Josephine Baker (93 page)

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Authors: Jean-Claude Baker,Chris Chase

BOOK: Josephine Baker
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O'Connor, John J.

Oestreicher, Gerard

Offenbach, Jacques

Old Chauffeur's Club

Oldfield, Barney

Oliver, Sy

Olivier, Laurence

Olympia Theatre

Olympic games

Olympic Theatre

O'Neill, Eugene

“Open the Door, Richard”

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Otero, Caroline

Otte, Christiane


Ouverture school, L'

Owens, Billy

Owens, Jesse

Paderewski, Ignacy Jan

Paillole, Captain

Palace Theatre

Palmer, Jack

Panama Trio

Pandora's Box

Papich, Stephen

Paradise Garden


Americans in

art and music in

clubs and theaters in

JB's conquest of

JB's first impression of

JB's initial misgivings about

Montmartre quarter of

social and racial freedom in

Paris Conservatory

Paris in the Third Reich


Paris Match

Paris Mes Amours


Paris Qui Brille

Paris Qui Remue

Paris Sings Again




Patou, Jean

Patton, Elizabeth

Patton, George S., Jr.

Paul VI, Pope

Pavillon, Le

Pavillon Cabaret

Pavillon Dauphine

Pavlova, Anna

Payton, Lew

Pempelfort, Gert


Perkins, James Alexander

Perón, Eva Maria Duarte de

Perón, Juan Domingo

Pétain, Henri Philippe Omer

Petit, Roland

Petit Journal, Le

“Petit Poucet, Le”

“Petite Tonkinoise, La”

Philadelphia, Pa.

Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia Tribune

Piaf, Edith

Picabia, Francis

Picasso, Pablo

Pills, Jacques

Pimm's Club

Pineau, Christian

Piner, W. H.

Pinza, Ezio

Pirandello, Luigi

Pittsburgh Courier

Pius XII, Pope


Plantation Days

Poiret, Paul

Poitier, Juanita

Poitier, Sidney


Pompidou, Georges (president of France)

Pons, Lily

Ponti, Carlo

Porgy and Bess

Porter, Cole

Poston, Ted

Pougy, Liane de

Poulot, Abbé

Pound, Ezra

Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.

Prasteau, Jean

“Pretty Little Baby”

Prevost, Arthur

Prieur, Gaston

Prince Edward Theatre

Princesse Tam-Tam

Printemps, Yvonne



Prouvost, Jean

Pryce-Jones, David


Rader, Dotson


Raffles Club

Ragtime Steppers

Raikem, Albert de

Rainbow Tribe,
Baker, Josephine, children adopted by

Rainbow Tribe, The
(Baker and Worm)

Rainier, Prince of Monaco


Rat Mort, Le

Ravel, Maurice

Ray, Man

Raya, Nita

Rayburn, Stanley

Razaf, Andy

Reagan, Caroline Dudley

family life of

JB and

JB's broken contract with

La Revue Nègre
produced by

Reagan, Daniel Joseph

Reagan, Ronald

Reagan-Herr, Sophie

Reboux, Paul

Reggiori, Jean Pierre


Regnier, Pierre de

Reich, George

Reinhardt, Django

Reinhardt, Max

Remarque, Erich Maria

Remembering Josephine

Renaud, Line

Renaudin, Ginette

Rennert, Jack

Revel, Dany

Revue Nègre, La:

choreography of

chorus line in

famous poster for

finale of

JB as star of

music and lyrics of

nudity in

opening night of

production and casting of

rehearsals for

reviews of

sets and costumes of

success of

touring of

Rey, Frédéric

Rhodes, Dorothy

Ribac, Albert

Rich, Buddy

Richardson, Walter

Ricks, Marguerite

Rico, Roger

Rico, Solange

Riess, Curt

Rim, Carlo

Rivollet, André

Roberts, Luckey

Robert's Oriental Perfume

Robeson, Essie

Robeson, Paul

Robespierre, Maximilien François Marie Isidore de

Robinson, Bill

Robinson, Ikey

Robinson, Sugar Ray

Rochas, Marie

Rogers, Ginger

Rogers, J. A.

Romano, Annio

Romano, Sylvio

Romans Alain

Rommel, Erwin

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.


Ross, Diana

Rothschild family

Roux, Michel

Rouzaud-Lottier, Marie-Jo

Royal Swedish Ballet

Royal Theatre

Ruark, Robert

Ruby, Jack

Ruinet, Henri

Runnin' Wild

Russell, Bertrand

Russell, Bob

Russell, Josephine

Russell, Maude “the Slim Princess”

on JB

Russell, Sam

Russell-Owens Company

Russian Revolution

Sablon, Jean

Sachou, Maurice

Sacré-Coeur, Le

Sagan, Françoise


St. Louis, Mo.

black population of

JB's origins in

race relations in

theaters in

St. Louis Argus

“St. Louis Blues, The”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

St. Louis Social Evil Hospital

Salpêtière hospital

Sampson, Edith

Sanders, Howard

Sapan, Henry

Saussure, Bessie de

Sauvage, Marcel

Sauvage, Paulette

Sawada, Miki

JB and

Sawada, Renzo

Sawada-Kamiya, Emi

Schmidt, Benjamin

Schutz, Klaus (mayor of West Berlin)

Schuyler, George

Schuyler, Ned

Scott, Albert

Scott, Hazel

Scotto, Christina

Scotto, Philippe

Scotto, Vincent

Secret War of Josephine Baker, The

Sedric, Gene

Seidl, Lea


Selwyn Theater

Shakespeare and Company

Shanghai Gesture, The

Sheppard, Bill

Sheppard, Ethel

Sheppard, Evelyn “Little Shep”

Sherwood, Robert E.

“Shimmy Sha Wabble”

Shubert, Lee

Shuffle Along

chorus line in

JB in

JB's auditions for

long-running success of

music of

New York run of

road show of

Simenon, Denise

Simenon, Georges

Simenon, Régine

Simon, Michel

Simon, Simone

Simone, Nina

Sirène des Tropiques, La

Sissle, Noble

Sissle and Blake

Six Baker Boys

Sixty-first United States Colored Infantry

Sixty-third Street Theatre

Ski Tayama


Small's Paradise

Smallwood, Mildred

Smile-A-While Inn

Smith, Bessie

Smith, Buddy

Smith, Clara

Smith, Jeff

Smith, Mamie

Smith, Terrence

Smith, Trixie

Snow, Valaida

Snyder, Louis L.

Société Jo Bouillon & Co.

Solidor, Suzy

“Someone Else May Be There While I'm Gone”


Sosenko, Anna

Soulé, Henri

South Pacific

Soviet Union

Speer, Albert

Spiers, Gérard

Spiers, Marie

Spiers, Pierre

Spiller, William


Standard Theatre

Starr, Jean

State Department, U.S.

Statue of Liberty

“Steal Away to Jesus”

Steele, Larry

Stein, Gertrude

Stephanie, Princess of Monaco

Stevens, Ashton

Stewart, Ollie

Stirling, Peter

stock market crash of

Stoney, Yvonne

Stork Club

“Stormy Weather”


Strawberry Road

Sublett, John (John W. Bubbles)

Sullivan, Ed

Super Folies, En


Swanson, Gloria


Tabakoglu, Gasser

Tag, Der


Taliaferro, Bessie

Tan Town Topics

Taub, William

Taylor, Frank C.


Temms, Dr.

Theater Owners' Booking Association (T.O.B.A.)

Théâtre de l'Etoile

Théâtre des Champs-Élysées

Thiroloix, Dr.

Thompson, E. E.

Thompson, Howard

Thompson, John

Thompson, U. S.

Three Dukes

Three Eddies

369th U.S. Infantry

Thurman, Wallace


Tito, Marshal

Toby's Breeches

Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, The

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri Marie Raymond de

Tour de France

Tournebise, Abbé

Trenton Six

Tribble, Andre

Trigano, Gilbert

Truman, Harry S

Truth, Sojourner

Tucker, Sophie

Tumulte Noir, Le

Tune, Tommy

Turpin, Ben

Twenty Minutes in Hell

“Ukelele Lady”


Utrillo, Maurice

Valentine, Hazel

Valentino, Rudolph

Vallee, Rudy

Vallin, General

Vangkilde, Hans

Vanity Fair

Van Vechten, Carl

Vargas, Getulio


Varna, Henri

Varona, Guido da

Vassal, Hugues

Vasseur, Louis

vaudeville, black

Vent de Folie, Un

Venus Theatre

Vergne, Jean

Vie de Toutes les Couleurs, Une
(Baker and Rivollet)


Villa Maryvonne

Vlaminck, Maurice de

Vodery, Bill


Vollmoeller, Karl

Von Eckardt, Wolf

Vromet-Buchet, Marc

Walker, Charles “Cornbread”

Walker, James J.

Walker, Ruth

Wallace, Elmo

Wallace, Marguerite “Margaret” Martin (half-sister)

at Les Milandes

Wallace, Rama

Waller, Fats

“Wang Wang Blues, The”

Washington, Ford Lee “Buck”

Washington, Fredi

on JB

Waters, Ethel

Watson, Tom

Watkins, Harry

Watte, Orlando S.

Wedekind, Frank

Weinberg, Curt

Welles, Orson

Wells, Willie (husband)

Welt, Die

Werba Theatre

White, George

White, Pearl

White, Walter

White Citizens Council

Whiteman, Paul

Whitman Sisters

Whitney, B. C.

Wickliffe's Ginger Band of Dreamland

Wiener and Doucet

Wilhelm II, Kaiser

Wilkins, Barron

Williams, Bert

Williams, Buddy

Williams, Emma

Williams, Sidney

Williams, Spencer

Williams, Tennessee

“Williams' Dogs and Monkeys”

Wilson, Edith

Wilson, Woodrow

Winchell, Walter

JB's feud with

Windsor, Duke of

Winter Garden

Women's Wear Daily

Wonder, Tommy

Wooding, Sam

Woolf, Shirley

World War I

World War II

JB's efforts in

liberation of France in

U.S. entry into

Worm, Piet

Wyatt, Donald

Wyatt, Linda

Wyatt, Marian

Yarborough, Katherine

“Yes Sir, That's My Baby”

Yrigoyen, President

Yuen, Lilly “Pontop”

Zhukov, Georgy K.

Ziegfeld, Florenz

Ziegfeld Follies

JB in



Zou Zou


was born in Dijon, France. At fourteen, while working as a bellhop in Paris, he met Josephine Baker. Mr. Baker first came to the United States on Josephine Baker's final American tour in 1973. Her bold inspiration led him to pursue a remarkably colorful and successful career that has included being a nightclub owner, television producer, and restaurateur. He lives in New York City.

, an actress and television anchor as well as an author, lives in New York City.


This book was set in Galliard, a typeface designed by Matthew Carter for the Mergenthaler Linotype Company in 1978. Galliard is based on the sixteenth-century typefaces of Robert Granjon, which give it classic lines yet interject a contemporary look.



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