Just Say Yes (Just Say Yes #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Just Say Yes (Just Say Yes #2)
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It was nice to be home, but I felt gross from not showering in three days and desperately needed a nice hot bath and a toothbrush to clean my teeth.

“Can you help me with a bath, please?”

“Of course I will,” he replied, his voice strained. “Stay here and I’ll go start it for you.”

Since the bathroom in my bedroom only had a shower, he went into the guest bathroom and started the water in the large, garden tub. I watched as Andy went back and forth across the hallway, each time taking an armload of products and towels to the guest bathroom. When I heard the water shut off, he came out to collect me.

“Ugh, I feel like an invalid,” I groaned as he helped me stand from the couch and walk down the hallway. While I held on to the bathroom counter for support, he stripped my clothes off me, dropping them in to a pile on the floor.

“Get in with me?” I invited. He said nothing and shed his clothes. “I really need to brush my teeth first.”

On the bathroom counter, my toothbrush and toothpaste were laid out for me. Tasting blood again as I brushed, my eyes wandered over my injured body in the mirror and I noticed where the bruises were darker over each rib. Andy and Sasha were right. I needed to gain some weight. It was creepy to see the outline of every rib because of the bruising on my skin.

I felt Andy’s gaze on me. He was sitting on the edge of the bathtub watching me intently, his eyes roaming over my bruised body. He glanced up and I met his gaze in the mirror. It was almost like he was the one in pain instead of me. He swallowed hard then averted his eyes away from me as he ran his hands up his face and through his hair.

I quickly finished brushing and spit the bloody toothpaste from my mouth into the sink, rinsing with a mouthful of water before making my way over to the tub. It upset me to look at Andy because he was still wearing a distressed look on his face. He very gently took my hands and pulled me between his thighs, placing kisses on my bruised ribs.

“Are you in pain? I can get you a pill if you want one.”

I shook my head slowly. “All I need is you and a bath. I’ll be as good as new in no time.”

He stepped into the tub first to help me over the side. Andy sat down on the edge and helped me down to a sitting position then eased in behind me. The hot, vanilla-lavender scented water swirled around us.
Ahh, heaven
. A hot bath with a gorgeous man, what more did a girl need?

Somewhere he’d found a large plastic cup and filled it several times, pouring the hot water over my hair to wet it. Once it was drenched, he leaned forward and kissed my bruised shoulder. I reclined back onto his chest, relaxing against him.

After soaking a while, he stirred and took in a deep breath before he spoke. “Let’s get your hair washed.”

Once he helped me sit up straight, he wet my hair again then lathered it up with shampoo. He took great care when he washed the sore areas of my head. Once he rinsed and conditioned my hair, he squeezed body soap into his hand, gently massaging it onto my back and shoulders.

He eased me back on his chest then squeezed more soap on his hands to wash the rest of my body. I raised my uninjured arm up, wound it around the back of his neck, and ran my fingertips through his short hair. After he’d finished bathing me, he skimmed his wet, soapy hands back up over my breasts–my nipples hardened even more from his touch.

No matter how much I hurt, my body still craved him and the way he made me feel. “Please,” I whispered. “I need you.”

He lightly teased my breasts, gently working my nipples with his strong, masculine fingers. It felt wonderful. I let out a quiet moan as I closed my eyes and let my upright knees fall open to rest on the insides of his legs. Andy took the hint, letting his hand slide from my chest, down my stomach and under the water to caress and stroke me. His fingers began moving in a slow, agonizing, circular motion.

“Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Mmm, feels so good,” I whispered breathlessly. “Please, don’t stop.” His fingers were driving me mad and it felt like he hadn’t touched me in weeks. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to be with him right then, so I pulled myself upright, not caring how bad it hurt.

“What are you doing?” he asked, startled, when I started to get up.

“I want to be with you, right now. I can’t stand it anymore,” I whispered, hearing the desperation in my own voice.

His eyebrows rose in surprise when he realized what I wanted, then they furrowed with worry. “No, you’re too bruised. I don’t want to hurt you. Come on. Lean back and I’ll finish what I was doing.”

Damn noble man.

“Can you forget about being such a good guy for five minutes? I promise it won’t take any longer than that,” I laughed. Suddenly, I was glad he said no. I’d forgotten about missing my birth control when I was in the hospital.

“Sit,” he commanded in a very sexy tone as he indicated for me to take a seat between his legs.

When his eyebrow rose, I rolled my eyes at him, but did as he instructed. “Who’s bossy now?” I grumbled and moved back to my previous position against his chest. His hand dipped back under the water and like the good guy he was, he did as promised and brought me to orgasm within minutes.

Afterward, we relaxed, soaking in the tepid water. “Let’s finish our bath and get you back into bed,” he said.

Bed was the last place I wanted to be. It felt like I’d been in bed for a week straight. He rinsed the conditioner out of my hair before he rose to sit on the edge of the tub, leaving his feet in the water. Quickly, I washed my face with fresh water from the tap. Andy handed me a towel to dry off when I was finished.

Andy looked incredibly delicious sitting there with his golden, tattooed skin and long lean muscles on full display. While he scrubbed my legs and feet, he was growing hard as he touched me but was trying to hide it. He shifted his legs several times in an attempt to block my view, before he finally just grabbed a towel and draped it over his lap. When he was done, he gently set my foot back down in the water to rinse off the soap. As he did, the towel covering his lap fell into the tub leaving him completely exposed to me.

Since he’d taken such good care of me, I wanted to take care of him, too. I folded my legs to the side, and using my hands I slid across the slick bottom of the bathtub, until I came to rest between his knees. He had a knowing expression on his face when I looked up at him.

“Zoey, I know what you’re doing. I don’t want to hurt—”

I snaked my hand up out of the water and took hold of him. “Shh. I don’t want to hear another word out of you,” I said, staring up at him deviously. He raised his hands in surrender.

He was slick from our bath, so I caressed him slowly, my hand sliding easily over his smooth hardness. I moved closer, taking him into my mouth. I teased the head of his cock with my tongue and drew him in the way he liked it, stroking him and lightly squeezing his balls with my other hand. Andy’s breath quickened as he watched me while I pleasured him. I found it erotic. I liked to watch him as he watched me.

The man just brought something out in me I’d never felt before. I wanted to do everything with him and experience things I’d only read or heard my friends talk about. Sure, I’d been with a few people before him, but none of them did to me what this man did. Every inch of his body was something that I wanted to explore—to find out what he liked and what he didn’t—to make sure he was always satisfied, and never longed for anyone’s touch but mine.

One thing was for sure, Andy liked to run his fingers through my hair while I gave him blowjobs. I tasted his saltiness on my tongue so he was getting close. I pulled back and teased the head of his cock with my tongue and lips as I pumped him at the same time with my hand. He came with a deep, throaty groan moments later then slid back down in the tub with me as I swallowed.

“You’re in so much trouble now,” he said as I washed him off under the water.

“Fine with me,” I smiled. “It was well worth it.”

He helped me out of the tub and dried me off.

“I could get used to this, you know?”

“The next time you want me to bathe you, don’t put yourself in the hospital. Just ask me, okay?” he muttered as he toweled himself off.

Holy crap, was he mad
at me? Did I imagine it or was I just tired and in need of a pain pill?

“Fine,” I said as I attempted to lift my bruised leg to pull on my pajama pants. A sharp stab of pain shot through my hip, causing me to grimace. I gripped the edge of the countertop and dropped my foot back to the floor before I lost my balance.

“Jesus Christ, Zoey!” Andy growled as he lunged toward me to catch me if I fell. “Would you let me help you instead of trying to do everything on your own?”

He is mad at me!

“Why are you mad at me?” I asked defensively.

Andy helped me get dressed. “I’m not mad at you. I wasn’t prepared to see the bruises all over you. I’m sorry if you think that. I want you to take it easy and let me take care of you. I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re all I have and I can’t lose you too.”

He rubbed his hands up and down his jaw in frustration.
So that’s what this is about.
I wrapped my arms around his waist.

“I’m not going anywhere. I promise you I’m okay.” I embraced him tighter. It hurt, but I didn’t care. He didn’t hug me back. “Why won’t you hug me back?”

He sighed. “Because, I don’t want to hurt you. You’re covered in bruises, remember?”

How could I forget?

“I’m taking a pain pill then going to bed.” I turned and left him standing naked in the middle of my bathroom. My brain was getting foggy from the pain and I wanted to forget about what had just happened.

In the kitchen, I refilled my water glass then swallowed one of the pills the doctor gave me. After I took the pain pill, I decided to get James since he would let me cuddle him without being scared of hurting me. I hobbled next door and knocked on Will and Justin’s door

Will answered a minute later. “Zoey, oh my God, you’re home. Justin, she’s home!” he called toward their kitchen. “Come in! Come in!”

The boys each held an arm and helped me sit on the couch between them. We chatted a bit about what happened the night of the accident.

“I also want to thank you guys for helping Andy get to the hospital and for taking care of James for us. As soon as I’m back to normal, I’ll cook you two anything you want, I promise.”

They both smiled graciously, but I could tell they were keeping something from me. “We needed to get him to the hospital A-SAP so he didn’t have a stroke. I’ve never seen a man so distraught in my life. I wasn’t about to let him drive,” Justin admitted.

That made me feel guilty for being irritated with him earlier.

Will stood and went to get James for me. “We’re glad you’re home, Z. We were so worried about you,” Justin said as Will came back into the room, holding my tiny, orange fluff ball kitty.

“There he is. I’ve missed him.” I stupidly raised my arms to take him from Will and pain traveled from my shoulder all the way down my arm. “Ow.”

Justin’s eyebrows rose with concern. “You alright?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I’m good. Still waiting for the pain pill to kick in.”

Andy came barreling through their open door with a very pissed off expression on his face. “There you are, Zoey. You could’ve told me you were coming over here.”

“Sorry, I came to say hi and pick up James,” I said, full of remorse for worrying him. I turned back to Will and Justin. “I’d better get back home, guys. Looks like I’ve been busted for sneaking out.”

Andy turned and walked to the door to wait for me.
Not so patiently, I might add.
He was not happy with me.

Justin stepped forward to help me stand. “Z, give the poor guy a break. He loves you. You didn’t see him the other night after Jess called him. I thought he was going to break down our door from beating on it so hard. He didn’t know where the hospital was and all he wanted was to get to you.”

Knowing what Andy’s reaction was to my accident made me feel incredibly guilty for the way I acted toward him. I nodded at Justin, understanding. “Goodnight. Thanks for taking care of my two favorite guys for me while I was away.”

Once we were back in my apartment, Andy locked up and we headed to the bedroom in silence. I crawled into bed, set James on top of the covers, and watched as he playfully chased my hand. Andy sat next to us, brooding.

“Will you please talk to me, Sexy?” I used my nickname for him to try to get him to relax. He rubbed his hands down his jaw again. “Andy, stop doing that, please. I’ll be healed up in no time.”

“I can’t help it,” he admitted. “I swear to you, when Jess called me and she said you were hurt…that you weren’t waking up…I thought you were
You don’t know what that felt like for me.”

It made my heart ache to know that was how he felt, even for just a second. I wanted to move over and wrap my arms around him, but my pill hadn’t taken effect and it wasn’t possible to move without him noticing I was hurting. I needed to convince him I was okay.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that, but it’s not like I asked
to be tackled and put in the hospital. Besides, I was given a clean bill of health, remember? You were there.” James became bored with me, hopped onto Andy’s lap, and fell asleep.
Lucky little shit.
I wanted to crawl up on his lap and fall asleep in his arms.

“I’m sorry, too,” he said as he looked at me with shame in his eyes. “You’re right. I’m being a selfish prick. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. You’re all I have.”

Screw the pain
, I thought as I scooted over to him and wrapped my arm around him. At least he was sitting on my left side, so the dull throbbing wasn’t as bad. “I swear you’ll never lose me,” I whispered to him.

“I’ll be right back.” He waited for me to let go of him, then stood up and took James to his bed in the laundry room.

While he was gone, I maneuvered around until I was comfortable. It looked like I would be sleeping on my left side until my body was healed. Andy came back in and stripped down to his boxers. He started to get in bed when I stopped him.

BOOK: Just Say Yes (Just Say Yes #2)
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