Justice (Bad Boys of X-Ops Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Justice (Bad Boys of X-Ops Book 2)
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Helmet in Hand




SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART and Design, Georgia. Late July. Five and a half weeks since the first time I’d seen Tilly Lawless. One long motherfucking month since I’d said goodbye to her.

I followed waves of coeds, not nearly blending in with my huge shoulders and great height and nothing about me shouting
art student.

For once I didn’t carry a gun, though. That had to count for something.

The campus wasn’t anything like a military compound. It stretched throughout the streets of Savannah with historic buildings for student life and higher learning allocated here and there amid the small antebellum city.

No checkpoints.

No gates.

No guards.

Easy come. Easy go.

I’d never been to Savannah before.
savannas of Africa, yes. Deserts and desperately poor Third World countries, roger that.

Somehow, this land of peach trees and glossy magnolias, of long southern drawls and slow movements suited Tilly perfectly.

I’d booked into a hotel room, shaved, showered, dressed, and checked out again. The T-shirt I wore felt like a second skin sucked to my chest by the time I entered a theater-style auditorium to sit in on a class at Bergen Hall.

I had no sketchbook. No camera. I’d shoved my phone in the back pocket of my faded jeans after shutting it off. I didn’t have a straggly goatee or piercings through my nose or died purple hair layered in spikes around my head.

Remaining up high and in the back, I squeezed into a seat and spread my thighs. A girl with blonde braids hopped over me, a pencil end gnawed between perfectly polished lips.

“’Scuse me.” She adjusted an iPad and exchanged the end of her pencil for the end of her braid she twined around her fingertip. “Miss Lawless is so awesome.” She bent forward, eyes glued to the small lectern below. “We were so worried when she got caught up in Yemen last month. We had a vigil for her.”

The girlish woman spoke a mile a minute.

“Are you new?” She cut deep brown eyes to mine.

“Yeah. I’m new.”

“Just you wait. Lawless will set your heart on fire.”

When Tilly appeared after her TA—a very male and very eager and attentive TA who
helpfully hooked up her tablet to the projection screen—I bent forward, too.

Tilly stole my breath. Blew my fucking mind. Excitement tinged her cheeks as she started her lecture. She spoke about the Civil War as the birth of photojournalism, snapping through pictures from the 1800s that captured the brutality and the humanity. The two polar opposites of human conflict.

She spoke passionately about the duty of the photographer to bring not just images to life but also the stories of the people
the photos.

Two words into her lecture, I knew I was still as hopelessly, helplessly in love as before.

Her voice strove over the auditorium as she flicked through photographs ranging from the late 19
century all the way through the Great Depression and the Golden Age of the 1930s.

“Her photos have been in the
New York Times
, did you know that?” my seatmate asked.

I did. I’d done my research.

“And she has a spread in
Rolling Stone
next week.”

I knew. I had contacts.

“She’s one of the best photojournalists working today. She tells us no fear. Not even when a gun is raised on you.” The girl with the braids shuffled closer. “She’s Calamity Jane with a camera. I’m writing about her for the
, and that’s gonna be the headline. That’s what she is, don’t you think?”

I agreed, my throat chugging. I was the one who’d feared . . . scared of feeling with every sense Tilly fired inside me.

It coursed through me now, that love that had made me unbearable with its lack.

I was held in thrall for the next forty minutes, completely focused on Tilly.

Her voice shot through me. Her words compelled me. Good God,
her appearance
ratcheted my pulse.

She wore a slim skirt that showed her curvy legs, high heels that popped with distinct beats on the stage, a silky looking sleeveless blouse with a small bow between her breasts, and glasses.


She even made those look sexy.

But it wasn’t just the sexy.

It was the redheaded sassy.

The total brainiac smart.

The whole goddamn package.

When the lecture ended, the hall emptied slowly. My seatmate excused herself, and I sat spellbound.

Tilly shuffled through papers and flicked through photos with her back to the room while coeds filtered out.

I sat, fucking fidgeting, waiting. The overeager TA, with coal-dark hair and hungry eyes aimed at Tilly way too fucking often for my liking, finally departed.

Rising from the chair, my knees felt like they were made of jelly.

“Well, well, well.
Lawless.” I walked down the aisle.

Like a bird struck by an arrow, Tilly swiveled. “Justice!”

Her hand fluttered to her neck, and my nerves tightened with a calamity of emotions.

I pounced down the aisle, taking in her shock, her hair that framed her face, her eyes that pinpointed on me before they swerved away and she got that distinctly determined edge to her jaw.

“Glasses?” I stopped directly in front of her, my heart knocking around my chest like a rogue bullet.

Tilly crossed her arms over her chest. One hand lifted, and she pushed up the spunky little cobalt blue frames on her nose where freckles sparkled, some of which I still hadn’t kissed.

“I just wear them to look older and more formidable.” Her voice was cold, her posture unapproachable.

I chewed on my lip for a moment, hooking my thumbs in my pockets. “I think they’re sexy. Not formidable at all.”

Unwillingly, her eyes darted to me.

She gave me a quick once over, and her tone softened, “You still look formidable.”

“Come on now. In jeans and a T-shirt? I’m not even carrying a weapon this time.” I grinned, trying to tease some warmth from her before I completely bombed out.

She didn’t say anything, and her face shuttered, masking any feelings she might have.

“I’m very impressed.” I motioned around the auditorium. “You’re an incredible teacher.”

Leaning forward, I tried to clasp her hand, but she took two quick steps back and whirled away from me.

“How did you find me?”

Her perfume wafted toward me, sending sudden want crashing through me.

“That was easy, Tilly.” My voice dropped.

“I think you should go back to calling me Matilda.” Her shoulders stiffened. “Or nothing at all.”

I moved to her side, trying to engage her. “Can’t do that.”

What do you want
?” In profile she was fine-edged, her hair fanning out in golden-red flames behind her.

“You.” I felt as nervous as a boy asking a girl on a date for the first time, but I tried for calm and confident.

“Don’t do this to me again, Justice. I’m just about over it, and I told you I wasn’t going to cry for you.” She moved another step away.

Her aloof words slammed into me.

“I’m sorry for that. For everything.” I rubbed my hand over the back of my neck. “I’ve been fucking miserable.”

“Good. So have I.”

My heart took another hit, but I had it coming.

I strolled up behind her again. I didn’t touch her, though my palms itched and—
fucking hell
—I had to wipe them on my thighs.

“Nothing works without you.” I studied her downcast head.

“But we don’t work together. You said that.” Finally she turned her face, and a pink tinge splashed the crest of her cheek.

“Maybe I was wrong.” I stood behind her, near enough my breath rustled the hair on her neck. “No. I was definitely wrong. I tried to drink you away, fuck into forgetfulness—”

“You were with other women?” Her chin bent to her chest, and her arms crossed in front of her.

“I didn’t want them.”

“It doesn’t matter. It still hurts me.”

I turned on my heels, swinging my fists out, looking for something to punch. “That seems about all I’m capable of doing!”

“I didn’t look at another man. I couldn’t.” Her voice from behind had me spinning around.

“Oh, Christ, Tilly. Just look at me. Please.”


“Because I love you, goddammit, and you know it!” I took her hand in mine. “And I was a real bastard. I’m sorry.”

“You’ve said all this before.” She shook her head. “What’s different now?”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Heart on My Sleeve




“TILLY, I DIDN’T KNOW what I was doing, whether I was coming or going after the rescue mission. I almost fucking lost you because I messed up so badly—”

“It wasn’t your fault. How can you think that?” Her eyes softened for a moment. “The only thing you’re to blame for is leaving me the way you did.”

Pulling her hand to my cheek, I drew her closer. “I didn’t think I was good enough for you.”

“What about now?”

“I’m fighting for you, aren’t I?” I let her go to pace back and forth. “I want to give you everything I have. Everything I’ve never given to another woman.” Coming to a stop, I cupped my hands over her shoulders. “I want you like no one else. I
love you like no one else. And I don’t care when or how or where it happens—although a real bed would be nice for us for a change—but I’ll come back here, sit in your class, and I’ll learn from you and make you love me as much as I do you.”

“But I already do!”

All the pain and misery melted the moment I crushed her against me. “Thank God. Say it again, Tilly.”

I kissed her upturned face, holding her molded against me.

“I love you, Justice. So much.” She plucked out between kisses that grew deep and lush. “I couldn’t sleep. Teaching was the only thing that took my mind off you. I’d lay in bed and remember your smile, and your body, and the way you moved, the way you felt.”

Drawing my hands down her back, I flattened her against me. My cock dug into her belly, the feel of it making her breath hiss and mine roll out in a groan.

Just the feel of her was enough to ignite me in ways no other woman could.

Christ, even the sound of her voice turned me on.

“But you can’t stray.” She pulled her suckling lips from mine.

“Fuck. As if I would. Hell,
, Tilly girl, are the most sensuous woman I’ve ever met.” My tongue stroked across her mouth before I angled my head.

The kiss was deeper, wider, wetter, and I rubbed my erection hard against her. She circled her hips, too, and if there’d been no clothes between us we’d have been fucking full-tilt already.

I brought her hand down my front and settled it against the stiff rod of my cock. I stroked into her palm when she curled it against me. She bit my bottom lip, moaning, feeling my heat and heft.

Before I got any more out of control, I pulled her hand up to my lips, kissing her palm, watching her eyelids slide down to cover the dilated green irises.

“You are beautiful,
Lawless.” I skimmed my knuckles over her cheek. “I bet half the boys in here are taking your class just so they can stare at you.”

“They’re not boys. They’re young men.” Her eyes held a wicked delight, teasing me.

“I am well aware of that.” And I didn’t like it one little bit. I frowned down at her.

“But you don’t need to worry about that, because no one sets me on fire like you do, Jus.”

I kissed her again, in relief and wonder, wanting the inevitable to happen—to make love to her—but wanting to draw out the seduction until we were both too primed to wait. Until I could fuck into her and the first long stroke would make her explode.

“What happens now?” she asked breathlessly. “I won’t have you leaving me again.”

“Bossy thing, aren’t you?” I laughed loudly.

She slapped at my chest. “Justice. I’m being serious.”

“Yes. You are.” Grinning down at her, I tipped her head back and drew a soft outline around her softer lips. “Just what are you saying to me, Tilly Lawless?”

“Stop grinning at me!”

“Yes, ma’am.” I adopted a suitably serious look.

You’re as irritatin’ as a blow fly in July.” She squeezed my forearm then ran her hand up to my shoulder.

“I know.” Although she didn’t seem too put out, standing against me, teasing her fingers through the short hair at the back of my neck. “Bet your grandma used to say that too.”

“You jackass. I love you so much, I think about you and my heart stops for a beat. But I don’t know why.”

Ah reckon you do.
” I hooked her even closer.

“Why?” She leaned back against the support of my arm.

“Because I’m gonna be so damn good for you, Tilly Lawless.”

“Is that so?”

I kissed her very gently on her lips, following the bowed shape with my tongue before pulling back. “That’s so. But I think there’s something else I should tell you.”

“What?” She wet her lips, peering up at me.

“Do you know what my favorite color is?”


“Do you?” I tapped a tanned finger against the tip of her nose.

Her eyelashes fluttered shyly before she braved, “Green.”

“Why?” I kissed the humming little pulse point in her neck, holding her in the ring of my arms.

“Because of my eyes?”

I kissed the other side of her neck. “
. Yes. The shade changes with your mood though. Did you know that?”

Mutely, she shook her head.

Laying my lips against her ear, I flicked at her earlobe. “Apple green is my favorite color today.”

“Justice,” she moaned.

Her palms smoothed across my shoulders.

I nosed the bright curls of her hair, whispering hoarsely, “Although sometimes my favorite color is apricot.”

Her hand flittered to her hair. So feminine. So beautiful.

A surge of joy pulsed through me, and something more primal, sexual.

Cradling her face in both hands, I kissed her with deep, slow seduction she returned with her swirling tongue and sucking lips.

“That sure is some strange proposal you just gave me though.” I brushed the hair from her temples. “I don’t know whether to be flattered or not.”

“I did
just propose to you.”

“Well, you said you wouldn’t have me leaving you again so I just assumed—”

“You’re teasing me again!”

“Am I?”

“Justice,” she lightly growled.

“Now, now, Miss Lawless, no growling. I think we oughtta get this romance thing off to the right start for a change.”

“Are you gonna start talkin’ about biscuits again?” She gave a huff.

I grasped her ass in both hands through her tight skirt. “These biscuits, maybe. Now, hush up for a second, Tilly, I’ve got something I want to say to you.”

She watched me with a small smile.

Releasing her, I said, “I’m glad you didn’t propose to me. Because, to be totally honest, I’m the man and I want to do it.”

“Justice . . .”

“I said hush now.” I bent down on one knee in front of her and foraged around in my pocket.

Producing the ring with the big diamond inset inside summer-colored gold filigree, I looked up at her. “Tilly Lawless, I didn’t even know how empty my life was before you.” I brought her fingers to my lips, the ring enclosed in my palm. “Then when you were gone, I was dead inside. I can’t live without you. I don’t want to.”

I paused as her hands moved to cup my face.

I had to clear my throat to continue. “If you’d let me be your husband, I promise I’ll make you happier than you’ve ever been.” Serious and scared and so in love I thought she might make me cry, I asked, “Will you marry me?”

Her silence stretched for several squirmy seconds, and I almost withdrew the offer. But her lips trembled and her hands shook, and I watched her take several ragged breaths.

I moved her hands to my chest and held the ring before her. “If you say no I’ll just enroll in all your classes and stalk you until you change your mind, Professor Lawless. I wasn’t lying about that, you know?”

Tugging on my hands, she urged me to my feet.

When I stood in front of her, she flew against me, lighting kisses and laughter and tears all over my face. “Yes! Yes! Yes! You crazy man, yes!”

I swung her around in a dizzying circle before setting her on the floor. “You want this ring then?”

Her left hand shot out fast enough to create a breeze. “Put it on me.”

demanding.” A grin climbed up the side of my mouth.


“Crazy in love with you,” I whispered, placing the diamond ring onto her finger where it fit perfectly snug and beautifully twinkly.

I set her glasses aside and twirled her more slowly in my arms, kissing her all the while. My hands roved to her hips and around to her backside.

. I like you in a skirt.”

“Do you now?”

“Almost as much as I like you naked.”

“Smooth talking will get you nowhere.” Her eyes glittered.

“That so? Well, let’s see what else I can do then.” I trailed my lips and tongue down her neck, gathering her hair in my fist to tilt her head.

Her hand glided up inside my shirt, bunching it, tracing the muscles. She sucked and bit powerfully where my neck met my shoulder, and a shudder quaked through me from the back of my skull all the way to the soles of my feet.

“You marking me?”

“Oh yeah.” She went back to the same sensitive spot, and I groaned her name, fisted her hair harder.

“A skirt, and stockings.” My hands skimmed up her thighs, hiking the skirt higher, reaching the lacey tops of her stockings and stroking soft bare flesh above.

My lips roamed to her collarbone. I started unbuttoning her blouse. One button. Two. Surging between her parted legs, I let my heavy groin grind against the V of her thighs.

“And what do we have under here?” Running a hand inside the parted cloth, I palmed a tit that overflowed my large hand.

I leaned back for a better look. “More lace.”

Pale gray lace cupped the bottom fullness of her breasts only to the tops of her strawberry pink nipples. Above the nubs just hidden from view, her tits almost toppled free.

My skin stretched, wrapping my body in sparking desire. I sneered at her with unleashed lust. Tugging down the lace, I liberated her tits to my hands.

“I missed you.” I stared at the perfect bouncy mounds in my hands.

“You’re talking to my breasts?”

. Your tits. I like them.” I plunged my face down to them, mouthing her nipples with sleek hot kisses.

Her head fell back, her hips hitched up, but she gasped out, “Not here, Justice. Anyone could walk in.”

I reluctantly released her with a last loud suck on both tits. With shaking fingers, I repaired her clothes. Slipping her breasts back into the bra, I circled the hot peaks with my thumbs.

“God, I could lay you down right here. I need to feel you all over me.” I quickly buttoned Tilly back up. “Where?”

“Take me home.”

“How far?” Impatience tore at me.

“A few blocks. I walked today.”

“I drove down. We’ll take my Jeep.” I picked up the leather satchel she’d packed all her lecture notes into, slung her handbag over my shoulder, and tugged on her hand.

I almost hoisted her over my shoulder, too, to get up those goddamn stadium stairs faster. I’d have taken them two at a time, but she was wearing those sexy as fuck heels, and I didn’t want her to trip.



“You’re carrying my purse.”

“You think that makes me less manly?” With that, I did pick her up in my arms, and ran the rest of the way up the steps.

We burst out of the double doors, and Tilly pealed with laughter. “Oh, put me down!”

“Not a chance.”

“I have a reputation to uphold.”

I set her on her feet immediately and brushed any new wrinkles from her blouse and skirt. “My apologies, Professor Lawless.”

That done, I pulled her after me again. I was a man on a mission. If we didn’t make it to privacy soon I might have to slam her against the wall and fuck her in the middle of the corridor.

“Professor Lawless!” Her TA—floppy-haired-emo-boy—stuck his head out of a door as we hustled past.

“Professor Lawless has some very serious business to attend to with me. And she’s going to be Professor Lawless-Chase in a few weeks,” I shot back at the dude.

Hell yes, I wanted to stamp my claim on her. Fuck, I wanted to mark her all over with my scent and my come like an animal.

“What he said!” Tilly laughed and waved when we hit the outside door, dipshit still staring after us.

“A few weeks?” She gripped my hand, and I towed her along, practically taking down coeds like bowling pins if they didn’t get out of my way fast enough.

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