Just Like That

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Authors: Erin Nicholas

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Some rules just beg to be broken.

The Bradfords, Book 2

Danika Steffen can take care of herself. Watching her mother slowly succumb to muscular dystrophy convinced Danika that total independence is the only way to go. Anything that needs fixing, she’s got the tools. So what if she’s never had an orgasm. No one really needs one, right?

Sam Bradford is good at two things: his job as a paramedic, and seducing women. Being dependable?

Not so much. Losing his father at age fifteen tore a permanent hole in his life, and now he’s determined never to let anyone need him that much. Enjoying women, though, is definitely on the menu. As long as they understand his unbreakable rule: one night only. Until a date with Danika Steffen ends not in her bed, but with a trip to the ER.

Danika may have a broken wrist, but Sam’s the one suffering…an intense case of guilt. And instead of doing things to her, he only wants to do things for her. Which would drive her crazy if not for the sneaking suspicion that Sam needs a little TLC too. And damned if she doesn’t want to be the one to give it…

Warning: Contains an I’ll-do-it-myself girl who can fix anything, a commitment-phobic guy who can’t fix anything, and a whole new way to look at butter. Yes, butter.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201

Just Like That

Copyright © 2010 by Erin Nicholas

ISBN: 978-1-60928-057-4

Edited by Lindsey Faber

Cover by Scott Carpenter

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

t Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: June 2010


Just Like That

Erin Nicholas


For Nikoel. No man will ever fully deserve you, but I pray for one that will never give up trying to.

Chapter One

“Not even one?”




“Are you

Danika sighed. “You don’t think I would know if I’d had an orgasm? Even one? Ever?” The two men sitting at the next table glanced in her direction and she realized she’d let the volume of her voice rise. She quickly lifted her glass, refusing to make eye contact.

Only her sisters would consider this conversation acceptable in a public place.

Abi had been back in town for three days. Which meant Abi and Carmen had been talking about Danika, what was wrong with her life and how to fix it for forty-eight hours—give or take.

They were both blissfully, head over heels in love with their husbands and felt it was inexcusable that Danika didn’t have a wedding anniversary to celebrate too. Every boyfriend that came and went increased her sisters’ dissatisfaction with her lackluster love life. And their concern. Which then increased their determination to find her a happily ever after.

Having Abi in Denver for the past year had been a bit of a relief. Not that their three-way conference calls didn’t often center around the current man in Danika’s life and his inevitable shortcomings. Abi’s resolve and enthusiasm—and outrageousness—were forces to be reckoned with even long-distance. Her sisters together, in any format—text messages, e-mail, phone calls, even faxes—were impossible to ignore.

Together in person… Danika didn’t have a chance.

“You’re not a virgin are you?” Abi demanded.

Danika rolled her eyes. “No. Not that it’s any of your business.” Or the business of the two men sitting close enough to be unable to miss the conversation.

She wasn’t a virgin, though she doubted Abi or Carmen would be impressed with her description of her two—count ’em, two—sexual encounters.

“Then how is it possible she hasn’t had an orgasm?” Abi asked Carmen, as if it was all Carmen’s fault.

“Look at the guys she dates,” Carmen said.

“True.” Abi glanced at Danika.

Just Like That

Danika drank and pretended to not know what they were talking about.

They were supposed to be celebrating her new job and Abi’s return to Omaha after being transferred with her husband’s company four times in five years. Now Ryan owned his own business, so no more moving. Abi would be here. Right here. With Carmen. In person. All the time.

It was going to be…great.

“Maybe you’re doing something wrong,” Abi said.

“Well, we put everything where it’s supposed to go,” Danika said dryly. “What exactly could I be doing wrong?”

Abi looked to Carmen for help. “Maybe you didn’t…”

“Give it enough time,” Carmen offered.

Danika looked from one to the other. “Enough time?”

“Or maybe you should have…lit some candles.” Abi didn’t even look convinced herself.

“Candles. Right.” Why hadn’t she thought of buying those magic orgasm-inducing candles?

“Do you want to know what I think?” Carmen asked.

But she was going to soon enough, she was sure.

“She needs all the help she can get,” Abi said.

Wow, nothing like being a sexual charity case.

“I think if she’s going to keep picking the guys she picks, then it’s up to her to make sure she’s having orgasms.”

Danika didn’t know what to do with that statement—or how to fake that she wasn’t interested—so she took another drink of strawberry and tequila.

“Go on,” Abi said, leaning her chin on her hand and giving Carmen her full attention.

“I was incredibly attracted to Ryan when I met him,” Carmen said. “But in the beginning I had to let him know what I liked and we played around a little.”

“Really?” Abi seemed fascinated. “He wasn’t offended?” Carmen laughed. “No. He
me to have orgasms, so he was all for learning how to do it.”

“Luke and I never had any trouble,” Abi said thoughtfully. “I don’t think I want to know how he got so good at it.”

“You’ve never even had to hint?” Carmen asked, clearly impressed.

Abi shook her head, grinning and looking smug. “Nope.” Danika drank again. She supposed that women who were having regular orgasms could be smug. And grin a lot. And just generally like life a lot.

But grinning was overrated.

“Good for you,” Carmen said, sincerely. “Of course, I knew that Ryan would be amazing with practice.”



Erin Nicholas

Danika watched her sisters grin at one another and rolled her eyes.

“How did you know?” Danika asked.

“The heat. You know, the chemistry. The fact that from the first moment I met him I wanted to get him naked.”

“I thought you met him at The Olive Garden,” Danika grumbled. No one fell in love—or lust—at The Olive Garden. Except maybe with the chicken parmesan.

“I did. I was waiting on him and his parents and all I could think about was his mouth and how much I wanted to kiss him. Even with his mom sitting right there.” Abi nodded her head emphatically. “I wanted to rip Luke’s clothes off the minute I met him too. In fact, I slept with him on the first date.”

The look on Carmen’s face was surely an exact replica of Danika’s. “I didn’t know that!”

“It’s not like I was proud of it,” Abi said. Then she grinned. “Well, I was. I thought he was out of my league, but I went for it anyway and it paid off. Big time.” She and Carmen snickered at that. Danika took another drink.

Carmen turned to Dani. “Honey, the orgasm thing can work out. Where there is chemistry, there is potential.”

Danika pushed an ice cube around her glass with a finger wishing they could talk about

“Maybe she needs some official help,” Abi said, looking at Danika again.

Danika raised an eyebrow.
did not sound good.

“Like a sex therapist?” Carmen asked.

“That’s not an overreaction at all,” Danika muttered.

It wasn’t like she didn’t know why she wasn’t having orgasms.

She didn’t want to.

Well, that wasn’t entirely accurate. Part of her wanted to, of course. But she just couldn’t let herself go. She held back. On purpose. And intended to keep doing so.

“Like a vibrator,” Abi said.

Danika choked on the sip of margarita she’d unfortunately just taken.

“You don’t already have one?” Carmen asked her with wide eyes.

Before she could answer, Abi said, “If she does, she needs a new one since that one is apparently not working.”

“Are you using it
the guy?” Carmen asked. “Because only one-third of women have orgasms with vaginal stimulation. Most need clitoral stimulation.” Danika couldn’t help it. She looked over at the two men at the table next to them. One was facing her and making absolutely no effort to pretend he wasn’t listening—or grinning about the crazy conversation.

The other’s back was to her, but he was closer and could hear everything clearly. The one she could see 8


Just Like That

was very good-looking and very amused. In fact, it seemed they had completely given up talking to one another. Probably easier to hear Carmen and Abi. Not that her sisters were trying to keep their voices down.

“Carmen,” she said through gritted teeth. “If you ever say the word clitoral to me in public again, you’ll never get another Christmas present as long as I live.” She tried to drink again, but somehow her glass was empty. She waved to the waitress. Judging by the conversation to this point, she was definitely going to need a refill.

She should just pay her bill and leave, but nothing was that easy with her sisters.

“She needs a man who she can experiment with so she can figure out what she likes,” Carmen said resolutely. “Clearly the ones she’s been with have been duds.” Danika frowned at that. “They have not been duds.” They’d all been nice, sweet guys. Unassuming, undemanding…un-lots of things. Just the way she liked them.

“Maybe not duds,” Abi said, gently. “But they’re…vanilla cupcakes.”

” Maybe it was the tequila. The conversation just kept getting crazier.

“You love fudge brownies,” Abi said. “But you’re dating vanilla cupcakes. They’re not
but you don’t

Carmen’s grin was huge and Danika groaned.

“That’s a perfect analogy, Dani,” she said. “You’ve got to find a fudge brownie.” The thing was, it
a good analogy. It was scary how close her sisters had just come to the truth. It wasn’t like she was picking cupcakes on accident. She knew her weakness was fudge brownies. And therefore trouble. A great brownie could make her throw all her discipline away, forget her goals and plans.

Even a not-so-great brownie—because, after all, even a bad brownie was still a brownie—could make her lose control, decide the pleasure was worth the consequences.

“So I’m supposed to only date men who make me think of food?” Abi grinned. “Men who make you think about indulgence and devouring and…licking all over.”

“Exactly,” Carmen said, her eyes twinkling. “It’s like your life is a bakery and you have everything to choose from. But you go for the vanilla cupcakes, even though you could have a brownie and that’s what you’d really like and what would completely satisfy you.” Her life was a bakery. Terrific.

“I like cupcakes.” Danika knew she sounded grumpy, but she was feeling grumpy. And judged. And criticized.

She hated when her sisters were right. Her boyfriends were no more exciting than cupcakes. They were good, just not…worth not fitting into her favorite jeans for.

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