Journey of the Bride (5 page)

Read Journey of the Bride Online

Authors: Mary Fox

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Western, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Historical Romance, #Westerns

BOOK: Journey of the Bride
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He grunted in response. It would have deflated her if she hadn

t seen the pleased look in his eyes.

It wasn

t bad.


She narrowed her eyes at him.


t bad?

she repeated, placing her hands on her hips.



He groaned, closing his eyes and looking up towards the ceiling. She paused, closing the distance between them and placing her hand on his chest as she stood up on the tips of her toes.


she whispered into his ear, testing a theory.


He groaned again, leaning down and taking her mouth again. This time, their kiss was sweeter and longer. His hand slid down her cheek and down her side, pausing at her hip to pull her tighter against him, but then it continued downward, clasping her hand in his fingers before he released her mouth. He stepped back then, bringing her hand up to his mouth and kissing the back of her hand.


We shall continue this discussion later, Miss le Brush,

he said. His eyes never left hers as he spoke and a shiver of delight washed through her. The way he looked at her made her wonder if there would be much discussion at all, or it was just going to be more kissing and touching. She didn

t know which she

d be more excited about, learning more about Brandon or kissing him. She wanted to do both.


She only nodded at him, biting her lip to keep from launching herself at him once more. She needn

t have tried. He growled low in his throat, leaned forward and took her bottom lip in his mouth, suckling it for a moment before he released it. He turned away from her after giving her a last quick kiss. He grabbed a shirt from the back of a chair and pulled it on. She watched him grab his hat from beside the door and pull it on his head. He spared her one more glance before he walked outside, but then he was gone, the door swinging shut behind him.


Courtney released her breath with a heavy sigh, sinking down into a chair before her legs collapsed under her. God, could that man kiss. She ran her fingers through her hair, wondering how she must look. She

d acted like a wonton woman, something she

d never done before. Goodness though, Brandon made her want to do things she

d never thought of doing before.


Are you alright, Miss le Brush?


She looked up at the sound of Paul

s voice and smiled, smoothing her skirt and pretending nothing was wrong.


s fine,

she assured him.


s bring everything in so I can get a meal started. Long journey like that, these men

ll be starving before too long.


Paul have her a knowing grin and followed her out of the door. He chuckled as they carried in the packages from the wagon.

I knew you two would get along,

he told her.


She laughed.


m not too certain of that quite yet,

she informed him,

but there is definitely the possibility.

She remembered the way he

d kissed her, the way he

d groaned, the way she

d moaned. She wanted all of that again. If she hadn

t been carrying anything, she knew she would have touched her mouth where he

d bitten her lip.


Once everything was carried inside and put away in its proper place, Courtney took the time to familiarize herself with the kitchen and where things were. Then she pulled out a couple of pots and pans and started cooking. Paul asked her if she needed any help with anything, but she only waved him away.

Go make sure your brother doesn

t kill anyone out there and let them know they

ll hear the cowbell outside when supper

s done.


He nodded and disappeared out of the kitchen before she could ask anything more of him. Looking about, Courtney brushed her hair back out of her face, rolled up her sleeves and set to work.



Chapter Five



Supper was a success. The men gathered outside at a row of tables where Courtney served them tin bowls full of soup. She hadn

t known how much to make and knew that if she made too much the soup would keep overnight better than anything else she made if there happened to be extra. She served all the hired men first, learning names as she placed bowls before them all. She warned them she may not remember all their names, to which they assured her they didn

t mind.


Brandon held back, watching her from the edge of the crowd, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes shielded. She knew he watched her though, knew it like she knew the sky was blue.


When she served him his meal, he thanked her, a small smile crossing his face the first time. She stepped back and waited, wondering what he would think of it. It really had been a long time since she

d cooked for anyone and she worried that the other men were being nice because they thought it in her power to fire them. No need to tell them she wouldn

t even if she did. Somehow though, she knew Brandon wouldn

t mince words with her. If her cooking was bad, he

d tell her it was.


He ate in silence, taking several bites before he seemed to realize she was watching. Then he glanced at her where she stood with her hands behind her back, awaiting his assessment. He nodded his approval. She beamed at him, turning away and practically skipping back to the kitchen. He liked it. He liked her cooking. Maybe there was hope that this would work after all.


As she passed the table, some of the men asked if there was enough for second helpings. She assured them there was and told them they could come get themselves more if they liked.


Inside the house once more, Courtney dished herself a bowl of soup and sat at the table there, relishing in the silence inside the house even as she heard the night noises outside. That would take some getting used to: the crickets and the frogs singing. In the distance, a coyote howled, but it didn

t bother Courtney. She closed her eyes and smiled to herself.


Every once in a while one of the men would come help themselves to another scoop of soup. Beyond a smile in their direction, Courtney didn

t interact with them, choosing to eat in silence so that she could explore the house afterwards. She asked that the dirty dishes be stacked on the table and assured the men she could handle them herself. She set to work after eating, filling a bucket with water and scrubbing the dishes with water and scouring food off with sand. Then she set them out to dry and explored the house.


Outside, the men grew loud with the sounds of song and conversations. Laughter filled the air and there was an overall sense of companionship amongst the men. She was glad. That would mean few fights in the long run.


Upstairs, Courtney paused in front of the closed doors and looked around. A feeling that she was being watched nagged at her, and she wasn

t sure she liked it. A shiver passed through her body and she returned her attention to the task at hand.


That room

s off limits,

a steel voice said behind her just as she turned the knob and started inside.


She slammed the door shut, spinning around and flattening her back against the wood, her hand pressed over her heart. She stared up at Brandon, who stood at the head of the stairs, his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at her through narrowed eyes. Even angry, he made her heart pound in her chest.


That wasn

t something she had expected. She

d known what marriage would mean and had accepted it. She hadn

t counted on being attracted to the man she

d marry. It was nice. Unexpected, but nice.




m sorry,

she stammered.

I wasn

t trying to be nosy. I

m just tired. I want to sleep.


He didn

t say anything right away. He simply watched her, as if trying to consider something.


So you

re my wife?

he said after several moments.


That is what I

ve been told,

she countered.


Brandon nodded, the barest movement she wouldn

t have seen if she hadn

t seen the bob of his hat atop his head. Then he strode toward her, his gaze hot as he came closer and closer until he had her pinned against the door.


And do you know everything that entails?

he asked. There was heat in his gaze, but it was the gruff tone in his words that left her breathless. Her eyes moved down to his mouth and she swallowed hard.


I think I

ve figured it out,

she whispered, closing her eyes and taking a shattering breath.


It was that moment he chose to capture her mouth with his. He demanded her attention, drawing her lips to his. She melted into him as he commanded she relinquish herself to him. His tongue swept across her bottom lip, seeking entrance to her mouth. With a moan, she surrendered completely, and their tongues danced with one another.


His hands slid up her sides, cupping her breasts through the fabric of her gown and she moaned again. Her stomach felt tight and heat pooled between her legs. He was promising a release she didn

t even know she needed until that moment.


Fuck it,

he growled against her mouth, pulling her tight against him as he reached around her and opened the door. He shoved her inside, slamming the door shut behind him. Then he grabbed her and pushed her up against it, his hands sliding down her sides to the edge of her skirt and up under them.


His mouth assaulted her mouth, her neck, her shoulders, every bare piece of flesh he could reach. All the while, his hands roamed over her heated flesh, touching her and sending spirals of heat through her. She gasped for air, desperate for something she didn

t understand.



she moaned. She closed her eyes and groaned. Her hands tangled into his hair as she tried to pull him back up to her mouth. He had other ideas though.


He flattened himself against her, tugging at her earlobe. His breath was heavy and hot in her ear and a shiver passed through her.


His hands navigated past all her garments then and she realized his intentions just before he succeeded in executing them. His fingers slide inside her warmth and her eyes widened in shock. She cried out in pure pleasure as he started moving his fingers, drawing mewling calls from her throat. He chuckled in her ear.

Do I please you, baby?


There was no words to describe the feeling swimming through her. Her hips bucked toward his hand, wanting, needing, more. She could only nod as she held onto him for dear life. An ache started in her belly. She needed more from him, more than he was giving her. She just wasn

t sure what it was she needed though.


Come on, baby,

he growled.

Give me what I want.


What do you want?

she asked, breathless. Pleasure rippled throughout her body, and with two more strokes of his fingers, her body undulated at his touch and she came with a loud cry.



s it, baby. That

s it.

He chuckled. His beard scratched her neck as he pulled away and looked at her, a grin on his face.

Turn around,

he told her.


Her body trembled with the aftermath of her orgasm, but she did as he told her, unsure of what was going to happen.


He tugged at the laces that held her gown closed and let it pool at her feet. He spun her around and striped her of her undergarments until she stood before him naked as the day she

d been born, satisfaction pasted to his face as he looked her over. His mouth was hot on her skin as he kissed her once more.


Then he lifted her into the air, his hands under her ass, spreading her for him. When he had lowered his pants, she couldn

t remember. Everything was happening in a haze. What was he doing to her? She knew what they were doing, understood what was going on, but she hadn

t expected the flood of emotions that would go along with it. She could barely think. She only knew that she needed something only he could give her.


Understanding came to her as his cock sank deep inside her. She cried out, pain mingling with pleasure, and he froze.


He pulled back his head, where he

d been kissing the curve where her neck and shoulder met, and stared at her.


re a virgin?

he asked.


A smirk of satisfaction crossed her face.

Not anymore,

she said, and she leaned forward to kiss him.


t stop, please,

she whispered against his mouth. She needed this. If he stopped, it was all over. Somehow, she knew that, understood it like the back of her hand.


A growl erupted from his throat.


he snarled. She could feel his anger, but whether it was toward her or himself, she didn

t know. It didn

t matter.


His hips thrust toward her again, burying himself deeper inside her. She moaned, throwing her head back as a new wave of pleasure rippled through her. This was what she needed. This man. This moment.


Her hands tangled in his hair as his mouth lowered over her breast. His hips bucked, his teeth teased her nipple. Nothing existed but the connection between her and Brandon, the way he pumped himself inside her, her ass in his hands, her legs wrapped around his waist. She arched her back, another orgasm washing through her. She moaned, the sound loud and only an echo of the loud groan that exited his throat as he came inside her.


She could feel his cock pulsing as jets of cum erupted inside her. Her cheeks heated for a moment. She

d brought him pleasure. She

d brought out this reaction in him. It was a powerful knowledge to have, she knew. It was something almost magical, in her opinion.


He withdrew from her, placing her feet back on the ground. They both stood panting and breathing heavily. He planted his hands against the door on either side of her head, looking down at her.


Then something in his expression changed. His face changed in the blink of an eye, going from satisfied to angry in a moment

s notice.

This was not the proper way to take a virgin,

he said.

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