Joss Whedon: The Biography (77 page)

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So many of the people …
” Buchanan, interview by the author.

It’s a place where, in order to really fit in …
” Nielsen, quoted in Rachel Hyland, “The Bronze Age.”

I remember him frequently talking …
” Batali, interview by the author.

I’d rather make a show …
” Whedon, featurette commentary in “
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
: TV with Bite.”

Well, you have to go on …
” Hannigan, quoted in Head, interview by the author.

And so I did” …
Head, interview by the author.

Some Bronzers hated everything …
” Noxon, interview by the author.

Am interested in showing dreams …
” Whedon,
post, circa February 2, 1998.

It was always such a BIG DEAL …
” Morris, interview by the author.

It was special that [Joss] …
” Salomon, quoted in Tuszynski, “IRL (In Real Life): Breaking Down the Binary of Online Versus Offline Social Interaction.”

It was always lovely …
” Noxon, interview by the author.

I don’t think people realize …
” Cole, interview by the author.

10. The Buffy Way

It is a show …
” Greenwalt, interview by the author.

distinctive voices who can blend …
” Whedon, interview in
Joss Whedon: The Master at Play

the person behind the words …
” Ibid.

I got offered a job …
” Noxon, interview by the author.

a director doesn’t have to …
” Whedon, quoted in Ken P., “An Interview with Joss Whedon.”

I don’t have to write …
” Ibid.

The thing about fantasy …
” Whedon, interview by the author.

possibly the best” scene …
Whedon, director’s commentary, “Innocence.”

harder edged” and “uglier” …

You have to make sure …
” Whedon, interview by the author.

Not only were we making a movie …
” Ibid.

This one’s a French farce! …
” Ibid.

Joss’s shows are really …
” Espenson, interview by the author.

There was almost never a day …
” Ibid.

Once, I’d worked a long time …
” Ryan, interview by the author.

Behind all of the intelligence …
” Gordon, interview by the author.

He would pace around the room …
” Espenson, interview by the author.

delightful, funny people …
” Noxon, interview by the author.

Sofas, easy chairs, etc….
” Fury, interview by the author.

We had lots of toys …
” Espenson, interview by the author.

there were little magnetized ball bearings …
” Ibid.

If he lies down on a table …
” Greenwalt, interview by the author.

But he wanted us to look …
” Noxon, interview by the author.

I think that is the great privilege …
” Gordon, interview by the author.

Marti, we’ve read your script …
” Whedon, quoted in Noxon, interview by the author.

Joss said “Leprechauns” …

I have never lived the leprechauns down …
” Noxon, interview by the author.

I go for the comic ones …
” Whedon, interview in
The Write Environment
, DVD.

I had just come off …
” Espenson, interview by the author.

That’s dumb” …
Whedon, quoted in Gutierrez, interview by the author.

Joss was definitely …
” Gutierrez, interview by the author.

Muji made a wonderful notebook …
” Whedon, interview by the author.

If I’m writing by pacing …
” Ibid.

By the time he sits down …
” Greenwalt, interview by the author.

He basically taps his thumb …
” Gutierrez, interview by the author.

Oh my God, he would do this thing …
” Noxon, interview by the author.

He hates to rewrite” …
Greenwalt, interview by the author.

You could always tell …
” Head, interview by the author.

I would get up at five …
” Greenwalt, interview by the author.

Can we make him smile …
” Batali, interview by the author.

The Dear Leader of that cult …
” Espenson, quoted in Bridges, “SerenityStuff Welcomes Jane Espenson.”

He sent us all out …
” Ibid.

11. Front-Page News

My first impression wasn’t …
” Espenson, quoted in Vary, “Life Inside the Whedonverse.”

There was a lot of tension” …
Whedon, quoted in Ken P., “An Interview with Joss Whedon.”

You just had to encourage actors …
” Britt, interview by the author.

two kids who suspect …
” Whedon, quoted in Hontz and Petrikin, “Whedon, Fox Vamping.”

a comedy about someone who is kidnapped …
Hontz and Petrikin, “Whedon, Fox Vamping.”

none of us turn out exactly …
” Whedon, interview in
Joss Whedon: The Master at Play

It’s hard to ignore the idea …
” Whedon,
post, December 15, 1998.

On the inevitable subject …
” Whedon,
post, May 13, 1999.

if anything [violent] had happened …
” Turell, quoted in “Buffy Breaks Out,”
Entertainment Weekly

Even Elvis Costello riffed …
” “Buffy Breaks Out,”
Entertainment Weekly

OK, I’m having a Grateful Dead moment …
” Whedon, quoted in Johnson, “Fans Sink Teeth into Bootlegged ‘Buffy.’”

hot water” with the WB …
post, June 19, 1999.

We are the people …
” JenKatz, “Bootlegging Buffy.”

Joss had an old black Toyota …
” Brendon, interview by the author.

12. Growing Up: Angel

When Joss [brought up the idea] …
” Greenwalt, interview by the author.

David was a great guy …
” Ibid.

Joss was “blown away” …
Whedon, interview in
Joss Whedon: The Master at Play

I frankly didn’t think …
” Minear, interview by the author.

Marti Noxon, Jane Espenson …
” Gordon, interview by the author.

Trust me. I don’t sing …
” Ibid.

There were the freshmen” …
Minear, interview by the author.

We wanted a much darker show …
” Whedon, quoted in Havens,
Joss Whedon
, 101.

One time, Angel arrives too late …
” Greenwalt, interview by the author.

Buffy is always the underdog …
” Whedon, quoted in Havens,
Joss Whedon
, 102.

Touched by an Equalizer” …
Whedon, interview in
Joss Whedon: The Master at Play

turned it into another ensemble …
” Ibid

terrific, but troubled …
” Greenwalt, interview by the author.

weird uncomfortableness” …
Minear, interview by the author.

Well, when you wipe your ass …
” Ibid.

There was sort of a high school …
” Ibid.

I quit” …

We’ve been here for months! …
” Ibid.

Great” …

That’s a really big show …
” Greenwalt, quoted in Minear, interview by the author.

Because I wasn’t happy” …
Minear, interview by the author.

I don’t even think …
” Whedon, interview by the author.

I had already fallen in love …
” Denisof, interview by the author.

We just couldn’t figure it out …
” Britt, interview by the author.

I ran into David Boreanaz …
” Benz, interview by the author.

If you’re available …
” Ibid.

Angel got very dark …
” Minear, interview by the author.

When he talked about a story …
” Ibid.

I had always had the belief …
” Ryan, interview by the author.

Look, I’ve been lucky enough …
” Minear, interview by the author.

I definitely want to get credit …
” Whedon, quoted in Minear, interview by the author.

Let’s be honest …
” Minear, interview by the author.

At the beginning of season one …
” Ibid.

Absolutely, you should …
” Whedon, quoted in Minear, interview by the author.

he called Minear a “genius writer” …
Whedon, quoted in Adalian, “‘Angel’ Writer Gets Fox Wings.”

That’s the thing …
” Minear, interview by the author.

13. A New Challenge: Silence

just get his coverage …
” Whedon, interview by the author.

remind people of what scared them …
” Whedon, director’s commentary, “Hush.”

The Globolinks came …
” Whedon, quoted in “Joss Whedon’s Plan to Monetize Internet Content,” Knowledge@Wharton.

genuinely disturbing imagery” …
Murray, review of “Hush.”

a true tour de force …
” Bianculli, TV Tonight, March 21, 2000.

in a medium in which producers …
” Bianco, Critic’s Corner, December 14, 1999.

‘Hush’ … redefined what an episode …
” Espenson, featurette commentary in “‘Hush’ Featurette.”

conservative church groups told members …
Tuszynski, “IRL (In Real Life): Breaking Down the Binary of Online Versus Offline Social Interaction.”

the fans “heard from other people …
” Paula “Polgara” Carlson, quoted in ibid.

” Whedon,
posts, August 1, 2000.

Somewhere along the line” …
“Missi,” quoted in Tuszynski, “IRL (In Real Life): Breaking Down the Binary of Online Versus Offline Social Interaction.”

as the organizers established partnerships …
Gatson and Zweerink, “Choosing Community: Rejecting Anonymity in Cyberspace.”

you could see the stars of the show …
” “Leather Jacket,” quoted in Tuszynski, “IRL (In Real Life): Breaking Down the Binary of Online Versus Offline Social Interaction.”

I read the Parable …
” Whedon and Fury,
posts. May 17, 2000.

Joss came on …
” Hein, quoted in Tuszynski, “IRL (In Real Life): Breaking Down the Binary of Online Versus Offline Social Interaction.”

There’s no other word …
” Gellar, quoted in Pond, “Sarah Michelle Gellar’s New World Order.”

He was very upset …
” Pruitt, interview in the Hellmouth, June 21, 2000.

14. Shakespeare Fanboy

You can’t get upset …
” Whedon, quoted in Minear, interview by the author.

What we decided to do …
” Minear, quoted in Gross, “ANGEL: Writer-Producer on directing ‘Darla.’”

You know what we should do? …
” Whedon, interview by the author.

It’s hilarious …
” Whedon, quoted in Ken P., “An Interview with Joss Whedon.”

I think Shakespeare works …
” Ibid.

No one cares. Just come …
” Whedon, quoted in Head, interview by the author.

James had always had a real thing …
” Head, interview by the author.

I waited, waited” …
Whedon, interview by the author.

He found nuances in it …
” Head, interview by the author.

When you’re in a couple …
” Cole, interview by the author.

a happy one” …

He knows I love it …
” Denisof, interview by the author.

It’s not always the part …
” Ibid.

He called me …
” Benz, interview by the author.

If you’re working with him …
” Acker, interview by the author.

We had amazing, amazing readings” …
Whedon, interview by the author.

Suddenly you saw a whole different side …
” Head, interview by the author.

I told him ‘I can’t talk …’
” Cole, interview by the author.

I was ‘nonspecific duke …’
” Denisof, interview by the author.

It’s just the fun of hearing …
” Ibid.

It made me want to eat …
” Harris, interview by the author.

It’s crazy! …
” Espenson, interview by the author.

It was that that got him thinking …
” Denisof, interview by the author.

Joss describes it as Vietnam in the morning …
Whedon, interview by the author.

I just pictured it in my head …
” Cole, interview by the author.

He loves it so much” …

15. Buffy Goes Back to High School

have a really important, intense emotional relationship …
” Whedon, quoted in Miller, “The Man Behind the Slayer.”

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