Justified Treason (Endless Horizon Pirate Stories, Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Justified Treason (Endless Horizon Pirate Stories, Book 1)
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“The days passed and I began to feel more at ease. Though I was unsure where my life would lead me, Faron insisted that I stay strong. He reminded me to be brave and assured me that I was free to set my future on my own terms. He gave me hope to go on. 

“We were both heavy with stress and uncertainty, but rather than discussing the details, we ran from reality into each other’s arms. It is still fascinating to think that such a vibrant romance could have flourished in such terrible surroundings, but by the might of sheer desire we found our ways.” 

Having seen Faron Flynn, I understood Mary’s attraction to him wholeheartedly. He was handsome and strong, his personality was powerful, and his heavy Irish accent was very alluring. As Mary continued, I found myself blushing at the shameless expression of her secret love affair.

“His arms were strong from working the land, and I will never forget the way I felt when he wrapped them around me. Oh, and the sensation of his skin on mine was like electricity. His bare chest was wide and mighty but his grip was passionate and warm. It was impressive to see a man so strong and stern become so soft and loving. His dark eyes were powerful as a winter storm yet his smile was warm and generous like the sun. The thought of Faron Flynn will forever be the sweetest dream in my heart.”

I sighed at the thought of Mary’s expression and asked, “So how did you lose track of each other?”

Mary finished up my curls and took a deep breath before she continued. “We were nearing Barbados and everyone that had survived the sickness aboard was stirring in excitement. The tiny island was in clear view, and the swamping Caribbean heat surrounded us on the deck. Faron came near me and whispered a strict command in my ear.
Stay near the long boats. Get in the second you are commanded to. Don’t ask questions and don’t hesitate when it’s time.

“I had a million questions to ask but he quickly kissed me on the mouth in front of everyone aboard, leaving me awestruck in my place next to the long boat. The mutiny unraveled like a disoriented dream. Men were fighting, women were screaming, children were crying. The women and children were forced towards the small boats, and as we were commanded to board them I did so without question and did not hesitate. The men that did not care to fight were allowed to enter the boats as well, and as the boat lowered into the water I saw Faron knock a man out with his fist and take his sword from his limp body. He then moved on to fight with the man that had hired him. While Faron now had a sword, the man that was to be his master had a gun, and I never saw what came of the fight.

“A few more boats lowered behind the one I was in, and as a chain of haunted souls, we rowed the long boats to shore. I was pleased to see so many survivors. We avoided the war in Ireland, evaded the sickness at sea, and escaped the mutiny near shore. It was like a hazy dream as I stepped foot on the sand of the mysterious New World and watched the
sail off into the horizon.”

The hum of Mary’s last words echoed through my frozen state of disbelief. As soon as I could move I jumped up to hug Mary and cried, “Oh, what an amazing adventure. T
hank God that you survived and you are here safe with us now.”

“Yes, my dear, I am also so thankful.”

“So you did not know if Faron was alive or not?”

“I had always wondered. I was so thankful to see him last week.”

“Did you ask him what happened next?”

“I did not. If he wanted me to know he would have told me. You have to remember, Miss Charlotte, there are some things you might not want to know about a man.”

That statement led me to wonder if I really wanted to know what happened at the Patterson’s house. The wonder of that thought was short lived, for my curiosity was too blustering and I knew that I would never rest with that unsure possibility on my back. The Pattersons would be over for dinner later so I figured I would at least get some ideas of what was going on.

Mary had dressed me in an emerald dress that was lined with ivory lace, and she tied a gold colored bodice around my torso. After pinning my hair up with only two long curls hanging from the back, she turned me to face the full length mirror. I complimented her work and hugged her tight one last time before I headed down for breakfast.

While we ate I daydreamed about Mary’s adventure and pictured myself in the scene. I wondered what life would be like if I had to marry Lawrence Braddock. What if he was terrible to me like Mister Caffrey was to Mary? My father was always tender and sweet to Hester so I had not imagined the fearful possibilities of marrying a cruel man. The dreadful thoughts led to dashing daydreams of Sterling defending me the way that Faron had defended Mary from Mister Caffrey. I could hardly wait to be near my buccaneer again.




Paul and Maureen Patterson arrived with their children just before dinner was served. We all sat at the table and the adults enjoyed a fine bottle of dark rum. Maureen’s face was healing and she seemed to be edging out of her trance while enjoying pleasant conversations with Hester. Hester was definitely right about Maureen needing a woman to talk to. For the most part, I sat quietly and observed everyone.

Edward, the chef, made curry chicken and vegetables served over steamed white rice with fried plantains on the side. Naomi served the exceptional meal with a smile, and I wondered what
Sterling was eating for dinner. I laughed to myself as I remembered the silly face he made about the things he had to eat to survive. He made humor out of the least enjoyable things and I loved the way he laughed.

Everyone talked and laughed through dessert and then the men headed out to smoke their cigars.

Hester had her servant take the children to the den to play. As the two women started talking, I felt awkward and asked Hester if I should be excused. She held one hand over her chest and fanned at me with the other as she gasped, “Nonsense, my dear. You are soon to be a married woman as well. It will be your place to sit and chatter with us while the men smoke their cigars.”

Maureen and Hester’s laughter bubbled with rum as they spoke about expensive furnishings and lavish jewels. I could easily have been lost with boredom as they went on, but I had a meddling desire to connect with them. Hester knew the man that I was arranged to marry and Maureen knew something of the man I desired.

They asked me a few questions to make me feel a part of things so I carried on with them as they giggled and gabbled. Though my original intent to convene was with ulterior motive, I actually found myself enjoying the company. For the first time, I saw Hester as her own person, beyond being my father’s wife. I already knew that she was beautiful but she was also funny and very animated.

I settled into the moment and almost forgot about the uncertain worries of my future as I enjoyed the jolly company, but my attention was suddenly forced back into reality when I heard Maureen confess, “You know ladies, I just haven’t been myself since the incident. It is truly a joy to be in good company tonight.”

Hester put her hand on Maureen’s. “If you need to talk, my dear, we are here for you.”

“Oh, I do appreciate it. I am sure that I should; it was just so fearsome and confusing I am afraid to relive it.”

“Well you take your time, darling. No one expects anything of you too soon. Though, I would like to say that you might feel better once you do.”

I agreed with Hester and assured Maureen that I always felt better about my problems after I talked with Mary. Maureen nodded her head and agreed. “Yes, indeed. You lovely ladies are probably right.”

Hester comforted, “We are not pressuring you to tell us anything you do not want to. Just know that when you are ready we are here for you.”

Maureen was quiet for a moment, then she took a deep breath. “Alright. On Thursday afternoon as we walked to the recorder’s office I saw a key on the ground near a bush. It was old and rusty but the look intrigued me. We went inside to continue our business, and it was still there on the way out. We were inside for so long I figured if it was important to someone they would have grabbed it already. I picked it up and took it home to use as a decoration. In hindsight, I wish I never would have touched the cursed thing!”

Maureen began to huff in distress so Hester placed her hand on Maureen’s back and rubbed in a soothing pattern. “Now, now, love. If this is too much, we can continue at a later time.”

Maureen took a deep breath and bravely continued on. “Once we were home, Paul went out to the fields and I do thank the Lord that the children were with
Lorraine. It was nearing sunset and I was in the parlor reading a book, when suddenly the door busted open. Two fearsome buccaneers stormed in.”

Maureen’s tone was even and bleak. I could see the fear reliving in her eyes and I clenched the table in suspense as I listened intently.

“The first one was older; he had a dark beard and his dark eyes were very, very cold. His glare will haunt me for life. The second one was younger; his hair was long, his eyes were a daunting green color, and I clearly remember the look of his exquisite sword.”

I was on the brink of my seat, edging with fear and frozen in suspense. I was terrified for Maureen, aghast by the visual of
Sterling doing such a thing, and frightened to finally hear what happened.

Maureen had loosened her nerves and was reeling in a smooth flow of details. “They came in with a fury. Their swords were out and the older one demanded,
I’ll be needing that key, lassie.
I was frozen with fear and could not find the words to respond. He stormed closer to me and spoke wickedly through clenched teeth.
The key.

In a much calmer tone the young one demanded,
Just tell us where the key be, we don’t want to hurt ye.
But the older one laughed in a contradictory tone that clearly stated that he would hurt me. I told them that the key was in the kitchen. The old one yanked me off of the couch and held the blade to my throat as he growled,
Ye be takin’ me to the kitchen then.

“I walked with his blade at my throat and the y
oung one coldly threatened,
Don’t be so foolish as to scream, lassie.
We got to the kitchen and the key was on the counter where I had left it. They had me cornered, and the old one pushed me harshly towards the key. I grabbed it and handed it to him in trembling fear. He glared with a terrible wickedness but the young one interrupted him,
Let’s go. We got what we be needing.
That’s when the old one backhanded me across my face. The force was so harsh that I fell backwards and hit my head on the counter on the way down. Before I lost complete consciousness I saw the young one look at me and lift his blade.

“I was sure he was going to kill me, but I have no idea what happened after that. All I know is that I awoke to my servant Shannon holding me. She was spewing a mouthful of words that I could hardly understand through her heavy Irish accent, so through my clouded pain I snapped at her to stop talking. She helped me to my feet and I was devastated by the sight that surrounded me. The house was destroyed. The kitchen window was broken. Everything was thrown off the counter. The parlor was completely abashed, furniture thrown over, lamps and vases shattered. I could hardly speak. I have hardly spoken since.”

Maureen laid her head low. Hester wrapped her up in a warm hug and I dashed around the table to squeeze her from the other side. We attempted to comfort her as she cried in our arms.


After the Pattersons left, I tried to lay down for bed but I was too restless to sleep, so I went out on my veranda and sat down in the corner. While attempting to sort out my thoughts, I watched the waning gibbous sink slowly into the sea, and it seemed to be mocking my anxiety. It had only been a week since I sat in this very corner with Sterling, but so much had happened since then.

Lawrence Braddock would make his appearance tomorrow. I still had lingering questions about what else happened in that break-in, and the fact that there was a break-in at all left me uneasy.
Sterling was somewhere out on that dark ocean, and as much as I would fight the fear, I couldn’t help but worry that he might not return.

There were no solid answers to the questions that swirled in my mind, and I wished to be cuddled up with
Sterling so I could cry on his chest. Then I laughed as I remembered his reaction to my laughing and crying fit. The more I remembered being with him the less I worried about what was to come. As my anxiety calmed, I made my way back to bed and settled in with vivid fantasies of my moonlight amour.

I started by remembering his stories of navigation, seafaring endurance, and then the way he moved with his blade in our mock sword fight. He was so strong and brave. Before long I drifted into the memory of our kiss on that rock and fluttered over the way it felt to have his strong arms wrapped around me. I had dreamt of what my first kiss might be like, but it was so much better than I could ever have imagined.
Then I thought about rolling through passionate kisses in the sand with him, and my heart illuminated with flickering desires. I loved the way he resisted his urges in order to protect my virtue, but I was swept away with fantasies of what would have happened if he had not resisted. I could hardly wait to see what would be next.











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