Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 3 (4 page)

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 3
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“So you own the estate?” Leah asked, intrigued. If she were to marry Valentine, would they live in Kurt’s home? It was all so confusing to her.


Samantha Kane

“I have an investment in it,” Kurt said, still smiling. “Most of my future is invested in Valentine.”

Leah blushed as she was reminded of their relationship. Of course Kurt would consider Valentine’s home his own. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…”

Kurt placed his fashionable beaver hat on his head at a rakish angle. “This is all very new to you, my dear. No apologies are necessary.”

Valentine drew her attention when he stepped forward. She turned and found a small frown on his face. “Leah, you must understand that Kurt is, and will always be, a major part of my life, and soon, I hope, yours. We will always live together, travel together. Kurt and I are as close as I want you and I to be someday.”

Kurt came up behind Leah and raised her hand for a kiss. “As close as we will all be, soon,” he said quietly. Valentine moved closer to her and turned the hand Kurt held to place a kiss upon her palm. “Yes, exactly,” he whispered, looking into her eyes.

Leah felt overwhelmed by the two strong male bodies. They enclosed her in a cocoon of heat and male spice, and she couldn’t stop her mind from picturing the three of them entangled in the sheets of some large bed. Her mind blanked after that, however. Exactly how did three people make love? She had never minded the marriage act with Thomas; it was nice to be close to someone that way. Kurt moved in closer and she felt his breath on her neck as Valentine touched the tip of his tongue to her palm.

Good Lord, Thomas had never done that. Leah’s lips parted as she found herself having trouble breathing. Her pulse was racing, and she felt hot and heavy and wet between her legs. She thought perhaps making love with Valentine and Kurt would be more than nice.


Love’s Strategy

Chapter Four

“Leah?” The male voice was harsh and Kurt’s back instantly stiffened. He moved directly behind Leah protectively and when she turned toward the voice her nose was very nearly pressed into his chest. She looked up at Kurt in alarm, mixed with a little annoyance, but he merely raised an eyebrow at her and turned to look over his shoulder at the owner of the voice.

“Leah, what is going on?” The man was short and somewhere between forty and fifty. He had a portly stomach bulging out his too tight, garish coat, and the overall effect was almost comical. Kurt was not fooled, however. That voice indicated this was not a man to take lightly.

“Please, Kurt,” Leah whispered, “that is my brother-in-law, Sir Horatio Marleston.”

Kurt noticed that Valentine had moved to his side and was facing Sir Horatio.

“Remove yourselves from Mrs. Marleston immediately,” Sir Horatio said, and it was apparent from his tone he was used to being obeyed. The look of disbelief on his face when neither Kurt nor Valentine moved made Kurt smile coldly. Leah was pushing ineffectively at his chest, and he gripped her upper arms gently to still her.

“May we help you?” Valentine asked politely, and his tone also spoke volumes. It clearly marked Leah as theirs.

“I demand you release Mrs. Marleston immediately,” Sir Horatio replied.

“Oh really, gentlemen.” Leah’s tone was exasperated, and she gave Kurt a shove that had him stumbling back a step in surprise at her strength. “Sir Horatio is my brother-in-law.”

The man reached out as if to grab her arm, but stopped at a sound from Valentine somewhere between a growl and a dangerous purr. Kurt stepped back next to Leah’s side.


Samantha Kane

“Sir Horatio, may I present Mr. Valentine Westridge and Mr. Kurt Schillig,” Leah said to him, indicating first Valentine and then Kurt with a graceful gesture of her hand.

“How do you do,” Kurt said coldly without a smile. Valentine merely nodded once in acknowledgment.

“What is your business with Mrs. Marleston?” Sir Horatio’s voice was still demanding, and the unspoken message was that he had the right to ask. Leah apparently thought differently.

“That is not your concern, Sir Horatio,” she said almost as coldly as Kurt. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” It was subtle, but Kurt caught the sarcasm in her voice.

“I wished to call on you,” Sir Horatio told her imperiously, “as I do several times a week.” He looked pointedly at the hand Kurt had placed possessively on Leah’s elbow.

“Thank you,” Leah said automatically. “Mr. Westridge and Mr. Schillig were just leaving. You may go in and see the children.”

“I have no desire to see the children,” Sir Horatio replied unhesitatingly. “They should be in the schoolroom at this time.”

Kurt’s estimation of Sir Horatio dipped even lower at his quick dismissal of Bastian and Esme.

Leah sighed in exasperation. “You know I cannot afford a tutor right now, Sir Horatio, and Esme is too young. My mother is with Bastian working on his lessons right now and will not mind the interruption.”

“I will wait for you,” Sir Horatio said, and Kurt could practically see his feet planting themselves more firmly on the ground. Kurt turned away, dismissing Sir Horatio, and he heard the older man gasp in outrage.

“We shall send the carriage for you tomorrow at, shall we say seven, then?” Kurt asked Leah. He’d deliberately brought up their plans in front of Sir Horatio. The more 28

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obvious they made their claim on Leah, the better as far as he was concerned. She was theirs, by God, and he dared any man to question it.

His own possessiveness concerning her was slightly shocking to him. He could understand Valentine’s immediate connection to her, he was a man of deeply felt emotions. But Kurt was usually ruled by the physical, not the emotional, except when it came to Valentine. Was he merely reacting to Valentine’s desire for Leah? Or to his own newly acknowledged desire for a home and children? Or was it the woman herself?

Leah answered his question before Kurt could examine his motives too closely.

“Yes, yes that would be fine,” Leah said in a rush, and Kurt saw her cheeks were pink with embarrassment.

“Mrs. Marleston is already engaged for tomorrow evening,” Sir Horatio interrupted harshly.

Leah’s eyes flew to the older man and narrowed. “I’m sorry, Sir Horatio, but I’m afraid I do not know of a previous engagement.”

“That is why I came to see you, my dear,” Sir Horatio said with a tight smile. “You did not respond to my note, and I came to make sure that you were going to accompany me to dinner with the Dowager Duchess.”

“I received no note,” Leah said coldly. “I’m very sorry, but I am promised to dinner at Cantley tomorrow evening.”

“Cantley?” Sir Horatio exclaimed, surprised. “Are you the new owner then?” he asked Kurt belligerently. “I had heard the new owner was a war veteran and a close personal friend of the young Duke.” His tone indicated disbelief that Kurt could be either.

“I am the new owner of Cantley,” Valentine informed him in glacial tones,

“although that description does indeed fit Mr. Schillig as well.”

“Welcome,” Sir Horatio replied, although his tone was anything but. Kurt nearly laughed aloud. It would seem most of this conversation was being conducted in what remained unsaid.


Samantha Kane

“Sir Horatio’s own small estate lies to the east of Cantley, with a portion of the Duke’s land in between.” Leah supplied the information in a matter-of-fact tone, but Kurt saw Sir Horatio’s eyes narrow at her use of the word small. “Next to the Duke, he was the largest landowner in the area until your arrival. There are mainly small holdings here, for the most part.”

“I shall have the Dowager Duchess send you an invitation to her dinner tomorrow evening,” Sir Horatio told them smoothly. “I’m sure she would have invited you had she known of your arrival in our little society here.”

Valentine answered. “As you are aware, we are engaged for tomorrow evening with Mrs. Marleston. Do not trouble yourself on our account.”

Kurt grinned broadly at Valentine’s blanket dismissal of Sir Horatio’s challenge to their plans with Leah.

Sir Horatio turned to look at Leah. “This way Mrs. Marleston will not miss out on dinner at Ashton Park, a supreme privilege, I assure you.” Kurt bristled at the man’s tenaciousness.

“A privilege I’m sure we shall all enjoy when the Duke is in residence,” Valentine smoothly countered, upping the ante in what had become almost a game.

Sir Horatio’s smile became even more strained. “The Dowager Duchess would be very unhappy were Leah not to attend tomorrow night. She has taken quite an interest in her future, you know. The Duchess does not believe a young woman like Leah should remain unmarried so long after my brother’s death.” The unspoken implication was that the Dowager wanted Leah to marry Sir Horatio. Kurt shuddered at the thought.

Leah had clearly had enough and intervened again. She frowned at Sir Horatio.

“My married state is not the concern of the Dowager Duchess.” She then turned to Kurt and Valentine. “I am so pleased that you came to call today, gentlemen,” she assured them firmly, “and I shall see you tomorrow evening.”


Love’s Strategy

Valentine looked as if he were about to argue, but Kurt laughed out loud, stopping him. “Yes, my dear Mrs. Marleston, it has indeed been a pleasure.” Kurt gave a low courtly bow to her and kissed her hand lingeringly with a twinkle in his eye. Leah laughed in return, which only made Sir Horatio glare harder.

Leah turned to Valentine and held her hand out. He hesitated. “Now, Valentine,”

Kurt said chidingly and put his arm around Valentine’s shoulders companionably. “We are being given our
, my dear. Kiss the lady’s hand, and we shall dream together of seeing her again tomorrow night.”

Valentine obediently took Leah’s hand and sighed. He held her small hand in both of his and raised it to his lips almost reverently. Barely moving away from her hand, he raised his eyes to her face. “I’m sorry, my dear. I did not mean to cause you distress. We shall take our leave. Until tomorrow then.”

* * * * *

After Valentine and Kurt rode away, Leah drew a deep breath and turned to Sir Horatio. She was glad she’d had a minute or two to get herself under control after Valentine’s goodbye. His eyes had burned so hot when he’d looked at her over her hand she was surprised her hair hadn’t gone up in flames. Good heavens, what was wrong with her? She’d never reacted to a gentleman like this before, and today she’d behaved like a wanton with two! And it was impossible to think Sir Horatio had not noticed.

Indeed his visage was nearly purple with rage. “You behaved shamelessly, Leah, and I will not have it.” His voice was trembling with his anger. “I will not have my future wife acting the slut with men such as that.”

“I am not your future wife.” Leah felt her own anger rising. “Men such as what, Sir Horatio? Wealthy, well-mannered, admiring? Which do you find so offensive?”


Samantha Kane

He was breathing hard he was so angry. “I saw the way the foreigner touched Mr.

Westridge. You do not know of such things, Leah, and must be guided by me. They are not the sort of gentlemen who should be calling here at the cottage.”

“They had a letter of introduction from Mr. Matthews, and by your own admission are close personal friends with the Duke. I hardly think that puts them beyond the pale, Sir Horatio.” She allowed a little of her impatience with his attitude to show in her voice. It was a mistake, and she should have known better. His hand shot out and grabbed her arm, bruising in its grip. She gasped and he tightened his hold. She couldn’t help comparing his brutal hold to Kurt’s gentle one earlier.

“We have an understanding, my dear. If you wish me to take care of those mewling brats of yours, you will submit to me and be my wife.”

Tears came to Leah’s eyes as the pressure on her arm became excruciating. She knew from experience that he would leave bruises behind. “We do not have an understanding of any kind,” Leah gasped, trying to pry his fingers off her. “You do not have the right to touch me. You have asked for my hand and I have refused you, repeatedly.”

“No one else will be offering, Leah, I’ve made sure they all know you are mine. You have been mine since that fateful day Thomas had to beg my sufferance and moved you all into my house because of his ruin. I do not know why you fight it. Even Thomas accepted it, didn’t he?” She could not get his hand off no matter how hard she tried, and he dragged her closer to him until she could feel the press of his erection against her hip as she tried desperately to turn away. “If you cannot take care of those children, I shall petition for guardianship. Do I make myself clear? Do you wish to lose them? Do you wish your mother to lose her home? With one word to the Duchess I can make all of that happen. You will send your regrets to Mr. Westridge and accompany me to Ashton Park tomorrow night, and we will announce our engagement. Do you understand?”


Love’s Strategy

“Leah? Are you all right?” Her mother’s voice was slightly tremulous, and Leah looked at her in relief where she stood outside the cottage door. “It is late, Sir Horatio.

The children and I are waiting dinner on Leah. I’m sure your business can wait until tomorrow.” Mrs. Northcott was frightened of Sir Horatio and his rages, with good reason. She’d seen Leah after several of them, when Thomas was still alive but too busy gambling to notice or care what his brother was doing to his wife. Leah knew it took a great deal of courage for her to confront him like this, and she had never loved her more.

“Yes, Mama, I’m fine. I’ll be right there. Sir Horatio was just leaving.” She pulled ineffectually at her arm, and after a moment of struggle Sir Horatio let go and Leah stumbled back.

“Do not forget what I said, Leah,” he warned her, turning to leave. “I shall come to collect you in the carriage.”

And I shall not be here
, Leah thought defiantly, glaring at his back.
I will be with
Valentine and Kurt, securing a future for myself and my children.

BOOK: Kane, Samantha - Brothers In Arms 3
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