Read Just Her Luck Online

Authors: Jeanette Lynn

Just Her Luck (19 page)

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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He nodded and leaned down to lick at the seam of my lips.

Four years...? Really?

Good grief that's a long time!

"Four... four years?!" I squeaked, incredulous.

"I don't have anything and I can't get you pregnant. Now shut up and put out, woman, my balls are turning blue!"

"Reeve!" I shouted, at first pissed at him for his man handling showmanship, then in sexual bliss as he pulled out and forged his way in, forcing my pussy to take all of him at once, filling me oh, so wonderfully tight with his turgid cock; the width of him stretching the walls of my vagina.

"Ah, fuck, I'm going to cum," he warned as he gave a few harsher, more punishing thrusts.

"Don't you dare leave me out, Reeve Harrison, or I'll make good on biting you!"

He picked up his pace, gripping my hips as I clawed at his back, crying out when he hit just the right spot, little electric shocks of delight shooting through my overly sensitized body.

"Wouldn't dream of it, sweet thang," he grunted between thrusts, sucking at my neck, humming against my throat when his lascivious licks and gentle sucking at the ticklish bit of flesh coincided with my sex clamping down on him like a vice, wetness rushing through me, drenching his cock as I came in a maddening rush.

I almost called out, very loudly, almost forgot where I was, muzzling my exultant cry of release into his shoulder at the last minute, biting down into the meaty bit of flesh as I rode out an earth shattering orgasm.

A sense of self-satisfaction warmed my insides when he bit his lip and buried his face in my neck, silencing his own shout of completion against my wet, heated skin, his cock throbbing and pulsing inside my quivering sheath as he came hard, buried so deliciously deep inside of me.

"Reeve?" someone called, knocking on the bathroom door, interrupting our little dirty-sexy interlude. "You in there?"

Neither one of us stopped or paused, Reeve capturing my lips and pounding into me lustily, moaning into my mouth quietly when I ground myself into him, my hips thrusting and swiveling, pushing myself back onto his throbbing cock.

Another knock on the door.

"Genevieve? Is that you, then?"

Reeve pulled his lips away reluctantly and ran his thumb over mine, unable to help himself when he groaned and leaned in for another taste.

My hands gripped handfuls of his ass as his tongue tangled with mine.

"Hello?" A harder knock.

"Damn it." Reeve cursed under his breath, staring at me longingly for a minute, as unwilling to stop just yet as I am, groaning when he pulled out of me and set me gently on my feet.

"What?!" he growled out impatiently, glaring at the door, face pulled down into a vicious scowl.

"Oh. Reeve. Sorry."

"What do you want, Sawyer?" Reeve called over the rapidly cooling water, thoughtful enough to use his body to take the brunt of the shower's spray for me.

It's Sawyer?

My hands slapped up to my cheeks.

Oh, man, is this awkward.

What am I saying?

This is awkward anyway you cut it!

I went to step out, but Reeve's hand kept me in place.

"Well?" Reeve grumbled.

"Have, uh, have you seen Genevieve? I can't find her. We wanted to see if she wanted to go with us."

Reeve glanced over at me and grinned evilly.

"She took my truck to the store! Practically stole it from me! Shouting at me and calling me an asshole! Muttering something about lady stuff! I swear that woman is nuts!"

I gaped at him, slapping at him quietly as I huffed indignantly.

"Reeve!" I whispered fiercely, "That's not even funny! Shut up, you liar!"

He just laughed quietly, a boyish grin on his face, dodging my slaps as he waggled his brows playfully at me.

"Uh. Oh, okay," Sawyer said after a long moment.

A nugget of guilt lodged in my chest and I chewed on my lip.

"She said she didn't much feel like goin' tonight!" Reeve called out, "and I got things to do, so go on without me!"

"Alright, we'll be back late, don't wait up for us then."

"We won't."

My eyes about shot out of my head and I slapped at him frantically.

"Fix it! Fix it!" I hissed at him.

"Would you... gremlin... quit it... Ow, damn it!" he rumbled as quietly as possible, "Watch the claws, wench!"

"Huh?" Sawyer asked loudly, still apparently standing there, "What did you say? I didn't catch that last part."

"I said I won’t!"

"Oh... uhm. Bye, then."

"Bye!" he called back, stifling a chuckle.

Holding my breath, I waited until they left to relax.

I slumped and sat down in the tub a few minutes later when I heard the front door slam and the rumble of Bowen's dually thunder to life, then just as quickly take off.

"That was close." I sighed, relieved.

Reeve shut off the water and stepped out, tossing a towel at me.

He held a hand out, waiting for me to take it.

"Why don't we just make it a 'just one night' kind of thing?" he asked hopefully, running a calloused hand over my naked bottom once I had my feet firmly planted on the tiled floor of the bathroom.

I shivered and leaned in closer to him, rubbing at the patch of man fur on his chest.

Yes, I said man fur.

What the hell else could you call all that matted scruff?

"I might be willing," grinning, I licked my lips, my greenish-brown eyes twinkling up at him, "depends on what you're offering,
Mr. Harrison

He leaned down and kissed me hungrily, giving me a taste, a small sampling of what was to come, tongue snaking out to play with mine.

Miss Ferguson
, I like the way you taste. I was thinking something along the lines of one night, whatever we both want."

I pretended to think about it, and he chuckled darkly, fingers reaching up to trace my collar bones.

I shivered in both delight and anticipation.

"Your room, then," I purred, swatting his ass, giggling when he jumped.

"Watch it, gremlin," he grumbled, slapping my ass back, "I might like it."

"We still have the rug beater..." I grinned saucily, wrapping a towel around myself.

"Don't push it, sweet thang. I'll do it back."

"Dually noted," I murmured demurely.

He poked his head out of the bathroom and tip toed into the hall, towel around his hips, hand fisting it at his waist to hold it in place.

He motioned for me to stay, so I waited, enjoying the play of muscles as he walked in his sexy little towel wrapped buns, raising my brows at him when he turned around and came back a minute later.

"They're gone.” He grinned wickedly, wiggling his eyebrows at me playfully, getting an unexpected giggle out of me.

He looked like a sexy evil villain-
a dark lord
- with that carnally dark smile and dangerous looking scar, making the slowly banked embers he'd put out moments ago light right back up, the fire inside me burning just as bright, if not more, now that I've had a taste of him, than before.

I turned swiftly in the hallway, whipping my towel off to toss it at him, racing towards his room with nothing on but a grin, laughing hysterically when he grumbled behind me, trying to swat my ass with my towel as he chased after me.

We collided in the hallway upstairs, making love against the wide beige wall, crying out as loud as we please when we both came together, reaching orgasm at the same time, bodies only temporarily sated as we tried to put out the desire pulsing so hard, so strong and ardent between us, tried to sate ourselves on one another.

We eventually made it to the bedroom, making love where ever and whenever we pleased, until the sound of Bowen's dually came charging up the road.

As the guys pulled up, I made a mad dash, running back to my room and locking my door behind me, feigning sleep when someone came knocking on it softly a few minutes later.

I had hot sexy dreams that night, replaying my delectable love play with Reeve, over and over again,
all night long

In other words, I didn't really get much sleep.

But, man, was it worth it.



All Bets Are Off



I yawned for the millionth time the next morning, turning off the skillet as I placed the last batch of eggs onto the serving plate.

It was totally worth it,
I thought as I shifted a little, ignoring the soreness between my legs, and other various body parts and muscles I wasn't used to exerting, as I placed the last platter on the table, remembering the incredible night I'd spent with my grumpy pervert.

I grinned a little to myself, thinking about Reeve.

The man himself came whistling into the kitchen, freshly showered and shaved, the scent of Reeve, man, and his cologne permeating my senses.

It made my mouth water and I had to remind myself that we'd both agreed on one night.

That's it

Just one night.

Nothing else.

I let out a slow, deep breath.

Damn. Somebody needs to tell my body that. I don't think it’s gotten the memo yet.

I lit up like a sparkler when he walked past, practically purring as I watched his sexy rump saunter over to the counter beside me.

He walked over to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup, sipping at it thoughtfully as he turned to watch me work, leaning against the counter, the perfect picture of calm and relaxed.

Or sated
, I thought, biting at my lower lip, teasing it with my teeth unconsciously as I tried not to ogle all the yumminess that is Reeve.

"Quit doing that," Reeve said quietly, gazing at me over the rim of his cup as he sipped at his hot brew, eyes heated and predatory, watching me avidly with his panty melting, smoldering gaze, taking me all in.

I wanted to fan myself.

Is it getting hot in here or what?

"Quit doing what?" I murmured, staring at his lips as his tongue peeked out to swipe at them.

"Looking at me like
." His eyes slid to half-mast and he reached down to adjust himself in his pants. "We said only one night."

"I know," I agreed quietly, giving my head a tiny shake to snap myself out of it, but it wasn't any use, I'm hooked.

One night with Reeve and I'm a sad little puddle of goo.

He rubbed his face with his free hand and looked away from me.

"I meant it," he grumbled out.

"I never said you didn't." I frowned at him, looking at him uncertainly.

He cleared his throat and tensed up all over.

I watched, wondering at the sudden change in him as he turned back to face me, a weird, cold look entering his face, acting now as if he was staring straight through me.

What did I do now?

And what's with the stone face?

"You're what? Twenty nine? Thirty? You're just a kid, Vieve. A baby practically. I'm too old for you,
sweet thang
. Don’t make things out to be more than they are, than they were."

This time his endearment was laced with venom, making me scowl at him as I watched, very aware of what he's doing as he effectively put a mental wall up between us, trying to push me away.

I would know, I've done it hundreds of times myself.

I'm practically an expert on the subject.

Never been on the receiving end of it, though, and I have to say it stings.

The mental equivalent of being physically slapped with a phone book.

"It would never work," he continued, "I'd eventually get bored with you,” he shrugged, “so let's just cut our losses now."

He took a sip of his coffee and smirked.

It wasn't a nice smirk, this one was filled with mean.

"Besides... you drive me nuts, make me fucking crazy. Outside of the bedroom, I can barely stand you," he bluntly informed me, making me flinch as he gave it to me with both barrels.


Forget stung and the whole phone book analogy, he just hit me upside the head with a mental frying pan as he tore me down, ripped up what we'd shared last night, and helped me effectively wipe it all away with his calloused, well-aimed barbs.

I can barely stand you...
The words echoed in my head.

Then why the fuck would you sleep with me?

"I'm twenty seven," I informed him smugly, enjoying the show as he choked on his coffee, a shocked expression on his face. "Feeling dirty, old man? Guess you really are a pervert then, huh? What are you forty? Forty five?"

BOOK: Just Her Luck
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