliding through the intimate folds of her pussy triggered some primal, ravenous hunger in Collin. It took all his self-control not to lunge forward and devour her sweet flesh. He couldn’t move, though, not as the white tip of her fingernail scraped over the shadowed entrance to her cunt.

Sweat beaded over Collin’s brow as he waited, breath held, for her to stop teasing the clenched opening and start stretching it wide. His cock swelled painfully behind the tight confines of his jeans as it began to drool at the very idea of replacing those tiny, little fingers and packing that pussy full of something a hell of a lot meatier. Collin could already picture how good she’d look stretched out over his dick. It was a sight he enjoyed on a nightly basis, which was just why he had to hold himself in check tonight.

This was Jack’s show. Certainly his buddy would get around to indulging any and every one of their whims, right after Kathy finished entertaining them with this one. It wouldn’t last much longer anyway. Flushed and glistening, Kathy mindlessly pumped her fingers deeper and faster into her cunt with the frenzied rush toward release. The air thickened with the slurping suction of her sheath as it creamed hard enough to fill the room with the scent of her arousal.

Collin felt his own dick pulse and weep, aching to be unleashed as her heels dug into the mattress. Her knees bent and bowed, allowing her hips to thrust her cunt up in a desperate attempt to screw her fingers ever deeper, ever harder into her pussy. Her pained mews became strained with the pain of being denied the climax she sweated to reach.

It would never happen. She’d never be able to get there on her own. After three straight weeks of being skewered on his thick dick, those skinny fingers would never be able to get her off. Kathy needed something more, something around eleven and a half inches long and about two inches thick. Not that Collin had ever actually measured.


Jack snapped the flogger, cracking the velvety tassels over the pink, puckered tit and sending the slender straps of black licking down over the flushed and generous swell of Kathy’s breast. Her body arched upward, lifting toward the fiery caress leaving red streaks across her golden flesh. Collin clenched his jaw, fighting the urge to dip his head down and soothe the soft burn marks. Before that need could break him, Jack slashed the whip again, this time chasing her fingers away from where they teased the tip of her other breast.

“I said enough! You were told to touch yourself not pleasure yourself.”

Far too overwhelmed by the lust, Kathy ignored Jack’s barked commands. Writhing in wanton invitation, she turned towards the tassels as Jack snapped the whip over her again and again. Still, she cried out for more as her fingers continued to ravish her cunt, leaving Collin little choice but to release himself and go assist his buddy.

Even though it only took three steps to reach the side of the bed, each one came at an excruciating price. His boxers offered little protection from the rough grind of his jeans over the ultra-sensitive flesh of his cock. Collin grimaced, wishing right about then that he hadn’t agreed to do things Jack’s way. As if reading that thought in the way Collin eyed their woman, Jack snapped the whip in his direction, coming very close to singeing the hair on Collin’s arm.

“Hey, now!” Collin shot Jack an indignant glare along with that grumble. “Watch it with that thing.”

“Step away from the pussy.”

“No,” Kathy cried out, instantly contradicting Jack and proving Collin right. Blind obedience just wasn’t in Kathy’s makeup, but naked aggression was. “Come closer, sir. I need you.”

“That’s enough out of you.” Jack turned the whip back on Kathy. Letting the tassels lick over her creamy folds, he had her arching into their touch.

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