Jorden: The McCade Dragon –Erotic Paranormal Romance (12 page)

BOOK: Jorden: The McCade Dragon –Erotic Paranormal Romance
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“You never did think I was very smart.” Wilburn said nothing, but Richard could tell that he was agreeing with him. “You really don’t think there is a dragon, do you? And that he’s going to come to you when you call him? Seriously, there are no such things as dragons. Everyone in their right mind knows that.”

The sound in the other part of the building had them both drawing their guns. There were men out there, six with Wilburn and two with him. It occurred to Richard then that his brother always had the best. The best men, the best toys when they were children. He wanted to kill him now, just take it all, but the noise had him afraid and Richard decided that he might need Wilburn for a little while longer.

“Who is it?” Richard said he had no idea. “Did you think that the woman could find her way back here, and has even now led the police to us? Christ, that’s all I need. To be at the scene of the crime I had no part in, but it will be thought that I have. Richard, you fucking bastard, you’ve fucked us both over this time.”

“Be quiet. I think they can hear us. Do you want to be killed too?” Wilburn pointed the gun at his head and Richard knew he was going to pull the trigger this time. “What if they hear you?”

“Right now I think I’d gladly go to jail for killing you.” The noise sounded again and Richard backed up against the wall, out from in front of the doorway. The short scream had him thinking that their men were being attacked, but that wasn’t possible. No one had fired a single bullet as yet.

“What do you suppose is going on?”

Wilburn shrugged but said nothing more. Richard was afraid that it might be Vance. That man scared him enough to have his bowels act up and his sphincter muscle tighten up so badly that he couldn’t take a good crap for a few days after feeling his anger released. When he opened his mouth to ask his brother if he was going to save them, Wilburn looked at him.

“Will you shut the fuck up so I can think?” Nodding, he waited on his brother while he thought them out of this mess. Whoever was out there, they weren’t going to get past Wilburn. He was a good shot and had a lot of men at his beck and call. When the noise startled them both again, Richard thought about all the things he’d not been able to do because he’d been so broke all the time.

“I need some more money.” Wilburn asked him what he was talking about. “Money. I want you to give me more. I don’t have nearly as much as you do, and Mom and Dad left it to us both.”

“In the event that it has somehow slipped your mind, we’re about to be murdered where we stand. For fuck sake, Richard, your timing, as usual, is impeccable.” Richard didn’t think any time was a good time to talk to his brother about money. “When we get out of this, or if, I will talk to you about money. Right now, if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to not end up in prison with you as a cell mate. Or worse yet, on a slab in a morgue shot to fuck because you’re an idiot.”

The noise stopped after that. There wasn’t anyone coming in the door, and Richard had a feeling that the men out there had been playing a mean joke on them. When the door to the room they were in suddenly opened, Richard lifted his gun and fired five times—bang, bang, bang, bang, bang—into the person standing there. It wasn’t until he shone his flashlight over the body that he realized his mistake.

“Mother fuck.” He looked at his brother when he started cursing. “You just fucking killed one of my best men. What do you plan to do now, dance a little jig with your dick flapping in the wind? You moronic fuck.”

“He just came out of nowhere.” Richard waited while his brother checked the man’s pulse. He was pretty sure that the man was dead. There were two bullet holes in his head and three in his chest. It would take a miracle for him to have survived that. When Wilburn stood up, he asked about his health.

“I think he might pull through. I mean, he’s lost nearly all his blood and his brain is laying under his head, but he might just pull through.” There was a tone that didn’t sound like he was telling him the truth. “He’s dead. What did you expect to happen when you plugged him full of more holes than I have ties in my closet?” Richard said he only shot him a couple of times. “You shot him five fucking times. And now he’s dead, and you’re the one who killed him.”

Richard moved out into the room and saw the men they had come with standing there as if nothing had happened and he’d not just killed one of their own. They asked Wilburn if he was all right. He said he was, then asked them what all that noise had been, and Richard thought he was going to blame it on one of them.

“There was a homeless guy trying to set himself up. We ran him off, and Ben was going to tell you guys in case you heard him.” No one asked, and Richard wondered if they had cared about the guy at all. “Do you want us to take care of this?”

“No. I want you to fucking leave him here to be found so my dumbassed brother goes to jail.” When the men just stood there, Richard was sure that was what was going to happen. “Get this cleaned up and take care that no one knows anything.”

When they had taken the body away, Richard tried to think how he could make this his brother’s fault. It wouldn’t be hard, he supposed. He had Vance eating out of the palm of his hand. And the man believed everything he told him, too. When they were headed out to the car that had brought them here, Richard asked Wilburn if he wanted to get some dinner.

“Dinner? With you? No. I think not. I’ve had about all of you I can take for one day. As a matter of fact, I want you to stop coming around all together. I can’t do this with you anymore.” Richard laughed and said they were brothers. “Yes. The only reason that you’re not dead yet is for that one reason. Stay away from me, Richard. I’ve got enough going on right now without you fucking things up.”

“What about the McCades and all that shit going on?” Wilburn asked him what he thought he had to contribute to things. “Well, I have the bugs that I’m working on. Then there is my in with the McCades. I can get you intel that no one else can.”

“Yes, you have a bug in an office that I have had bugged for weeks. You also said you were going to go to the police department and bug that office. Did you do that?” Richard said he’d done it just that day. “Good. That’s good. But let me ask you something, Richard. Did you perhaps wear gloves when you planted said bugs? Or even the one in the artist’s building? Did you take precautions so that you’d not get caught if they found them?”

“Gloves?” His brother rocked on his heels several times and smiled at him. There was something about him that just irritated him to no end. “Why would I wear gloves, Wilburn? It’s summer time. I think there might be something wrong—”

“Fingerprints, you moron. Don’t you read the paper? Perhaps watch the news, or even one of those shows that they’re forever showing where the bad men were caught by simply not taking any precautions in their trying to get ahead?” Richard thought that perhaps he’d gladly kill his only brother right now. With a smile on his face. “You are far and away the dumbest man I have ever had the misfortune of being related to.”

“Well, don’t you think that’s a little harsh?” Richard looked around the area and then back at his brother. “No, I did not use gloves. It never occurred to me as I work with Vance. Whatever happens, if they happen to find the bugs, will not have any effect on me simply because he and I are working together. I don’t know what I’ll tell him about the prints, but he’ll believe me. I do think him to be slightly stupid.”

“You do, do you? Well, again, you’re wrong about this. I had someone look into his life. Did you know that he is one of the most elite men in the world? Not the state of Ohio, but the entire fucking world. Not only have he and his men done more work before most people get out of their beds, but it is rumored that at some point in his career with the United States Special Forces he has killed more men than you can line up foot to head to go across the US. Fuck, Richard, he could kill you with only his finger should he want to.” Richard laughed. There wasn’t any way this man had done any such thing, and he told his brother that. “Your funeral. But I’m done with you. As of today, we’re no longer related.”

As Wilburn walked away from him, Richard asked him again if he wanted to get some dinner. He wasn’t surprised when he flipped him off. Wilburn was such an asshole. But he loved him, and knew that he was only kidding.


Chapter 10


Jorden felt his body come to life. Not only was he as hard as stone, but his beautiful mate was atop him, taking her own pleasure. Naked. And the most beautiful vision he’d ever had the pleasure of witnessing. When she looked down at him and smiled, he held onto her hips to slow her down, just until he caught up, he told himself.

“You were so hard all I could think about was riding you.” He nodded and moaned when she leaned over him and took his nipple into her mouth and bit him. “You taste good too, but when I had you in my mouth, all I wanted to do was feel you like this. I hope you don’t mind. I needed you.”

“You can wake me this way anytime you wish.” He rolled his hips up to meet each of her downwards thrusts. “Christ, you’re beautiful. And all mine. Ride me, baby.”

“Make me come, Jorden. I want to come on you this way.” He sat up and pulled her breast into his mouth. As he suckled hard on just the tip, she wrapped her arms around his head and held him to her. “I’m so close. I can feel it all over me, the need to come. Help me, please?”

“When you come, I’m going to roll you over to your back and fuck you hard.” Her movements became erratic, her breath, hot against his face, was a pant now. Taking her breast into his mouth again, he sucked more into his mouth. Sliding his hand between her legs, feeling how wet and hard her nubbin was, Jorden bit down hard on her breast and tasted her blood. And when he did, he pinched her clit at the same time, knowing that she was going to explode.

Her scream was loud, as if she had been holding it within her for days and perhaps months. When she came a second, then a third time, he rolled her to her back and pounded her as hard as he could. Her hands were touching him, tugging at him, as if to bring him closer, tighter to her body.

Wrapping her legs around him, Jorden lifted her ass up, bringing her as tight to him as he could and still be able to fuck her. When she cried out she was coming again, her body bowed up off the bed, nearly unseating him. As his own body prepared to empty into hers, his balls close to his body aching with need, Jorden bit down on her throat, tasting her blood as he emptied himself into her.

His dragon screamed at him that he wasn’t finished, wasn’t nearly done marking his mate. Jorden felt his body fill, his cock harden more, and when he came this time, his body burning with the need to claim her, he felt his dragon slip from him, taking his body for just a second as he bit Jasmine. Coming this time, he knew something was different, something more had come from the dragon.

Her scream was different too, full of pain this time. Jorden begged the dragon to release her, to let her go. But before he could convince him that he was indeed hurting their mate, he came, his body emptying once again deep inside of her.

Then just as quickly as he’d taken him, the dragon released him. Jorden dropped onto Jasmine, not just from not having the strength to do anything more, but he was sure that he could easily pass out. Rolling to his back took all that he had. It was then that he realized that Jasmine was sobbing. That he had truly hurt her.

“I’m so sorry, love. I don’t know what happened just then.” She held him to her, her body shaking she was crying so hard. Jorden felt his own tears fill his eyes. He hurt too; he’d hurt his mate, and it tore at him. “I love you, Jasmine. I don’t know what came over me. Dragon said I needed…I’m not going to blame him. It was all me. I’m so terribly sorry I hurt you.”

She is with child, my lord.
Jorden asked the dragon—Caelin, Jasmine had told him his name was—what he meant.
Your dragon, he knew that she is…I know not the word. Ripe? Her body received your seed and now she is with child. You’re to be a father and her a mother again.

“No, that’s not possible.” Jasmine lifted her tear stained face and he wiped at it, telling her what Caelin had said. “He said that my dragon, he knew that you were ovulating and that he.... Well, I gave you a child.”

“A baby?” She rolled to her back, leaving him lying there to look down at her. “We’re going to have a baby? You and I? Is he sure about this?”

“You don’t sound upset about it.” She grinned at him. “Okay, I’m going to take that as you’re thrilled to death with having a child. So now what do we do?”

“Are you?” He put his hand on her flat belly and thought of a child growing there, his child. “I mean, it’s a little late for that now, I guess. But we never really talked about children. And there is Gavin to consider. I told him we’d talk about this before we made this sort of…I’m really going to have a baby? Your baby?”

Yes, you’re going to have a child. You will have a dragon child in several months, and she will be stronger than any born before her. I know not how long it takes, but your child, I can feel her there now, she will be more dragon than not, and she will have all that you have. More, should the pieces of myself come together. Which I do believe…yes, I believe that you will be able to do this. Bring the dragons in all of you to life.
Jorden thought of a child, a dragon child of his being born, and his heartrate tripled. He was going to have a child.
You are happy, my lord?

“Gavin will have to know immediately. And we’ll…I don’t think I want to tell anyone else right now.” Jorden agreed. The longer they had to hold this secret to them, he thought it would be better. Not that they all wouldn’t be thrilled to death, but Christ…they were going to have another child. “Are you happy?”

“Yes. Terrified, but happy.” She nodded, but he could see that he’d taken some of her joy away. “I won’t lie to you; I have all these thoughts going through my head right now that you’re going to think are strange.”

“Like what? And so you know, I understand being afraid. And even though I have done this before, I’m no less frightened of what can happen. What things can go wrong.” He nodded and told her that was what was in his head too. “I understand, but I think we’re going to be just fine. Tell me what you’re thinking, Jorden.”

“I don’t know how to be a father. I mean, I’m so worried every time that Gavin comes to me that I’m going to give him bad advice or not know the answer to something.” Jorden laughed. “Okay, he is a hell of a lot smarter than me so doesn’t really come to me with questions, but I want to be a good father to him. Someone he can lean on and respect. I was feeling like I might not fuck him up too badly, and now we’re going to have another child I might mess up. I haven’t any idea about schools or colleges for either of them. What if she hates me?”

“Oh, Jorden. No one could ever hate you. You’re a good man and a great father. Gavin is already calling you Dad and looking up to you. And he’s just as afraid as you are about being a son.” Jorden asked her how that was possible. “He’s never had a very good father relationship. His dad, while around a little, was never there for him. All he could do was bemoan the fact that he was dirt poor and his lover had left him. Kris never took him to ball games, asked about his homework or how he was doing in school. I’ve heard you ask him all kinds of things about his day. And you and the others have that plan to go to the first football game of the season. Gavin is thrilled to death about that.”

They stood up and Jasmine got dressed. Jorden continued to voice his concerns and Jasmine, while she didn’t shoot them down, sometimes laughed at his fears. They were pretty silly, he supposed. What did it matter now if she got a diaper rash? Or if she wanted her room to be blue or pink? She’d be happy, Jasmine told him, and that was all that mattered.

Jorden thought of Gavin while he was showering. And then when he was dressed and headed to the kitchen, all he could think about was his son might not be happy about the baby. Jorden was, or he was getting there. He wasn’t unhappy about the baby, just overwhelmed, he supposed. He had no idea how to care for an infant…or how to change a diaper, nor did he have the slightest clue what to do when they cried.

When he entered the kitchen, he saw Gavin eating his breakfast and Jorden sat down with him. “We’re having a baby.” The spoon dropped into his bowl as Gavin stared at him. “I guess we’re having a girl. Caelin told us it was a girl. And she’ll be dragon too. I don’t know how to change a diaper. Do you?”

“No. But I’m sure we can learn. Do you think that’s going to be a problem? And you sound a little freaked out.” Jorden nodded and tried to think beyond all the million and one questions that were hopping around in his head like the Easter Bunny on Easter morning. “Are you all right?”

“I have no idea. I thought, you know, that it’d be a while. Build up to me learning how to be a dad and so on. The diaper part is just the tip of the iceberg, I think.” Jorden looked at Gavin. “I want you to know that I’m thrilled about this, but I want you to be as well.”

“I love the idea about having a little sister. And I think you’re doing a great job at being my dad.” Jorden nodded. “All the stuff that is running in your head right now can be learned. I’m pretty sure that Grandma will gladly help us learn how to put a diaper on her.”

“She’ll be happy too. Two grandchildren. She’ll think she’s the queen of all grandmothers.” Gavin said he thought she was. “Good for you. But I have to tell you, I’m sick with worry about your mom. We’ll have to make sure she doesn’t overdo things and that she eats right.”

“Yeah? Well, if it’s all the same to you, I’m not going to tell my mom she needs a nap or that she needs more leafy green stuff.” They both laughed and Jorden felt better for it. “You don’t look as freaked out now. Are we really having a baby? A sister for me?”

“Yes. And I’m not
freaked out, as you called it. I mean, I’m still thinking of all the things that could hurt her and the baby, but it’s not so overwhelming.” Gavin picked up his spoon and phone. When he found whatever he’d been looking for he handed it to him. “What’s this?”

“How to change a diaper for dummies. I think we need to find more videos like this one.” As he watched it, the woman doing it slowly so that he could see each step, Jorden didn’t think it was so bad. “We’ll need all kinds of stuff for her too, I guess. Do you know what you’re going to name her yet? And then there is furniture. I don’t think I saw a nursery in this place.”

“No, I don’t think there is one either. But we’re waiting a bit before—” The next diaper was a poopie one. That was what she called it, a poopie diaper. Jorden felt his belly lurch up when she lifted the baby’s bottom up off the dark stain and began wiping it with some sort of smallish cloth. “Christ, I can’t do this. Here, watch this.”

By the time Jasmine joined them in the kitchen, they had watched six more videos, as well as looked up how to bathe a baby and what was the best formula that should be used. Gavin was making notes, Abby was making fun of them, and Jorden needed air. He decided that he wasn’t going to make a good father after all.

“You two need to take a time out.” Jasmine looked at the current video and grinned at him. “Have you watched the one where the baby poops in the bath water and the father is covered in it? I mean, it’s in his hair, his fingers. I think he even had some on his mouth.”

Jorden stood up and left the kitchen. They were laughing when he sat on the deck, but he didn’t care. He was never changing a diaper so long as he lived. Especially not one that was filled with poop. What kind of name was poop anyway? When Jasmine joined him on the deck, he took her hand in his. It was time for him to confess he wasn’t going to be any help to her.

“You’re going to help me and love it.” He shook his head. “Yes you will. I promise. And after a couple of days, you’ll not even care that she has a load in her diaper when she falls asleep in your arms. Or takes your finger into her little hand. You’ll look down at her while you’re giving her a bottle and think, I created something right here and it’s a part of me. All the stuff that is running in your head that could go wrong? Yeah, it could. And tomorrow I could get hit by a bus. But you have to enjoy the things you have while you have them. I’m not saying that I won’t mess up. I will, but—”

“I’ll fuck up.” She said that she was sure every parent did. But they learned from their mistakes. “What if she hates me? I mean, Gavin is old enough that if I screw up too badly, I know he can fix it. But this baby is going to be depending on me to keep her safe and out of harm. I couldn’t even save you from being kidnapped by those bastards.”

“You never let me give up on myself, Jorden. And even though I walked out of that building on my own, you were there with me every step of the way. It’ll be the same for our children. You be there, guide them, and hope that when they’re away from the house, they remember that you love them more than anything in this world. The best way that you know how.” He wasn’t so sure and said that to her. “You will. And do me a favor, no more videos. You and Gavin can ask questions if you want to know something. Borrow someone’s baby for an hour, but no more watching people care for or make fun of their children. You’ll be fine.”


Jasmine moved along the aisle of furniture and tried to think how the hell she was going to make this work. There was just too much of it. Everywhere she stepped, there was something that needed to be moved or placed. When she’d gone through the things at the other place, she’d had it spread out. Now they’d just brought it in and dropped it right in the middle of everything. When she looked at Aisha when she said her name, she both wanted to run and hide and cry at the same time.

“Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.” Nodding, she did just what she was told. “Now, think about what you want, where you want something, and we’ll work on getting it taken care of. You’ve never met Ralph Donavan, have you? Well, he’s the pack alpha to the wolves that roam our land. He has sent over some of his men to help us get this organized. And Kenton dropped off the carts you asked for, so when you’re ready, we’re ready.”

BOOK: Jorden: The McCade Dragon –Erotic Paranormal Romance
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