Jude's Salvation: This Love Series (13 page)

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I awake in a cold dark room. My body is shivering from laying on the hard cement. Voices are coming closer. I want to scream but I can’t seem to open my mouth. I wonder if I’ve been drugged, I feel so lethargic and weak. I recognize Lex’s deep commanding voice. I used to believe he loved my mother. I used to believe that he would protect us. I never thought he would hurt us like this. I scurry towards the far wall as four large men walk into the room, Lex following behind them. I scream as each of the four men grab a limb, my ankles and wrists held firmly in there strong grasp.  

Eden, my darling,” Lex greets me the way he always has, as though it’s just another visit. I scowl but don’t say a word to him. He grins and walks closer to me. I don’t look at him but I can feel him crouch down beside me. I’ve seen him many times, dressed in his dark suits, expensive cologne surrounding him like a cloud. The lingering scent of cigars and brandy are always present when he kisses my cheek and this time is no different.

Eden, I know right now you are angry and hurt by this,” he says, looking around the cold, dark warehouse storage room as though he’s just noticed where I’ve been placed. I nod but stare back up at the ceiling.

Maybe in time you will forgive me for this. Maybe one day you will learn that I do not tolerate betrayal. I hope you will learn this by the time I need you. I will require you to be my submissive little angel when you return to me, just like your beautiful mother was. I love her, you know that but I can’t show weakness Eden. I can’t show favoritism or I will have unrest among my girls. They will all think they can get away with stealing from me,” he tells me as though I care about his problems. I only care about my mother. He doesn’t love her. I’ve seen him hit her, I’ve seen the bruises he leaves on her perfect skin.

You don’t love her,” I mumble in defiance, knowing if I speak I will only make things worse but I have always had trouble holding my tongue. He knows this about me. He grins again and nods.

I like your spirit Eden but when you work for me I will take that from you first. You will not be able to speak your mind to me or the men I bring to you. You will be paid to lie, to pretend you are enjoying every touch because the man that respects me and makes me wealthier deserves to think that you are a gift, that you worship him. You will learn to make him believe that his touch is the best you’ve ever had,” he continues on but I’m trying to close him out. I will never let him or any of his gross old business partners near me. I am not my mother and I never will be. There isn’t enough money in the world to keep me with him. I’ll run, I’ll hide, whatever it takes and Jude will help me.

Eden, listen to me,” he says, tapping my cheek with his palm. I look over at him, feeling the tension in him building.

Good girl, see it’s not so hard to obey. Eden, your father has been called, he will be taking you from here in a few days because right now you are too young for my needs. I’m not expecting you to be a virgin when I come for you again. I actually expect you will be somewhat experienced if you’re anything like your mother. There’s nothing she likes more than a good, hard fucking. I will have to teach you the art in pleasing a man when you return. With those luscious lips I’m sure you’ll be great at it,” he says, brushing his thumb across my bottom lip. I hear one of the men holding me down grunt in agreement and I shiver,

I close my eyes as I feel Lex move closer to me. He slides my skirt up to my waist and I begin to squirm. He’s examining me and I’m terrified. I can feel bruises forming from my struggle to escape the hands of the men holding me down. I can see lust in there eyes as Lex strips me naked. He starts with my breasts then each rib. I’m crying hysterically but he ignores me. He stops to read the tattoo I got a few months ago, when I was feeling lonely at boarding school and missed my mother. He must have seen the pillow I made for her, he knew the words were for my mother and me. His lips formed a frown and his eyes closed for a brief moment. He showed emotion for a quick second that hurting us really did affect him but as soon as I thought it his eyes turned cold again.

Please Lex, please don’t,” I whimper. He continues his exam, his hands gliding over my skin down to my ass and around to my private part. I cry louder when I feel a finger sliding inside me. He seems clinical, almost like a doctor as he separates my flesh and then slowly removes his finger. His hands rub down my thighs, all the way down to my toes. I had always been afraid of Lex but this is terrifying. He’s psychotic and I begin to scream again. The smack of his hand against my cheek knocks me senseless. I’m seeing flashes of white in the dark as my body goes limp, giving up the fight. More tears well in my eyes as I watch him complete his exploration of me.

He grins as he pulls my hair out of the ponytail that Jude had put up for me earlier. I wonder if Lex knew, if he saw Jude in here with me. Will he be punished for being in here with me? I hoped he wouldn’t be, I want to see him again. Why am I worried about him, one of my captures, when I’m being interrogated like this. Thinking about Jude is an escape I realize. I picture his face, his hands and I know I’ll be okay. He promised me that he would come back in the morning and take this pain away.

Open your eyes,” Lex shouts at me, slapping my hip. My eyes flutter open but I don’t look at him. I stare at the ceiling. I know he’s watching me intensely, I can feel his stare. He turns on a flashlight and brings it closer to my face. He smiles, almost genuinely, like something has pleased him suddenly.

You have your mother’s unique eyes, what a blessing and her pouty soft lips. I’m impressed Eden and very grateful you look nothing like your father,” he growls then smiles again as looks up and down my naked body another time. I watch him, wondering what else he plans on doing to me tonight. He smiles at me, the one he’s given me in the past that used to reassure me that he was taking care of us. I used to believe him but not anymore. He pulls his eyes from mine and looks up at the guards with a very hateful glare.

If I catch any one of you with your cocks out near her I will have you shot on sight,” he states in a very serious, matter of fact tone. This order is not to be questioned. I see each of them nod as they release their hold on me. I rub my wrists as I attempt to sit up. Lex sits back down beside me on the floor. He places his cold hand on my shaking knee.

One day I will own you but right now you are too young to serve my purposes. I am not a monster but I can act like one when the need arises. When I call for you to return home to me I do not expect a fight. I am your master, remember that. I will kill anyone that gets in the way of you returning to me,” he tells me and I tremble. He reaches for my wrists and holds them tight, pulling me to him. His lips are so close his smoky breath is overwhelming me. I can almost taste the brandy he’s been drinking. My mother used to keep a carafe ready for him, for his visits. I know this man well, too well. I’ve seen him naked. I’ve seen him beaten. I’ve seen him angry. I know not to upset him. He kisses me, a deep kiss, his tongue sliding over mine. He has never kissed me before, only my mother. I don’t know how to respond. I’ve never been kissed before by anyone. I’m frightened of offending him so with wide eyes I mimic his movements, sliding my tongue back over his. Even though I’m disgusted he seems to appreciate this as I hear him moan and he releases my hands, holding my cheeks as he kisses me harder, my lips bruising.

When he releases me he is smiling again, which I hope is a good thing, that I have made him happy. My mother has always told me never to upset Mr. Lewis. She even told me that he takes care of us, buys us food and gives us a place to live. He pays for my school and he pays for my clothes. I feel indebted to him even though he has us locked up. I wish I knew why he’s so angry but I’m afraid to speak, afraid to ask. I sit there awaiting his next move.

You are a very good girl Eden. Very nice indeed. I look forward to our future together my darling,” he tells me with a wink, his hand grazing my cheek before he hesitantly stands.

"I don't have a father," I whisper.  He pauses then ushers his men out of the room.

"You do now my darling. I had his DNA match yours. He has no choice but to take care of you. I can be very persuasive. He has promised not to hurt you or deny you anything," he informs me. I watch him look me up and down then turn and slam the door shut. I listen to the door locking and I let out the breath I was holding.

Oh God, help me, please save me. Please bring me Jude,” I whisper as I struggle to put my sundress and underwear back on. My hip is red from his smack and I’m sure my cheek is to. The men had been holding my ankles so tight I can still see their fingerprints. My legs hurt from whipping them against the cement as I tried to escape them. Foolish, I can not escape Lex, ever. When he told me I was his I believed him.

When Jude arrived the next morning I was so relieved. When I heard the door unlock I thought it may have been Lex again. I wondered how Jude had a key and if every guard had one. They were warned not to rape me, I hope they fear Lex as much as I do. I know Jude won’t hurt me, maybe that’s why he’s allowed in. I don’t ask though, I can’t speak I can only smile. My head hurts from laying on the concrete all night and my fear of Lex coming back kept me awake.

Jude slides down the wall beside me and I can feel his warmth. He places his arm behind my shoulders and I sigh. I can’t help but rest my cheek against his chest. I listen to his heart beating. I wonder if he is nervous, being in here with me. Maybe he’ll get caught. Oh please, don’t let Lex kill him. I need him. I can’t keep my head up and Jude doesn’t object as I rest my head on his lap. I breathe him in, never wanting to forget him, his soft touch and soothing voice. If only he held me captive I wouldn’t complain. He’s warm and not exactly soft but certainly more comfortable than the floor. When I feel his fingers brush my hair back from my face and he combs it out, I close my eyes. I dream of his lips on mine, his tongue meeting mine and I know that is how I will survive Lex. I’ll just picture Jude in his place.

I’m shaking back and forth, as though I’m about to be sick when I hear a girls panicked voice calling my name.

Wake up Eden, please, you're on a plane and you’re safe. Your friends are here. Oh God, please Eden wake up.” My eyes flutter open to my friends and a few strangers all looking down at me. I must have been dreaming aloud again. Shit, I hope they didn’t hear too much. I find Angie’s eyes and she nods, sensing my fears.

It’s ok, she’s fine. She just had a nightmare, thank you for your concern,” she ushers them all away form me. As soon as Angie sits down I turn to her, gripping her arm.

What did I say? What did you hear?” I ask, sounding panicked myself now.






"I thought you might show. Are you here to see her off? Checking that she’s leaving alone and without me possibly?" I ask as I step up behind Byron. I saw his driver when we drove past my private jet terminal. He can't take it, I've already had it prepared. Men that I trust are holding it for me.

"Jude, I'm hurt you were home and never came over for dinner. Your aunt will be heartbroken," he says cheerily. He's such a bastard.

"Well, tell her it was business and I'll make it up to her next time," I smile, playing his game. He grins, his perfectly straight white teeth look vulgar against his tanned skin.

"I actually couldn’t tell if it was business or pleasure that brought you back home. Do you know what you are doing Jude? You're playing roulette with your life," he turns serious suddenly.

"I know what I'm doing but I'm not so sure about you Byron. Why are you so interested in Eden, I thought your working relationship with Lex was over?" I ask, watching him for a reaction. Aside from his slight shift in weight from one foot to the other he seems perfectly controlled but I know him, he trained me to be just like him. He is hiding something, holding back information that I need.

"You can not take what belongs to Mr. Lewis and you know that. He will kill you and I can’t allow that to happen. I won't allow that to happen. Listen to me closely Jude, stay away from Eden Daniels. She is not yours to keep she belongs to Lex, she always has," he orders. I shake my head and look out at the tarmac as her plane is being loaded.

"You know me Byron, I won't let her go again, not now not ever," I tell him and his shoulders sink. He knew this. He knew I would refuse to give her up. She has been my obsession for six years and she’s finally with me again. Did he really think I would hand her over to a monster without a fight.

"Her father has already agreed to step down his security, he is willing to hand her over for the lives of his wife and oldest daughter. He has been threatened since the beginning, since Lex forced him to take her. Lex has always known where is she is, at all times. He just didn't want her back until now. He sent me a warning a few days ago to get you away from her or you will be executed. You're like a son to me Jude and I know you won't win this. His threats are not to be taken lightly."

"I'll hide her away, I'll get her off that plane and we'll just vanish," I said, knowing that plan sounds way too easy. Anger is raging through my body.

"He will kill her family, including her sister, father and stepmother but there is more. He has surveillance on your mother too," he almost whispers, as though it’s too painful for him to say aloud.

"My father has a fortress and guards to match, he'll never get close to her,” I reply.

"One of his assassins has already been inside, in her bedroom and killed her Yorkie as a warning to you. All the guards were interrogated but none of them saw anything and no reason for this killing was left except I received this yesterday." He shows me a picture of my mother's oldest dog Benny, she loves him more than me. He's dead, throat cut and bleeding out on her bed. Byron points beside the dog. There is a picture of Eden, smiling as she stands under the Eiffel tower. I had stepped back to take her picture, the assassin must have been almost right beside me to have taken a shot so similar to mine.

"Fuck, she overwhelms me Byron, I'm not on my game when I'm with her. I love her too fucking much." I'm angry with myself. I almost break down but I somehow manage to hold it together. I can’t let Eden go and I can’t let all these people die either.

"Your father has stepped up security in the estate but they think there may be an insider. I have a plan which I know you will hate but listen to me anyway," he tells me and I nod.

"Daniels said Lex will wait till after her sister Bethany's wedding, so as not to create a scene. Daniels can explain her away after the publicity threat is over. Until then she has to remain safe and unaware of what's coming. You have to remain out of site, no more tour guide evenings and Jude, you have to let Lex take her. Once he has her he'll dismiss his guards from your parents house. I'll know who it is by then and have them disposed of. The Daniels family will leave on a long vacation. By then I'll have a proper team prepared and we'll go after Lex together. I have vendettas of my own with him," he tells me with a sigh.

"I can’t sit back and let him take her, you know that Byron," I tell him.

"He won't kill her Jude, he has a sick obsession with her, she is to be his pet," he says but that doesn't calm my fears in the slightest. I know what he wants to do to her, he wants to train her for the sex trade, just like he did Marisa.

"He'll rape her," I growl, anger consuming me at the thought of his vile hands on my Eden.

"We won't give him the chance, we'll keep him too busy. Jude, I know you never believed me when I told you this, but Marisa and I were close, at least before she became so addicted. She was the reason we hung around longer than necessary when Lex had them locked in that warehouse. I was stalling because we were waiting for back up that never showed in time. My men had been ambushed on their way to the warehouse and I lost communication with them. Lex found out they were coming but he never let on. After Eden was taken away I tried to get you out of that place as quickly as possible. While I thought Lex was preoccupied with disposing Marisa’s body he caught up to us. He pulled me aside by gunpoint and I thought he was going to kill me. Instead he threatened me with your life, if I ever went back to New York I'd be dead and so would you. I couldn’t save Marisa on my own just like you can't save Eden on your own. He will kill her just to make you suffer," Byron told me and I didn’t doubt him. I had no idea about his true feelings towards Marisa. I always thought he didn't really care that she died.

"I will save Eden because maybe then I can forgive myself for letting Marisa die in that warehouse and because I don't want you to go through the rest of your life with that guilt, that you couldn't save the woman you love," he tells me. He understands that it isn’t just a crush or a fling, I love Eden. I nod and he turns and walks out of the airport. Byron has never been one for sharing personal matters, this was enough for him. He'll be in touch. In the meantime I'll continue to guard Eden and pay closer attention to the spies hovering around her.

I watch her boarding the plane and I feel helpless when she disappears inside. There is nothing I can do for her once she's in the air. I wait patiently until the airplane begins to roll down the runway. No last minute passenger is a good thing.

I run to my platform and greet the attendants. I look them all over, observing them for any signs of nervousness or anxiety. Any hint that something might be off but they all look like the same ones I've seen for years here. Their routine seems normal. I wouldn’t put it past Lex to try and take me out before he goes after Eden.

"Good morning Mr. Everett. Will you be traveling alone today sir?" the pilot asks. I wish I could have brought Eden with me but that would have been too risky to us both. I would have loved to be on her flight with her but I couldn’t take the chance of one of her friends seeing me or worse, Lex's henchman.

Yes, just me today,” I tell him. Once on the plane I do a once over of the cockpit, the fuel gauge, radios and the engine, making sure everything looks normal, nothing is wrong, broken or unusual. The pilot seems worried by my questions but I'm grateful he does another checklist of his dials and the gas, no leaks or damage reports.
Anything can happen now. I nod once I’m satisfied and take my leave. Once the plane is in the air I open my emails. I have one from Daniels which surprises me. As far as he is concerned I am no longer an employee of his. There isn’t a note just an attachment.


Daniels, my friend,

In case you have become attached to my darling Eden, and have any ideas about keeping her from me know that I have men on your wife and pretty Bethany too.

I’m a nice guy and I’ve appreciated our business in the past so I will wait until Eden returns from Europe.

I may even wait until after Bethany’s wedding, one thing we both don’t like is too many questions from too many people.

It would be difficult to explain to your family and the press as to why she

isn't there and from what I’ve seen she is close to her half sister.

I haven’t forgotten and you shouldn’t have either.

Eden is mine, since the day she was born she has been mine and I want her back, now.


There was no signature, no name in the sender, just a bunch of numbers and letters. There was no use in going to the police anyway, Beth and Vivian would be dead before they even arrived and maybe even my mother. Lex has informants everywhere. I have no doubts now that Lex has been keeping track of Eden’s every move since Daniels adopted her into his family. If Daniels knew this than why has he kept her protected. He wouldn’t fight Lex for her so there must be another party involved.

I glance at the email again and notice he sent it to Byron as well. It’s obvious why Daniels sent it to him. He needs Byron to keep me alive and away from Eden long enough for Lex to take her. As long as I’m alive then Eden will have a chance. Daniels knows Bethany will die and Eden will live under Lex’s captivity forever if he fights back.

I close my laptop and place it down on the floor. Stretching my legs across the leather seats I close my eyes, feeling a throb in my temples beginning. I don’t know how I’ll be able to follow through with this plan. Seeing Eden back in Lex’s hands will trigger the killer in me. I’m seeing red already.

I almost threw her back into my car and drove away with her at the airport. I know Lex and her father would have had us hunted down but the look of need in her eyes for me was almost too much for me to handle. I miss her already.

I should have known something was going on when Daniels told me my services wouldn’t be required back in the states. I'll have to be careful when I go to her. I'm sure whoever is on watch will report my presence, especially if they see me in her apartment.
I've already cased the place and had her new neighbors investigated before she left for Europe. I wouldn’t put it past Lex to paying one of them for information on Eden’s comings and goings as well as who she brings home.

I attempt to get some rest after pouring myself a few shots of whiskey. I’m already missing the smell of Eden’s hair and the feel of her smooth silky skin. I can’t let Lex touch her, ever.

Daniels sent me a text, waking me from my sleep letting me know that she has landed. His personal guards would be waiting for her to emerge from customs before I land. Little does she know she isn’t safe with her father. She won’t be protected anymore. Daniels added in his text that my services were no longer required. I’m sure it was for Lex’s benefit too. He sounds paranoid now, like he knows Lex is watching his every move.

I grinned, there is no way I will ever stop protecting her, under Daniels watch or not, Eden is mine to keep safe. Since she was fifteen she's been mine to keep safe. I don't even bother to reply. He doesn't deserve my time. Unless he's willing to fight or pay off Lex he is of no use to me anymore.

I’m not sure I completely trust my uncle yet either. He seemed too quick to come up with the plan of just letting Lex have her. He knows I won’t go through with it. I can’t. I’m not built that way. I fight for what I want. Byron sees her as a threat to his team. He sees her as a threat to his control. He can't control me, one of his most valuable weapons if I might lose it to protect Eden.

Angie worries me. I don’t think it’s Daniels that’s paying her, Lex admitted to knowing her every move and her relationship with Bethany. That’s something a best friend would know. Lex must know about me now. Her other friends may gossip, Daniels will know shortly that Eden met a man in London and has been spending all her time with him. He’ll know it’s me because I wouldn’t have let her get close to a stranger.

Daniels sent me another text, informing me that Lex has been spotted at LAX now but he isn’t sure if he’s coming, going or waiting. He needs me back on her case. This is unexpected. The man is acting strange. Why is he making such rash decisions, volleying back and forth? One minute he’s done with me and the next he needs me. Something is going on. I don’t trust a man that can feed his daughter to the wolves but why does he want me to protect her now? Unless Lex is going to take her sooner.

Fuck,” I shout. I’m so angry about not knowing everyone’s place. The only player I understand is Lex right now and that pisses me off. I'll protect Eden regardless of Daniels orders, he would know this already so the text isn’t really for me. The possibility of Byron setting me up crosses my mind. Would he really betray me like that? We’re family, he wouldn’t.  Lex might be waiting for me since he told Daniels he wouldn’t take Eden back until after the wedding which isn’t for a few more weeks.

I reply as noncommittal as I can. I don’t want whoever is reading his texts to think I suspect anything.

I have unfinished business in New York. If you would like I can continue services there. I'll be landing shortly to see that Eden makes it into your bodyguards custody safely.

Once I've landed the games will begin.


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