Justin (4 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Justin
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He almost laughed at how easily he’d gotten her to agree, but decided that would ruin the effect entirely. “How does seafood sound?”

Fabulous. I love seafood.”

He took her to a small out of the way place. He ate out a lot, because he wasn’t home enough to hire someone full time like his friend Steven did. He had a cleaning service come in once a week, but there was no point in anything more than that. He practically lived at the office, so it was just easier to eat out. He’d considered having meals delivered that he could just microwave, but he simply preferred to eat out. His condo was a place to sleep and shower. Nothing more.

When he took one of his rare days off work, he usually spent it with his friends or his grandmother who lived in Carrollton. She had raised him, and now that she was in a nursing home, he went to see her as often as he could. He’d offered to hire a private nurse for her, but she said she’d prefer the company of other people her age, so he’d paid for a top of the line nursing home instead. She was happy there, but never happier than when he went to see her.

The flight is going to take about twelve hours, so I thought I’d pick you up around five on Monday evening. We’re flying out of Alliance Airport, so it’s a drive.”

Why Alliance?” Alliance Airport was a small airport on the Northwest side of Fort Worth. It was a long drive from downtown Dallas, and there were two large airports so much closer, it seemed ridiculous to go out of there.

That’s where we keep the corporate jets,” he explained calmly. “We’ll be flying with Cody. Have you met him yet?”

She shook her head. She knew the name, of course. Cody was the third member of the trio who had started the company. It had been at his instigation that Steven had written the computer software their entire company was based off of. The three men co-owned the company, but Cody was often off attending sporting events to try to charm different team owners to buy their software, or to upgrade their software. He wasn’t in the office much at all.

The other owner of the company, Steven, worked from home a lot. Justin was the only one of the three who made regular appearances at the office.

We’ll fly all night then?”

Yeah, don’t worry, you’ll be very comfortable.”

She shrugged. “I’m not so sure about that. I’ve only flown once, and that was for my senior trip when I was in high school. I’m not a good flyer.”

He tilted his head to the side. “You’re not afraid to fly are you?”

She nodded. “A little. I mean, I don’t need to be drugged or anything, but I always feel really claustrophobic with people cramped all around me like that.”

He grinned. “We’re taking the corporate jet, though. There will only be three passengers.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh. I hadn’t thought of that. So how many people will be attending this business meeting?”

Just us three men.”

And me, of course.”

Oh, yeah, sure.” He didn’t meet her eyes as he took a bite of his dinner. There was no real need for her to go on this business trip. He was taking her for one reason and one reason only. He wanted to get to know her better. He hoped by getting her away from the office, she would be able to forget he was the boss.

Once they arrived at her apartment, she turned toward him to thank him for the ride, wondering if he’d try to kiss her again. She found she was disappointed when he didn’t. Now that she was officially his assistant, did that mean his interest in her was over? She found she liked him more and more as the days went by. He wasn’t the gruff person everyone thought he was. Sure, he was a little on the bossy side, but she could deal with that. Couldn’t she?

Well, g’night. I guess I’ll see you Monday evening.” She put her hand on the door handle.

Monday evening it is. I’ll see you then.” He looked into her eyes, finding himself mesmerized once again. They were the greenest eyes he’d ever seen. “Do you have big plans for the weekend?”

She shrugged. “Apparently I need to pack for a business trip. I’ll probably do my laundry and go see my parents on Sunday. I always go see my parents on Sundays.”

You said they live in Arlington?” At her nod, he asked, “How do you get there? They don’t have public transportation in Arlington, do they?” His brow furrowed as he asked the question. From his college days, he remembered that Arlington was the largest city in the nation without public transportation. Cody had become instant buddies with him when he found out he had a car during their freshman year.

My kid brother usually comes to pick me up and drops me off. He just got his license a few months ago, so driving in Dallas is still exciting for him.” Her family had always been tight knit, and she loved it. “What about you? Big plans for the weekend?”

I need to have some projections on paper for the meeting we’re having next week. Other than that, not really. I’ll probably go see my grandmother on Sunday.”

Are you close to your grandmother?” He didn’t seem the type to dote on his elderly grandmother.

He nodded. “Yeah, she raised me. My dad took off when I was little, and my mom died a few months later. She’s been the only constant in my life. She’s in a nursing home now. She loves it there.” He couldn’t help but smile as he thought about her. “I offered to get her a private nurse so she could stay on her own, but she said she’d rather be in a nursing home where she can play cards and having fun with the other old folks.” He leaned forward as if to bestow a secret. “I think she has a boyfriend there.”

Sarah laughed picturing a little old lady with gray hair and a little old man sneaking into her room at night. “Sounds like you love her a lot.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know what would have happened to me if she hadn’t taken responsibility for me the way she did. I try to spend at least one day a week with her when I can.”

Her image of him shifted once again. He certainly wasn’t the man she’d imagined him to be, but every day she realized he was so much more than she could have hoped for. She was quickly losing the crush she’d had on him for so long, but it was turning into something more. She almost wished she didn’t work so closely with him so a relationship would be possible.

Well, I’d better go up. Thanks for dinner.” She opened the door and walked up the stairs to her apartment, aware that he once again sat waiting for her to open her door and slip inside. She couldn’t wait until Monday evening when she’d be with him again.


The weekend flew by. Sarah went through all the clothes she owned at least three times before she finally settled on what she would take with her. She didn’t know how she should dress for the plane ride, but decided jeans would have to work. If they’d be flying all night, he couldn’t expect her to be uncomfortable, could he?

At Sunday dinner, she told her parents about her new job, talking nonstop about Justin and her new responsibilities. After a while her brother, Curt, finally said, “If you love the guy so much just marry him. Don’t make me listen to another word about how perfect he is.”

She started to protest, but knew her blush gave her away. Her parents just laughed as she sputtered, trying to come up with a clever response.

Finally her mother just smiled and said, “I’m glad you’re enjoying your new job so much.”

After they’d finished eating, Sarah helped her mother with the dishes as always. “So is this Justin the same man you used to cut out every newspaper article about and put into a scrapbook?” The question was asked casually, but Sarah could see her mother watching her out of the corner of her eye.

She flushed. “Yeah, it’s him. You knew I was working for his company.” She was embarrassed to admit it, because her mother was always able to read between the lines so well.

Her mother nodded. “I did. I didn’t realize you’d actually met the man, though.”

Sarah shrugged. “I had to talk to him about an HR matter early in the week, and he offered me a job because his assistant was about to go on maternity leave.” She left out the part about how she was being treated in HR, because she didn’t want her mother to go all “mama bear” on her.

Is he a good kisser?”

Sarah turned beet red. “I don’t kiss my boss.” Her protest was weak and she knew it. Her mother had always been able to see right through her.

Carol’s eyes lit up. “So, when do we get to meet him?”

Mother! I can’t ask my boss to come over for Sunday dinner so he can meet the family.”

Well, I don’t know why not.”

Sarah poured the soap into the dishwasher and started it. “It’s not happening.”

Invite him over next Sunday.”

Sarah shook her head. “I forgot to tell you! I’m going to be away on business next weekend. I won’t be here for dinner.” She didn’t meet her mother’s eyes as she said it.

A business trip? With Justin?”

Sarah sighed. “Yes, a business trip with Justin.”


Sarah shrugged. “He said to take along beach stuff. That’s all I know.”

Wouldn’t you have made the reservations being his assistant and all?”

He said his partner took care of all that. All I have to do is pack my stuff and wait for Justin to pick me up at my apartment tomorrow evening.”

Carol smiled and hugged her daughter. “Just don’t be too stuffy on the trip. None of your nonsense about how you can’t date the boss. If something happens between you, go for it.”

Sarah shook her head. “Are you telling me to sleep with my boss?” Her mother had always seemed so conservative.

Carol shrugged. “I’d never say anything like it. But packing some sexy lingerie wouldn’t hurt.”

Sarah didn’t know what to say to that, so she headed back into the living room. “You ready to take me home, Curt?”

Curt shrugged. “Sure.” He held his hand out for the car keys and their father plopped them into it.

Be careful!” Bruce got to his feet and hugged Sarah. “Have a good week.”

I have a business trip. I’ll see you in two weeks.”

Bruce raised his eyebrows. “Business trip? With your boss you can’t quit talking about?”

She pulled away and hugged her mother, not answering. “Love you, Dad.”

She practically ran out the door with Curt following behind her. She got into the passenger side of the car and sighed. She was glad to not be under her parents’ speculative gazes anymore.

So, you sleeping with him?” He looked over his shoulder before backing out of the driveway.

Sarah stared at her brother with shock. “Of course not!”

He shrugged. “You should.”

What is wrong with you people?”

He winked at her. “Just figured you were too old to be holding out. That’s all.”

I’m only twenty-two!” Her family had never worked so hard to push her into bed with a man. She felt as if she’d stepped into the
Twilight Zone

Yup…that’s what I said. Old.”

She sighed. “My family is insane.”

That’s why you love us.” He turned up the music.

He played his music so loud they couldn’t talk anymore. Once they reached her apartment, she gave him a quick hug and waved him off. Opening the door, she thought about everything her mother had said. Was she being too strict about not having a relationship with Justin? Should she relax a little during their vacation and see where it went? She shook her head. How would she be able to face him after their relationship ended, and she still had to report for work every morning?

She was still thinking about it when her cell phone rang. “Hello?”


Justin? Why would Justin be calling her? “Yes?” She did her best to keep her voice calm. She’d never spoken with him on the phone, and his deep voice sent a shiver up her spine.

It’s Justin.”

Hi.” She sank down onto her bed, folding her legs under her.

What do you have planned for this evening?”

She looked at the clock. It was only six. “Nothing really. Why?”

Cody wants to have a quick discussion about my soccer proposal, and he was thinking about bringing a date, because it’s only going to take us a few minutes, but he didn’t want to bring her and have her be the only female.” He spoke quickly as if he’d rehearsed what he was going to say. “So, I was hoping you’d go along too, and then you guys could keep each other company while we talk business.”

Her brows drew together in confusion. “Umm. Okay. Do I need to get dressed up? I’m wearing jeans.” She stood and went to check her appearance in the mirror.

We’ll go somewhere casual. I’ll be there in two minutes.”

Wait! Two minutes? Where are you?” Was he already on his way? He was that sure she’d say yes?

He chuckled. “In your parking lot. I watched your brother drive off before calling you.”

How long have you been sitting out there?”

Only a few minutes. I knocked on your door, but there was no answer, so I thought I’d wait a bit and see if you came home.”

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