Jodi_ByTheLight (17 page)

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Authors: JenniferLitteken

BOOK: Jodi_ByTheLight
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She shrugged her thin shoulders and he wondered if they’d snap like twigs with the slight motion.

“I had some trouble.”

“Really? I thought you and your lover would be living it up in my loft.” He didn’t bother keeping the sarcasm out of his voice.

“I got kicked out.”

“Of your own home?” He narrowed his eyes.

“The neighbors got upset when I couldn’t pay the light bill. I had no way to keep the food cold and it spoiled. They complained about the smell and said I was running the place into the ground. They got together, got an attorney, and had me evicted.”

“Why couldn’t you pay your bills? I would have thought with your all your jewelry, you’d be set.” The jewelry he had bought.

“Jimmy stole my jewelry to buy drugs.”

“Jimmy is your boyfriend?” Ava was watching Laura as if waiting for her to attack. From the looks of Laura, she didn’t have the strength to fight her way out of a potato chip bag.

“Not anymore.” Laura shook her head. “He ran off and I never saw him again.”

“What about a job? Didn’t you work? Couldn’t you have paid your own bills?” Ava raised her eyebrow. It was clear Ava had no sympathy for the girl.

Laura didn’t speak and he knew exactly why. “After she moved in with me, Laura quit working.” He expected the anger and resentment to still be there after such a bitter memory. Surprisingly, those emotions were long gone.

“Why the hell did you did you do that?” Ava snarled. She was definitely not giving Laura any slack.

“Damon took care of me. Why should I have to work?” Laura shrugged.

“Every woman needs her own money. She shouldn’t have to depend on a man to support her.” Ava narrowed her eyes at Laura.

“That’s easy for you to say. I’m willing to bet he bought the clothes on your back and a lot more.” Laura looked from Ava to him, and he saw something wistful, longing toward him. Laura was out of her fucking mind if she thought she had a chance with him now.

He looked over at Ava, expecting a witty comeback, like always. Instead she didn’t speak. She looked a little uncomfortable and tried to pull her hand away from his. He tightened his grip. Their gazes met for a brief second.

“I had to move back to Shreveport after I left New Orleans. I’ve been here for four years.” Laura hefted the pad out of her apron pocket along with a pen. “I’m sorry. I should have taken your order by now.” She shook her head and laughed a little. “It’s just seeing you again was a real shocker.”

“No problem.” Damon waited for Ava to order before placing his own. They both watched Laura head back into the kitchen for their drinks.

“She’s changed a lot.”

“I hope she doesn’t spit in my food.” Ava looked at him under her lashes. “She’s still pretty.”

“She looks like death warmed over.” Laura paled in comparison to Ava.

Ava met his eyes as he kissed the back of her hand.

Laura returned with their drinks. Ava pulled back away as the plastic glasses were placed on the table.

“Thanks,” Ava mumbled.

He nodded his thanks at Laura, who lingered a little longer than necessary.

“Lorry said she saw you.”

He looked up at Laura. “She didn’t mention anything about you living in Shreveport.”

Laura’s lips parted under the force of a weak smile. “She probably didn’t want you to know that I wasn’t doing well financially. She always did care what people thought about her.”

“I guess you two were a lot alike in that area.” He arched his eyebrow at her.

Laura’s smile faded. “I’ve changed, Damon. I really have.”

“Laura, you got another customer,” a plus-sized waitress with hair that looked like a brown football shouted from behind the counter.

Laura turned. A strange metamorphosis occurred as her gaze landed on her customer. She stood up straight and stuck out her nonexistent breasts. Her face brightened as she stretched her lips into a wide smile. In the space of a few seconds Laura transformed back into that same selfish person he’d known so long ago.

She hurried over to the table where an older man dressed in a suit and tie sat. He greeted her with a smile and a wink.

Apparently, Laura hadn’t changed.

She should go into acting. He shook his head, feeling a small amount of pity for the older man.

For the rest of lunch, Ava didn’t say much despite his attempt at conversation. He sucked at making conversation. Hell, he didn’t even like to talk. When she didn’t engage him back, he finally gave up.

After a painfully silent lunch, he motioned Laura over to get the check while Ava excused herself to the bathroom. He thought about not leaving a tip, since Laura didn’t deserve it. In the end his softer side won out and he left a ten-dollar tip.

As soon as Ava exited the bathroom, he stood, grateful to leave.

Ava strode to his bike. His eyes were glued to her sexy little ass and he suddenly couldn’t help himself. Coming up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

She let out a low moan. Damn, he wanted to bite her right there on her sensitive flesh.

She laughed softly, her ribcage trembling under his hands. “What’s gotten into you?” She caressed his scarred cheek. Her touch was cool and soothing against the jagged flesh.

“I love the way you smell.” He kissed the curve of her neck. He closed his eyes, inhaling her scent into his lungs, into his very soul. He might not have forever with her, but he had this moment. He didn’t want to waste a minute.

She tugged his hand upward to her mouth where she kissed it. She turned in his arms and smiled up at him. “Do you have a plan?”

“Well, first, I’ll take your clothes off and then mine.”

“No, not that.” She swatted his arm and laughed. “A plan about where we will spend the night since we have no money and can’t use a credit card.”

“I’ll try calling Jayden again. I’m sure he’s finished breaking up the brawl between the two blue hairs by now.” He plucked his cell phone out of his pocket and punched in Jayden’s number. After a few rings it went straight to voicemail. Again.

“Shit.” He ran his hand through his hair.


“Jayden’s not answering.”

“He’s probably still working.”

“He always carries his phone. And he always answers it.” He thrust his hands through his hair. Something was off.

His phone rang.


“I’ve got an informant that might have some info on the missing girl.” Barrett’s voice came over the line slow and steady. His voice, just like his personality, never seemed to waver.

“There’s a bar off the highway that caters to bikers. Do you know the one I’m talking about?”

“I know the one.” It was more than a bar. It was a strip club. It was the last place on earth he wanted to take Ava.

“Figured you did. Be there tonight at ten o’clock. Go to the far end of the bar and order a shot of vodka, Grey Goose. This is the signal for the informant to talk to you.”

“What about Ava?” He gritted his teeth.

“He knows you’ll have company. Unless you find a safe place to leave her, you’re going to have to take her with you. I told him you were with your mate so that should be enough for him to keep his hands off.”

“If it’s not, I’ll be more than happy to rip his hands off for him.” Damon gave Ava a pointed stare. “You make sure to tell him I don’t share. You got that?”

Barrett’s laughter rumbled through the line. “I think he’ll get the message loud and clear when he lays eyes on you, Damon. Besides, I’ve warned him. You know the rules.”

“Yeah. The first time is a warning. The second time is death.” Damon grinned a little. “Because you hate to repeat yourself.”

“That’s right.”

“I’ve found a couple of options for a safe house for Ava. They won’t be ready for a couple of days, so you’ll have to keep her a little while longer.”

He said nothing, his stomach tightening at the thought that soon he’d have to let Ava go.

“Damon, you know you’ve got to let her go, right?” It was more of a command than a question. Directions were one thing. It was ultimatums he didn’t respond so well to.

“Damon, you do right by that girl. We clear?”

Damon growled, holding onto his rage by a thread. Without a word, he ended the call.

“You okay?” Ava touched his arm.

“Yeah.” He pulled the helmet off the bike and handed it to her. “We need to get going.”


“You’ll see.”


Chapter Eight


Ava clung to Damon as he sped down the interstate on his Harley to their next destination. She hadn’t pressed him about where they were going. Frankly, she didn’t want to know. Wherever their destination, it might be the place he would leave her. She wasn’t ready to tell him goodbye, just yet.

Rubbing her hands across his washboard abs, he shivered under her fingertips. She loved how he responded to her touch. If only they had more time together. The minutes seemed to be siphoning away, their days rushing by with no way to slow down and enjoy the short time they had left.

He pulled into the parking lot of a decrepit-looking building with no windows and steel bars on the door.

“What is this place? It looks condemned.” She wrinkled up her nose.

“It’s a bar that caters to our kind.” He turned and scanned the nearly empty parking lot. There was only one other bike parked near the entrance. She assumed it was someone who worked there.

“A werewolf bar?” Her eyes widened. It still seemed weird to say. “Is it dangerous?”

“Only on a full moon and then hardly anyone comes in unless they are looking for trouble. Humans rarely come here.”

“Sounds like you know from experience.”


The closed sign hung limply on its side like a broken arm. Instead of going through the front door, he led her around to the side of the building.

He rapped on the backdoor.

“We’re closed. Can’t you see the damn sign?” A deep voice roared from the other side of the door. She took a cautious step back.

“No shit, you senile old fart. Get off your lazy ass and open this goddamn door,” Damon thundered.

The back door flew open and a man with shoulders as wide as a dump trunk stomped out. His bald head resembled Mr. Clean and was the only part of him that wasn’t covered in hair. He towered over Damon, which was a feat in itself.

“Damon? What the fuck you doing here?” Mr. Clean on steroids looked over at her and blushed. “I mean, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Looking for a favor. Think you can help me out?” Damon’s expression grew serious as he shook hands with the giant of a man.

“Come on in.” He motioned them inside.

Despite the run-down appearance of the outside of the building, the inside was very clean. As they wound their way through the kitchen, her nose was assaulted by the tempting smells. By the time they reached the bar, her mouth was watering.

“Can I get you two something to eat? I was just putting the finishing touches on my crawfish etouffee for tonight’s customers.”

“We just ate.” Damon shook his head.

“That sounds great.” She gave the man a grateful smile.

“I like a girl with an appetite. You better treat her right, Damon. Mates like her don’t come along that often.” He disappeared into the kitchen.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were still hungry?”

“I wasn’t until I walked in here.” She shrugged. When she was nervous she ate a lot.

The guy came back through the kitchen doors in a much better mood. “That’s one fine mate you got there, Damon. If I was twenty years younger I’d fight you for her.” He smiled broadly and set the bowl in front of her.

“Ava, I’d like you to meet Jeff. He’s the owner of Romulus and Remus.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You named your bar after the founders of Rome?”

“Beautiful and smart. I agree with your choice of a mate.” Jeff gave Damon an appreciative nod.

Damon sighed loud enough to irritate her. “We’re not mated.”

“Humph. That’s what you keep saying.” Jeff lifted his eyes to the ceiling.

“Keep saying? Who’ve you been talking to? Jayden?” Damon narrowed his eyes.

“Nope. Granny told me. Ran into her while I was picking up some groceries.” Jeff squeezed his brows together marring his perfectly round head. “She said she was picking up some hors d’oeuvres for some kind of party. Did she say anything to you about having a party?”

Ava almost choked on her etouffee. Damon’s face turned bright red and he quickly shrugged. “Nope, not a word.”

“This is the best etouffee I’ve ever tasted.” She pointed to the bowl with her spoon.

Jeff’s face broke into a large smile. “Thank you, Ava.”

“No, really.” She spooned another bite into her mouth and sighed. “I’ve already had a burger for lunch, but for some reason I can’t stop eating your food.”

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