Johnny (Connelly Cousins #2) (13 page)

BOOK: Johnny (Connelly Cousins #2)
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Kyle was already pulling out his phone to searching local services. “Got two. One I’m pretty sure only does weddings, proms, funerals, that sort of thing. That leaves... White Glove Limo.” He touched the button to call the number. “I know the guy that runs it – loves Harleys – did a custom for him once.”

Kyle spoke into the phone, identifying himself. “Yes, yes ma’am, I do realize it’s late.... Yes, I’m sorry ma’am, but this is very important...  Yes, ma’am... No ma’am...  I need to know if one of your drivers picked up Stacey Mallory this evening up at a cabin up in...  Kyle, Kyle McCullough... Yes, that’s me...” There was a long pause, then he said, “Yes, thank you, ma’am.” He hung up the phone.

Both Johnny and his sister stared at Kyle expectantly. “They picked her up, all right. Their son drove her to Valley Forge.”

“Valley Forge?” Lina and Johnny said at the same time. “Why the hell did she go to Valley Forge?”

“Who knows?” Kyle shrugged. “Maybe she got a flight out of Philly tomorrow or something. It’s not that far away from there.”

”Did the lady say where in Valley Forge, exactly?” Johnny asked.

“No. Apparently the son decided to stay the night rather than drive back, and he’s the only one who knows the exact address. And before you ask, she refused to call him to find out.”

“Okay,” Lina said, grasping at the lucky break with both hands. “This is good. Now we just have to figure out what hotel she’s in.” A few minutes later, they broke the listings down into thirds and started calling. Unfortunately, their inquiries turned up nothing.

“I don’t understand it,” Johnny said. “She’s got to be somewhere. Why can’t we find her?”

“Maybe she got the room under a different name,” Kyle suggested. Two identical sets of flashing green eyes looked at him. “Think about it,” he said. “If you don’t want anyone to know where you are, you use a false name, right?”

“But she used her real name for the limo service.”

“Fuck if I know, man. It’s just a thought.”

“A good thought,” Lina said, flashing her husband an appreciative smile. “Stacey does that all the time.”

“Any idea what name she would use?” Johnny asked. “She publishes her books under a different name, right?”

“Yes,” confirmed Lina, “but she’d never use that. Checking in under the name Salienne Dulcette would be like lighting a beacon for the paparazzi saying ‘here I am’.”

Johnny’s face paled. “Stacey Mallory is Salienne Dulcette?”

“Yes, have you heard of her?”

Yeah, he’d heard of her alright. Johnny had seen the name on those first-editions Lina had dedicated a separate shelf for. The jackets had caught his attention, and when no one else was around, he
have read a few passages.
No wonder some of the things she’d done had seemed so familiar.

Lina’s face broke out into a huge grin as she picked up her phone again. “Hello, yes, could you connect me with Rhiannon Shaughnessy’s room please?” Her grin widened as she waited. “Yes, thank you, I understand. I’ll try again in the morning.”

Kyle and Johnny looked at her as if she’d grown another head. “Rhiannon Shaughnessy?  Are you kidding me?”

“When we were in college, Stacey always said her first book would feature a woman named Rhiannon Shaughnessy. She loved the name Rhiannon – it means something like ‘nymph’ in ancient Celtic – and Shaughnessy was her mother’s maiden name before she married and came to America.”

, Johnny thought.
It fit her
. Out loud he said, “So, we know where she is?”

“We know where she is,” Lina confirmed. “They said she’d left instructions not to be disturbed, so they wouldn’t patch me through.”

“So,” Kyle said, stretching. “Who’s up for a road trip?”

Johnny was grateful for Kyle’s immediate support. He knew the guy was busy as hell. The fact that he was willing to drop everything and take a midnight ride on his behalf meant a lot. The two men had been friends before Kyle and Lina hooked up, but he’d fast become more like another brother. Even Michael had warmed up to him considerably, which was saying something. Those two had started off on the wrong foot, and Michael didn’t think too highly of many.

Lina flung herself at her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Is it any wonder I love you so much?” she asked, willingly surrendering to his searing kiss. Johnny looked away, coughing politely after a few minutes passed and they were still lip-locked.

“Right then, let me throw some things together.” Lina practically skipped into their bedroom, leaving Kyle with Johnny.

Johnny made it to the door in two quick strides before turning back to Kyle. “I’m going to head back to my place and grab a few things. Pick me up in the Jag in an hour, yeah?” Lina’s ride would be a hell of a lot more comfortable for a long trip than his king cab, and the Harleys weren’t an option, because he planned on bringing Stacey back with them.

“You got it.” Kyle was still eyeing the doorway to the bedroom, and Johnny knew he was calculating the time in his mind. He’d be doing the same thing if Stacey had jumped into his arms and kissed him like that.

“Hey, I really appreciate this, Kyle.” Kyle smiled.

“Been there, man. See you in sixty.”

Within the hour they were on the road. Johnny, too wound up to rest, drove while Lina and Kyle snatched a few Z’s in the back seat. At that hour, the turnpike was nearly deserted except for the truckers. They made excellent time, arriving in a little over two hours. The first signs of dawn were beginning to brighten the sky in the east when they pulled into the parking lot of the Valley Forge hotel.

“So,” yawned Lina, “what’s the plan?”

Johnny rubbed his chin, wishing he’d thought to shave before hitting the road. Plan?  His plan was to walk in, go to Stacey’s room, and bring her back; kicking and screaming, if necessary. Lina, however, didn’t seem to think that was much of a plan.

“It’s too early to go in anyway. Nobody’s up at this ungodly hour. Why don’t we grab some breakfast?” Kyle suggested, pointing to the twenty-four hour IHOP located across the parking lot. After much persuasion, Johnny reluctantly agreed, but insisted on sitting by the window where he kept his eyes glued to the main entrance of the hotel in case Stacey decided to leave.

Chapter Fourteen

tacey didn’t sleep at all. Between worrying about her upcoming meeting with Dr. Hamilton, pining over Johnny, and playing more of the “what-if” game, she was a wreck. To make things worse, she couldn’t find her flash drive with her backups. She must have left it in the cabin, she realized, in her haste to leave. Once she heard what Dr. Hamilton had to say, she’d decide what to do next, then call Lina and ask her to send it to her.

She tried to write a few new paragraphs, just to focus on something, but everything seemed to take a depressing turn, and she gave up after a while. No one wanted to read books that brought them down any more than she wanted to write them. Her stories always had happy endings, damn it, and true love
prevailed. That was rule number one. It might not happen that way in real life, but
was in control of what happened in her novels and she’d get her Happily Ever Afters there.

Her premium suite included a Jacuzzi in the spacious bath. It wasn’t nearly as large as the one at Lina’s family cabin, but with a bit of creative maneuvering, Stacey got herself situated. The jets felt heavenly, but it was hard not to think about what had happened the last time she was in a hot tub.

It was crazy, she knew. How could she get so into a man she’d known for two days?  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop thinking about him. His sexy grin, the rock-hard perfection of his body, the intensity of his green eyes as he filled her to capacity with what had to be the largest... Stacey slammed a mental wall down on that image. Remembering that did nothing to ease her unsettled nerves. 

Oh, what a great two days they had been! No one had ever made her feel the way he did, even before the accident. And it wasn’t just the sex, either, though that was admittedly fantastic. The kind a woman could get addicted to, real fast. The kind that ruined her for any others.

Yeah, it was

But Johnny was more than a great lover. He was kind, gentle, and protective. He’d held her through her fear. Made love to her and made her forget everything else, then cradled her tenderly through the night.

For someone so used to being on her own, it was a bit of an adjustment, but if she was honest with herself, she had to admit she kind of liked it. It was nice to let someone else be strong, even if it was only for a little while. Johnny made her feel safe, and loved, and pretty.

What would it be like, she wondered, to have a serious relationship with him, one that lasted more than a weekend? To discover more about the man beneath the muscles. For instance, what kind of movies did he like? What was his favorite food? What did he do to relax at the end of a long, hard day?

Stacey closed her eyes and let her imagination run free, crafting the scene in her mind’s eye. It was so clear: Johnny, coming home from work, looking sun-kissed and sexy. His T-shirt would cling to his damp body, smelling of clean male sweat. His work boots and blue jeans would be covered in a thin layer of dust and dirt.

She inserted herself into the fantasy, no longer confined to her chair, but walking out of the kitchen after preparing his favorite meal. He’d gift her with a special smile, one reserved just for her and filled with wicked intent.

She’d suggest a shower before dinner, and he’d snatch her around the waist and dirty her up, too.

Stacey’s hands moved over her body, imagining they were Johnny’s as she pictured them soaping each other up. She’d run her hands along his defined arms and chest, then glide lower and take care of him in ways that would push him to the edge. Then he’d growl in that deep, fierce way he had and turn her around, needing to be in her more than his next breath...

An hour later, clean and temporarily sated, they’d finally make their way back into the kitchen to eat the dinner, now cold, but neither one would care. Afterwards, maybe they’d take a ride on his Harley, or go clubbing, or maybe a moonlit sail on the nearby lake...

The image faded, leaving Stacey feeling emptier than ever. Her wheelchair waited quietly beside the tub, a stark and unwelcome reminder that this was not her dream. There would be no walking, no dinner, no shower or cuddling today. Just her, facing whatever the day would bring.


But face the day is exactly what she would do. If nothing else, flying out to see Lina had reminded her that no matter what, life went on. It wasn’t waiting for her to get herself together, and she was missing it. Hearing Lina’s laughter again, experiencing passion in Johnny’s arms – those things had happened because she’d faced at least one of her fears.

More importantly, she’d found the answer to the question she’d been asking herself. “Old” Stacey
still in there, and she was no longer willing to sit on the sidelines watching everyone else play. It was time she got back into the game, starting with her meeting this afternoon with Dr. Hamilton. 

When her skin began to wrinkle and the water grew too cold for comfort, she pulled herself out and patted herself dry with the big, fluffy towels. The bit of light starting to creep past the heavy draperies told her it was almost sunrise. Ready or not, the day was beginning.

Sleep was still an impossibility; she had no idea what the day would bring. With that in mind, she got dressed and applied some makeup in an attempt to conceal the dark black circles that shadowed her eyes. There was no point in scaring anyone unnecessarily.

Stacey stared at her reflection in the wide vanity mirror as she put her hair up loosely into a clip. The lights accentuated the pale pallor of her skin, making her look even worse than she felt.

Well, she rationalized, Dr. Hamilton had certainly seen her looking worse.

Unwilling to remain in the room any longer, Stacey grabbed her purse, locked the door behind her and headed for the lobby. Already there were business men and women milling about dressed in suits, no doubt destined for some of the local corporate centers so prevalent in the area. She gave the young man at the desk a tired smile, and asked him to call a cab for her. He took in her chair with a professional, neutral gaze and nodded. Bonus points (and a big tip) for him.

Before long, a specially equipped van pulled up to the doors. Oh, how she hated this part, wishing she could just take a regular cab like everyone else. A few people smiled kindly, but most looked right past her without acknowledgement.
Don’t look at the poor crippled woman.
It was easier that way. For them, anyway. Stacey gritted her teeth and pretended not to notice or care.

Fortunately, the beefy, white-haired older man driving the van was actually very nice. He had a genuine, warm smile and an honest face. He said his name was Sam, and beamed at her like she was a favorite niece. There was no pity in his eyes when he looked at her, and Stacey quickly decided that there should be a lot more Sams in the world.

“Where to, pretty lady?” Sam asked, once he had fastened her chair and anchored it securely in the van. Only it didn’t sound cheesy when he said it.

“I have nowhere to go, really,” she murmured, not really intending to say that out loud. “Just needed to get out of that room. The walls were closing in on me.”

“Well, then,” Sam said with a wink. “How about I give you a personal tour of this fine, historic area?  Born and raised in Norristown, I’ve lived here all my life. We can even head into Philly, if you’d like. There’s lots to see there, and you won’t find a better guide than yours truly.”

Stacey was stunned. “Can you do that?”

He grinned and pointed his thumb toward her door. “Did you see the name on the side of this here van?”

Stacey thought for only a second or two. “Mancini.”

“Yep, that’s me. Sam Mancini, at your service. I can pick my fares, you see. Officially I’m retired, and my son runs the business now, but I like driving. And it’s not often I get the chance to spend the day with a beautiful woman, at least not since my Rosa passed.”

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