JULIA JONES - My Worst Day Ever! - Book 1: aged 9 - 12 (9 page)

BOOK: JULIA JONES - My Worst Day Ever! - Book 1: aged 9 - 12
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Back at school…


Everyone really did seem pretty concerned
when I turned up at school. A heap of kids surrounded me, asking if I was ok. The
teachers all came to check on me as well.

It was so nice to see that they genuinely
cared, although I really didn’t want to talk about it at all. I had decided to
label that day, ‘My Worst Day Ever,’ and I definitely wanted to put it out of
my mind forever.

Some of the kids were already talking about
the next musical, but I certainly was not interested in getting involved in
that conversation. I think that I’ve had more than my share of musicals for a long

I avoided making eye contact with Sara
during class that morning. The desks had been rearranged the week before and I
was very glad not to be sitting next to her any longer. That definitely helped
me to get through the morning. I just focused on my school work and tried not
to think about her.

During our lunch break though, I could see
Sara surrounded by her adoring fan club. That’s what Millie called them anyway.
Since the musical, apparently everyone has been raving about how great her
dancing was and commenting that she was the star of our routine. But I guess
that was what Sara had wanted to achieve and she got her wish.

Chatting with Millie and the others, I felt
glad that I had a nice group of friends whose company I could enjoy without
having to feel anxious or worried about what they might do or say. That’s what
I needed to focus on, I tried to remind myself.

But then suddenly I could feel someone’s
eyes on me and I turned towards the group of kids who sat huddled together in a
nearby corner, absorbed in each other’s animated conversation. With a sudden shiver
of apprehension I realized that Sara was staring in my direction. Then I knew
without doubt that she must be staring at me.

Her blue eyes were so intense right then
and the look she gave was full of attitude. Draping her arm around Blake’s
shoulder, she pulled him close and whispered something into his ear. Her eyes
never leaving mine, I saw them both laugh at her obvious joke. Feeling very
uneasy, I looked nervously away.

I had no idea what was going on in her head
or what had caused the animosity that she was directing towards me and the uncomfortable
sensation I was feeling, continued. With a tingling of unease, I turned my back
on the group and tried to refocus on the friends sitting beside me who were
absorbed in their own friendly chatter.

I decided that I should put Sara out of my
mind. Although I wanted the mystery questions answered, I figured I should just
focus on my real friends, the ones who I always felt comfortable with. And
besides, perhaps it was all in my imagination.

Perhaps Sara had passed on Miss Fitz’s
message and I had simply forgotten about it. And perhaps my dance costume was
just mislaid amongst all the chaos in the dressing room on the night of the

Perhaps? Or perhaps not? I really didn’t
know what to think!

Then a few minutes later, from directly behind,
I heard the sound of a familiar voice. “Hey, Julia! Good to see you back at

As I looked towards the voice, a group of
laughing girls suddenly emerged, heading back towards their classroom and I
couldn’t see who the voice had come from. I was fairly convinced that it was Sara
who had spoken, but I wasn’t completely sure. The tone had been friendly
enough, but I didn’t know if there was a hidden meaning behind the words. Was
she really happy to see me back at school or not? And was it actually Sara
whose voice I had heard?

“Did you see who that was?” I asked Millie.

“Who what was?” she replied.

“I thought I heard someone talking to me,”
I answered thoughtfully. “But maybe I was imagining things.”

Jumping tensely at the sudden shrill ring
of the bell which signaled the end of lunch break, I glanced around once more. “Yes,
it must have been my imagination,” I repeated, looking around one last time.

Then I stood to follow Millie and the
others back to class. I tried to get involved in their giggling and joking
around, but I could not dispel the confused but foreboding sensation I had been
overcome with.

Was Sara trying to be friendly or wasn’t

Did she have a hidden agenda?

Or did I just have an over active

Confused thoughts raced through my mind as
I headed back to class.

Then, unexpectedly, I felt a light tap on
my shoulder. Whipping my head around nervously, I gasped in surprise.

“Julia! I’m so glad to see that you’re ok!
We were all freaking out the other night!”

Blake’s sparkling eyes and friendly smile
were enough to make my heart melt.

And chatting easily, we headed along the
walkway and up the stairs towards our classroom.

“I’m so glad I came back to school,” I
thought happily to myself, all thoughts of Sara disappearing from my mind.

And with a smile on my face I sat down at
my desk ready to concentrate on the next lesson.




lies ahead for Julia Jones?

Sara be her friend or does she have something else in store for Julia?

out in Book 2.


Julia Jones – My Secret Bully


what others are saying about Julia Jones’ Diary - Book 2…

the book Katrina Kahler it is awesome, best book ever. I have never read a book
in 3 days and that's saying something because I don't typically read that fast

-This book is realistic, it's almost like
I can feel it. I recommend this book to everyone. I picked five stars because
it was really AWESOME!! It's good advice if you are getting bullied. I really
recommend this book!

 (2 reviews from amazon.com -


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