Kaleb (29 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Kaleb
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you are willing to lease us the land for thirty years?” Sawyer asked, glancing
between her and Travis.

That’s my proposal.”

we didn’t actually plan to build on the land,” Travis thought out loud, “it’s
not a bad idea.”

“Why the lease?”
Kaleb asked. “Why not sell it to us?”

if you’re going to make money on this deal, I’d like to make money, too. As you
probably know by now, I’m in debt with the land, and if I don’t do something by
the end of the week, the land will go into foreclosure, which will ultimately
tie it up for who knows how long. That won't benefit either one of us at this

was an understatement, but something she hoped would persuade Travis to
consider her offer. If she didn’t come up with the money by the end of the
week, Zoey and her father were going to lose their home. At least this way, she
would have the money necessary to get the loan current, and any residual income
would ensure they didn’t end up in this predicament in the future.

do you one better.” Travis spoke up after a few painfully long minutes.

three of them turned their attention on the eldest Walker.

sell us the land, and I’ll pay off the rest of it, including your father’s

She hadn’t seen that one coming. It was a good offer, but it didn’t secure her
future. She wouldn’t have to worry about losing the house, but she would
ultimately be signing away her heritage for money.

got a better idea.”
This from Kaleb.
“Can I have a
minute to talk to my brother’s?”

didn’t know what to make of Kaleb’s request, but she decided to give them a
moment to discuss whatever his plan was. “Five minutes. Then I’ll be back, and
we need to come to a decision.” She had to remain firm, or these men would walk
all over her, she feared.

walked outside and paced the gravel driveway, kicking rocks with the toes of
her boots as she clenched and unclenched her hands. She had to admit, Travis’
offer was more than she expected, and it meant she wouldn’t have to have
Kaleb’s financial help as he had offered before. Not wanting to be in debt to
any of them, she wondered if maybe this was the way to go.

her proposal was a good one. They would lease the land from her, and even
Sawyer said it made sense. They weren’t building on the one hundred acres,
simply using it as the entrance, which after the lease expired if they decided
to do something different, they could. And Zoey wouldn’t be out her land.

glanced down at her watch and headed back in at the five minute mark. She
needed to get this out of the way. There were things she and Kaleb needed to
talk about. Since the proposal she intended to offer
was much more
lucrative for her, she was anxious to get on with it.

heart tipped and rolled at the thought.

Twenty Two


smiled. Travis might not have liked the idea at first, but his brother had come
around to it in the last couple of minutes. Hearing the screen door shut, Kaleb
knew it was time to face the music.

I give you enough time?” Zoey asked, looking directly at him.

nodded his head and then glanced at Travis.

Travis smiled, a genuine smile that none of them had seen in quite some time,
Kaleb exhaled the breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding.

remember, my last offer is still on the table.” Travis began. “But, I think Kaleb
does have a better offer, and after listening, I think it would work for all of

that is?” Zoey looked impatient, and Kaleb knew the feeling. He wanted this
conversation over with. For the last seven days
,  he’d
contemplated the outcome of this meeting, but more so, he’d contemplated the
outcome of the conversation they would have later that night.

sell us the land,” Travis stated, holding up his hand to stop Zoey when she
looked like she wanted to argue. “You sell the land to Walker, Inc., and in
return, we make you a partner.”

“A partner?”
Zoey’s eyes
and Kaleb bit his lip. He
couldn’t tell by her expression whether she knew what they were actually
offering her or not.

A full partner.
Keep in mind, there are seven of us,
but that would make you the eighth partner in Walker, Inc.” Travis’ smile
disappeared. “Now, don’t go getting ahead of yourself just yet. Being a partner
requires a lot more on your part than simply selling us the land. In turn, we’d
expect you to invest just as much into this company as we do. The resort won’t
run itself, and I have always intended for us to be right there on the front

“A partner.”
Zoey whispered this time and Kaleb wanted to reach over and touch her, but he
didn’t. “What would I have to do?” She asked, looking only at Travis.

have to work.” Travis laughed. “But don’t worry; we won’t have you cleaning the
rooms, although I think that would be one of your responsibilities.
You and V. Managing the housekeeping.”

“Me and V?”
Zoey appeared dumbfounded.

works for you now,
she?” Sawyer asked. “It
wouldn’t be like you’d have any time to handle your cleaning service if you’re
busy trying to co-manage a resort.”

watched as realization dawned. Zoey knew what they were offering her and
considering they’d never made an offer like this, it was monumental.
A partner.
A full partner in their
family owned

“A partner?”
Zoey asked again, her eyes lighting up. “You’ll buy the land for the agreed
upon price that you made my father originally, which means I can pay off the

the deal.” Kaleb confirmed, smiling.

“Holy crap!”

excitement caused them all to laugh, but they were still waiting for her final

you take the offer, Zoey?” Kaleb asked her when she flopped down into the

Absolutely yes.
I’ll take it.”

God.” Travis replied, pushing to his feet. “I’ll meet with our lawyer as soon
as I leave here, and we’ll get the papers drawn up. Tomorrow, before dinner,
we’ll meet up to get everything signed. That work for you?”

Zoey said
standing once again and accepting Travis
outstretched hand.

watched as the two of them shook on it.


few minutes later, after Sawyer and Travis left, Kaleb found himself leaning
casually against the wall, waiting for Zoey to say something. She hadn’t
stopped smiling for the last five minutes, and he was beginning to wonder if
she ever would.

ok?” He finally asked when she stood staring at the front door.

Zoey turned to face him.
“Oh, sorry.”

had remarkably little warning before Zoey came running at him, launching
herself into his arms. He laughed as he pulled her against him, lifting her off
of the ground before turning so her back was against the wall.

advantage of the opportunity, he crushed his mouth to hers, seeking the sweet,
exotic taste that was all Zoey. Damn. He’d never get enough of her.
Kissing her, tasting her, holding her.
All of it combined
was so much more than he ever thought it would be, and he’d become addicted to
the little vixen in recent months.

He’d been addicted to her for years. But not like this.

take it you’re happy?” He asked as he nibbled down her neck, inhaling her scent
into his lungs and holding it there so he could savor it. The woman was

did this!” She whispered.

“No, baby.”
Kaleb smiled as he pulled back and looked into her eyes. “You did this.
All you.”

still can’t believe it.” Zoey
her legs from
around his waist, and he immediately missed her warmth. “I have to tell V!”

watched as she danced around the living room, his eyes roaming her body. Still
wearing that tease of a skirt and that wispy little sweater, he wanted nothing
more than to strip her naked, save for the boots. Fuck. His dick was harder
than granite, and his jeans had just become painfully tight.

what are we supposed to do now?” She asked when she stopped moving, still smiling.

thinking dinner is in order. Either you let me take you out to celebrate, or
you let me cook for you.
Your choice.”

can cook?” Zoey looked quite concerned, and Kaleb laughed.

know damn well I can cook.” He told her as he stalked her across the room. “But
let’s take this little party back to my place.”

lunged at him again, crushing her mouth to his for one of those soul stealing
kisses before pulling away quickly. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”




at the small table in Kaleb’s kitchen, Zoey watched as he worked. She’d only
been teasing him when she asked if he could cook. Years of knowing the man,
she’d been on the receiving end of one of his gourmet meals on more than one
occasion and she wasn’t about to pass up another.

you ever cooked naked?” She asked, joking.

when I’m cooking with grease.” He told her, not turning around. “Why?”

was just wondering. That would be a sight to see.” She loved seeing him naked.
All of that glorious toned skin and rippling muscle. Her mouth watered at the
thought, wanting to run her tongue over his entire body, exploring every
delicious inch.

was thinking it might be more thrilling to see
naked while I cook.”
This time he did turn around, and the way his eyes smoldered made her skin

naked for me, Zoey.” Kaleb said more firmly, and she realized he was serious.
“It’s only fair,” he continued, “I did the dishes naked at your house.”

Him and Gage both.
That night was burned into her

he was a little impatient because when she didn’t move to do as he told her, he
approached. After taking her hand, he pulled her up from the chair and
proceeded to remove her clothes, one piece at a time while he made no attempt
to pretend he wasn’t ogling her with his eyes.

He whispered a few minutes later when she stood before him perfectly nude
except for her boots. “That’s what I’ve wanted to see all afternoon.”

back to the stove like it was nothing for him to have a naked woman in his
kitchen, Kaleb proceeded to finish cooking. At first it was thrilling to see
the subtle glances he stole of her as she sat at the table, but when they were
actually eating, she had an overwhelming desire to cover herself.

Kaleb said, focusing on his food, but looking up at her when she attempted to
cover her naked breasts. “Naked is naked, and I want to see every luscious inch
of you.”

was killing her. Modesty had never been her thing, but then again, she didn’t
make a point of being naked in front of anyone. It was enough for Kaleb to see
her when they were going at it, but this was too casual. Her face flamed with
the embarrassment she’d been battling with.

pushing her plate away, she realized she was definitely finished with dinner
and anxious for him to get naked with her.

would ask you to do the dishes naked, but I think I’d rather see you busy doing
something else.”

breath hitched in her chest at the statement, and she suddenly worried what he
was referring to. When he stood from his chair, taking both of their plates
over to the sink before returning, Zoey kept her eyes glued to him.

he took the chair he vacated moments before and pulled it closer to her.

your chair this way.” He said as he stood before her.

knowing what it was he was after, Zoey did what he asked, hoping like hell he
was going to touch her soon.
Before she exploded.

put your foot on this chair.”


Holy crap.
If she put her foot in the chair, it would expose her completely.
More so than she already was, if that was even possible.
Unable to move, Zoey didn’t put her foot in the chair until Kaleb assisted,
lifting her foot and spreading her legs wide.

that’s pretty.”

entire body flushed at his statement.

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