Kalon (Take Over) (4 page)

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Authors: T.L Smith

BOOK: Kalon (Take Over)
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s I make my way back out to the party, I see Stefanos at the bar talking to a blonde woman who’s wearing next to no clothes. And the bastard is smiling at her. I don’t take my eyes off them as I walk up. I notice her eyes haven’t left his either. She’s looking him up and down like he’s a piece of meat ready for her to devour. Once I reach him I place my hand on his shoulder to gain his attention and as soon as I do, the tramp death stares me. Stefanos ignores her and places his arm around my waist and leans in to kiss my cheek. I look up and see she still hasn’t moved from her position and is continuing to stare.

“Can I help you?” I ask, and she sneers in return. I look her up and down, returning the favor. I’m surprised by her stance towards me. She doesn’t care who I am, and she doesn’t seem to be affected by me at all. She is covered in tattoos and has them on her fingers, arms and neck. She has long flowing blonde platinum hair and dark brown eyes. She’s quite attractive and very beautiful even with all the ink covering her body.

“Oh, I don’t know about that Eliza, but I’m sure you will.” She winks at me and picks up her glass and struts off with her barely there dress and hooker heels. I turn to Stefanos for answers, but he shrugs his shoulders. I pin him with a stare until he gives me the words I need to hear.

“You know that look doesn’t work on me, Princess. But I
tell you ‘cause you can withhold sex from me and there is no way I want that. I have no idea who she is. She introduced herself and said she was glad to finally meet me. That’s all; you interrupted when you came over.”

“Okay, so what is her name?”

“All she said was Carmen.”

I nod my head and turn around to look into the crowd to see if I can see her. I feel Stefanos wrap his arm around my waist and pull me back into him.

“Don’t worry about her, Princess. Let’s enjoy the night while we can.”

Stefanos pulls me to the dance floor and I cringe. He knows I hate to dance, but he is a very good dancer and he loves to laugh at me.

“I know you have the moves, Princess. I’ve seen them in bed,” he says, pulling me closer so our bodies are flush. He wraps both arms around my waist and sways me to the beat. The way his hips move is doing glorious things inside my body at the moment. We dance to one more song while Stefanos leans down and kisses my neck. I pull him closer, so I can feel him and he chuckles against my skin.

“May I have this next dance?”

I turn around to see Roberto standing there offering me his hand. Stefanos looks at me and is debating whether to hand me over or not, but he reluctantly agrees. Roberto puts an arm around my waist and one on my shoulder.

“You have that boy totally hooked girl... hook, line and sinker,” Roberto says, laughing to himself. I give him a puzzled look and he smiles at me.

“You know you do. He was dangerous before, but now he’s worse... way worse. Hell, I wouldn’t even cross him and that’s saying something.”

I smile and he continues to pull me around in circles. I’m thanking God I haven’t fallen flat on my ass yet.

“I know why you want that fire power, Krinos.”

I look up at him and smile. I knew he would figure it out; there isn’t much that doesn’t get by Roberto.

“I don’t know if you should involve Hunter since he’s as bad as Stefanos. Both of them are not men to cross,” he says, while we continue dancing.

“I know Hunter, Roberto, and there’s nothing to worry about,” I reassure him, tapping his shoulder.

“You know, you could have come to me, if you needed help.” He stops dancing and looks me squarely in the eyes.

“I know Roberto, and thank you. But, Hunter is the right man. He’ll do as I ask, no questions, because he’s getting something in return. And I need to keep on the down low.”

“Alberto has connections, not as many as you, but his men are evil and have no remorse. So please, come to me if you need help. I will give you all the resources you need. You are family and that will never change.” He leans down and kisses me on the cheek, then turns around and leaves. I look around for Stefanos and find him with the blonde hottie firmly attached to him, dancing. This bitch is about to get slapped down, and he’ll definitely
be getting any tonight.

I walk over and neither of them see me approach. I contemplate what I want to do and decide against stabbing them both in a public place. Honestly, why dance like lovers when you have a lover with a
knife in her garter?

cozy, I see.”

Both their heads snap around to meet mine. Stefanos takes a step back because he knows I’m fuming, but bitch tits
smirks at me. Big

“Eliza, lovely to see you again. Stefanos was telling me all about you,” she says and turns back to him and smiles. I follow through with a death glare and watch as his head flings to her. I know she’s lying as Stefanos doesn’t tell people anything. Most people that know him don’t even know his last name.

“I wish I could say the same Carmen, but it ain’t lovely to see you trying to seduce my man.”

I see Stefanos turn his head back to me and smile. Pretty sure he likes the
‘my man’

“Oh, Eliza, if I wanted your man I
have him, sugar. No questions asked,” she prods me with a sinful smile on her face.

will not stab her. I will not stab her. I will not shoot her. Oh, fuck it, I’ll stab the bitch.

Just as my mind is made up, Stefanos steps behind me and wraps his arms around me. He barricades my arms in. I smile ‘cause obviously he knows what I’m thinking. I shake him off and look at her standing there still smiling.

“I hope to never have the pleasure again, for your sake,” I state, and start to walk off. I turn around to look at her, when she speaks again.

“But you will, Eliza, very soon, sugar,” she says and turns to leave.

I look up at Stefanos and notice he’s watching me.

“If I ever see your arms wrapped around another bitch again, I
gut you... understand?” I walk out of the door to go home without saying my goodbyes.

Once I’m home, I see Rock and Cassandra snuggling on the couch watching a movie. She has fallen asleep in his lap and he’s watching her closely. They didn’t stay at the party long, it really isn’t Cassandra’s scene, but she wanted to say hello to Roberto.

“Are you going to admit your feelings for her, or what?” I ask, surprising him. He takes his eyes from her, grunts at me and turns his head back to the movie. I grab an apple and a knife from the kitchen and head back out to watch the movie with the two lovebirds. Five minutes in, I hear the front door slam and heavy footsteps coming my way. I sit there like there’s no problem and continue to cut tiny little pieces from my apple. I notice Stefanos’ feet right in front of me and I ignore him for a bit, and then slowly look up. As I do, I see anger raging all over him.

“You are not to leave without me... ever again. Do you understand? Get upstairs,
,” he growls, looking down at me.

I thought it was funny, that when I snuck outside there was a cab conveniently waiting. So I jumped straight in and came home without him. I ignore Stefanos and go back to cutting my apple. He’s obviously pissed and doesn’t want to wait, because he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. He carries me upstairs and tosses me onto the bed. I watch while he paces the room trying to calm down. I continue to eat my apple and watch him.

“How many times do I have to tell you not to leave without me? You need to start thinking about how it would affect me if something happened to you. I’ve lost you before and that’s never happening again. So you better start thinking before you
act, Princess.” He stops, looks at me and leans down. He takes the apple and the knife from my hand.

“You’re too dangerous with these,” he says, as an explanation for him removing them from me. I watch as he places them on the bedside table. He then stands in front of me and starts to unbutton his shirt. Gradually his anger dissipates and is replaced with lust.

“You know, I don’t look at anyone the way I look at you,” he tells me, while pulling off his shirt. He lets it drop to the floor and then pulls on his pants while kicking off his shoes. “You are the only woman that can drive me to the brink of killing someone and still make my cock stand tall.” He lets his pants drop to the floor and surprise, surprise- no underwear. “I’ll never feel this way about another woman in my life, the way I feel for you. You
own me.” He steps closer and pushes me back on the bed and then hovers over me. “Now, tell me you know,” he says, looking me in the eyes.

I look at him and don’t speak at first, because I know... I know he means every word he’s just said. He loves me, no, correction; I own his soul, as he likes to put it.

“I know,” I reassure him and reach up, grabbing him by the hair and pulling him down so our lips meet. I love the way he kisses me. He kisses with everything he has. I roll him off me, stand up and look at him lying on the bed, resting on his elbows and staring up at me. I just stand there and give him a taste of his own medicine. I turn around, unzip the back of my dress and let it drop to the floor. Then I turn around in only my garter and hot pink lingerie.

“You know you’re the only man that can speak to me the way you do, get away with it and still get hot sex.”

He shakes his head at me and laughs. I remove my bra and let it drop to the floor with my dress. Then, I slowly pull my G-string down my legs. I am now standing in front of him in only my garter.

“You know the only reason I haven’t stabbed you yet is because you give me multiple orgasms.”

He laughs at my joke, stands up and picks me up, grabbing a pillow from the bed and he throws it to the floor.

“Lower yourself to the floor, cross your arms so your elbows are on the pillow and stick your ass in the air.”

I look at him, puzzled for a second and shrug my shoulders. I do as I’m told. Once I’m positioned the way he wants me, I feel him come up behind me and slap my ass hard. I don’t flinch or scream because I like it. I think he’s surprised because he does it again. I feel him near my ass and he bends down and talks in a rough voice.

“I am going to pick you up by your ankles, Princess, and you are to keep your knees bent when I do.”

I do as he commands. He lifts me by my ankles and my knees automatically bend upwards. My body is almost perpendicular to the floor. I hear him breathing heavily and wonder how long he plans to keep me like this. I feel him, prodding at my entrance and when I least expect it, he slams into me from behind. I yelp from the sudden fullness and scream in pleasure when he continues to torture me the only way he knows how, with sex.

I feel every inch of him. I’ve had great sex before, but this... this is, wow. This position is touching every nerve ending I have and because of it I orgasm straight away.

He stops inside me and I think he’s done. I want to drop to the floor, but I can’t because he still has my ankles in the air. He isn’t done. I hear him take a deep breath and then he slams back in again making my body quiver as I become even weaker.

I can hardly feel my elbows anymore, because my body is drained. He gently places my feet back on the floor and when he does I collapse. I hear him chuckle and walk away. When he comes back minutes later I haven’t moved from the floor. As far as I’m concerned, this is where I’m sleeping because I’m not moving. Stefanos picks me up, cradles me in his arms and carries me to the bath he has just drawn for me. He climbs in behind me and he washes me slowly and sensually while I fall asleep with him whispering in my ear.

wake up to an empty bed. As I sit up, I look for Stefanos, but I can’t see him anywhere. I jump up and make my way to the bathroom. Once I’m done, I chuck on his shirt and make my way downstairs. I’m definitely sore between my legs, but then I think about how well he took care of my needs last night after our awesome sex. I don’t remember much after the bath, all I remember was Stefanos kissing my neck while we were in bed and I was half asleep.

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