Read Just a Sketch Online

Authors: A.J. Marcus

Tags: #gay romance

Just a Sketch (6 page)

BOOK: Just a Sketch
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“Probably not.” Aud reached for the cup with the markings he knew were his. “I think I insulted him enough that he’ll go crawling back to the steam room and not bother me again. The problem is I might have to change gyms. One of the employees told him where to find me. That’s not cool.”

“Not at all.” Heather sipped her drink. “Write down the information you know about him. If anything happens to you, I’ll make sure the cops know.”

He looked at her over the steam that rose from his drink. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah.” She picked up the bag. “You can’t be too casual about a stalker. They can get really serious really fast. You remember that ex-boyfriend of mine who used to look in my window?”

“The one you had to get the restraining order on, and then he went to prison for abusing his next girlfriend? I guess there are more than a few crazies out there.” He followed her and the food into the back room with the hope they’d have time to eat before the next client came in.

She put the bag down on the small table. “Right. Now make sure I’ve got that guy’s info, just in case.”

“Okay. I don’t know much, just his name and the gym he hangs out at.”

“That should be enough for the police to get started in case he gets worse.” She handed him a sandwich.

He set the sandwich on the table and stared at it, his appetite gone.
At least Leo doesn’t seem crazy, and I know he’s not easy. He’s a breath of fresh air after dealing with people like Randal.




a sigh of relief as he parked in front of Aud’s house.
At least it’s easy finding a parking place around here. Some of these older areas of town are impossible to locate a spot.
He glanced in the mirror on his visor and combed his fingers through his hair.
I guess I look okay. Should’ve taken time for a haircut.

As he closed the white picket gate, the door to the house opened with a loud creak he hadn’t noticed on his previous visit. His heart pounded harder at the sight of Aud standing in the doorway.

“Save yourself a few steps,” Aud called to him. “I’ll come to you.”

A soft smile spread across Leo’s face. He glanced at his watch. “Am I running late?”

Aud pulled the door closed with another loud creak. “No.” He walked down the steps toward Leo. “I’m actually running early. Heather made me leave the gallery before I drove her nuts.” When he reached where Leo stood, he gave Leo a strong hug and soft kiss. “I was a bit excited about tonight.”

Warmth blossomed inside Leo and spread out to engulf his whole body.
He was excited. I know I was, but he’s a really hot guy. I’m just me. Kinda average and more than a little geeky.
“I was too.”

“Good.” Aud let go of Leo. “Your car or mine?”

Leo shrugged. “I don’t care. Whichever.”

“If you don’t mind, I can drive.” Aud opened the gate and held it while Leo walked back out onto the sidewalk.

“Where do you want to go?” Leo paused as Aud opened the Jeep door for him.
This is kinda cool. I’ll have to remember to do it for him the next time I drive.

Aud waited until he was in the driver’s seat to reply. “Can it be a surprise? I called and made reservations.”

“Reservations?” A momentary panic flashed through Leo.
Am I dressed nice enough for a place that requires reservations?

Putting the Jeep in gear, Aud chuckled. “It’s not that fancy a place. I just wanted to make sure we didn’t have to wait too long for a table. Actually, it was Heather’s idea. I normally just show up there and wait a few minutes to be seated.”

He paused at the stop sign before pulling onto Colorado Avenue.

Even with a soft sigh, Leo didn’t relax.
I don’t even know if I’ve ever been to a restaurant that took reservations. I guess it’s too much to ask to go to Pizza Hut or something.

“Did you have a good breakfast with your friends yesterday?” Aud asked.

The question took Leo by surprise. “What…? Yes, it was fine. Afterward we went to find Julie a new laptop. Her old one died on her.”

“I’m just waiting for that to happen to me,” Aud replied. “I’m notorious for keeping things way past a useful life. How often should you replace computers?”

“Depends on who you talk to.” The geeky turn of the conversation helped Leo relax more. It was territory he was well familiar with. “Some folks go as far as every year, but depending on your usage, every three to five should be fine. If you’re a high-power user, more frequently to stay on top of the latest tech.”

“Some of my artist friends are trying to talk me into using more art programs to give my work a cutting modern edge, but I don’t know.” Aud turned onto the interstate.

“It’s all in what you’re comfortable with. Some of the newer tablets are actually designed for artists, and the stylus and touchscreen tech make it just like regular drawing. At least that’s what I’ve heard. You’ve seen what my drawings look like.”

Another soft, pleasant chuckle came from Aud. “It’s not that bad.”



time they returned to Aud’s house, they’d discussed a variety of subjects, and Leo was even more comfortable with Aud than he had been two nights earlier.
It feels good to meet a guy who’s this easy to talk to. The fact that he’s so easy on the eyes makes it even better.

“It’s still early. Would you like to come in and listen to some music or something?” Aud turned off the car and looked at Leo. The street light above them caught the twinkle in his blue eyes before he turned to open his door.

“Sure.” The nervous excitement that had ebbed during dinner roared through Leo again. His heart thudded and rose in his throat. He swallowed hard as he fumbled with the seat belt. As he reached for the door handle, Aud was already opening it for him.

“Thanks.” Leo stepped out of the car.

“Thank you for coming to dinner with me.” Aud smiled as they walked to the gate.

“It was fun. Thank you for taking me. Next time I get to pick and pay.” The words slipped out before Leo realized what he was saying.

“So are you asking me out this time?” Aud held the gate open.

“I guess I am.” Leo swallowed.
I can’t believe I just did that. I’m not normally the assertive one.

“Just tell me when and where. I’ll be there.”

Leo rubbed his sweaty hands on his pants. “Okay. I guess we’ll have to check our schedules.”

“Sounds good.” Aud made it to the door and opened it.

Inside, everything was just like Leo remembered, not that he expected major changes in Aud’s house in two nights. But somehow the consistency made everything seem more real.

Aud flipped on the lights. “So, music or movie?”

“Whatever you want.”

“Nope. I picked the restaurant. You pick the after-dinner entertainment.” Aud gestured to the shelves across the room from them. “There are your selections. See what you would like to do. I’ll go pour us something to drink. Beer or wine?”

“Water.” Leo started for the shelves, then stopped and looked at Aud. “I want to stay clearheaded tonight. I don’t want to forget any of the details.”

A huge grin spread across Aud’s handsome face. “And here I thought I was the detail-oriented one.” He went into the kitchen while Leo completed his walk to the shelves.

The music was separate from the videos. He gave the CDs a quick glance, but most of it was either classical or groups he didn’t know.
Not sure if I’m in the mood to experiment with music today, even if I do hope to pay more attention to Aud than what’s playing.
So Leo focused on the movies. The variety was greater there. A large number of them were movies Leo had watched. He selected a couple he hadn’t seen but had heard good things about.

Aud returned with two glasses of water. “So, what did you decide?”

Leo held up his selections. “Movie, I think. These are a couple I haven’t seen. What are your opinions on them?”

Aud glanced at them. “Any of them are good.” He set one of the glasses of water down and pulled out the case in the middle. “How about this one? It’s lighthearted but a good movie. The acting in it is better than I expected.”

Leo turned and put the others back in their places on the shelves. He’d noticed that Aud had everything in alphabetical order, so he didn’t have a problem getting them returned to the shelves properly.

Moments later they were settled next to each other on the couch as the movie began. Aud put his arm across the back of the couch and after a slight hesitation, Leo leaned against his broad shoulder. For a moment it seemed awkward, but then it passed and felt good. It had been a long time since Leo had rested against another man while watching a movie.

Aud ran his hand down Leo’s arm, sending shivers in its passage, even through the cotton of Leo’s shirt. Leo snuggled closer to Aud and slid his hand over the top of Aud’s thigh. It was hard and firm under the heavy denim fabric.

“I like the way this feels.” Aud whispered in Leo’s ear. His warm breath sent tingles across Leo’s skin.

“It is nice.”

Aud kissed Leo’s cheek and Leo turned to get a better kiss. With hot, full lips, Aud kissed Leo, and Leo suddenly wanted to melt into him. Under Aud’s lips, Leo lost track of the movie. They tasted of the rich meal they’d had a short time earlier, slightly spicy and very pleasant. Leo’s body quickened as their kisses lingered. Aud moved his hands from Leo’s arms to his back, stroking and kneading, eliciting pleasurable moans and sighs from Leo.

Leo enjoyed the feeling of Aud’s strong arms under his hand. He worked his way up so he could comb his fingers through Aud’s hair.

Something crashed outside the window.

Leo jerked up. “What was that?”

Aud rushed to the window. “I don’t know. It sounded like something knocked over the grill on the patio.” He rose from the couch and walked toward the window.

“Should we go look?” Leo followed him.

“Probably. It’s a propane grill. I don’t think they leak if the bottle is on its side, but I’d prefer to be safe than to blow up half the block.” He flipped a light switch by the window, then headed for the kitchen. “Let me get a flashlight just in case.”

Moments later they were outside. Leo followed Aud around the side of the house to a small, intimate patio with several chairs and a grill. The grill lay on its side as Aud had predicted, but two of the chairs had also been knocked over. The back gate stood ajar.

“This looks like more than just a raccoon or coyote.” Leo helped Aud stand the grill up. “Unless you left the gate open.”

Aud shook his head. “I always close it after bringing in the garbage can on Friday.” He stared at the open gate and frowned. “I wonder if I should call the police.”

“Do you know if there have been other break-ins around here?” Leo repressed a shudder. “This isn’t the worst neighborhood in town.”

“Not the best either.” Aud walked over and closed the gate. “I like the atmosphere of the older houses around here.” He sighed and looked at Leo with a sad, longing gaze. “It might be a good idea if I did call the police. That way if something else happens, they have a record of it.”

“Yeah. That might be smart.” The wind picked up, and the chill reminded Leo that he’d left his jacket in the house.

“This is going to put a damper on the rest of the evening.” Aud walked over and hugged Leo. “I was really enjoying things before this.”

Leo kissed him. It was beginning to feel very natural. “I was too. But there will be other evenings. If there’s someone out prowling the neighborhood, the police need to know.”

Aud didn’t let Leo go. “You’re right.” He claimed Leo’s hand and held it as they walked back into the house. Leo glanced over his shoulder as they rounded the corner, half expecting to see someone leering over the fence at them.

Even after Aud called the police and they told him an officer would be there shortly, their mood was shot for the evening. Leo wanted to keep sitting on the couch kissing Aud, but the back of his head kept tingling like he could feel someone staring at them. He sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, but I feel weird now.”

Aud put his head in the crook of Leo’s neck and hugged him. “I have to agree. I normally feel safe in my own house, but I’ve never had anything like this happen before.”

Leo kissed the top of Aud’s head. “Maybe next time we can go over to my house until things start feeling right around here.”

“That might not be a bad idea.” Aud kissed the hollow of Leo’s neck. “I’ve got my alarm and everything’s insured, but that doesn’t do me any good if I don’t feel safe.”

Blue and red lights flashed on the curtains, casting strange pulsating colors through the room.

“I guess the cops are here.” Aud rose and went to the door. “Maybe after we give our statements and they take a look around, we can go get some coffee or something. I want to end the night on a positive note.”

“That might be great.” Leo agreed.
The night’s wrapping up a little earlier than I hoped it would, but I hadn’t figured on the cops getting called either.




through the gallery, next to a painter who was preparing for an opening. “So this is where the actual reception will be held. We can set up this room any way you would like it.” He gestured to the empty walls of the rear gallery.

“And I can get in here tomorrow and start getting ready?” Concinta Muniz asked. “These walls are big enough for my larger pieces. The last place I did an opening I couldn’t display my larger pieces, just the medium and smaller ones.”

“Of course. That’s why we cleared the walls here yesterday.” Aud walked over to the lone pedestal in the center of the room. “Would you like any screens or boards put up? Can any of your smaller pieces sit on easels on pedestals, or do you want to leave the middle of the room open and just have people along the walls?”

“Open, I think,” Concinta replied. “Although having the wine and cheese in the center would be good.”

“We can do that. Or if you prefer, I can hire some waiters to mingle among the patrons.”

BOOK: Just a Sketch
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