Just Her Luck (74 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Lynn

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He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me, setting the swing in motion.

“You forget again?” he teased.

I back handed his stomach lightly, rolling my eyes.

“In the garage, I think. Why?”

“No reason. Just wonderin’.”

I turned to face him, watching him closely.

He looked intentionally innocent.

“Uh-huh,” I muttered, “I don’t buy it.”

“Don’t know what you’re talkin’ ‘bout, beautiful.”

I laughed and got up, taking our plates into the house.

I came back out a minute later and propped myself up against the porch railing, arms crossed over my chest.

“You planning on offing me and having an estate sale, old man? I promise you I’m not worth much.”

Reeve stopped swinging.

He looked up at me sharply, serious. “No, you’re worth much, much more.”

My gut did funny little flip flops and my heart started singing in a sappy tune.

“Then you won’t mind telling me what you’re doing,” I hedged.

He looked away, studying the lake.

“Seein’ how much of your shit we could fit into my room.” His voice went brusque and formal, all business. “And I figured if you had any boxes we could pack some of your other shit up too.”

“Oh,” I queried, “and what makes you think I’m going to move into your room, moonshine?”

He tensed, but otherwise didn’t give any indication he was upset or worried.

room,” he corrected.

I hopped down the steps, trailing after my flower beds, hands grazing the blooms.

His eyes stayed glued to me, watching me closely the entire time.

“Hmmmm…” I kicked off my shoes and pulled out my pony tail, shaking it free. “I’ll tell you what,” I undid the fastener on my jeans, and he glanced around.

I licked my lips and grinned wickedly.

He swallowed and shifted in his seat.


“I’ll tell you what. You can catch me, you can keep me.”

His eyebrows shot up, and I nodded, slipping out of my pants, stepping out of them to kick them by the porch steps.

I was left in nothing but panties, a tank top that read ‘I love sausage’ and my bra.

“You can catch me, I’ll move into your room. Be forewarned,” I backed up, slowly, walking backwards, “I won’t give in lightly and I fight dirty.”

He stood up and tossed his shirt onto the porch railing, hands trailing down the matted fur on his chest to cup himself through his jeans.

“Be forewarned as well, prison bait, neither do I.”

He vaulted over the porch railing and took off after me, laughing as I squealed and screamed, dodging and ducking him, trying to take refuge in the lake.

It didn’t help.

Not only is he faster than me and wilier, but he can also swim better than me, much better.

Something I found out a little later as he managed to catch up to me, strip me down and ravish me while somehow keeping us both afloat.

Someone deserves a medal.

Lord knows
wasn’t trying to keep my head above water.






“The water’s kind of cold, how did you manage to keep

We were floating around in the lake, drifting lazily

I was, anyways,
my arms wrapped around Reeve’s neck, legs wrapped around his waist while he kept us in motion.

“I didn’t.” He squeezed my ass. “

“Aw, you say the sweetest things, pervert,” I cooed, flicking the end of his nose.

He winked and kissed me, rubbing his now wet nose all over me. “I aim to please.”

I was about to say something else when the sound of a truck engine rumbled by.

I paused and glanced around.

It sounded really close.

Who the heck could that be?

Are they coming here?

I concentrated, trying to catch it again.

I didn’t hear it anymore-
probably just a passing motorist-
but I couldn’t tamp down my disappointment.

For a moment there, I’d thought it might have been the guys makin’ a break for it from their camping trip, come to join in on the fun.

Guess not.

Reeve distracted me, gripping my chin in his hand to tug my face back to him.

He must have read something in my face, eyes softening.

His hand caressed down the side of my face, massaging the nape of my neck

“Hey,” he teased, eyes crinkling at the corners.

I ran my fingers through his hair, brushing past the little wavy locks that liked to curl around his ears.

“Hey, yourself.”

I tickled him under his chin, my fingers brushing stubble, a day’s growth of beard on his sexy mug.

Laughing, he tugged my hands behind my back and nipped my chin, pulling me towards him, reeling me in and pushing us chest to chest.

Releasing my captive wrists, he kissed me, his lips taking mine sweetly, deepening it when my tongue snuck out to probe at his lips, seeking entry.

He groaned, and I moaned, renewing our spent passion from only minutes ago.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he gasped, thrusting into my hand when I reached down between us and grabbed his cock, my fingers sliding over it easily, pumping him with long, sure strokes.

He palmed my ass, brushing me up against him as I jerked him off.

My cell phone went off, sounding off from wherever my pants were, but we ignored it.

It went off again, then once more, and we eventually broke apart, eyes slightly glazed, lips swollen, chests heaving, glaring at the shore line.

“I should go check that,” I panted, still giving him a hand job, loving the feel of his swollen member gliding through my fingers, his body’s wants at my mercy, his pleasure in my hands.

All mine.

“Oh… yes…” he hissed, grunting when I changed the angle, “you… uh… you…
fuck! Just like that… don’t stop, gremlin.” He hissed again when I squeezed the head of his cock. “I don’t even remember what we were talking about.”

“My phone,” I murmured, distracted.

Mmmm. He’s so sexy when he’s caught up in the moment.

My sexy, villainous lover.

The dark slumberous look he wore, growls and grunts of approval, the demanding undertone to everything he does, even when I’m the one in charge.

Whoooo wee, mommy likes.

His lips blazed a fiery trail as he latched onto my neck and licked and kissed, making his way up my tender flesh, sighing deep in satisfaction once he reached his goal, taking my lips roughly.

Shoving my hands away, he lined us up, his thickened shaft nudging my sex.

I pressed down slightly, teasingly, and he pushed upwards, slamming into me as he shoved home, my tight hot depths enveloping him in a warm, snug embrace, his cock fitting inside perfectly.

It just felt right.

“You were made for me, my little hell cat. Just for me.” He punctuated his words with hard, tunneling thrusts, taking me ruthlessly as he pounded into my pussy, his hands digging into my ass cheeks as I shrieked, returning every thrust with a promising one of my own.

My thighs wrapped securely around his waist, ankles hooked to keep me in place.

“Ah! Reeve!” I shouted, on the cusp.

“Come for me, baby.” He pinched my nipple, biting at my neck, keeping his rhythm. “Show me how much you love me, love my cock. Soak me with your pussy cream, prison bait.
, I wanna feel you lose it all over my dick.”

I raked my nails down his back, heedless of anything around us but each other, this moment, just us, the way he makes me feel, countering his thrusts with a swiveling of my hips, grinding my clit against his groin.

He moaned out loud, goose flesh covering his torso, his pace becoming erratic, insatiable as he drew closer, his cock swelling slightly, buried deep inside me.

We both broke at the same time, crying out as we found our release, our bodies pulsing and throbbing in time to one another, ending our carnal dance in a perfect finish.

Even after we were both done, we kept fucking, kissing each other frantically and clutching at one another, not wanting it to end.

I pulled back, sighing heavily when my phone rang again.

Blast it!

Nose bunching up, I glanced at the shore line. “I really should go check that.”

A sudden rush of guilt assaulted me and I unhooked my legs from Reeve’s waist, slowly sliding down his yummy body.

It could be Ruthie or one of my guys.

Reeve caught me back up, holding me against his chest.

It took me a minute for my brain to catch up to me and finally register that his feet were touching the ground.

Reeve snorted, carrying me out of the water.

He smirked when I glanced up at him, surprised.

“I may be good, my little hell cat, But I aint
good. I would have drowned us both trying to fuck you hard and swim at the same time.”

He smiled and kissed me.

“Nope,” he continued, “it was either edge towards shore and fuck you senseless or take it slow and float on the lake.”

I grinned, pinching his nipple.

“Smart man. I needed to be done in a little

I was trying to sound coy, but it just came out really breathless and breezy.

In other words, I sounded really horny.

He chuckled and set me down on my feet.

“Go check your phone, woman. I’ll go see if I can salvage any of our clothes.”

I would have checked my phone but I took a few moments-
okay, minutes-
to watch my virile, sexy man saunter up towards the house, bending over every so often to pick up a stray bits of clothing, tucking it under his arm as he went.

Mmmm, moon shine is very accurate, but the flex and sway of those well-muscled, perfectly-rounded pale moons is pure swagger, something my cocky old cowboy naturally possesses all on his own.

Oh, my.

And what a well-earned swagger, might I add.

“Good lord, what a fine ass.” I whistled a sexy cat call, getting a mischievous grin from my horny pervert
a wonderful view of his front as he made his way back, his abs rippling and flexing, the sprinkling of body hair generously dotting his chest and fun bits giving me all kinds of yummy fantasies.

Oh, the things you can think.

Reeve reached me and handed me my clothes, looking at me expectantly.

I took them.

He just kept waiting.

Still stuck in fantasy land a bit, I absently pulled my panties on and hooked my bra, shoving my tank top over my head.

He cleared his throat.

I looked back up.


I was still having a hard time getting the image of him ravishing me against a castle wall, in a kilt with a broadsword strapped to him, ready to head off and….



I blinked.

“Well what?”

He looked at me funny and gestured to my phone.

“You alright, there, prison bait? You seemed like you were in another world for a...”

“Oh, my phone!” I gasped and snapped out of it.

Picking it up, I scrolled to my missed calls and checked them.

They were from the guys.
My guys.

All of them.

I dialed the first one, this one from Ephraim, but it went to voice mail.

I tried calling the others back too, but kept getting the same thing.

Frowning, I checked to make sure I hadn’t missed any voice mails or anything.


Huh. That’s weird.

“There were no voice mail messages either.”

Reeve, who’d already redressed, peered over my shoulder at my phone.

called? At the same time?”

I nodded, trying not to worry, and failing miserably.

“Hmmm…” he said thoughtfully, stroking my shoulders comfortingly, “maybe they were doing their check in call with you, like they have every so often, and now they don’t have reception.”

I relaxed a tiny bit, leaning into him.

His lips brushed the top of my head.

“Do you really think so?” I asked softly, turning to bury my face in his chest, arms wrapping around him tight.

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