Just One Catch (95 page)

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Authors: Tracy Daugherty

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Dubin's Lives

male adventure magazines

Manchester, William

Mandel, George

Flee the Angry Strangers

teenage writing for comics

Mandel, Miki


Manhattan Mutual Automobile Casualty Company

Mann, Thomas

“A Man Named Flute” (retitled story)


Marceau, Marcel


Marino, Benjamin “Doc”

market ideology

Markson, David

Marlis, Alan

Marquand, J. P.

Marquand (novelist, son of J. P. Marquand)



JH views on

Marsh, Reginald

Marshall, George

Mars-Jones, Adam

Marx Brothers

Maschler, Tom


(TV series)

Mason, Abby

Mason, Bob

Massie, Bob

Massie, Christopher and Sofia

Matthau, Walter

Matthiessen, Peter

Max, D. T., “The Twilight of the Old Goats”

May, Elaine

Mayer, Martin,
Madison Avenue, U.S.A.

Mayes, Herbert


McCall, Cheryl


McCarthy, Eugene

McCarthy, Joseph

McCarthy, Mary, “Dottie Makes an Honest Woman of Herself”

McCartney, Paul

McCormack, Miss

McCormick, Ben

McCullers, Carson

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

Reflections in a Golden Eye

McCullough, Edo

McGovern, George

McHale's Navy

McIntosh, Mavis

McIntosh & McKee

McKee, Elizabeth

McQueen, Jerry

medical narratives

Mehta, Sonny

Mein Kampf
of matrimonial warfare”

Meltzer, Jay I.

Melville, Herman

Moby Dick

Mencken, H. L.

In Defense of Women

Meredith, Scott

Merrick, David

Merrill, Sam

Merrill Anderson Company

Merton, Thomas

Messner, Tom

metafiction, as metaevent

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Mewhaw, Michael

Miami Beach, Florida

Michaels, Leonard

Michaels, Dr. Robert

Last Judgment

Michigan State University

Mid-Atlantic Air Museum, Reading, Pennsylvania


Mile Sky Chaser, Coney Island

Military Personnel Records Facility of the National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis

milk runs

Miller, Glenn

Miller, Ken

Milton, John

Minderbinder, Milo (character)

Minoff, Lee

Minor, Dale

Mitford, Jessica

Mogulesco, Sigmund

Moisheh Kapoyer

Molenaar, Toby


JH's worries about

and life, JH's belief

Monroe, Marilyn

Montagne, Edward J.


Moody, Hall A.

Moon, Earl C.

Moore, Grace

Morgan, Margaret

Morris, Willie

Morris, Wright

Moses, Robert

Moses' Candy Store, Coney Island

Moskowitz, Mark,
Stone Reader

Mostel, Zero

“Moths at a Dark Bulb,” 510n345

Motion Picture Association of America

Mount Sinai Hospital

Mount Vesuvius

movies, going to, as child

Moyers, Bill

Moynihan, Daniel

Muhlen, Norbert

Mulcahy, Susan


Municipal Bath House, Coney Island

Munsey, Frank

“Murdock, His Son, and a Man Named Flute” (rejected story title)


Myers, Vincent “Chief”

Nabokov, Vladimir

Laughter in the Dark




Natal, Brazil


National Allied Publishing

National Book Awards

National Guardian

National Institute of Arts and Letters

navigator, JH's training as, and near fatal miscalculations


Nedelkoff, Robert

Nemerov, Howard



Nesbit, Lynn

New American Library

Newcomb, Jonathan

Newhouse, Si

Newhouse, Thomas

The New Leader

New Left

Newman, Paul

Newport Beach


New World Writing

issue number 7 (April 1955)

New York


housing shortage and urban renewal

New York

New York American

New York
Daily News

The New Yorker

New York intellectuals

New York Police Department

New York Post

New York Times

New York Times Book Review

New York University (NYU)

New York World-Telegram

Nichols, Mike


Nixon, Richard

Nolan, Tom

No Laughing Matter
(with Irving Vogel)

conception and writing of

editing of


Nordell, Roderick

Norden bombsight

Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia

Normandy Invasion

North Africa

Norway, Arctic region

“Nothing to Be Done”

Novak, Robert

Novelty Comics

Now and Then: From Coney Island to Here

reviews of

Oceans Eleven

O'Connor, Flannery

O'Day, Anita

Offit, Sidney

Ogilvy, David

O'Hara, John


Oldsey, Bernard

Olson, Neil

Omni Health and Racquet Club, Southampton

O'Neill, Eugene

One Night of Love

Ono, Yoko

Opferman, Gabriele

organization man

Orthodox Jews


Osner Business Machines

Oxford University

Paddy Shea's saloon, Coney Island

The Pages That Sell
(slide show)


Paley, Grace


panty raids

paperback books

Parachute Jump, Coney Island


Paramount Pictures

Parfrey, Adam

It's a Man's World: Men's Adventure Magazines, the Postwar Pulps

Paris, France

Parish, Mitchell

Parker, Jimmie

Parsons, Estelle

Partini, Dolly

Partisan Review

Pastrudi's, Cairo

Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic, New York Hospital

Peck, Abe

Peck or Beck, Miss

Peloponnesian War

Pennsylvania State College


Pentagon Papers



Percy, Walker,
The Moviegoer

Perelman, S. J.

Philbin, Regis

Phillipe (pet dog)

Phillips, William

Picasso, Pablo


Picker, David

Picture This

reviews of


Pinsker, Sanford

Pirandello, Luigi

P. J. Clarke's



Plato's Retreat (sex club)


Plimpton, George


Pocket Books

Podhoretz, Norman


Making It

“My Negro Problem—and Ours”

Poe, Edgar Allan


Pointe des Issambres

Polhemus, Robert


JH's insight into

post-World War II

Pollock, Jackson

Pollock, Lewis

Polykoff, Shirley

Does She … or Doesn't She?

Pompeii, Italy


Port Authority Bus Terminal

Porter, Arabel J.

Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man

conception and writing of

publication planned


Port Said


poverty, threat of

Preminger, Otto

Prentiss, Paula

presidential election of 1968

Presley, Elvis

Pritchard, William H.

Pritikin Institute

proletarian fiction


Provenzano, Tony

Provenzano family

PS 188, Coney Island


“PT 73, Where Are You?”

Publishers Weekly

publishing business

pulp fiction


Putnam Berkley

Puzo, Erika

Puzo, Mario

The Godfather

Pynchon, Thomas


Rabinowitz, Murray


Rainer, Yvonne

Random House

rationing, wartime

Rauschenberg, Robert

Raynor, Richard


Reader's Digest

Reagan, Ronald

The Realist

rebellion, spirit of

Rebel Without a Cause


Red Queen prop

Red scares

Reilly, Charlie

Reiner, Carl

Rembrandt van Rijn

Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer

Remington Rand


Rexroth, Kenneth

Reynolds, Paul

Rhodes, Wendy

Rhône River

Rich, Mokoto

Richler, Mordecai

Riegelmann, Edward

Riegelmann Boardwalk, Coney Island

the Right

Ritter, Edward

Ritterman, Phyllis

Riverside Drive

Robards, Jason

Robbins, Harold

The Carpetbaggers

Robin (waitress)

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rockefeller Foundation

Rockwell, George Lincoln

Rockwell, Norman

Rodia, Simon

Roethke, Theodore

roller coasters

Rolling Stone

Romano, Carlin

Rome, Italy

R&R in

Rome, John B.

Romeo Salta restaurant

Ronco Scrivia, Italy

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Roosevelt, Teddy

Rose, Si

Rosenberg, Harold

Rosetta's Lighting and Supplies

Rosoff, Danny “the Count”

Ross, Steve

Rosset, Barney

Rossner, Judith,
Looking for Mr. Goodbar

Roth, Henry

Roth, Philip

The Ghost Writer

Portnoy's Complaint

“Writing American Fiction”

Rothbard, Murray N.

Rover Boy series

R&R (rest and recreation) in the military

in Rome

Ruas, Charles

Rubin, Joseph

Ruderman, Judith

Ruhe, Herbert

Runyon, Damon

Rusk Institute

Russell, Bertrand


Russian language

Russian Tea Room

Sabbath observance

Sahl, Mort

St. Catherine's College, Oxford University

St. Croix

Saint-Tropez, France

Sale, Faith

Sale, Richard B.

Sales, Grover

Saliba, Keith

Salinger, J. D.

Catcher in the Rye

Franny and Zooey

Salkin, Zygmunt

Salter, James

Sammy the Pig's pool room, Coney Island

Samuel 1 and 2 (Bible)

Samuel French

San Angelo, Texas

Sanford, Jay

San Remo bar, MacDougal Street, New York

Santa Ana Army Air Base, Santa Ana, California

Santa Anita racetrack, Los Angeles

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Railroad

Saroyan, William

Hello Out There

The Saturday Evening Post

The Saturday Review

Save Washington Square Committee

Sawyer, Tom

Scapegoat company

Schaare, Harry

Schall, Deborah

Schama, Simon,
The Embarrassment of Riches

Schiff, Ellen

Schisgal, Murray


Schlesinger, Arthur

Schulberg, Budd

Schultz, Charles

Schuster, Max

Schwartz, David R.

Schwartz, Gary,
Rembrandt: His Life, His Paintings

Schwed, Peter

Turning the Pages

Sea Gate

Sebald, W. G.

Secker & Warburg


Seed, David

The Fiction of Joseph Heller: Against the Grain

Segal, Clancy

Selective Service Act

Sellers, Peter

Sencer, Walter

September 11, 2001, terrorist event

Setzer, Daniel

“Seven against the Sea” (TV drama)


Sex and the Single Girl

“Sex in Literature” (panel discussion)

sexual morality

(marriage brokers)

Shakespeare, William

Shaw, Don

Shaw, Irwin

Sheehy, Gail

Shepherd, Jean

Sheresky, Norman M.

Shipman, Robert Oliver

Shirer, William,
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Shorter, Mr. (worked for Western Union)


Shuttleworth, Jack

Siegel, Nat

Siena, Italy

Silvers, Robert

Other books

At the Villa Rose by A. E. W. Mason
Like Carrot Juice on a Cupcake by Sternberg, Julie
Second Time Around by Carol Steward
Looking for Lucy Jo by Suzy Turner
Rebel Fire by Andrew Lane
Sudden Prey by John Sandford
Powers That Be by Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Sweet Bravado by Alicia Meadowes
Leena's Men by Tessie Bradford