June (4 page)

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Authors: Lori Copeland

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Inspirational

BOOK: June
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Early the next morning she stepped out of the house, pausing to lift her face to the sun. Sunshine streamed down, and the rays felt gloriously warm! Not only had the rain ceased, but the sky was a brilliant blue-so blue, she thought of Parker Sentell's eyes and frowned.

Deep green forests, towering Douglas firs, Sitka spruce, and western redwoods soared into the heavens.

Drawing a cleansing breath, she spun around and around, lifting her arms in praise. Thank you, heavenly Father! A day this beautiful can be nothing but special!

Hurrying back inside, she quickly covered the distance to Eli's room, thinking she would mention Aunt Thalia's poultice if he weren't greatly improved this morning.

Pausing before his door, she rapped twice, hoping Mr. Sentell had decided to go to work today. He must work-a man with arms the size of fence posts didn't just sit all day.

"Come in."

June couldn't believe her luck when she recognized Eli's voice. She opened the door a crack and peeked in. Eli was propped up in the bed, looking very pale but improved from the first time she saw him. His voice was weak, yet the illness had done nothing to erase the friendly smile now hovering on his full mouth.

"You are looking much better today," June assured him with a warm smile.

"I'm feeling much better," Eli said. "I'm feeling almost human this morning."

His color reminded June of a time Faith was gravely ill with the fever. They'd almost lost her. Brushing the disturbing thought aside, she reminded herself to be thankful Eli had a little color now. June closed the door, then approached the bed to fluff his pillows. "Have you eaten?"

"Ettie brought a tray in earlier. I managed to eat some hot cereal."

"That's a start!" She poured a glass of fresh water and handed him the cup.

He looked up gratefully, his hand trembling as he drank. "Thank you. I'm trying to force myself to eat-I need the strength."

June waited until he drank a few swallows before she leaned over to steady his hand.

"Thank you."

She smiled.

"Did Isaac meet the ship on time?"

"Yes, he was waiting when it docked. Thank you for sending him. It was very thoughtful of you."

Eli dismissed her gratitude. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there to meet you myself."

"I understood. I wish you could have met Sam."


"Yes, she's here to help her aunt, who runs the orphanage not far from here."

"Oh ... yes, I've seen the place. Angeline's, isn't it?"

"Yes, Angeline is Sam's aunt."

He took a last sip, then set the cup aside. "I was afraid you were ready to run back to Michigan when you got your first look at me the other night."

"No, not at all! Why would you think that?"

He chuckled softly. "I fear I must make a pitiful sight."

"Don't be silly." Her cheeks grew warm. "You're very handsome. I'm not at all disappointed." She straightened the mussed blankets, then sat down in the straight-back chair next to the bed. He obviously was going to need nursing; maybe he would allow her to help. Crossing her hands in her lap, she studied the pattern on the rug on the floor.

The silence stretched. Her mind raced with a million thoughts. Now that he was feeling better and able to get a clear look at her, was he having second notions? Had he expected someone prettier? Thinner? More outgoing?

No, she reasoned away the insecure thought. She'd been completely honest with Eli Messenger when she responded to his ad. She had enclosed a small tintype of herself, so unless he were blind-which she could clearly see he wasn't-he would have known she was no raving beauty. She glanced up to find Eli studying her.

He gave a wan smile. "Penny for your thoughts."

June blushed. "You wouldn't be getting your money's worth."

"Oh, I don't know about that. You look very serious."

If he only knew her wayward thoughts, she'd die of embarrassment. Thank goodness Eli was an assistant preacher and not a mind reader.

"Would you like for me to read to you?" she asked.

"Not now. I'd like to just talk."

"Of course." She shifted in the chair, crossing and then recrossing her hands.

"You met Parker, didn't you?"

She frowned. "Yes."

With an attempt at another smile, Eli lay back against the pillow. "Is that a frown I see?"

"I'm sorry. It is. Parker doesn't seem to like me."

Eli closed his eyes. "You and Parker aren't getting along?"

"Oh ... it isn't that." She could hardly tell him that she didn't like his friend. She barely knew Mr. Sentell. She would allow she might be misjudging him. "If you like him, that's all that matters."

Eli lay for a moment, gathering the strength to speak. "When I'm stronger, we'll talk about Parker and what an exceptional friend he has been to me. No man could have any better. Parker's accustomed to working with loggersI'm afraid he overlooks etiquette when he's around a woman. Too, Parker and the reverend don't see eye to eye on Isaac's tabernacle. When Isaac's around, Parker tends to be difficult to get along with."

Once again silence lapsed between them.

"Well, I don't want to overly tire you. I'll be going along-unless, of course, there's anything you need." June stood up, ready to leave.

Eli opened his eyes. "Resting is the one thing I'm getting very tired of doing."

"I know it must be difficult to be confined to a sickbed. It won't be long before you're up and around again."

"Yes ... I'll certainly welcome that. But don't go-I want you to stay."

June started to protest, but the sincerity in his hazel eyes touched her.

"We've barely begun to talk. I'll rest for a moment; then we can visit. Please ... stay."

Moving the chair closer, she sat down again. "Of course, I'll be happy to stay."

She returned his attempted good-natured smile. Was he courting her? She wasn't sure because no one had ever courted her before. But she supposed he could be. After all, they were about to be married. It would be proper enough. She smiled. "Your mother sent me your great-grandmother's lovely handkerchief for the wedding. It was so thoughtful of her."

"That's Mama.... Always eager to do something nice for someone." He appeared to doze for a moment.

If she had harbored any lingering doubts about coming west, these past few moments with Eli erased them. It was surely God's plan for her life-a life devoted to Eli Messenger.

"Do you think you could eat again? I could have Ettie fix something light."

Eli shook his head. "No, she'll be bringing lunch soon. Fusses over me like an old mother hen." He lay still for a moment, and June could see his strength fade. "Has Isaac shown you around?"

"No, he's been very busy. It seems he works day and night."

"Yes, he does. He cares so much for his people."

"My, the crusade tent-it's the biggest tent I've ever seen. Why, it's even bigger than the one I saw when Aunt Thalia took us to a circus in Lansing one year."

Eli smiled, and June realized she was babbling. She must go now and let him rest. He obviously wasn't out of the woods. "Not that I'm comparing the revival tent to a circus-but then, you're tired. I really must go," she said, rising.

"No, please ... I want to talk."

June liked his gentle ways and the way he made her feel at ease. It was going to be a very good marriage.

Against her better judgment, she took her seat a third time. "Just a little longer."

Eli opened his eyes, and they'd taken on a sudden shine. "I want to tell you about Isaac. He's been preaching over thirty years, traveled the revival circuit, been practically everywhere." He stopped for a moment, then began again. "He was with Jeremiah Lanphier at one time. You've heard of Lanphier? Jeremiah started weekly noon prayer meetings in New York City. Within months there were over six thousand people participating in daily prayer services.

June listened to the warmth in Eli's voice. He loved Reverend Inman deeply. "I don't think I've ever seen that many people in my whole life."

Eli smiled. "In May of that same year, fifty thousand people were converted."

"Praise God."

"The next year, Isaac traveled with a crusade to England."

"My ... all the way across the ocean?" June couldn't imagine that, yet Sam had heard of Reverend Inman's ministry.

"All that way. Tragically, his wife of forty years passed away on the voyage back. Katherine had a powerful dream, one she and Isaac shared. A vision, actually."

"A vision?"

"The tabernacle. When Katherine was in New York, she saw the cathedrals of Saint Patrick and Saint John the Divine. Both she and Isaac were deeply moved, but it

wasn't until they traveled to England and saw the Lincoln and other cathedrals that Isaac was truly inspired."

"Inspired to do what?"

"To build his own church. But not just a church. A tabernacle, a magnificent place to worship and glorify God," Eli said, with great pride reflected in his voice. "Katherine shared that dream. Her dying words were, 'Build our cathedral, Isaac. Build it for the glory of God."' Eli's eyes closed momentarily, then opened.

"A cathedral? Here? In the middle of the woods?"

June's question seemed to renew his strength. "Here-on the land Isaac and Katherine purchased a few years back. Seattle is growing, June. The growth is precisely what's needed to accommodate the large congregation Isaac is acquiring.

"The only kind of church I've ever attended was one room

"Visualize it, June! See it-dream about it. Isaac, like King David in the Old Testament, desires to build a splendid tabernacle to the Lord, using only the best because the Lord deserves the best. Isaac and Katherine wanted to build something that would attest to the greatness of God."

"Yes, I can see it," she murmured.

"Every detail. An elegant handcrafted altar, made from the finest mahogany. Scarlet fabric cushioning the multitude of pews. A choir stall. Brass pillars. Stained-glass windows, each telling in mosaic beauty the story of Christianity. Magnificent materials and detailed workmanship, right down to candlesticks made of pure gold. Nothing but the best for the Lord."

June was spellbound. She'd never heard of such grandeur, let alone seen anything as splendid as the church Eli described. It was a wonderful dream-a glorious tribute to God's presence. "When does Reverend Inman plan to build this church?"

"Tabernacle. And we'll build it as soon as there are sufficient funds. If God continues to bless as he has, it will be within the year."

"You must be very excited to be a part of the dream," June said.

"Yes ... Yes. I want to give God my best. Once the people see the magnificent building, it is our belief that they will experience God's grace as well."

Eli was clearly exhausted. Rising from her chair, June straightened his pillows. "I've worn you out. Thank you for sharing your dream." When he voiced a weak protest, she said softly, "I'll come back first thing in the morning."

"I'll look forward to it." Eli grasped her hand warmly. "Thank you for spending this time with me. It's been one of the nicest mornings of my life."

"Thank you, Eli. Sleep well. I'll visit again tomorrow." She touched her fingers to her lips, then lay them across his forehead. It felt hot to her touch. "Sweet dreams."


Chapter Three

ELI was recovering, and they could be married soon. June wanted to get on with the Lord's work with Eli at her side. After their talk yesterday she, too, could visualize the tabernacle. What a tribute to God's glory! She wanted to be part of building the monument, part of the dream. In a small way she would be building a tribute to Papa for all the years he'd spent preaching the gospel. Papa's name wouldn't be on the tabernacle, but in her heart she would know that the monument represented a part of him.

It would take a good while for Eli to regain his strength, even longer to collect sufficient funds to build the tabernacle. He had seemed so much weaker after their talk than when she entered his room. She would keep her visit brief today.

She brushed her hair until it crackled, then tied it back with a pink ribbon. Papa would have been proud to have Eli for a son-in-law. Sitting for a moment, she stared at her mirrored reflection. Eli Messenger was everything Ruth had written about her son, and more.

June's plainness had no effect on him.

Her heart swelled when she realized that Eli was one of a rare breed of men who looked beyond the exterior and sought a person's inner beauty. "Thank you, God, for giving me such a perceptive husband. And a handsome one, too. You're far too good to me."

She pinched her cheeks for a little color. She must write both sisters immediately after her visit with Eli this morning. If Eli felt up to it, they could both write. Faith and Hope would be happy to hear from their new brother-inlaw.

Moments later she walked down the corridor carrying a basket of oranges. Ettie had purchased the fruit the day before, saying they were Eli's favorite. Humming under her breath, she smiled when she saw Reverend Inman walking toward her. It was his custom to visit Eli early before he started the busy day.

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