Read Josh's Justice, Cowboy Romance (Bad in Boots, Book 4) Online

Authors: Patrice Michelle

Tags: #Bad In Boots

Josh's Justice, Cowboy Romance (Bad in Boots, Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: Josh's Justice, Cowboy Romance (Bad in Boots, Book 4)
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Heated tension settled between them, ramping her heart rate. Now that they were alone, nervousness began to flutter in her stomach. She gestured to the target area. “That was fun to watch. The kids really seemed to enjoy it.” Glancing down at the gun on his hip, she continued, “My favorite part was seeing you dressed like an old west gunslinger.”

Josh followed her line of sight, then met her gaze, a playful look in his eyes. “Ever shot a Colt 45 before?”

She shook her head. “Never shot a gun in my life.”

Grinning, he pointed to the middle wooden stand. “Then you’re about to learn. Wait there.”

While Sabrina did as he asked, Josh replaced the cardboard target with a wooden one.

He reloaded his gun with bullets from his belt as he approached. Snapping the cylinder closed, he took off his hat and stepped behind her, asking, “Which is your dominant hand?”

She lifted her right hand and he settled the handle of the gun against her palm, curling her fingers around it. “Just hold it like that for a sec,” he said as he stepped flush with her backside and put his hands on her hips to turn them. “You’re going to want to stand like this.”

“Okay, now what?” She asked over her shoulder.

Instead of moving to her side like she expected him to do, he slid his arms under hers, lifting their arms together to show her the angle she should be holding each arm. “This hand will pull back the hammer and this one will hold the gun steady. Got it?”

Once she nodded, he said, “I’m going to put my hands over yours the first time, so you’ll feel the kick and be prepared for it. Then you can do it yourself.”

Sabrina faced the target and let her body melt into his arms. She enjoyed the feel of him surrounding her all over. She’d never felt so protected. “Ready.”

“Now look down the barrel toward the target, then pull the hammer back.” He demonstrated, then put the hammer back in place so she could do it.

Sabrina thumbed the hammer back, shifting the gun to center it on the target.

Josh slid his finger over hers near the trigger, while his other hand cupped hers under the handle. “You’re going to want to aim down a tad, since these guns have a tendency to shoot up.”

He tilted the gun down just a bit, then put pressure on her finger with his, pulling the trigger. When the gun went off, she flinched at the loud sound.

The bullet at least managed to hit the edge of the wooden target. She grimaced. “Er, sorry I jerked a little. The gun’s much louder up close.”

“Want to try it on your own?”

She nodded and cocked the trigger to put another bullet in the chamber, then lifted her arms and positioned her hands around the gun like he’d shown her.

Josh hadn’t moved from behind her, his warmth penetrating her clothes, seeping into her skin. She cut her gaze back to him. “Um, I am doing this on my own, right?”

He flashed a smile. “Of course.”

Sabrina had expected him to move away, but she kind of liked the idea he was there to back her up if she needed it.

She started to lift her arms into a firing position when Josh’s hands landed on her hips. He shifted them slightly, but instead of letting go once he was satisfied with her stance, he slid his hands up her waist, skimming the sides of her breasts before he ran his hands down her shoulders to adjust her arms.

“Better?” She sounded breathless. Clearing her throat, she blinked to regain focus and stop thinking about how much she enjoyed him touching her.

“Mmmm, much,” he purred in her ear, resting his hands on her hips once more.

“Are you really trying to teach me?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Just wanted to make your shooting lesson memorable,” he said before he stepped to her side and folded his arms. “Take your shot, Annie O.”

She smirked, then focused on the target and pulled the trigger. Before Josh could move, she thumbed back the hammer and took another shot, and then a few more until the bullets were gone.

Josh eyed the target and her shots’ close grouping, then jerked a suspicious gaze her way. “I thought you said you’ve never shot a gun before?”

She shrugged. “I haven’t shot a
gun, but I’m pretty good with the pellet variety. I was raised with two older brothers, remember?”

When Josh laughed, she said, “I heard you shooting earlier, but didn’t get to see it. Why don’t you show me your moves?”

His eyebrows shot up mischievously and he took a step closer. “My moves?”

She lifted the handle toward him, trying not to be drawn in by his suggestive undertone. “Reload, cowboy.”

Josh’s lips quirked as he took the gun. “I could easily run with that one too—”

She snickered. “Just show me what you’ve got.”

His shoulders shook with amusement while he emptied the bullets. “You’re killing me.”

Sabrina smiled. Flirting with Josh felt so natural.

Once Josh loaded the gun, he started to lift it toward the target, but she gripped his arm and shook her head. Backing away to give him space, she said, “I want to see you draw and shoot. Why do I have this feeling you’re darn good at it?”

His lips lifted in a cocky smile as he spun the gun into the gun belt holster without looking.

“Thought so,” she murmured. “Go for it, cowbo—.”

Before she finished speaking, he’d already drawn and unloaded all five bullets into the target.

Sabrina gaped. She couldn’t believe how fast he’d moved. His hand was a blur, fanning back the hammer so fast between shots she hardly saw it. Shaking her head slowly, she exhaled a surprised breath. “Okay, I’m impressed.”

“Then my job here is done,” Josh said, flashing a grin before he spun the gun back into its holder once more.

Unbuckling the gun belt, he held it out to her. “Hold this for me while I help my family put away all this camp stuff.”

Her fingers curled around the thick leather and gun handle so she wouldn’t drop it. “I don’t mind helping you clean up, Josh.”

He quickly shook his head. “We’ve got it. Why don’t you wait for me on the porch. I’ll just be a few minutes.”

Sabrina sat on the top step and spent ten minutes watching Josh and his family work together to put the stuff they’d built for the camp away in a storage shed beside the barn. While she watched, she absently ran her thumb over the gun’s handle.

When she moved her finger along the bottom, the pad of her thumb seemed to catch on something. She glanced down and saw the initials NA had been etched into the metal.

Sliding the gun out, she inspected it closely and realized it was just like the gun in Josh’s childhood bedroom. Probably part of a matching set. Who was NA?

What did Josh say the boy’s name was in that picture in his room? He’d called him Nick Austin. She stared at the initials once more. If this is Nick’s, then why does Josh take care of and use his friend’s gun, but leaves his own gun untouched and collecting dust?

Sabrina lifted her gaze to watch Josh once more, only to find him standing on the bottom step staring at her running her thumb over the etching.

She could tell by his suddenly blank expression that he didn’t want to talk about it, so she slid the gun back into its holder and stood, holding the belt out to him.

Josh had put his hat back on, but she could see the look of hesitation in his eyes as if he was going to say something. Instead, he rolled his shoulders and walked the rest of the way up the stairs until he’d reached her level. Staring down at her, he took the gun belt and smiled. “Give me five minutes and we’ll head out, okay?”

Once he went inside, Sabrina sat on the long porch swing and tried to picture what Josh’s house would look like. She found it hard to conjure specific images, but one thing she knew for sure, it would be a cozy, comfortable place. Would he be a neat freak or a bit of a slob? She turned her face toward the warm sun and closed her eyes, looking forward to finding out.


* * *


 “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Sabrina’s eyes fluttered open and she quickly sat up, eyeing Josh, who’d apparently showered and changed into a white button down shirt and Wranglers, complete with a silver and gold buckle. “Was I asleep?”

Josh clasped her hand and pulled her to her feet. “Yep. You didn’t get much sleep last night, so I’m not surprised you took a catnap.”

He picked up her backpack and slung it over his shoulder. Ready to go?” His smile made the butterflies in her stomach multiply tenfold as he held his hand out to her. Wow, with the afternoon sun shining directly in his eyes, the teal color was downright arresting.

Josh squeezed her hand and pulled her toward the steps. When Sabrina saw a couple horses standing at the bottom of the stairs, she glanced his way. “We’re not taking your truck?

He shook his head. “It’s a nice day. Thought we’d take a ride to my place.”

She squeezed his hand, her stomach knotting. “Um, I haven’t gotten up the nerve to ride a horse, yet. I was working my way up to that by grooming Lightning.”

“Really?” Surprise flickered. “Okay, then.” Releasing her hand, he called out to his nephew through the screen door, “Ben, can you put Queen away? Sabrina’s going to ride with me.”

Ben appeared at the door and nodded. “Sure thing Uncle Josh.”

Sabrina shot him an apologetic smile, then followed Josh down the stairs to his horse.

“What’s his name?” She rubbed the black horse’s neck as Josh secured her small backpack behind the saddle.

Josh patted the animal’s rump, then tugged on her hand to pull her toward him. “This here is Ace.”

He’d barely released her hand before gripping her waist. Sabrina let out a yelp when he quickly lifted her across the horse’s back. “Damn, you’re so tiny I could put you in my pocket,” he said softly as she settled into the saddle.

Sabrina felt so high up she gripped the saddle horn like a lifeline while Josh pulled himself up behind her.

Josh’s arms came around her waist and he chuckled low in her ear. “Relax, Brina.” Retrieving the horse’s reins, he nudged Ace with his knees, and the horse turned around.

“Why aren’t we taking the drive?” she asked, pointing toward the entrance to the Double K.

Ace headed for the back of the Kelly’s house. Once the horse reached the edge of the property, Josh entered the woods, saying casually, “My place is this way. I’ve taken a couple of days off. As much as I’d like to say I’m doing this to watch over you, the truth is…I’d just like to spend some time alone with you.”

“Oh,” was all Sabrina got out before Ace began to climb the slight incline. The fact that Josh wanted her all to himself made her heart hammer, while the horse’s movement upward forced her body to lean back against Josh. Being up so high still made her nervous. She tried to relax and let her head rest in the cradle of his shoulder, while her body settled against him as she slid back in the saddle.

Josh wrapped his arm around her waist and spoke in a low tone against her neck. “You’re so tense. I can help you learn to enjoy riding if you’ll let me.”

She released an anxious breath. “Oh, yeah, what’s this technique called?”

“Distraction,” he whispered seductively in her ear.

“Distraction, huh? Is this foolproof?”

“Only if you give yourself over to it.” His arm around her waist tightened slightly. “Are you up for trying?”

Sabrina really wanted to overcome her fears. She blew out a tense breath and nodded.

As the horse walked at a plodding pace up the slope, Josh slid his hand to her belly. “What do you do when you’re not visiting friends on vacation?”

She sucked in her breath when she felt his thumb slide along the underside of her bra in a slow, deliberate motion. How did the man sound so casual and laidback while he aroused her body with his tantalizing touch? She had to focus to answer. “I work in an advertising firm.”

“Travel much with your job?” he asked at the same time he began to pull her tucked-in shirt from her jeans.

Her heart sped up. His purposeful, unhurried seduction made her want him that much more. It’s like he was giving her time to change her mind. At anytime, she could ask him to stop, but rational thoughts were fading fast, along with her fear of being high up on a horse. “Uh…um…no. Actually most of my job is done in the office. I only travel to a couple of meetings a year. Marketing isn’t always as glamorous as it sounds.”

“I was hoping you traveled to Texas a
.” He emphasized the last word as his fingers brushed against the bare skin just above the waistband of her jeans. Warmth began to spread through her body, competing with the Texas heat that clung to her even in the shade-covered trail.

“I haven’t had a reason to travel this direction.” Her voice trembled a little by the idea that he hoped to see more of her.

Josh suddenly clasped her waist tight. “I want to give you every reason tonight, Brina. Again and again.”

His possessive hold, coupled with his sensual promise made it hard to focus on her surroundings. She glanced down to regain control, only to realize a moment’s panic when Josh suddenly dropped the knotted end of the reins against Ace’s neck and lowered his palms to her thighs.

“Josh, the reins,” she gasped. Leaning over the saddle horn, she started to grasp the reins lying across Ace’s neck when Josh quickly pulled her back against his chest.

“Ace knows the way,” he replied, full of confidence. “I need both hands to learn every inch of this new territory I’ve never explored before on this trail,” he whispered darkly before planting a tantalizing kiss on the sensitive spot behind her ear. The gentle brush of his lips on her skin caused a shiver to course through her, but the sensation of him slowly pulling the buttons apart on her shirt set her pulse racing.

As he flicked the last button and her shirt fell open, her stomach tightened in arousing anticipation while pressure rushed to the center of her body in pulsing tension.

When he cupped her breasts through her bra, Sabrina gripped the saddle horn tighter. She closed her eyes and waited with bated breath as her heartbeat thrummed in response.

The first brush of his thumbs across the swell of skin above the fabric of her bra made her gasp, but when he dipped his fingers past the cups’ soft fabric to lightly run them over her nipples, pleasure shot straight down to her lower belly.

BOOK: Josh's Justice, Cowboy Romance (Bad in Boots, Book 4)
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