Just For Tonight (4 page)

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Authors: Virginia Cavanaugh

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Just For Tonight
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Chapter Four


Kelly pulled into her usual parking space on the east side of the grocery store’s building. She huffed a sigh as she silenced the engine. This would be a really rough day. She’d managed to avoid Thomas yesterday, hiding out at her brother’s house. Her cell phone had been left off, because she didn’t think she would be able to ignore his call, if he had even called.

Of course Harry and Tammy had been full of questions when she’d stopped by to get her purse and car. It seemed that everyone knew she’d left with Thomas from the party. Teeth clenched, she opened her car door and made her way to the front of the building. Everyone would try to corner her and question her. She didn’t want to talk about it—just wanted to move on.

A few curious stares were thrown her way by the sackers and cashiers as she strode past, making a beeline for the employee lounge where the time clock was located. If she was lucky, it would be a typical Saturday and be busy for the next eight hours.

She pushed through the swinging metal door and walked into the small break area. Thankfully it was empty. She grabbed her card and before she could stick it into the clock to punch it, the metal door swung open.

Kelly jerked her head in that direction and saw the last person she wanted to see. Thomas stood there, holding the cardboard flap from the box she wrote on. The muscle in his jaw twitched. His stance looked tense as he took a deep breath. She could tell he was furious.

“Just what the hell is this?” He held up the cardboard piece.

She swallowed. “It’s a note.”

“Do you really think I was just going to let you walk away and not even say goodbye? Never mind the fact that goodbye wasn’t what I had in mind.”

She turned back to the clock and shoved her time card into the slot. The metallic click reverberated around the still room. “Thomas. I can’t do this right now. I have to work, and you’re supposed to be on the road.” She tried to step past him but he stayed her movement by gripping her upper arm.

“No. You’re not getting away that easy.”

She sighed. “Listen, Thomas. I won’t be the thing that holds you back. You have a wonderful opportunity. I’m not trying to mess that up for you. What we shared was wonderful and I will always remember it.” Tears swam, blurring her vision. “But please. Don’t make me do this here.”

His mouth opened as he released her arm. She didn’t give him a chance to gather his thoughts, before she walked out the door.

Tammy met her halfway to the front registers with her cash drawer. “Thank goodness you’re early. We’re swamped. Go ahead and use register six.”

Kelly nodded and accepted the black plastic container from her, walking at a steady clip to the front. Immediately people started backing their baskets up, watching to see where she would set up. The lines extended back into the aisles and her own line was full before she was even able to sign in on her register. This she could do. A mundane task of scanning items to make the day pass in a quick flash.

“Kelly, we need to talk.”

Kelly glanced to the side and noticed Thomas had followed her. He stood at the end of the register near the plastic sacks. “I can’t talk right now,” she gritted out through clenched teeth. Damn, he wasn’t going to make this easy on her. She grabbed the black phone and hit the speaker button as her gaze traveled over the sacker list that had been taped to her register. “Steven, sack on six please.”

She hung up the phone and tried to ignore Thomas, who remained in place. Steven, the high school’s football star, walked up and stood quietly behind Thomas, who didn’t move out of the boy’s way.

“I got this,” Thomas said over his shoulder as he started sacking the items she’d scanned. “If you could just give me five minutes.”

Steven gave Kelly a questioning glance, remaining in place, unsure whether to buck Thomas.

Kelly noticed Thomas placing household cleaners in the same bag as food items and reached out to stop him. “Thomas, no. This isn’t a good time. We’re busy and you aren’t paying attention to what you’re doing. Just let Steven do his job. He still works here.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, she winced.

“So you want me to stay? Fine. I’ll stay.”

“No. That’s not what I want. Not at all.” She could feel the stares from those around them boring holes in her back.

Thomas stopped sacking and Kelly resumed checking the woman out. Steven stepped in and took over sacking.

“I need to work, Thomas. I can’t talk right now.”

She turned her full attention to the woman whose groceries she’d just scanned. “That will be one hundred thirty-five dollars and sixty-two cents. Do you collect stamps?”

“Yes. I sure do. I nearly have enough to get the Crock-Pot,” the woman replied in a jovial tone, fluffing her brown curls.

Kelly collected the money and gave the woman her change and stamps. “Have a nice day.”

The woman sauntered off, but before Kelly could start on the next costumer, Thomas came around to stand in front of the register.

“What are you doing?” Kelly asked.

“Talk to me.”

“These are paying customers. You can’t just stop the line.”

Thomas reached over and started grabbing candy from the shelves that lined the patrician between the registers. “Now I am too.”

Kelly was astonished at his behavior. “You can’t just cut in line in front of these people.”

“Oh no, dear. I think we all want to see how this one is going to play out. You go right ahead,” the tall blonde woman said from behind Thomas.

Kelly shot her an annoyed look. They were helping him. None of them had a clue how bad this was going to be. Anger rising, she began scanning the candy and placing them on the other side of the register. Thomas continued to pile more as he spoke.

“Why did you leave without saying goodbye?”

“I couldn’t face it, okay? I didn’t want to have to say goodbye to you.”

“Did you not ever take into consideration how I might feel?”

Oh God. Did they really have to do this here? “I just thought it would be easier.”

“Well it’s not easier. And I don’t want to say goodbye.” Thomas reached out and grabbed her hand. “Work with me. We can manage this somehow.”

Kelly’s lips trembled as a tear tracked down her cheek. “Have you ever done the long-distance thing? It can be so hard, and can turn out really ugly. Besides, it’s not like you even know me that well.”

Thomas smiled. “But I do know you, Kelly. I know you’re cranky ’til you have your soda in the mornings. I know you love your family. I know you’re good with kids and that your nephew loves you to pieces. I see it in his eyes every time your sister-in-law brings him in here. You’re a great listener. You’ve never once told me to shut up when I discussed things about my life with you on lunch break. You’re smart and kind. Hell, more than once you have gave me some damn good advice.” He began moving around the register, coming to her side. “I know you like cheeseburgers from Sam’s Burger Barn, but think the ones at the drive-in taste like Styrofoam. You love country music, you’re a great dancer and damn if I can’t see myself falling for you.”

Tears ran from her eyes, unchecked as she looked up at him as he came to stand in front of her. He’d paid just as much attention to her as she had him all this time.

“Ah, Kelly? Thomas?”

They both turned to look at Tammy, who stood behind them.

“Maybe y’all should take this to the back or something.” Tammy smiled. “I’ll cover you here. Take as long as you need.”

Cheers of encouragement filled the store as Kelly followed behind Thomas. He kept a hold of her hand as they made their way down the aisles and through the swinging door of the break room.

Kelly didn’t even have a chance to speak before Thomas pulled her to him and laid one hell of a kiss on her mouth. Her hands wound around his neck as she parted her lips for his seeking tongue. Unrestrained passion flowed between them as they clung to each other. She didn’t want to lose this. She really wanted it to work. What the hell did she have to lose? Her heart had already begun to break as she’d left his apartment two days ago. If the long-distance relationship failed she’d still only have a broken heart. But if it didn’t fail? She pressed against his body more firmly. If it didn’t fail she would have a real chance at happiness.

She could feel Thomas’ arousal thick and firm against her lower belly. Her own arousal was beginning to match his. With a burst of willpower, she pulled back from his lips with a groan of frustration. Her gaze swung to the door that led into the restroom and then went back to Thomas.

“I have a better idea.” His words came out low and husky. He cleared his throat and released her as he strode off in the opposite direction, toward Harry’s office.

“What are you doing?” she whispered harshly. Surely he wasn’t going to ask for his job back. “We can work this out. We’ll try the long-distance thing.” With hurried steps, she caught up to him as he opened the office door.

“I’m not asking for my job back.” Thomas placed a quick kiss on her lips then turned to face Harry. “I’ve got a favor to ask?”

Harry’s brows lifted in part question, part amusement as the corners of his thin lips tipped up. “Sure. Kelly can have the day off.”

Her own brows rose high and Harry’s laughter filled the office.

“Oh don’t look so damned shocked,” Harry got out around his laughs. “All I can say is, it’s about damn time you two came together.”

“Thanks, Harry,” Thomas called out as he gripped her hand once more.

She stumbled and then fell into stride as she went with Thomas out the back door. Bright sunshine had her squinting as she kept pace with him. As they came to a stop beside Thomas’ black truck, her eyes finally adjusted to the light change. She stared up at his smiling face. “I thought you had to leave today?”

He tugged her closer, wrapping an arm around her waist as he bent to bury his face in her neck. “I was leaving today.” He pressed light kisses to her sensitive flesh, and goose bumps appeared. “But I can wait ’til in the morning.” His teeth nipped at her skin.

She moaned, leaning into him. “That doesn’t give us much time.”

He released her hand and pulled open the truck door. “Get in. I have plans for you. Lots of plans.” He kissed her slow and deep. “I have to get my Kelly fix.” He grinned down at her. “It’ll be like four days before I can see you again. Promise me you will come to Hobbs on your days off?”

She smiled and nipped at his lower lip. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

About Virginia Cavanaugh


Virginia Cavanaugh is a multi-published author of erotic romance. Her work covers many sub-genres as new characters present themselves to her every day. After working for years as a nurse in pediatrics, her love of the alpha hero sparked her desire to bring her own stories to life. When not playing housewife, mother, maid, laundress, taxi driver or just general all-around slave, she enjoys finding a quiet corner to read or work on her next story.



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Also by
Virginia Cavanaugh


Mixing Business with Pleasure

Seductive Reunion

The Fire Inside



Ellora’s Cave Publishing








Just For Tonight


ISBN 9781419942389


Just For Tonight Copyright © 2012 Virginia Cavanaugh


Edited by April Chapman

Cover design by Syneca

Photos: Juliet

Model: Kevin


Electronic book publication October 2012


The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.


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