Johnnie (18 page)

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Authors: Dorothy B. Hughes

BOOK: Johnnie
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“It’s in my pocket.”

Mike smiled and laid himself back in the chair. “Who you kidding?”

“All right, wise guy.” Johnnie wiped his fingers on the tablecloth. “Look.” He edged it out of his pocket, one eye on the door. “There she is. There’s the cupcake.”

Mike was suspicious. “Looks like a cigar to me.”

“Sure it does. But I’ve had a course on bombs. This is the kind automatically ignites at a certain time. Of course you can pull the pin and make it go off sooner.”

“You hadn’t ought to carry it around in your pocket like that.”

Johnnie manfully put it back in. “I think it’s safe. You see, it couldn’t be meant to go off here. That would get the guy who made it. It must have been safe in the envelope until Rudolph was on the Clipper.” He took another sandwich to keep his stomach from playing scales. “Anyhow don’t you say anything about it yet.”

“I won’t. But I think I better call up the precinct and get some help over here. Fast.”

Johnnie chewed gravely. “I don’t think they’ll let you borrow the phone. They killed Theo you know.”

“You really did see him?”

Johnnie scowled. “You mean you still don’t believe it?”

“By now I don’t know what I believe.” Mike drank his coffee black. “I should have gone to bed instead of trying to play Boy Scout to you.”

Johnnie jumped up suddenly. He grabbed a nut-studded cupcake and began eating fast. “I got it, Mike!”

“Got what?”

“I know where Theo is.”


“That’s it.” Johnnie nodded his head wisely. “That’s just it.”

“Well, tell it.”

He lowered his voice. “Those guys cutting up the street. They’re not from the Street Department. They’re Dorp’s men. They’re digging up the street for Theo. Put him in the hole. Close it up. Theo never shows again.”

Mike shook his head. “Where could they get a drill?”

“Where did they get those Nazi uniforms? And a bomb? Getting it wouldn’t bother them any. Mike—” He grabbed another cake quickly. “We’ve got to stop them before it’s too late.”

“If they aren’t going to let me phone, you think they’d let you go out and stop those men?”

Johnnie hadn’t considered that. “We aren’t going to tell them,” he figured. “We’ll say we’re going to look for Theo. They don’t care how much we look for him in this house. Then when we get downstairs we’ll make a dash for the door. Once outside if that watchman starts anything, I’ll let him have it. You have a gun and a police whistle, haven’t you? And I have a couple of fists.”

“Okay, soldier. Let’s go.”

Johnnie took another cake with him for reinforcement. They marched back into the throne room. The bunch was still arguing. Rudolph had collapsed on the throne. Janssen was rallying on one side, Magda on the other. They could dig each other without the goon catching on. Ferenz and Ottomkopf, Dorp and Trudy were doing most of the talking. But loud. Ruprecht alone was out of it. He was balancing his silk topper on his nose. He inquired, “Where did you go to, soldier?”

“I was hungry. There’s a lot of good grub going to waste in there.”

“Lead the way.” He clapped the hat over one ear and put his arm through Johnnie’s.

Johnnie pointed. “Right down there at the end of the room to the right. You can’t miss it.”

“I might,” Ruprecht insisted. “You show me.”

“We can’t show you now,” Mike said. “We got to—”

“Aw, come on, show me first. Won’t take a minute. What’s so important?”

“We have to find Theo,” Mike said.

“He won’t run away,” Ruprecht argued.

Johnnie began to catch on. Rupe wasn’t tight any more than he’d been earlier. He had something he wanted to say. Privately. “All right, I’ll show you. Come on.”

Mike started after them until Magda cooed, “Officer Costello.”

Mike looked at her then he looked at Johnnie.

“Go on,” Johnnie said. “See what she wants.”

She didn’t look as if she wanted anything more than a little variety. But whatever she wanted would be worth investigating.

Ruprecht waited until they were in the dining room. “Do you have a gun?” he demanded.

“No, I don’t.”

“Damn nonsense. I left mine at home. I didn’t expect any trouble.” He poured a cup of coffee, swallowed it quickly.

“Mike’s got one,” Johnnie said. “So has Magda and Trudy and—”

“—everyone else that shouldn’t have. There’s trouble ahead.”

“What kind or trouble?”

“Fighting trouble. Dorp says Rudolph can’t leave without the missing papers. Ferenz says whatever is missing could be sent to him in Switzerland. He also points out that he can’t arrange a seat on the Clipper every day. Magda agrees with Ferenz. So does Rudolph.”

“What does Old Bristle-Head say?”

“Ottomkopf? He’s too mad to say anything. First he sides with Dorp and then he sides with the others. And he wants to know who let a soldier and a policeman in here. What he wants most is to take a rubber truncheon to me. I say that’s all the thanks I get for finding their damn papers. Trudy’s trying to organize a search of the house. Stalling for time. I think she knows what’s missing. I think she hid it purposely.”

Johnnie didn’t know whether to mention the bomb or not. If he did, Ruprecht might take it away from him to use as his weapon. Johnnie sort of liked having it in his pocket. If he finally had to fight his way out of here, it would come in handy. He didn’t mention it. Instead he asked, “What do you want a gun for?”

“Because I want to use it if the final decision is for Rudolph to leave. He’s an ass but after all he is my brother. And I don’t go for having him killed by the Nazis.”

Johnnie thoughtfully selected another cake. He wasn’t hungry but it was something to do and for free. “I think we all need guns,” he said. “I mean you and me and Mike and Trudy. I think Dorp’s a Nazi and I think those soldiers of his are Nazis too. I don’t know why he wants to kill Rudolph only if he does, he’s going to kill you too.”

“Kill me?” Ruprecht echoed quietly.

“Figure it out for yourself. Who takes over if anything happens to your brother?”

Rupe figured it. “Could be that the Nazis want that damn Kraken to take over. I don’t doubt a bit that he’s gone whole hog for the New Order. Ugly bastard. But why would Trudy play Dorp’s game?”

“Maybe she doesn’t know.”

“Why do you think we’ve had her and Magda living here but to keep an eye on Dorp? And who got me over here tonight? I had no intention coming into it. I’ll talk to Trudy. She has a gun?”

“Yeah.” He looked at Rupe’s face anxiously. “You wouldn’t hurt Trudy, would you?”

“I’d beat her to a pulp if I thought she was selling me out.” He didn’t look as if he were fooling. Johnnie followed fast.

Mike and Magda alone occupied the throne room. They were gazing into each other’s eyes. Magda was gold and black wickedness. Mike was pleased.

“Where’s Trudy?” Ruprecht demanded.

“They’ve all gone hunting, darling. Want a drink?”

“Where’s Rudolph?” Johnnie shouted. “Who let Rudolph go? You know someone’s trying to kill him.”

“Don’t be silly,” Magda deprecated.

“Come on,” Johnnie called. He ran to the door. Mike ran after him.

“He’s safe,” Mike said. “They went in pairs. He’s with Trudy.”

Johnnie slowed down and breathed again. “As long as we’re started,” he decided, “we might as well get outside before they finish the search. If you can tear yourself away from Yellow-britches.”

Mike did look sheepish. “On her they aren’t repulsive,” he said. “We’re going to look pretty silly if that’s the N. Y. C. street department outside.”

“You’re going to look sillier if Theo has to be dug out of the street again.”

They reached the foot of the stairs.

“After we’re out, how we going to get back in?” Mike asked.

“We’re coming back with the whole force,” Johnnie boasted. “And Theo. Though personally I’d just as lief not see this place again. If I only had my dog tags—” He had his hand on the doorknob before he remembered to look toward the chenille curtains. He wouldn’t have been surprised if the whole outfit was lined up there poking guns on him. He was exceedingly surprised that the curtains didn’t even quiver. “Outside, brother,” he warned Mike.

It was that easy. They descended the steps, headed toward the drill in the middle of the street. Mike let him take the lead. Either Mike was still afraid he’d look silly or his mind was on that green-eyed thing back in the house. The drill made a worse noise than the Louisiana maneuvers. Johnnie set his teeth.

The two workmen took a recess when he upped to them. He demanded, “What are you doing here?”

The one with his hat pulled over one eye said nastily, “Playing gin rummy. Want to set in?”

The one with his hat over both eyes said, “What do you think we’re doing, wise guy?”

You couldn’t distinguish faces, not on a black night in a brownout. They didn’t need the hats to hide them.

Johnnie persisted, “Why are you digging up this street?”

“We like to dig up streets,” the first guy said. “Any objections?”

“I want to know why you’re digging it up now at this time of the morning.”

They eyed each other.

“Drunk,” the first worker said.

“Nuts.” The second waved a fist. “Scram, soldier. We got work to do.” He set his hand on the drill.

The noise ate away Johnnie’s eardrums. He couldn’t hear what Mike was saying. The cop was making gestures at the men. They desisted.

“Now what?” the second guy demanded.

“Listen, Johnnie,” Mike began. “Look at that hole. It isn’t deep enough.”

Johnnie looked. It wasn’t a big hole; the surface wasn’t cracked to a depth of more than a few inches. He said, “They can make it deeper.”

“So you don’t like our hole?” the first guy sighed. “I wish I was back at excavating. I’d show you a nice big hole. Besides kibitzers can’t talk to you when you’re excavating. If they do you can’t hear them.”

“Wait,” Mike said to the hand on the drill. “Look, Johnnie, it isn’t an excavation. The street department just breaks up the top layer. You couldn’t hide anything there.”

“Did you gents lose something?” Number Two asked.

“Yes,” Johnnie answered promptly, and not so promptly “Well—no—yes—”

“Make up your mind.”

“We might as well go back in,” Mike urged. “Theo isn’t here.”

“I’m not so sure.” Johnnie was belligerent. “They’ve been working a long time to make such a little hole.”

“What do you want us to do, be unemployed by morning?” the first said. “Better take your pal away—say, you’re a cop!”

“Off duty,” Johnnie explained. He didn’t want Mike to get in any trouble.

“Mike Costello.” He introduced himself. “Sorry we bothered you. Come on, Johnnie.”

“I’d like a better look at that hole,” Johnnie persisted. He didn’t continue. There was a little figure running toward them. It was Trudy.

“What are you two doing out here?” She was breathless. “Are you crazy?”

“Sure,” the second man called out, loud and true.

“We’re looking for Theo,” Johnnie said with dignity.

“That’s what I came to tell you. I’ve found him.” She grabbed his hand. “Hurry!”

He didn’t have time to think. He ran beside her back toward the house. Mike caught up with them.

“Where is he?”

“I’ll show you.”

They went inside again. She turned and closed the door softly. “Upstairs.” They started fast. They were on the first step when she called, “Wait!” Both of them turned back.

She was standing against the door, far enough away to make a plunge impossible. There was a sweet smile on her face. In her hand was her gun. It pointed smack at them.



“What’s the big idea?” Mike doubled his fists.

“The big idea is that you’re to put your hands out in front of you and climb up those stairs.” She was little but there was nothing soft about her voice or the gun.

“You need some help, Trudy?” There was someone behind the chenille curtain now. Someone with a thick accent. It was Dorp.

“I found these two out in the street.”

Anxiety popped his eyes. “They send no message?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think they had time.”

“What were they doing?”

“Talking to those men fixing the street.”

Dorp scowled. “Can you hold them here while I get together everyone? We must decide what now to do.”

“You’re darn right I can hold them,” she stated. “One off beat and I’ll get trigger finger.”

Dorp waddled upstairs.

“Listen, Trudy.” Johnnie tried to reason with her. “Mike’s a cop. You can’t shoot him.”

“Keep your hands up,” she commanded. “A dead cop’s just as dead as a dead pigeon. In there.”

They walked into her parlor.

Mike complained. “It’s the last time I play Boy Scout to the Army. I should have been home in bed hours ago. With my shoes off.”

Johnnie had no answer. He too could have had a good evening, chorus girls and fun. He certainly hadn’t intended to sweat out a pass this way. He’d probably be too tired tomorrow for sight-seeing. And Bill and Hank would doubtless never speak to him even if he found them again.

Trudy eyed him reproachfully from the piano bench. “You’ve certainly messed things up, Johnnie Brown.”

“Me?” He was indignant. He sputtered. “Me? Who was it dragged me upstairs tonight? Who was it handed me—”

She broke in loudly. “Keep quiet. I tried to get you to leave when you first barged in, remember? But no. You had to stick around. You deserve just what you get.”

“Give me back my dog tags and I’ll go right now.”

“No, you won’t,” she slurred. “You haven’t a chance of getting out until it’s all over. And you’d better stop trying.” She circled past them, the gun steady as a Texas Sheriff’s. “You might tell me one thing. Did you send a message?”

“I wouldn’t tell you the right time.” Johnnie was glum. He and Mike should have called the police before looking at that hole in the street. He and Mike should never have followed Trudy back in here. He and Mike should have their respective heads examined.

“If you did,” her smile was too sweet, “I’d advise you to lie about it when the others came down. They wouldn’t like it.”

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