Justification For Killing (30 page)

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Authors: Larry Edward Hunt

Tags: #time travel, #kennedy assasination, #scifi action adventure

BOOK: Justification For Killing
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10. John Kennedy
re-elected to 2nd term in 1964. (Initials)


Okay, at the time you
read, agreed with and initialed numbers one through ten. Look you
can see your initials after each statement. Now look at the same
whiteboard on the easel.

Grandpa walked from the
end of the conference table over to the whiteboard and flipped the
cover sheet over to reveal the notes he had written earlier;
however, now the notes were entirely different from


  1. Assassin - Lee Harvey

  2. 12:30 P.M. shots fired
    from Texas School Book Depository.

  3. Official records - 3

  4. President assassinated by
    a lone assassin.

  5. President Kennedy received
    a mortal wound to his head and back.

  6. Secret Service Agent Hill
    was not wounded.

  7. Jack Ruby killed Oswald in
    Dallas police basement.

  8. President Kennedy died at
    Parkland Hospital November 22, 1963.

  9. Vice president Lyndon
    Johnson, was sworn in as President on the same date.

10. President Lyndon
Johnson re-elected in 1964.

11. Hubert Humphrey
elected vice president in 1964.

All right, is there
anyone that does not agree with the facts I have placed on the
board? If so, speak up now.” Everyone was nodding his or her head
in the affirmative.

Let me just summarize -
at the time I wrote these items, and you all say this was just a
few minutes ago, right...? Right! Okay, Lee Harvey Oswald fired
three shots from the Texas School Book Depository building in an
attempt to assassinate President Kennedy; he wounded President
Kennedy and Secret Agent Hill. Jack Ruby was arrested trying to get
into the basement of the Dallas City Jail. John Kennedy was
re-elected in 1964 and had his brother Bobby Kennedy as his vice
president. These are the items you all agreed on, right? Must be...
there are your initials after each statement.”

I do not know about the
others here at the table, but those items on the big screen are not
the ones I agreed on, I didn’t okay them Grandpa. Those are not
true facts. Why would I initial something I understand to be
historically inaccurate?” Stammering Gabby continued, “The
statements listed on the small whiteboard sitting on the easel are
correct. I don’t understand why my initials are on the incorrect
items on the screen.” Bewildered see added, “My initials should be
on the whiteboard sitting right there on your easel. Somehow
Grandpa you faked the whiteboard photograph that is being projected
on the screen,” exclaimed Gabby.

All those sitting around
the table nodded their heads in agreement with Gabby’s statement.
“That’s right!”, someone at the table commented, “Somehow, Grandpa,
you faked that picture.”

The picture has not been
touched - it is not a fake. Neither is the whiteboard here on the
easel. I’ll now show my second picture.”

The scene of the
whiteboard on the screen suddenly changed to a group picture of
everyone sitting at the conference table.

Forrest was the first to
speak, “It’s just us Grandpa. I don’t see anything unusual about
the picture. What are we supposed to be looking for?”

Look closer

He strained trying to see
something out of the ordinary when it hit him. “Ooooh... mmmmy...
ggggoodness,” he could barely get the words out of his

What? What? Gabby cried
out. “What do you see Forrest?”

Gabby, it’s not what I
see, it’s what I don’t see!!”

Doggone it Forrest,
you’re as bad as Grandpa. What do you NOT see?”

Bud! I don’t see Bud! Bud
you are not in the picture.”

Olive Marie replied, “Yes
he is... he’s got to be... he was sitting next me the whole time!
Right here on my right. He... ”

You’re correct Lou, I’ve
been here all the time except my trip to the restroom.”

As they all viewed the
scene at the table, Bud was nowhere to be seen. All they could see
was an empty seat between Lou and Olive Marie. “How did you do that
trick Grandpa? That’s a good one.”

Is this the photo I
snapped right before leaving the room?”

No!! It can’t be,
Grandpa, Bud is not in the picture. That was taken at a different
meeting, and you switched photos... somehow.”

What time did I leave?
Does anyone recall?”

Yes, I do Captain,” said
Spook. “You took the last photo and left the room a few minutes
past two o’clock.”

That is about right
Spook. What was the date?”

Captain? Are you serious?
The date? Okay, the date was today, Tuesday the 20th of November

Does everyone agree?” All
heads were again nodding in agreement. “Okay, I’m going to enlarge
the calendar clock in the photo. The one over in the corner of this
room.” All eyes immediately shifted toward the corner and back at
the photo on the screen, then they stared intently at the tiny
clock image in the picture - Grandpa pointed the computer cursor,
clicked, and the clock began to enlarge... bigger...

Forget everything I just
said. Forget it... forget it... wash my mouth out with soap
Grandpa... I’ll never doubt anything you ever say again. Just
look...! Just look...!” Gasped Gabby.

She and the rest of the
group stared intently at the photo of the clock. The whole room was
shocked, as the clock began to get large enough to read the time
and date. They were startled by its revelation.

The time on the clock read
2:05 and the date was... was... Monday the 19th of November

See it
is no trick, Bud you are not in the picture, and the picture was
Gabby, I thought you said I was only gone about five minutes! If
you all will return to your seats, I am going to explain what you
are seeing, or in this case - not seeing. I realize it is going to
seem strange, but just remember one thing: I am not making this up,
it actually happened.”

Grandpa, this is freaking
me out. You are not making any sense.”

As you
sat here, in your minds, just a few minutes ago, we talked about
the assassination of President Kennedy - sorry, but we talked about
assassination of President Kennedy. Let me

Friday I had a surprise
visit from our old friend Anhur. Yeah, you are right Bud I can see
you, Forrest and Olive Marie grinning. He saved you from an
airplane crash on your trip to Mexico City. He interfered in an
event that would have caused the death of many people. Because of
his interference in our future, people on our planet were allowed
to live that should have died. That possibly could have included
you three.

For his unselfish act,
Anhur was sentenced to death back on his home planet of Sunev. His
Supreme Council did not carry out the death sentence instead they
gave him another chance to redeem himself and live. To do so,
however, he had to undo another interference he had caused many
years earlier. Forty-nine years to be exact. Anhur is a terrific
Lilliputian, but he just cannot keep his fingers, all eight of
them, out of Earth’s business.

brings us to the topic of our meeting today - when Anhur visited he
told me a most unusual story. A story about Parallel Universes and
how our ‘Time-machine’, ‘Timerider’, ‘Lightening Rod’,

’ or
whatever we wish to call it can bridge the gap between our current
time dimension and another. We can actually travel from one
Parallel Universe to another Parallel Universe. Even Einstein had
his e equal mc square theory of relativity. He believed time wasn’t
a straight line. His equations prove time travel is theoretically
possible. Well until now his theory implied it was mathematically
probable, but most scientists agree it was also impossible. I have
now proven not only is it probable, but also it is, in fact,

I have
an admission to make: Gabby, you were wrong - that ‘dadgum’ machine

Almost in unison, the
group emitted a questionable, “What? How do you know?”

When I left the room you
thought I was gone for just a few minutes. I was gone more than a
few minutes - I was gone nearly three days!”

What! What are you trying
to tell us? Grandpa you’re talking out of your head!” said

Gabby, at the beginning
of this meeting, I outlined on my board the situation with the
attempted shooting of President John F. Kennedy. Yes, I said
‘attempted’. You see, when you walked into this meeting yesterday
morning, we were all living in an Alternate Universe. Anhur and his
people called it Parallel Universe B or ParUn B. I get the idea you
are saying, ‘Captain, have you lost it?’ Well let’s take a look at
all those items lying on the table in front of you, and I will try,
using them, further to explain this Parallel Universe

You all witnessed Lou,
Sam Lin and Si Lei as they had sealed my shoulder bag before I left
to go downstairs, and they inspected and determined the seal had
not been tampered with when I returned. On my return, I broke the
seal and gave each of you an envelope containing some strange
items. Let me make one statement: this bag was in my possession
when I left you all, traversed the Parallel Universes with me, and
I personally brought it back along with all the items inside. As I
previously said these items are real also and have not been faked.
They were representations of real events, items and people at the
time I put them into the bag. Any of you, if you had so desired,
could have assembled a package matching the ones lying before you,
with no trouble at all. Two caveats – you would have had to
assemble the items before I went down to the laboratory but today
it would be impossible! I’ll explain.”

Lou, Sam Lin and Si Lei
sealed all of those items, from your brown envelopes, in my
shoulder bag before I left this room. Isn’t this right? Yeah, I see
you all agreeing. When I left this room we were all in a Parallel
Universe we all knew and at the time was correct. I left that
Universe of yesterday and returned to our Universe of today. They
are not the same; although, you did not recognize the change. My
duffle bag and I left one Universe and my bag and I came back in
another Universe. I perceive this is hard to grasp, but remember I
cut the seal in front of you all just to prove I had not altered
anything in my bag.

let’s take a closer look at the items from my bag - first is
Washington Herald
newspaper. Check out the date - it is November 10, 2012 and
then the headline: “PRESIDENT DIXON MEETS WITH HUSSEIN.” Who is
President Dixon you have already asked? And you all know Saddam
Hussein was executed December 30, 2006. Notice the article
describing the forty-ninth anniversary party celebrating the
survival of Presidential Kennedy in the assassination attempt on
November 22, 1963. To commemorate that event, the Kennedys were
planning a grandiose party at Hyannis Port,

The other newspaper
article dated August 15, 2012, attests to the fact the seventy-four
year old Lee Harvey Oswald was trying to seek a parole from prison.
How can this be true you say? We all have knowledge that Jack Ruby
killed Oswald in the basement of the Dallas City Jail Sunday the
24th of November 1963, two days after Oswald killed JFK. How is he
now alive and seeking a parole in 2012?

The next item - the thick
blue book - was the final output of a congressionally ordered
commission that investigated the ‘attempted’ Presidential
assassination. Notice it is dated September 24, 1964.

I saved some of the best
for last... in our alternative universe, which began when
Presidential Kennedy was almost killed, a war slowly evolved in
Southeast Asia. Yes, you are familiar with Vietnam, and understand
that war officially ended August 15, 1973. The other war, in the
Parallel Universe, had its beginning as the Vietnam War. The
Russians gradually got more and more entangled in the fighting. The
Chinese did not want to be left behind, so they got mixed up in it
too. It quickly outspread the borders of Vietnam and eventually
involved all of South East Asia.

became known as the Viruchi War,
etnam -
ssia -

Finally the escalation
ended with the Russians sending a Tomahawk type missile streaking
over South Vietnam, launched from a submarine offshore in the South
China Sea. This nuclear missile nuked Saigon on Independence Day
July 4, 1982. A few minutes later our military reduced Moscow and
roughly seven million Russian people to dust. The vast empty steppe
on the Moskva River, once the capital of the old USSR, would be
uninhabitable for the next thousand years thanks to America’s
modern military firepower. Counting both the two atomic explosions
millions upon millions of lives were killed, maimed or otherwise
rendered useless. Millions more died of hunger, disease or
radiation poisoning in the ten years following those final attempts
with men trying to settle their arguments using big boy toys. All
sides finally saw the futility of continuing this war, so on July
4, 1984, exactly two years to the day after Saigon and Moscow had
been vaporized, a peace treaty was signed.

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