Jodi_ByTheLight (26 page)

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Authors: JenniferLitteken

BOOK: Jodi_ByTheLight
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“What?” Jeff leaned over his shoulder.

“There is no direct exit to the outside from the office. You want an easy escape in case there’s trouble.” Barrett finished Damon’s thought.

“Yeah, like an angry boyfriend of one of the strippers.” Damon ran his finger across the blueprints. “The nearest exit is right down that hall where the strippers enter the building.” He straightened.

“With no direct exit, the office would be the only secured room where they could be holding Jayden.”

“I need to get inside while Barrett covers that back exit. I’ll locate Jayden and exit out that way.” Damon glanced at his watch. “Tonight is Halloween and it’s going to be pretty packed. That will work in our favor.”

Jeff snorted. “Well yeah, especially since tonight is the costume party.”

Barrett and Damon turned and looked at the man. “What?”

Jeff bobbed his head up and down. “Every Halloween they have a costume party. In fact, I don’t think you can get in without a costume.” Jeff paused and rubbed his chin. “I still might have my costume from last year that one of you could borrow.”

“What is it?”

Jeff held up his hand. “Hang on. It would probably be easier if I just showed you.”

When he reappeared from the back room a few minutes later, he was carrying a large box. He placed it on the ground and pulled open the top flaps.

“What’s that smell?” Damon waved his hand in front of his face as a sulfur scent emanated up from the box.

Jeff shrugged. “Think I spilt something on it last year at the Halloween party.”

Barrett wrinkled his nose. “Smells like rotten eggs.”

Jeff lifted the bundle of fur to his nose and gave it a sniff. “I had it in the closet in the bathroom. That toilet always stinks.”

“I’m not wearing a stinky bear costume.” Damon shook his head.

“It’s not a bear.” Jeff drew his brows together in offense.

Barrett bent over the box and pulled out the head. “Fuck.”


“It’s not a bear. It’s a beaver.” Barrett deadpanned.

“Oh. Hell. No.” Damon stepped back, putting distance between himself and the stinky beaver. “There is no way in hell that I’m wearing that.”

Damon skewered him with a look before turning back to Jeff. “This all you got? A fucking beaver costume?”

“I think Granny might have some of Jayden’s old costumes at her house.” Jeff’s eyes ran up and down the length of Damon. “Besides, I don’t think this would fit you anyway.”

“Good.” Damon pulled his leather jacket off the back of the chair. “I’m going to head out to Granny’s and see what she has there.” He checked his watch before glancing at Barrett. “You want me to pick you up something, too?”

Barrett nodded and then frowned. “Yes. But nothing stupid.”

Damon snorted. “Man, you’re standing next to a beaver costume that smells like shit. Anything would be better than that.”


“I don’t think this is going to work.”

The older woman waved her hand in the air. “Of course it will work. We’ll park around back of the Beaver. When I spot one of the girls that I have an order for, I’ll talk her into letting me in the back way so I can deliver my other orders.”

“Don’t they have security guards in the back?”

“I don’t know.” Granny shrugged.

Ava sighed. “Granny, even if the girls could get you in, the security guard certainly isn’t going to let you in.”

Granny smiled, her face brightening like a sunbeam. “What if I tell them I’m a dancer?”

Ava’s mouth hit the floor.

“What?” Granny’s smile disappeared. “It’s amateur night. They let anyone dance on amateur night.” Granny’s chin jutted out.

Ava’s eyes sharpened. “Tonight is amateur night?”

“Yep, and since it’s Halloween, everyone will be dressed up.” Granny unpacked her large bag stuffed with edible undergarments. “Of course they’ll let me in. Besides, I have to deliver these candy corn panties and licorice bra.” Granny held up orange-and-yellow panties and a red bra that looked like it had been sewn out of rope.

Ava wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like licorice.”

“It’s not black licorice, dear. Its strawberry licorice and it matches these candy corn panties.”

Ava touched her right temple where a sudden ache was brewing. Rubbing the area with her fingertips, she closed her eyes. “Okay, so let’s say you get in, then what?”

“I’ll distract the girls with some of my latest sex toys. Like this one!” The old lady whipped out a pink vibrator the size of a baseball bat.

“Who in the hell can actually use that?” Ava straightened just as the front door creaked open.

Granny stepped into the living room still holding the obscene toy in her hand with Ava on her heels.

“Damon. What are you doing here?”

“I’m…” He stilled, his face paled and eyes widened on the weapon in Granny’s hand.

Closing his eyes, he pushed the heel of his hand into his right eye socket, probably trying to gouge his eye out.

Ava knew just how he felt.

“I need to get a couple of Jayden’s Halloween costumes.” He grimaced and kept his gaze fixed on the ceiling.

Dropping her hand to her side, Granny patted the monstrous vibrator against her thigh as she gave him a pensive look. “Let me see.”
Slap, slap, slap
. “I think I got rid of all his costumes.”

Damon looked at her. “All?”

Granny shook her head. “No, I still have the one he was going to wear tonight. It’s in my sewing room. Hang on and I’ll go get it.” She took two steps before hesitating. “Here Ava, hold this.”

Ava took the vibrator and frowned, surprised by the weight of the thing.

“I’m not even going to ask.” Damon looked up at some invisible spot on the ceiling and avoided looking at the vibrator.

“It’s best if you didn’t.” Ava studied the floor.

After a beat, Ava cleared her throat. “So you need the costume for the Beaver?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“Granny told me about the costume party they have every year.” Ava cringed. “I’m hoping she knows because she’s heard about it and not because she’s actually been there.”

“Me too.” He flinched.

Granny emerged from the hall with material draped across her arms.

“What is it?” Ava reached out and touched the material. It was made of leather and soft as butter.

“It’s Spartacus.” Granny held up the garment proudly.

“Well, fuc…” Damon didn’t finish as Granny pursed her lips and shot him a warning look.

“Sorry, Granny.” He grimaced. Shaking his head, he pointed at the costume. “I should have known that ass…idiot would want to dress up like Spartacus.”

“It’s his favorite TV show.” Granny held up the costume so she could examine it.

“Fine.” Damon held his hands out in front of him. “I’ll take it.”

Granny frowned. “Aren’t you going to try it on?”

Ava grinned. “Yeah, I want to see it on.”

“The fewer people that see me in this ridiculous thing, the better.” Damon waited until Granny slid all the pieces of the costume into a paper bag before taking it from her.

He turned, piercing Ava with a glare. “Ava, I need to talk with you. Outside.” He didn’t wait as he exited through the front door. She’d started to follow when Granny grabbed her arm and whispered loudly. “Don’t tell him about our plan. Don’t let him break you!”

“I won’t.” Ava hissed and thrust the sex toy into the old woman’s hands.

Damon leaned against his bike with his arms crossed, sunglasses in place, looking like sex on two legs.

Ava sighed, but it came out more like a purr.

She stopped a few feet away and tucked her hands in her back pockets. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

He moved so quick that it took her breath away. One minute they were three feet apart, the next, she was wrapped in his embrace, her arms trapped behind her.

His hand slid up from her back to the nape of her neck. Her heart drummed in her ears as her breasts crushed against his rock-hard chest. Ava rocked against him, loving the feel of how her body reacted to his, her nipples hardening against his solid chest.

He growled deep in his throat before he brought his mouth down on hers. He kissed and licked her mouth until she moaned. Ava arched her back, grinding her pelvis against his hard thick length.

One arm slid down her back, gripping her arms, while the other slipped between the tight spaces of their bodies.

“You aren’t playing fair,” he breathed as his fingers tweaked her nipple. Delicious licks of pleasure zinged straight to her core.

Ava moaned. “Neither are you.”

His hand left her breast and slid downward until he cupped her through her jeans.

Well, if he was going there, so was she.

Slipping her hand free, Ava stroked his erection, the denim doing nothing to hide the heat against fingertips, the very heat she wanted inside her.

“Damon. You forgot something.” Ava froze at Granny’s shrill voice. She quickly stepped away, leaving Damon standing there with a tent in his jeans.

“I found this in the bottom of the closet.” Granny grinned as she held out a large sword and a matching sheath. Apparently the old woman was more focused on the sword in her hand than the sword in Damon’s pants.

Damon breathed out a slow, weary breath as he took the weapon from Granny. His brows creased as his eyes drifted toward the old lady. “Is this real?”

“Of course it is. Jayden’s friend, who happens to be a blacksmith, made it for him.”

Gripping the handle, he unsheathed the sword and eyed the weapon with appreciation.

“Where are you going to put that? It’s not going to fit in your saddlebag.” Ava ran her finger down the flat side of the cool steel.

“I’ll tie it to the side.” Flipping open the saddlebag, he retrieved some small rope and black material. He wrapped the material around the sword before strapping it to the side of his motorcycle.

“Be careful.” Granny whispered. “And bring Jayden back to me.”


Ava looked at the hard ground and wrapped her arms around her chest, suddenly very chilled. What Damon was about to do was dangerous and could end with someone getting killed.

His calloused hand cupped her cheek. “I’ll be back.”

“What time?”

“I don’t know. We’re planning to go in around midnight when the crowd is the largest. It lessens the chance they’ll spot us. The only place in the club that they could be holding Jayden is in the office in the back. If things go as planned, we’ll be in and out.”

“And if they don’t go as planned?” Ava held his hand against her face.

“Then it will take a little longer.” He shrugged.

“Come back to me.”

His blue eyes flashed with unspoken emotion.


“I’ll be back, and I’ll have Jayden with me.” He kissed the top of her head before getting on his Harley. With a roar, the engine came alive and he was gone.

Ava stood in the yard looking at the flying dust he’d left behind, watching it settle on the ground.

“You’re worried about him.” Granny stepped to her side.

Ava snorted. “I know it’s stupid. I’m not even his mate.”

“This is true.” Granny’s voice trailed off.

“I don’t like it. I’m sure as hell not going to mate Barrett.” Ava turned, her gaze holding Granny’s with determination.

“Barrett’s pretty hot.” Granny pursed her lips. “If I were younger I might have a go at him myself.”

“I don’t care how hot Barrett is. It’s not him I want.”

“I got something that will take your mind off that.” Granny’s thin lips slowly turned up into a grin. “We need to go get ready if we’re going to help.”

Ava nodded. “Let’s get busy then.”


Damon sat in Barrett’s silver Hummer, his mind going over the plan. He had to get in and get Jayden out, and make it back to Ava. This might be the last night he had with her.

“They’re not going to let you take that sword in there. Security’s tight tonight.” Barrett’s voice brought him back to the here and now. Damon looked at the Alpha male who, despite the beaver costume, still looked lethal. But really. Barrett was wearing a beaver costume. That cheered Damon a little.

Barrett slid his gaze from the crowded parking lot over to him.

“I already thought about that. That’s why I painted it.” Damon reached in the backseat and pulled out the weapon. It shone bright yellow, like a child’s toy. He’d even painted the tip of the sword red, mimicking drops of blood.

Barrett nodded. “Not bad. Just make sure when you walk up to the front door you have it sheathed on the opposite side of where the security guards will be standing. You don’t need them bumping against it.”

Damon grabbed the belt and sheath. Arching up, he secured the belt around his waist. “I’ll make a sweep of the room before heading to the bar. The lap dance room at the end will be the closest to the door leading to the office.”

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