Just Her Luck (49 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Lynn

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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Right up there along with window locks.

I elbowed him in the gut, and he chuckled in his sleep, giving me a happy, sleepy smile, making me rethink how soon I should actually
those window locks.






"No," I mumbled into my pillow, shooing him away weakly as he traced my tattoo up my thigh. "Broken. Go ‘way."

"Mmm. Just one more time, honey lamb. Promise," he wheedled, lifting my rump up high in the air, his thighs sliding up to cradle mine.

He nipped the cheeks of my bottom, hands encircling my rather large rump.

"I'll be gentle this time..."

"Nuh-huh," I shook my head a little, a breathy gasp escaping me as he slid his fingers home, playing in my sopping sex.

"But you're so wet, love," he murmured softly, voice so sure and reasonable, my pussy clenching and unclenching around his fingers, making loud, wet, sucking sounds as he pumped two of fingers in and out of me.

"I'm still trying to recover from the last time," I panted, forcing myself to stay perfectly still.

One little wiggle and it would all be over, he'd be all over me like flies on honey, taking me again and again, impaling me on his misinformed penis.

Someone really needs to have a talk with his Gila monster and explain to it what the term 'recoup' means.

Apparently his pickle's never heard of it and won't sit down or lay still, popping right back up at a moment’s notice, calling to my poor pussy like a lost and lonely soul, yearning for some warmth.

My warmth.

Stupid cunt,
I thought, cursing my genitalia.
The stupid slut is more than happy to accommodate his hunk of man meat.

Every. Single. Time.

He found my sweet spot and twisted his fingers, making me gasp and jerk, wiggling a little.

His fingers pulled out and he was on me in a flash
- hot, hard and in charge-
grasping my breasts as his cock nudged my sex, placing hickies along my neck and shoulders, murmuring to me sweetly as he began what would be a very long night full of hot crazy sex, followed by little sleep.

I'll just have to remember to kill him in the morning
, I thought, much, much later that night
- erm, early the next morning-
an exhausted, sweaty, yet sated lump.

He said there was a 'no return policy'.

He never mentioned anything about a 'no permanently maiming him' one.






My alarm went off, blaring like a much unwanted siren, screeching at me to get the hell up, and I wanted to cry.

Thatcher popped up and shut it off quickly, plopping back down to cuddle up to me.

A few minutes of blissful peace passed and I started to drift off to sleep, despite my conscience nagging me that it was time to get up.

I’m soooo tired
, I wanted to whine.

A little kiss landed on my neck suddenly and then a nibble.

I swatted at my pesky mosquito, aka Thatcher-‘
the rutting beast’
, protesting loudly when he ignored me and continued to nibble and peck away.

His hand slid over my rump and tried to venture towards the promise land.

“NO!” I shouted, crawling away from him, hopping up quickly and stumbling about, half awake and naked.

He gave me an innocent smile and patted the spot I’d just vacated.

“Come back to bed, my love.”

I pointed at him warningly.

“Don’t you ‘my love’ me, short stack, you’re on probation!”

“Probation?” he cracked up, “Why am I on probation? I thought I’d be on you’re good side after last night, and early this morning, and if you’d get back in bed, ten seconds from now…”

A perfectly shaped blonde brow kicked up, followed by a sexy come hither waggle.

“Are you kidding me?” I scoffed, waving a hand at him wildly, working up a good head of steam. “You’ll be lucky if you get any in the next nine to five, and I mean
buddy! I’m so sore it hurts to frickin’ walk! You want some so bad? Go find yourself a Bubba and go ream him for a while!”

I marched off towards the bathroom, trying not to limp as my body protested any and all sudden movements.

Thatcher was laughing so hard he started hiccupping, startled so much by the sudden hiccupping spasms that he fell right off the bed.

I smirked at him triumphantly and waltzed-
well, I tried to waltz-
into the shower, smiling to myself as he continued to alternate between hiccupping and laughing, cursing the nifty little hitches in his giddy up to hell and back.






The hiccupping was a dead giveaway, long before the bathroom door creaked open.

“Don’t even think about it,” I warned, rinsing the shampoo out of my hair.

I rinsed a little too enthusiastically and some got into my eyes.

“Yow! Shit! Shit! Shit!”

Groaning at the sting, I shoved my face into the spray, rubbing at my eyes frantically.

“You okay, honey lamb?”

I shrieked, letting out a blood curdling scream, unprepared for the husky timber whispering right next to my ear.
next to it.

Thatcher grunted when he jumped back, just as startled as me now.

I tried to open my eyes, but the burn from the shampoo was still too much, at present.

“Shit, I’m sorry, love.” Thatcher recovered quickly and tried to help me get the blasted soap out of my eyes, cupping water in his hands to let it run over my face.

There was a loud crash from somewhere in the house and then the bathroom door smacked wide open, banging into the wall.

“Genevieve?!” Bowen shouted.

I squinted my eyes open, just enough to make out Bowen when he shoved the shower curtain back.

Thatcher glanced over at Bowen and dismissed him with one look.

He went back to cupping water for me in his hands and ignored his brother completely.

Huh. Guess his hiccups are gone now,
I thought a bit distractedly.
Guess you can scare them away.

“What the hell happened? You screamed,” Bowen asked breathlessly, sagging against the wall in relief.

“Sorry,” I mumbled awkwardly, embarrassed, trying to blink.

“Can we help you?” Thatcher cut in, his back to Bowen, probably so Bo didn’t get an eyeful of Thatcher’s raging hard on.

I wanted to shout.
Does it never cease?!

“Was everything all…” Ephraim trailed off as he walked right in, freezing on the spot when he spotted Thatcher and I playing naked water nymphs in front of Bowen.

Ephraim frowned and glanced over at Thatcher, then looked right back at me, taking me in as I used Thatch as a shield, surprising myself with a sudden bout of shyness.

“You know, baby, that just aint right.” He shook his head sadly. “You stood me up for

Very aware of my precarious, naked, situation, not particularly in the mood for flirty banter, I frowned right back.

“At least he had the decency to cover up my love bits when he noticed they were hanging out last night at the restaurant. And I didn’t invite him in, he sort of, uh, crashed the party.”

Thatcher grinned, smug, hugging me to him, giving me a big, long, noisy kiss, our wet bodies brushing intimately for a long, slow moment, making me shiver in delight before he pulled back and set me on my feet, groping behind himself for a towel.

Glancing down distractedly, flustered a bit, I caught Thatch’s muscular backside as it moved with him, watching his sexy ass sway, fighting the slight burning in my eyes, my peepers glued to his lovely rump.

I ogled him openly, forgetting my audience, mesmerized, admiring the glorious flex and play of muscles as he stretched and reached for that just-a-little-too-far-away towel.

Mmm. Mmmm. Mmm. He has such a sexy friggin’ ass.

Bowen snorted, catching my attention.

He gave me a small smile, amused by my lusty distraction, giving me a loaded wink.

I kept back my blush, barely, flaying myself mentally for going off into la la land at such an odd moment.

Give me a break, people.

I’m tired and distract easily!

Besides, what the hell am I doing getting all horny and riled up after last night?
I’ll be out of commission for the next few days
, at the least.

Too much sex can make a gal a little saddle sore, ya know!

Considering how long it’s been for me, I think it’s perfectly safe to say I over did it, just a smidgeon.

I snorted to myself.

Yeah, Vieve, a smidgeon…

What is wrong with me?
I shook my head at myself,
taken back by the slutty maiden who’d abducted my body and taken over.

And no one is getting a ride at the moment,
I thought almost mournfully, squirming under Bowen’s steady gaze, willing myself not to gush, both inside and between my legs, at the sudden change in his smile.

It went from bemused lover to sexy conqueror in two seconds flat.

You’re such a whore, Vieve! Lusting after so many men at one time.

You’ve totally gone off and done it now, missy!

Most of the sting gone from my eyes now, I debated on whether or not I should be okay with being naked in front of all of them at once or slightly horrified, trying to figure out my next move.

It’s one thing when it’s one on one, it’s a whole other when it’s three to one.

I chose to go with mortified, instead, as a third choice, trying valiantly to magically wish them all out of the bathroom.

Ephraim glanced around Thatcher, grinning at me when I flushed pink under his smoldering regard.

Why am I shy now?
Oh, yeah… ‘cause they’re
staring at you! I reminded myself.

“Ah, baby, no need get bashful on me now,” he teased, his mouth curving upward rather sinfully.

Clearing my throat, I straightened my shoulders.

“Now is not the time to be…” I protested.

“Why is everyone holing up in here?” Sawyer asked curiously, poking his head into the room.

“Close the damn door!” I pleaded, worried we might have
even more

Reeve could be heard bellowing down the hall, demanding to know what the hell was going on and whose ass was on fire.


God! This is the last thing I need right now and he’s the last person I want in here.

I squeaked and jumped behind the shower curtain, wrapping it around me toga style as I yanked it down.

The ping and clink of the curtain rings snapping off of the vinyl shower curtain as I hastily tugged at it could be heard above the shower and everyone present.

“I swear! If you’re parents come in here, promise to Ruthie or no promise, I’m quittin’!” I muttered caustically, carefully stepping over the rim of the tub, grimacing as I tried to walk as dignified as possible into the bedroom.

Crinkle. Crinkle. Crinkle.

My impromptu bathing outfit left a trail of shifting, crackling ruckus in my wake, not to mention the water dripping about everywhere.

“You okay, baby? You’re walkin’ funny.” Ephraim followed me into the bedroom, everyone else trailing after.

I ignored that, turning around until they all lumbered in, taking up more than half the space in my tiny room.

It’s like a damn man meat parade.

I eyed them all, admiring each and every one as they filed in.

And just think, Vieve, they’re all yours…


Are they all mine?

Erm, well,
say they’re all mine.

like they’re mine, but I should probably double check to make sure everyone’s onboard with the Vieve express.

Toot! Toot! All aboard!

“Did you pull something?” Ephraim prodded like a dog with a bone, eyeing me as I slightly limped about.

I sure did, I pulled a million groin muscles!

Damn Thatcher and his sexy hide.

I gave Ephraim a warning look, hoping he was wise enough not to comment any further.

Just drop it, bud.

Ephraim came up behind me and hugged me to him, kissing my temple.

He swiped his hand across his mouth quickly when he realized I still had shampoo lathered all over my hair.

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