Kaleb (22 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

BOOK: Kaleb
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his hips began thrusting, his cock tunneling through her mouth, Zoey had to
focus on not gagging, especially at this angle. But his beautiful cock was long
and thick, filling her mouth. Then his knees released her hands as he knelt on
the bed, straddling her head, but he easily trapped her arms between his legs
and her head, hanging over the edge of the bed. She couldn’t adjust the angle,
and he apparently knew that when he began fucking her mouth insistently,
pulling out altogether before sliding back between her lips, groaning out his pleasure
as he did.

she continued to focus on sucking his steely shaft, there was movement between
her legs and suddenly she was filled to overflowing. One cock filling her mouth
while another filled her pussy, both men ramming into her until her body was a
jumble of tingles and overstimulated nerve endings.

lifted her legs, holding them out to the side as he pummeled her pussy over and
over, faster and harder until she was unable to stop the tremors that had
started only moments before. Fighting to keep from biting down because she was
trapped beneath Gage, Zoey tilted her head, allowing Gage to thrust as far as
he could until groans erupted in the room.

Theirs and hers.

pussy spasmed around the huge intrusion, gripping Kaleb’s cock as his fingers
dug into her calves where he held her legs, and her orgasm erupted at the same
time they both let go.

filled her mouth, slowing his movements while lifting his upper body to keep
from crushing her as he held the base of his cock.

she tumbled back to earth, she was being pulled and turned; Kaleb’s sexy,
familiar scent once again comforting her as his arms came around her, holding
her close.


man had somehow figured out how to rock her world in every way imaginable, all the
while, Zoey knew she was falling way too fast for this man.

too fast.





set the clean plate down on the counter, turned off the water and headed to the
living room where her father was. She cocked her eyebrows at him, seeing him
sitting in the chair, a smile tipping his lips.

up, Dad?”

with me.”


wasn’t very often that her father asked her to join him, but when he did, she
knew it wasn’t so they could watch television together. He knew how very little
interest she had in the Old West reruns he enjoyed so much.

as to what it was he wanted to talk about, Zoey set the dish towel she used to
dry her hands on the arm of the couch and sat down close to his chair.

been thinking about the offer from the Walker boys.”

that was a good thing, Zoey thought to herself. She’d been thinking about it
too. Although she and Kaleb hadn’t talked about it after that one day when she
walked in on the conversation, Zoey had wanted to ask both her father and Kaleb
whether they had come to a decision.

Zoey, it was a no-brainer and yes, that made her feel both selfish and as
though she might be disregarding what her family had worked so hard to build.
The Stranford land had been in the family for generations, however, the hard
times that had fallen on her father in recent months were slowly taking their
toll on him.
And her.

didn’t know what the offer was exactly, and she hadn’t bothered to ask her
father, although she felt she deserved some more information. It was still his
decision to make, and she decided she would support him either way. If he
wanted to hold on to the land, Zoey would make sure they worked on getting it
back to its former glory and making money again. Or, if he chose to sell it,
she would ensure the money was used to take care of her father as it should.

you made a decision, Dad?” She asked when he didn’t say more.

have.” He turned his navy blue eyes on her; the same eyes she saw every day
when she looked in the mirror.

what did you decide?”

I don’t want you to be mad at me, and I don’t want you to think you don’t have
a say in this because you do.”

–” Zoey tried to tell him that it wasn’t her decision to make, but he silenced
her with a wave of his hand.

land has been in my family for an awful long time, and those before me fell on
hard times too, but somehow they managed to get through it.

I might not have told you this, but it has always been my plan to give you the
land and let you choose what to do with it.”

didn’t speak, she let her father talk, but her brain began pondering what he
was trying to tell her. She didn’t want to make this decision. She absolutely

would be something that could come between her and Kaleb, and despite the
relationship, for lack of a better word, that had developed between them, Zoey
knew their friendship alone might not survive this type of complication.

met with my lawyer.” Carl said, looking both sad and relieved.  “And as of
yesterday, this land no longer belongs to me.”

held her breath, waiting to hear that her father had actually accepted Kaleb’s
offer and the Walker’s now owned the one hundred acres they had been pursuing.

didn’t accept Kaleb’s offer, honey.”

heart dropped, and her stomach churned.

of the land including both houses now belongs to you. I didn’t do this to make
it hard on you, but I felt as though, in my current situation, you would be the
one to make the best decision.”

wasn’t so sure about that.

knew what her father was referring to. Over the course of the last few months,
his memory had been failing him significantly. And she knew her father was only
trying to protect them both by transferring everything over to her, but that
meant she was now responsible for his financial hardship.
that she hadn’t been before,
but it was quite different now.

I don’t –” This time Zoey stopped herself. She didn’t want to burden her
father, especially not in his current condition. If this was a decision she had
to make, then she would.

you have any concerns?” She asked.

not going to be easy either way. They have caught us between a rock and a hard
place, and I hate that I had to put all of this on you, but Zoey, this is your
birth right. And if you want a monstrosity of a resort in your backyard, then
that’s your decision. I support whatever you choose to do.”

Lord. When he put it that way...


hours later, Zoey was pulling down the long dirt drive toward the office building
of Walker Demolition. She had called Kaleb and asked that he and his brother’s
meet with her to talk about the land. She didn’t bother telling him that her
father had signed it all over to her because quite frankly, she didn’t want to
deal with that right now.

she did want was to know what their plans were. How it would affect her home,
her father’s home and the rest of the town. Until today, she found herself
supporting Travis’ idea, but selfishly that had been because she didn’t want to
lose her home. If she sold the land to the Walker’s she would be able to pay
off the house and there wouldn’t be any chance that her father would lose his

that meant for her community was another story. This resort, as they referred
to it, was going to draw in all sorts of people. And she felt she deserved to
know more.

her truck, she shut off the engine at the same time Kaleb descended the stairs
from the back door of the office. Her eyes were glued to him as he approached.
Just like always, even before they started up this little rendezvous of theirs,
her heart did a little happy dance the moment she laid eyes on him. He was
beautiful. With his white button down shirt, those tight Wranglers accentuating
his thick legs and his delicious butt, Zoey found her hormones coming to life
yet again.

couldn’t afford to be led by her hormones anymore.
not today.

He greeted as he opened her door.
“You all right?”

No, she wasn’t.

Travis and Sawyer here?” She asked as she slid down from the driver’s seat and
stood before Kaleb. He was standing so close she could smell that musky,
mouthwatering scent of his cologne, the same kind she bought him for Christmas
one year.

are.” He stated, sounding unsure of himself. “What’s going on?”

met his gaze and saw the concern in his eyes, and she knew he’d see the same in

go inside, please.” She couldn’t do this here. Not with Kaleb. She had a better
chance of standing up against all three of them than she did Kaleb alone. Her
heart wanted to give this man anything he wanted, even if it wasn’t in her best
interest. And that was something she couldn’t chance with the biggest decision
of her life thus far.

her hand, Kaleb walked alongside her, glancing down a time or two, but Zoey
kept her eyes trained on the building. This was hard enough as it was, and
looking at him only made it that much harder.

“Hey, Zoey.”
Sawyer greeted as soon as she stepped through the door. The man was up and out
of his chair, immediately pulling her against him. Zoey steeled herself,
hugging him back and soaking in his warmth. That was what she got for
befriending the Walker’s. They were a very sweet bunch, not to mention,
devilishly handsome.

She replied when he pulled back. She noticed Travis sitting in a chair, a cup
of coffee in his hand, staring back at her.


“Hey, Zoe.”
He said, using the shortened version of her name as he always did. Travis was
the only one of the Walker’s that felt like a brother to her. He was considerably
older, and she hadn’t gone to school with him, which meant she didn’t know him
nearly as well either.

She said when she found her voice. “Thanks for agreeing to meet with me.”

nodded his head, sipping from his coffee mug but never taking his eyes off of
her. “What can we do you for?”

released Kaleb’s hand, trying to find the nerve she lost somewhere between her
house and their office. She knew she had to do this, but she suddenly wished
she wouldn’t have jumped to do it so quickly. Although time obviously wasn’t on
her side because she spoke with the bank just before coming over, and her days
to come up with a solution were definitely numbered.

like to see the plans for the resort.” She told them, glancing between Sawyer
and Travis, but avoiding Kaleb’s gaze. She could feel him looking at her from
where he stood near the coffeemaker.

Travis asked, not sounding nearly as friendly as moments before.
“What for?”

show her the fucking plans.” Kaleb groaned, handing Zoey a fresh cup of coffee,
which she took. “You can sit there.” He pointed to an empty seat near his desk.

room was small and in it were three relatively large desks, one for each of the
three oldest Walker brothers. She knew Braydon and Brendon preferred not to be
in the office, so they didn’t need desks and Ethan and Zane had an office near
the other shop where the vehicle maintenance was handled.

She said to Kaleb, sitting in the chair and placing her cup on the desk. “I
want to talk about the offer you made my father, and in order to do that, I
need to see what the plans are for this resort.”

didn’t look all that happy, but he opened his desk drawer and pulled out a
cardboard tube which he placed in front of him. After popping off the end, he
pulled out a set of rolled up papers before flattening them on his desk and
setting a couple of items on each corner to hold them open.

come here.” Travis stated gruffly as he shot a look at her.

hesitantly approached the desk as if
Travis were a coiled snake ready to strike. There in front of her was a jumble
of lines on a grid. If she looked closer, she could see the architectural
layout of what they obviously envisioned for the resort.

thing was undoubtedly a monstrosity as her father had said.

big is it?” She asked the obvious question.

plan is for four hundred thousand square feet in total, including five hundred
guest rooms, shopping, dining, two clubs, and meeting rooms.”

Holy crap.
“How many acres does it sit on?”

“Roughly one hundred acres.”
Travis said.

why do you need so much land?” Zoey asked. She heard they purchased two hundred
acres of adjoining land from two other ranchers in the area, so she wasn’t
quite sure why they needed more.

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