Jordan, Olivia - Carly's Two-Stepping Temptations [Studio Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Jordan, Olivia - Carly's Two-Stepping Temptations [Studio Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“First, let’s see if Taletha will give me my job back.”

Chapter Ten

Three weeks later, Jared stood backstage at the Dartmond Hotel, one of the fanciest establishments in town. They had generously donated the space to the studio to host the fundraiser, and when he hadn’t been watching the elegant numbers or warming up, he found himself staring at the classical architecture and elegant furnishings and wishing he’d thought to buy Carly, Heath, and himself an evening there. He’d let himself get so caught up in helping Taletha get ready for the show that he hadn’t given much attention to how the three of them would celebrate afterwards.

Jared turned his attention to the ballroom floor, where Carly and Heath were beginning their two-step. He felt a slight pang of sadness, wishing that Melissa had been able to come back to the show. Taletha had given Jared his job back on the spot, and he’d thrown himself into helping with behind-the-scenes work for the performance. Helping Taletha with all the required backstage work had been good for him. He enjoyed having tasks to do that helped him still participate in the show. Still, as he watched the rest of the couples performing, he wished he could be out on the floor as well.

He was, however, proud of the progress Heath had made in his dancing. Carly had recruited Jared to give Heath extra coaching, and it was obvious he had benefitted from the extra instruction. Although Heath didn’t look like a professional yet, his technique was smooth and his footwork was polished. He was a far cry from the bar-trained dancer who had graced the studio doors just six weeks before.

“You two were amazing,” he said as they came off the stage.

“Thanks,” Heath said, still trying to catch his breath. “Still, I think I’m going to leave that up to the professionals.”

Jared fanned Carly down, and then took her hand as Taletha walked to the front of the room. “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight has been about celebrating local leaders who have taken it upon themselves to learn to dance and put themselves out there for a good cause.” She paused as applause filled the room. “However, I would like to close tonight with a special performance. Six weeks ago, we were fortunate enough to hire Jared Brooks out from California. I’m thrilled to announce that Jared and Carly will begin competing together. I’d like you all to please welcome Jared and Carly to the floor for their first dance as a professional couple.”

The audience burst into applause as Jared escorted Carly onto the dance floor. As they took their places on the floor, he tried not to think about his nerves. Although he rarely got stage fright, he wasn’t used to performing a new routine with so little advanced preparation. After they’d formally announced their intention to compete together, Taletha hadn’t suggested they do a routine at the show until a week before the event. Jared had tried to beg off, wanting more time to put choreography together, but Taletha couldn’t wait to introduce her newest professional couple to the world. Carly also didn’t want to wait. Jared quickly realized that she was never one to shy away from a performance opportunity, no matter how little time she had to prepare. Recognizing he was outnumbered, Jared gave in, and he and Carly spent every spare minute at the studio putting together a new two-step routine.

As the music started, Jared finally forgot about his worries and about all the stress he’d endured in the past few weeks. Completely absorbed in the song they’d chosen, he smiled at Carly and realized how lucky he was to have a partner with whom he connected on every single level. Leading her around the floor in complex weave patterns, he let his passion for both his lover and his dancing take over. Soon, he was lost in the lyrics and the rhythm of the instruments, his body moving with perfect precision as he poured his soul into the dance.

While he stayed focused on his footwork, he also couldn’t help stealing glances at Carly’s tight ass when her skirt spun during the complex triple and quadruple turns down the floor. As he dropped her into precarious-looking splits and slides, he admired her perfect legs, with taught muscles honed from years of dancing. He realized then that his cock was starting to flutter and pulse, and he quickly looked out at the audience for a moment to settle himself down before putting his attention back on Carly. He focused on looking her in the eye when he wasn’t looking out at the crowd. It took all of his resolve to not look at her breasts during the final few moments of the dance. He knew that if he dared to look at her cleavage in the rhinestone-studded, low-cut dress, he’d no longer be in control of his body, and he wasn’t about to fumble through this performance with an incurable erection.

As the music came to an end, they hit their final poses, and the entire room burst into applause. Leading Carly into a bow, he felt his grin stretch wider than he ever thought possible. He couldn’t believe it when the crowd gave them a standing ovation. Although he’d always been a good dancer, he’d never once moved a roomful of people to their feet before. He finally stopped wishing for his old life back. He had a new life now, and it was better than anything he ever could have imagined.

* * * *

Carly breathed a sigh of relief as the audience members and other dancers filed out of the ballroom. After their triumphant performance, a swarm of people had gathered to congratulate her and Jared and wish them well on the competition circuit. As much as Carly loved performing and being in the spotlight, it had already been a long day, and the extra social interaction had left her feeling completely drained. Still, she had plans for the rest of the evening, and she wasn’t about to give up just because her body was a little tired.

“I’m not going to lie,” she said. “I had a great time dancing with you, Heath, but it’s been an exhausting few weeks, and I’m glad this event is over.”

“You’ve definitely earned some much-needed rest and relaxation,” Heath said.

“Hardly,” Jared said with a laugh. “Carly and I have our first competition in three weeks. That’s not much time at all. We’re going to start rehearsals first thing tomorrow morning. Two hours before teaching, two hours after teaching, and six hours on days when we don’t have to teach.”

Heath’s eyes widened. “I think I’ll stick to being a CEO. The hours are still pretty demanding, but it’s less physically taxing. I can’t believe you’ll have the energy for all that right after such an intense few weeks. Don’t you want a nice, long vacation before you move on to the next big thing?”

Jared shrugged. “That’s a dancer’s life. If we take too much time off, we get out of shape and we lose our inspiration. We have to work hard, and we have to work every day, but I don’t think either of us would have it any other way. If we weren’t happy with how demanding the life is, we’d both have completely different jobs.”

“But maybe we won’t start first thing tomorrow,” Carly said. “I do need some time to relax, and I figured with the night I had planned, we probably weren’t going to make it to the studio especially early tomorrow morning. The things I have in mind are not actually all that restful.”

“What do you mean?” Heath asked, a mischievous look in his eyes.

“I took the liberty of booking the three of us a room,” Carly said. “I figured that after such a long night of dancing and performing, nobody would really want to drive home. Besides, I’ve always had a fondness for hotel sex.”

Heath grinned. “I’m feeling inspired just imagining what I’m going to do to you in one of those luxurious bedrooms.”

“I’m surprised you managed to book a room,” Jared said, and gave a low whistle. “Don’t you have to book three months in advance?”

“The owner owed me a favor. I choreographed the dances for his daughter’s wedding at the last minute due to a falling out with the original choreographer. I called him directly and discovered there just so happened to be a luxury suite available for tonight.” She flashed a keycard. “Shall we head up?”

They hurried to the elevators, and Carly keyed in the special code for the honeymoon suite. The ride up to the top was smooth, and the elevator opened right into their room. Carly was relieved to see that the suite was much classier than the honeymoon suites shown on television. There was no heart-shaped rotating bed or cheesy decorations. Everything was elaborate, yet tasteful. It was all done in bridal white, with a four-poster bed that had chiffon drapery. The light from several votive candles danced along the walls, and a bottle of champagne chilled in a bucket on a table near the bed. Per her instructions, there were three flutes instead of two.

“Carly, what is all this?” Jared asked.

“Just something a little more special than your typical hotel room. I told you, I’m good with the owner of this place. Why not pull a few strings if you have control over them?”

“I’d say so,” Heath said, and gave a low whistle. He paused and looked around the room a bit more closely. “Wait a second. This is a honeymoon suite, isn’t it?”

Carly nodded, suddenly worried that they wouldn’t like it, that they’d be scared off.
Maybe I’m rushing things
, she thought.
Maybe this is too much, too soon

“I didn’t realize we’d gotten married at some point during the night,” Jared said. A small smile played at his lips, and Carly felt a small burst of relief when she realized he wasn’t completely intimidated by the implications of the room.

“Well, we didn’t, but I like what this room symbolizes. I love both of you so much. I know things have been moving really fast, but ever since the two of you came into my life, being with you has always felt completely right.”

Jared held up his hand. “Wait a second. What about when you couldn’t decide whether or not you wanted to trust me?”

“When I was afraid I couldn’t trust you, I pushed you out of my life because I was afraid of the feelings that were already there. I was terrified of getting my heart broken. But now I know I don’t need to be afraid. I want to be with both of the men I love.”

“What about when you spent a week avoiding us for the sake of Jake?”

“I regret that, too. I was struggling to reconcile the feelings that were developing for both of you with my fears of what would happen if I took the risk and went against what Jake wanted. But I’ve learned that I need to follow my heart.”

She dropped to one knee. “Jared Brooks and Heath Taylor, will you marry me? Symbolically, at least. I mean, if I can’t marry both of you legally, I don’t want to pick one over the other. But I want us to make a public commitment to each other, even if it’s not recognized by the government.”

For a moment, both men stared at her, looking shocked. Then, they smiled simultaneously.

“Of course,” Jared said.

Heath laughed. “Nothing would make me happier.”

Carly could finally relax. “In that case, let’s have a little champagne.”

Jared grinned “I have a better idea.” He lifted Carly into his arms, crossed the room, and tossed her on the bed. Heath followed close behind, landing beside her on the mattress and moving to unbuckle her boots.

“No,” Carly whispered. “Leave them on.”

“Then how am I going to get these off?” he asked, tugging at her stockings.

“I think you’re just going to need to get creative.”

“Follow my lead,” Jared said. He flipped Carly over on the bed and tugged at her skirt, sliding it down partway. The waist was so narrow, however, that it got caught on the tops of her thighs. Carly reached back in an attempt to unzip the garment and slide out of it, but Jared was too fast for her. Gripping the waistband with his strong hands, he ripped the smooth black fabric, not all the way, but just enough that he could pull it off of her legs without having to bother to unzip anything. Rather than being upset that her skirt was ruined, Carly found herself shivering with pleasure as she felt him ease the torn fabric down past her knees.

Before the skirt was even free of her ankles, she felt Heath’s hands grab at the nylon material and tug at it until it ripped apart. He began to tear faster and harder, and Carly felt her cunt get wetter and wetter with each ripping seam. Finally, her stockings were in tatters.

She knew Jared probably could have eased her panties off over her boots, but when he grabbed them and tore them off, she was elated. She suddenly realized what a turn-on it was to have her clothes pawed at and ripped, enjoyed the sense of desperation she felt in her men as they struggled to tear off her clothing. When Heath jerked her shirt off so hard that some of the beads broke loose and spilled onto the bed, she almost climaxed. In the back of her mind, she wondered whether or not she should be upset that her clothing was getting destroyed. Ultimately, though, she knew she couldn’t deny that her heart beat faster and her cunt throbbed harder with every tug, every rip, every tear.

BOOK: Jordan, Olivia - Carly's Two-Stepping Temptations [Studio Seductions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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