Joni: The Creative Odyssey of Joni Mitchell (34 page)

BOOK: Joni: The Creative Odyssey of Joni Mitchell
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Numbers refer to pages in the print edition

Page numbers followed by “n” and a note number are references

27 Club, the, 111

“A Case of You” (song), 22, 145–46, 147–48

“After the Gold Rush” (song), 42

Alberta Ballet, 180, 274–26

album covers black man persona, 3, 5–6, 10, 13, 21, 23
with cat, 164
as contractual obligation, 229
Grammy award, 218–19
horse's ass image, 117
comparison, 152
photographic, 11, 12–13, 133
self-portraits, 3, 10, 11, 13, 164, 215–16, 219–20
Van Gogh spoof, 219–20

Alias, Don, 206, 208–9, 215, 225
painting of, 19

aliens, outsider experience, 41–43

“All I Want” (song), 105, 193, 202, 250

Amchitka concert, 102

“Amelia” (song), 208

American Idol
(television), xiv–xv

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 27

Andersen, Eric, 68, 69

Anderson, Bill (father), 17, 18

Anderson, Myrtle McKee (mother), 17, 64–66

Anderson, Roberta Joan.
Mitchell, Joni

“childlike,” 13, 208, 240
folk persona, 4–5, 86
hippie makeover, 75–76, 81–83
and identity, 54, 55
and music industry, 52, 121

Arcade Fire, 104

artistic expression.
See also
creative process
and audience expectations, 112, 113, 239–40
and creative control, xiv, 3, 77
in dance, 249–51, 253
experimenting with, 155–56, 189–90, 212–13
external evaluation, 223, 231
frustrated filmmaker
remark, 243
and maturity, 149
Mitchell on, 31, 54, 62, 117–18
and outsider experience, 10, 39, 41–43, 225
in photography, 220
Starry Nights
metaphor, 126, 148
and women, x, 66–67, 226

(magazine), 227

Art Nouveau, (Mitchell persona), 5–6, 9, 13, 234

art school, 65, 221, 224, 225, 237

album covers; painting

Asher, Betsy and Peter, 4

Asylum Records, 108, 150

Auden, W.H., 47

Augustine, St., 183–84, 190

Austin Chronicle
, 161


awards and honours
Billboard Century Award, 93
Grammy Award (lifetime achievement), 109–10
Grammy Awards, xvii, 127, 214–15, 218–19
“Guitar Gods,” 117
Hancock tribute album, 233–34
Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame, 124
(magazine cover), 124

Back to Black
(album), 232

Back to the Garden
(Fornatale), 91

Baez, Albert, 143

Baez, Joan, 143–44, 237

Baez, Joan Bridge (Senior), 143–44

Balin, Marty, 94

ballet, 180, 249, 274n26

Band, the, 90, 160

Barba, Helen, 138

Barbie dolls, 50

Bausch, Pina, 250

Bay Windows
(newspaper), 21

BBC, 60, 167

Beatles, the, 91

Beatty, Warren, 85, 225

Beck, Jeff, 90

Bedaux, Charles, 75, 266n47

Bedtime Stories
(album), 218

beer, Canadian, 147–48

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 41, 210, 228

Bening, Annette, 202

Bennett, Tony, 235

Bennighof, James, 71, 73

Bernstein, Joel, 11, 220

Berosini, Estrella, 77

Bessborough Hotel
(Saskatoon), 10

Beyond the Pleasure Principle
(Freud), 35, 36

Biblical references
Corinthians, 231
Job, 186–87
Lilith, 183

Big Sur celebration, 97

(magazine), 12, 83, 98
rankings, 197

Billboard Century Award 1995, Mitchell's acceptance speech, 93–94

Birth of Tragedy, The
(Nietzsche), 174, 175

Black, Mary, 60, 167

black man persona, 1, 2–4, 5–6, 9, 13, 19, 23, 27, 28–29, 234

Blade, Brian, 246, 248

Blair, Iain, 46, 210, 211

Blakley, Ronee, 143, 169, 170

Blonde on Blonde
(album), 153

Blood, Sweat & Tears, 90, 142

cover art, 11
public perception of, 202–3
themes, 62, 129, 130–31, 193
vocal style, 239

“Blue” (song), 111, 239, 240

Bluebird (Mercedes car), 86–87

blues, 241
chording, 71–72, 266n40
guitar tunings, 69

Blues Project, the, 142

Blumenfeld, Roy, 141–42

“Boho Dance, The” (song), 230

Bonli, Henry, 15

Bono, 175

Both Sides Now
(album), 215–16, 239–40

“Both Sides Now” (song)
Collins's version, 11, 76, 83, 142, 153
Hancock's version, 236
Mitchell singing, 74, 216
other versions, 56, 153
themes of, 197–98, 208

Bowie, David, 5

Boyd, Jenny, 14, 31, 67, 135, 200
on God, 137–38

Boyd, Joe, 51

“Boys of Summer, The” (song), 31

Brand, Oscar, 51

Brand, Stewart, 223, 224, 230

Brando, Marlon, 225

Brecht, Bertolt, 59

Breese, Wally, 63, 74, 78, 79

Brown, Jerry, 253

Brown, Les, 80

Browne, Jackson, 108, 114, 204–5

Buffalo Springfield, 40, 78

Butler, Judith, 20

Byrds, the, 73–74

Byrne, David, xvii

“Cactus Tree” (song), 198

Cafe au Go Go, 106

Calgary Sun
, 83

“California” (song), 69

Campbell, Joseph, xv, 88

Camus, Albert, xii, 12, 141

beer, 147–48
First Nations issues, 57
politics, 95
psyche, 15, 110, 144
view of U.S. media, 153

Capote, Truman, 125

car, stolen, 86–87

See also
life experiences
choice over marriage, 200–201
coffee houses, 105, 110–11
establishing, 50–52
first record deal, 3, 77
as journey, 126
media impact on, 120
obtaining U.S. work visa, 61, 197
retirements, 104, 105, 111, 118, 126, 131
vocal style changes, 237–38

“Carey” (song), 127–28

Carey, Mariah, 218

“Car on a Hill” (song), 204

Carter, Rubin “Hurricane,” 156–57

Casey, Patrick, 55

Cash, Johnny, 153, 154

(magazine), 12

Castaneda, Carlos, 182

cats, 162–64, 169

Cavett, Dick, 91, 94–96

Cavolina, Robbie, 219

CBC television, 51, 105

Chalk Mark in a Rain Storm
(album), 176, 212, 244–45

Champagne Safari, The
(film), 75, 266n47

Chapman, Tracy, 178

Charles, Ray, 83

Cheech, Marin, 4, 243

Cheech & Chong, 4, 243

“Chelsea Morning” (song), 11, 142

Cher, 150

“Cherokee Louise” (song), 57

Chicago Tribune
, 210

childhood experiences
of choir, 228, 238
as described by Mitchell, 16–17
of fashion, 52–54
of gender stereotyping, 18–19
illness, 36–38
piano lessons, 67
poetry writing, 115, 167–68, 224
of the prairies, 144
of school, 223–24
of smoking, 228

gender stereotyping, 24–25
Mitchell on, 62
mother-daughter reunion, 63–64
psychology of, 7–8, 35–36, 48–49

Cholodenko, Lisa, 202

Chong, Tommy, 4, 243

“Circle Game, The” (song), 56, 68, 84, 125

Clance, Pauline Rose, 23, 25

Clark, Gene, 91

Clarke, Michael, 73

classical music, 196, 210


(album), 153, 201
cover art, 10
liner notes, 17
promotion of, 83
success of, xvii, 10–11, 127
vocal style, 241, 243

cocaine, 125, 159–60, 213

Cocker, Joe, 90

CoEvolution Quarterly
, 223, 229

Cohen, Leonard
background, 139, 148
“Hallelujah” (song), 105, 141, 145
as mentor to Mitchell, 140–41, 149
Mitchell's “superficial” remark, 141, 147
referenced in Mitchell songs, 145–46, 147–48, 185
relationship with Mitchell, 144–49, 198, 201

Collins, Judy
“Both Sides Now” version, 76, 83, 197
“Chelsea Morning” version, 11
meets Mitchell, 142–43, 144
and Mitchell comparison, 80, 237
vocal style, 79

Coltrane, John, 233

“Comes Love” (song), 215

composition method.
See also
song writing;
studio production
chording, 71–72, 73
as described in “Hallelujah,” 145
scale and harmony, 68–69, 71–72, 74, 266n40
use of Picardy third, 73

concept albums, 157, 241

cancelled, 104, 127
formal setting of, 110, 115
live recordings, 12, 170

(St. Augustine), 183–84

Considine, Tim, 11

“Cool Water” (song), 245

Cornyn, Stan, 83

Costello, Elvis
Mitchell interview, 162, 163, 174, 177, 178, 213, 239
Mitchell's influence on, 235

Cotten, Elizabeth, 68

Court and Spark
cover art, 12
success of, 120, 150, 151
tour, 108
vocal style, 4, 195, 239, 243

cover art.
album covers

“Coyote” (song), 148, 207

creative process.
See also
artistic expression
and art therapy, 134–35
cycle of recreation, 125, 181
and destiny, 13–14
Freud's theory, 35–36
and the god concept, xvi, 32, 136–37, 165–67, 180–82
and the inner child, 117–18
inspiration, 138–39, 224, 225
of mother-infant bonding, 48–49
and multiple identities, 6–7
and near-death experience, 40
and outsider experience, 41–43
and self, 7–10, 181

Cronkite, Walter, 100

Crosby, David, 121, 169, 200
“humble as Mussolini” remark, 33–34
as mentor to Mitchell, 73–77, 89
and Mitchell, 195, 198–200
recording of
, 201
on relationship with Mitchell, 77–78
Song to a Seagull
(album), 77–80
and Woodstock, 93, 95, 97

Crosby, Floyd Delafield, 75, 266n47

Crosby, Stills & Nash
(album), 169

Crosby, Stills & Nash: The Authorized Biography
(Zimmer), 96

Crosby, Stills & Nash (CSN), 241–42

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY), 40, 79, 90, 91, 92–93, 94–95

“Woodstock” version, 98

Crowe, Cameron, 18, 19, 53, 62, 65, 86, 151, 154, 158, 202, 203, 243, 244, 252, 253

Cryst, Art, 78, 79

Canadian, 147–48
consumerist, x, 176–78
decadent, 174–77
of greed, 102–3, 105
and patriotism, 177

Daily Mail
, 61

Dale, Kelly.
Kilauren (daughter)

Daly, Steven, 86

dance, 249–51, 253
ballet, 180, 249, 274n26

“Dancin' Clown” (song), 245

Daniel, Reola, 65

Darin, Bobby, 115

da Vinci, Leonardo, 41

Davis, Bette, 242

Davis, Miles, 16, 224, 233, 235

Davis, Sammy, Jr., 245

“Dawntreader, The” (song), 199

“Day After Day” (song), 56

(album), 218

“Dazed and Confused” (song), 98, 267n11

de Beauvoir, Simone, 50

Dee, Sandra, 115

Déjà Vu
(album), 98

Demme, Jonathan, 40

Denberg, Jody, 161, 166, 178, 242

depression, 133, 134, 204
Mitchell on, 251–52

Depression, The (coffee house), 52

, 34, 93

Detroit, home, 60, 68

Detroit News
, 171

Dick Cavett Show, The
(talk show), 91, 94–96

Dickie, Mary, 28, 55, 85

Diehl, Matt, 21, 23, 216

DiFranco, Ani, 86

Dion, Celine, 125

Dog Eat Dog
(album), 177
literary references, 175, 179
production, 210–12
response to, 180, 212
vocal style, 241

Dolby, Thomas, 210, 211, 212

Don Juan's Reckless
and black community, 28–29
cover art, 3, 5–6, 10, 13, 21, 23, 234, 244
jazz influence, 5, 170

Doobie Brothers, the, 212

Douridas, Chris, 72

dragon metaphor, 179, 180, 270n40

cocaine, 125, 159–60, 213
marijuana, 76, 84, 85, 106
and Mitchell, 125

dulcimer, 128

Dylan, Bob (Bobby), 105, 253
background, 139, 152–54
comparison with Mitchell, 149–52, 161
and Geffen, 108, 150, 160
on god concept, 181
going electric, 46, 142, 269n9
Great Music Experience
concert, 160–61
influence on Mitchell, 139, 152
Last Waltz, The
(film), 160
Mitchell's “plagiarist” remarks, 22–23, 55–56, 141, 150
relationship with Mitchell, 154–55, 156, 157, 158, 160–61
remarks on Mitchell, 19–20, 154–55, 251
Renaldo and Clara
(film), 158
Rolling Thunder Revue (1975), 143, 146, 157, 158

Eagles, the, 108, 218

Earth Day, 102

Echols, Alice, 2, 30, 43, 54

“Edith and the Kingpin” (song), 239

art school, 65, 221, 224
lack of formal, 140
piano lessons, 67
school experience, 223–24
self-taught, 42, 141

Elbing, Peter, 52

Elektra/Asylum, 150

Eliot, T.S., 29–30

Elliot, Mama Cass, 52

Elliott, Ramblin' Jack, 143

Ennis, Paul, 240

environmental movement, 102

Falco, Edie, 82, 85

experience of, 184, 230
Mitchell on, 110–16
Richards on, 88, 112

dynamics, 24–25, 48–49
grandmothers, 66–67, 200–201
motherhood, 57–67, 182
parents, 17, 18, 64–66

Farina, Mimi, 143

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