Just Human (36 page)

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Authors: Kerry Heavens

BOOK: Just Human
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“Liv it’s me, can you call me? I really need to talk to you.” I try to sound calm so as not to worry her. Then, picking up the other phone, to keep my cell line clear, I dial Jen. I have to talk to someone about this. Jen calms me down and soothes my worries. I’ll feel better as soon as I talk to Liv about it. I’m just desperate to see her, but it’s almost time to leave. I expect she was showering or doing her hair when I called. I can hold on a little while longer. I finish getting ready and then pick up the ring in its bag and go into the kitchen. My mouth is dry from nerves so I quickly fill a glass with water and down it all. I pull open the bag and put the envelope with the certificates in the pile on the counter, it’s all the important documents I need to take with me. I open the cardboard box and slide the wooden box out. Opening it slowly, I smile. Despite the crippling fear, I know she’s going to love it.

Just then I hear Jen at the door. I check the spy hole to make sure it isn’t someone unwelcome first. But I’m relieved to see it’s just Jen. I pull the door open and she comes in, hugging me.

“Any more problems?”

“No,” I say absently, returning to the ring. “Should I take it all packed up like this?” I ask her waving at all the packaging.

Jen comes over to see what I am talking about.

“Can I see it?” she asks, wide-eyed an excited. I open the box and show her. She gasps. “It’s better than I remember,” she squeals.

I grin. “So I should take the box, right?”

“Yes, put it in my purse if you like.” She holds it open for me. I slip the wooden box back in the outer one and put them into Jen’s purse, leaving the bag behind.

“Let’s go then,” I say, a flush of uncertainty washing over me. “She will be there, won’t she?”

Jen gives me a little squeeze and nods as we head out to Scott waiting in the car.

When we arrive at the restaurant, my parents meet us. Needless to say, they were the first ones here. Jen has booked a private section for us with a huge table, but we stand with our drinks waiting for more people to arrive. The room slowly fills up and I watch the door anxiously, Liv and her family are the last ones to arrive, probably due to the kids. They’re bringing them, because otherwise they couldn’t all come, but that was fine with me. I start to feel uneasy, then, at last, I see Connie and Helen coming in, followed by Andy and Matthew then Grace and the stroller. I frown, where is Liv? I really need to see her now. Helen reaches me first.

“Sorry we’re late, it’s a logistical nightmare!” she winks, kissing me on the cheek.

“Danny darling,” Connie croons as she too leans in for a kiss on the cheek.

“Where’s Liv?” I ask them with a hint of impatience.

They both frown. “Isn’t she with you?” asks Helen.

“No,” I say, not really understanding the confusion.

“She left a little while ago, she said she would prefer you came together.”

“I haven’t seen her,” I tell them, panic rising. “I’ll call her.” I pull my cell out of my pocket and make my way outside to try her again.

This time it doesn’t ring, all I get is Liv’s answerphone message.

“Liv, it’s me, where are you? I’m worried,” I say. Trying not to freak out, I dial the apartment, it goes to the machine, but I speak anyway, in case she’s there and not answering. “Liv, are you there? Call me when you get this.” I hang up. Trying my last option, I call Grace’s, no reply there either. I head back into the restaurant.

“I can’t get hold of her,” I say to the group.

Grace looks worried. “I’ll try her,” she says, dialling. She puts her phone to her ear and blocks the background noise out by pressing her finger against her other ear. She pauses a moment, then says, “Liv, where are you?” For a second I think they are talking, but then she says, “Call me when you get this.” My shoulders fall, when I realise nobody can reach her.

Jen comes over and puts her hand on my shoulder. “What’s up?” she asks.

“Liv isn’t here yet and no one knows where she is.”

“She’ll be here, don’t worry.” I look at her with despair in my eyes.

“Where is she?” I whisper. What if she doesn’t let me ask her? I can’t live like that again.

“Listen, don’t start panicking. Let’s go back to the apartment. She might be there.”

I nod and go and tell Helen what we are doing.

“We’ll go home and see if she’s there?” she says, looking concerned.

"No, stay here in case she shows up. If she isn't there, we'll call you," I insist, trying not to sound too worried. Scott and Jen are ready to drive me back, so without apologising to my guests I quietly follow them out.

We pull up at my apartment and I jump out while the car is still rolling to a stop.

"Liv?" I call out as I open the door. "Liv?"

"Any luck?" Jen asks, appearing behind me.

"No," I sigh. I check in the bedroom, it all looks the same. Then it hits me. Her things have gone. I search around briefly but I know it's hopeless. I drop to my knees and put my head in my hands, this can't be happening.

Jen appears in the doorway. "Danny what's wrong?" she asks, kneeling beside me.

I lift my head and look at her with tears in my eyes. "She's gone. She's taken everything." Jen puts her arms around me and holds me tight. “It’s happening again.” I whisper.


I’m sure a publisher would tell me to keep it short, but I’m the publisher, so get comfortable

To my babies…you are my sunshine. I am so proud of you.

To the remarkable women in my life, Mum, Gigi, & Nicola. Thank you for showing me the way. I wouldn’t have my strength without yours. You are my inspirations. And to the tolerant, wonderful men who live with our strength every day, thanks for making us realise that it isn’t weakness to let ourselves be looked after.

To my husband Steve, the love of my life and the funniest person I know. I only know how to write about this kind of love because of you. You have tolerated me being immersed in this story and held the fort, kept smiling and kept loving me. Even though I’m sure you thought I’d never see this through, the fact that you pretended I might has meant the world to me. Thank you.

To my boys, Matt, Gareth & Kenny. You are so not who I thought I’d be thanking when I set out to do this. This is after all a lovey-dovey chick book, but weirdly it was you who ended up inspiring the bigger picture. Being friends with you has made me feel special, cherished and protected. I know you’ll always look out for me even though I am a pain in the arse sometimes and I love you for it. I found the inspiration for Liv & Max and Danny & Jen’s friendships from knowing you and it has made me realise just how lucky I am to call you my friends.

To my girls, you know I love you too. I have so much to thank you for, but the boys get this one! You know yours is coming.

To my Beta readers:

Emma O, my original audience of one! I don’t think you’ll ever understand what you did for me when this all began. I think it was because you weren’t bored to tears by my previous fifty hair-brained schemes, but your excitement over each chapter I sent you spurred me on. You single-handedly gave me the will to continue until I was so far in, I had no choice but to finish. I will forever be in your debt and you know you always have a place on the casting couch of my dreams.

Mel, you nutter! You did me a huge favour with the epic ‘Spain read-through’ and I have another manuscript sitting here waiting for sun, sangria and drunken annotations…I promise to tone down the erections!

Kirsty, you are the ultimate bouncing board! I hit you with a Q, you fire back an A. No messing!…..and NO BURGERS! The ‘Quiet!’ bit in Chapter 12 is just for you! You’re welcome! ;)

Mum, Some of the discussions we have had over this book…I don’t think I have ever laughed as much. It never ceases to amaze everyone what I can discuss with you and the depth in which we can discuss it, but I don’t think it is weird at all, its just how we are, thanks for making me what I am and for being who you are…a pair of FIGJAMs!!! ;)

Amy, you are incredible, formidable and inspirational. The chalk to my cheese and yet the jam to my doughnut! I couldn’t imagine being so different and yet so the same as anyone as I am with you. Your friendship and support has meant the world to me and not just in writing this book, but you know that.

And to my amazing Twitter Beta readers…Dana, Kat, Stace, Ava, Kelly, Puff…The SCARY girls of Twitter. The support, encouragement and love I have felt from basically a group of perfect strangers is incredible. You guys have made me laugh so hard. You have all taken time out to help me make this book better, you have talked me off the ledge more than once. You have opened my eyes up to some awe-inspiring writers and I can’t thank you enough. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you in return. Well nothing legal…I’m not #StuStalking for you D!!! I am so lucky to call you my friends.

To all the bloggers…I am only just getting to know some of you, but I think what you do for authors is just incredible, thank you. But a special thank you to Steph of Romance Addict Book Blog and Romance Addict Blog Tours. You are fabulous, thank you for all your hard work and support.

Finally, Thanks to Kelly at Ultimate Proof for being a marvellous editor. You totally got what was I going for and I can’t wait to work with you again.

Still Human

Kerry Heavens

Danny and Liv are back…


Danny loves Liv. He knows he loves her more than she loves him because she ran without a word when s he saw their future mapped out before her. He knows he will never love anyone like he loved her and this time he doesn’t think he can move on.


Liv loves Danny. She knows she loves him more than he loves her because he broke her heart in the worst possible way, right when things were falling into place. She knows she will never love anyone like she loves him and this time she doesn’t think she can move on.


They needed a second chance because they just weren’t ready for their first, but when events changed everything between them, they discovered they were just human after all. Now Liv and Danny have to find a way to survive being hurt by each other.


They doubted, they underestimated and they did believe the worst, but only because they were too young the first time and too vulnerable the second time. But now they have changed and if they are not the same, surely things can only turn out differently?


Autumn 2013

Kerry Heavens

Terrible wife

Mediocre mother

Appalling housewife

Fashion graduate

Wedding co-ordinator

Sex toy salesperson

Shop manager


Font collector

Romance addict

Fancier of nice men

Ok, fancier of almost all men

Awesome cupcake baker

Incessant singer

Film buff






[email protected]


Kerry Heavens Author




Kerry Heavens

Visit Pinterest to see my inspirations for the characters in my stories.

Thank you for reading!


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