Just Breathe

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Authors: Kendall Grey

Tags: #Romance, #Australia, #Whales, #Elementals, #Paranormal, #Dreams, #Urban Fantasy, #Air, #water, #Fire, #Earth, #cookie429, #Kat, #Extratorrents

BOOK: Just Breathe
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Table of Contents

Praise for Kendall Grey and Inhale…




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-eight

Chapter Twenty-nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-one

Chapter Thirty-two

Chapter Thirty-three

Chapter Thirty-four

Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter Thirty-six

Chapter Thirty-seven

Chapter Thirty-eight

Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty-one

Chapter Forty-two

Chapter Forty-three

Chapter Forty-four

Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Forty-six

Chapter Forty-seven

Chapter Forty-eight

Chapter Forty-nine

Chapter Fifty


Glossary of Terms

About the Author

Praise for Kendall Grey and

is rich and intricate, but not overly complicated. The story is woven in such a magnificent manner, with little pieces coming back together in ways that I never expected. The story stole my attention, and my emotions.”
The Bookish Babe

“This fast-moving introduction to a fantastical world with its parallels to the real world interspersed with remarkable word portraits that display the passion and dedication displayed by cetacean researchers makes a fascinating read.”
Night Owl Reviews

“…But beyond the larger than life characters, the fascinating world-building, the do or die plot, what really shines is Kendall’s writing. She has a talent for completely immersing you in a strange and vibrant world.”
Book Soulmates

“This book was like a super awesome roller coaster ride! I want to get in line and ride it again and again. Not only was the main story great, but I loved the secondary characters too! This book is the total package. I need the next book right now! 5 out of 5 stars!”
Book Loving Mom


A Just Breathe Novel

Book Three

Kendall Grey


Copyright © 2013 by Kendall Grey

Published by

Howling Mad Press, LLC

P.O. Box 660

Bethlehem, GA 30620


All rights reserved as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the Author. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

Edited by Heather Howland

Cover design by Claudia McKinney at
Phatpuppy Art

Photography by
Teresa Yeh

Additional art by Renee Coffey

ISBN 13: 978-0-9848878-5-9

Manufactured in the United States of America

First E-book Edition: January 2013

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the word marks mentioned in this work of fiction.


The JUST BREATHE Trilogy has been a wild ride, but all good things must come to an end. I couldn’t have muddled my way through this adventure without lots of help. This is the part where I drop to my knees and worship all the people who had a hand in getting this trilogy off the ground.

Several hands-on folks deserve major kudos and thanks for the hard work they put into making JUST BREATHE the best it could be: my fantastic editor, Heather Howland (I love her more than vodka, and after working on this book, she deserves a freaking Medal of Honor); my crit partner/sprint partner/writing buddy/cheerleader Lynn Rush (I love her more than chocolate); cover designer Claudia McKinney at Phatpuppy Art and her talented photographer partner in crime, Teresa Yeh (I love them more than gorgeous book covers); graphic artist Renee Coffey (I love her more than quilting and scrapbooking combined!), who designed the awesome Elemental symbols and animals in this trilogy; and Mirely Rodriguez (I just plain love her for more reasons than I can count), the rockin’ hot babe who volunteered to organize my massive JUST BREATHE blog tour. You ladies make me believe in miracles.

Then there are countless readers, reviewers, and general supporters who give me a reason to roll out of bed every morning. These are the people who toss out a kind word when I least expect it (and most need it), who pimp my buy links, who tell their friends about my books, and who write reviews that make me look better than I am. I wish I could single out every one of you, but the only way I could keep track was from a few chicken-scratch notes and from looking through shitloads of reviews. So, here are over two hundred AWESOME people who had nice things to say about INHALE and/or EXHALE in 2012. If I left your name off, please forgive my oversight. With so many people in so many places, it was really hard for me to organize this list. Please know that even if your name isn’t listed, I truly appreciate
every single person
who took the time to read the books and to share them with others.

HUGE thanks to: A. Hoffenberg (Smash Attack Reads), A. Silva, ACWild, Amanda “Hootie” Clark (Globug and Hootie Need a Book), Amber Callinan, Amelia, Amy Fournier (Book Loving Mom), Amy Renggli, Amy Stewart (A Simple Love of Reading), Amy Stogner (Amy’s Book World), Ana, Anakalia Klemm, Andrea Thompson (The Bookish Babe), Angela, Angie, Anne M. Wurzbacher, Annie Slasher (Booked & Loaded), Ashley Fierro, Ashley Williams, Atrox, Autumn (The Autumn Review), Ayla’12, Bamafever, Barbara Jean Byrem, Bebe2011, Book Chatter Cath, Book Hookup, Buddha, BusyMom, C. Peters, Calimele, Candice Bundy, Cate, Cate Mulder, Celine McElvery, Chelle Reads, Christina (A Reader of Fictions), Christina Spicer, Christopher Starr, Christy, Christy Baldwin, ChristyB23, Cody Calahan, Colette (A Buckeye Girl Reads), Cristy Cundiff, Crystal Levenseller-Small, Cydney, DaisyGrl, Dame Margo, Dani Flax, Danielle Young, Dawn Hickman, Deborah R. Murphy, Deedee, Deidre, Delphina (Delphina Reads Too Much), Dennis Sharpe, Destiny, Destiny K. Abshire, Donie Deaton, Doug Dandridge, Dragonfly, Elf2060, Elgato “Troy,” Elisa, Elisa Landgraf, Elizabeth, Ellie, Emmy, Erin Conroy, Erin Danzer, Erin Zarro, Eva Aldridge, Fathima, Fishhead867, Gabrielle Perskie, Ghost, Ginny Lurcock, Giselle, Gloria (Globug and Hootie Need a Book), Grace DZ, Gracie Lou, Hazel J. Godwin, Hbeebti, Heather Reser, Heather Savage, Heidi, Holly (Geek Glitter), Holly Smith, Idalyzme, Idsa1388, Isalys (Book Soulmates), Jen Carter, Jenn Watts, Jenna Barton, Jennifer R. Wells-Marani, Jess (The Romanceaholic), Jessi Lee, Jessica (Taking It One Book at a Time), Jezebel, Joanne Brothwell, Julia Mills, Kara Malinczak (Great Imaginations), Karen, Karen Henning, Kari Kacebo, Karina Halle, Katherine Rochholz, Kathryn S. Steves, Kendell Piller, KKettler6, Kristen, Kristin, Kristin (Blood, Sweat and Books), Kylee (Babbling of a Bookaholic), L.B. Diamond, Lana Zabaneh-Delion, Landra Graf, Laura (Little Read Riding Hood), Laura Howard, Lauren Reidy (A Little Bit of R & R Reviews), Leanna, Leslie Fear, Leslie Rapp, Lisa Roth, Lise, Liz, Liz (Fictional Candy), LizLemon07, Lori (Contagious Reads), Lovable81, LuvMy3Pups, Lynn Rush, M Holmes, M. Douglas, Marcella Bilvado, Mary O’Maley, Measie, Megan (The Book Asylum), Melanie Kemp, Melissa, Melissa Phoenix, Melody Aboaf, Michaelle, Michelle, Millie Blow, Mirely Rodriguez, Mirsonarciam, Miss Mod, MKW, Monica, Nidia, Noelle Pierce, Obscured Vixen, Pam Asberry, Pam M, Paperback Dolls, Paranormal Reads, Paula, Peepers, Penumbra, Peruvian Chickie, PF, Poison Rose, Rachel Akers, Rachel Firasek, Raven, Rebecca, Ren Warom, Rie Warren, Rinne Katja Kristina, RomCon, Rowan Moon, Roxanne, S. Condous (Obsession with Books), S. Smith, S. Williamson, S.J. Vincent, S.S., Sandy Swearingen, Sarah, Sarah Smith, Shana, Shanna Stauss, Shari (The Delighted Reader), Shawna LeAnn (Dreaming in the Pages), Shelly, Sil G., SnowFireAngel, Stacey Knutson-Hall, Stephanie, Stephanie Jackson, Stephanie Jones, Stephanie Locke, Suz, SwimDanceGirl, T. Paradis “Reader T,” T.S. Davies, Tami Brothers, Tammy Lane, Terri, Tiger Gray, TL Jeffcoat, TNObsessiveReader, Toby Neal, Urban Fantasy Reviews, Vicki Tremper, Wanda Wilson, WolfFaerie17, Wolfy, Yury Sanchez.

I want to squish and fondle the bloggers who signed up to participate in the JUST BREATHE blog tour. I owe you guys BIG TIME! Thanks to: Amelia at Trashy’s Treasures, Amy at Book Loving Mom, Andrea at The Bookish Babe, Annie at Booked and Loaded, Ashley at Book Nerd, Autumn at The Autumn Review, Bex at Bex ’n’ Books, Chandra at Unabridged Bookshelf, Danielle at Consuming Worlds, Delphina at Delphina Reads Too Much, Dottie at Tink’s Place, ELF at The Reading Addict, Ginny at Pure Textuality, Gloria and Amanda at Globug and Hootie Need a Book, Grace and Elena at S, E, & R’s Awesomness, Heather at Into the Night Reviews, Isa at Book Soulmates, Jodie Pierce’s Ink Slinger’s Blog, Jody at Writer & Cat, Kari at THESUBCLUBBooks, Katy at Book Dream Land, Keri Lake, Kristin at Blood, Sweat and Books, Laura at Finding Bliss, Laura at Laura Diamond, Lucid Dreamer, Laura at Little Read Riding Hood, Laura Braley, Len at Reflections from a Writer, Liz at Fictional Candy, Lori at Contagious Reads, Mandy at I Read Indie, Marissa at For the Love of Film and Novels, Megan at The Book Asylum, Mickey at I’m a Book Shark, Mirely at Rumor Has It, Monica at The Obscured Vixen, Nereyda at Mostly YA Book Obsessed, Nick at Nick’s Book Blog, Reeka at Bound by Words, Ren at A Little Bit of R & R, Seirra at Dear, Restless Reader, Smash at Smash Attack Reads, Sonia at A Journey Through Words, Theresa at Fade into Fantasy, Victoria at Musings on Science and Writing.

To Gavin, Zoe, and the rest of the JUST BREATHE crew, I love every one of you. I’m honored you chose to tell me your stories and let me share them with the world. I will never forget you!

And last but certainly not least, eternal thanks to the family and friends who lift me up, who tolerate my manic-depressive highs and lows, who wrangle and reel me in when I melt down, and who give me shoulders to cry on, necks to hug, and ears that listen without passing judgment. I love you all so much. Couldn’t do a damn thing without you!


JUST BREATHE is dedicated to my father, Bob, who taught me how to fight. I miss you and love you so much, Dad.


Though this book is a work of fiction, I made every effort to depict the science within the fantasy as realistically as possible. Descriptions of whales, behaviors, and research techniques are based on personal observations, discussions with scientists and naturalists, and in-depth research. The digital tags used by characters are actual devices employed by cetacean researchers in the field. For the sake of the story, I took some liberties with the DTAG retrieval methods described.

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