Jodi Thomas - WM 1 (6 page)

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Authors: Texas Rain

BOOK: Jodi Thomas - WM 1
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Travis nodded, realizing he’d better think of a better story. In theory a fourth of the horses belonged to him. But he’d never taken more than a fresh mount now and then when he returned home. More often than not, Tobin had one already picked out. He’d say, “This one’s got the heart of a Ranger. He’ll keep up with you.”
Sage leaned her head against his arm, and Travis hummed softly as she fell asleep. She might be all grown up now, but she hadn’t changed. The only time she wasn’t talking was when she slept. He thought of asking if she enjoyed the dance, but he already knew. He’d seen it in her eyes. She hadn’t met the man who’d win her heart. From the unshed tears he’d seen sparkling in her eyes as they said their good nights to the neighbors, no man had even come close to being right.
A few hours later Travis carried Sage into the house. His brothers stood, nodding their greetings as he crossed to his little sister’s room and put her to bed as he’d done all her life. He tugged off her shoes and covered her with a blanket before returning to the fire where Teagen and Tobin waited.
They toasted his homecoming and the two oldest settled in to talk, but Tobin stood. “I’ll put up the horses,” he said, “and be right back, so don’t start telling all of your adventures without me.”
Travis nodded once, then added, “I loaned out one of the bays. I’ll get him back tomorrow.”
Tobin left without asking more.
Travis knew the explanation was sketchy, but it was all he could think to say and still be telling the truth.
When Tobin left, Teagen offered his brother a cigar, and they lit up with a shared smile. Even though they were in their twenties, they still listened for Martha’s steps. The woman could smell cigar smoke from three rooms away.
“How was the dance?” Teagen asked in his straightforward way.
“Not bad,” Travis answered. “Saw Mrs. Dickerson. I think she’s hoping to get married again and give up teaching.”
Teagen nodded.
“Elmo Anderson told me to tell you that new saddle you ordered should be in by tomorrow or the next day.”
The older brother nodded again. “You coming home to stay this time?” He’d asked the same question for almost ten years. For Teagen there would never be anything but the ranch. For Tobin it was horses. Neither seemed to understand that for Travis it would always be the open land, the roaming. He loved them all, but Travis knew he was born to travel. If it hadn’t been the Rangers, it would have been the army, or something else. He needed the sky for a roof and the horizon for walls.
“What did I miss?” Tobin said from the doorway.
The brothers pulled their chairs in a circle by the fire, and Travis told them of his adventures while they related everything that had happened at the ranch. Finally, long after midnight, the talk turned to Sage and how much they’d all miss her if she married.
Teagen suddenly laughed. “We sound like a bunch of old maids.”
Tobin shrugged. “We are. Sage is our only hope of having a next generation. There’s not a woman in Texas who’d marry any one of us.”
Teagen leaned back in his chair. “True,” he said matter-of-factly. “Martha says piss and vinegar must run in our blood to make us so mean. I’m the oldest, I’m already hard-boiled, but Tobin, you’re still young. You could marry.”
“I’m almost twenty-four. An old man, so stop talking about me like I’m still growing.”
Travis looked at Teagen but pointed to Tobin. “He’d have to talk to a girl if he married her. Unless we can find one who looks like a horse, I don’t think there’s much chance of that.”
Tobin almost knocked Travis out of his chair with a playful blow.
They were still laughing when they climbed the stairs to the men’s quarters. Three rooms, all exactly alike. Travis waved good night as he closed his door and fell into bed. He thought he’d fall to sleep in a few breaths, but the pretty face of a redhead filled his mind. He’d almost told his brothers that he’d danced tonight and a girl had kissed him. But he didn’t want to sound like a pup. If he told them details, he’d probably end up telling them about how, likely as not, she stole his horse.
Travis rolled over. Tomorrow he’d ride to the trading post. She had to be traveling with the group of wagons heading north. He’d get his horse back and lecture her on the law. She could get shot for taking a horse. If he were playing by the rules, he should arrest her and let some judge decide what to do with her. But it was hard to think about cuffing someone he’d kissed.
Well, could be he didn’t kiss her, but she definitely kissed him.
He thought about why she must have taken the horse. Maybe she had a good reason and he should hear her out before he started his planned lecture. Maybe her sick ma and pa were in a wagon. Maybe she was a widow trying to make it alone. She looked to be in her twenties, so it could be possible. She might have spent her last few dollars burying her man and now she had to make it back to a little farm alone. Or she could have been on the run from a father who beat her regularly.
Travis spent an hour thinking about her and finally decided two things. One, he’d take an extra horse with him, an animal that wasn’t part of a matched set, in case any of her stories sounded good. And, two, when he saw the woman who called herself Molly, if he got the chance, he’d return her kiss.
He drifted off a few hours before dawn calling himself a fool. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t push the feel of her against him from his thoughts. She’d somehow branded him with her touch. The softness of her body pressed close to his was something he wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon. She fit him, he decided and wished mating could have been so simple. No verbal sparring, no courting, just one man and one woman bumping together to see if they fit.
By the time the smell of bacon woke him, the sun was up. Travis stretched, thinking how good a bed felt. Even when his travels took him into towns, he usually chose to camp out a mile or so away from people. He said it was because the smell of civilization bothered him, but in truth, the filth of hotels never appealed to him. He knew the sheets were changed once a month if the room had been rented every night, but most places rented half the bed. So a stranger might wander in and claim his half during the night.
He’d seen signs asking all boarders to wash their feet before going to sleep, but Travis felt they should have washed the rest of their bodies as well. Even on slow nights when he could get an almost clean room alone, the odors of former guests kept him awake.
Travis stripped to his underwear and went down the back stairs to the washroom. He wasn’t surprised to find hot water and soap waiting. By the time he washed and returned to his room, clean clothes were on his bed.
“Thank you, Martha!” he yelled as he dressed while moving down the front stairs.
A few minutes later when she plopped a platter of food in front of him, she answered, “You are welcome.”
As he shoved eggs into his mouth, she added, “Everyone else has been up and working for hours.”
He didn’t answer. Martha seemed to have the idea that being a Texas Ranger was some kind of long game he played and one day he’d grow up and come back home to do real work. None of the boys had ever asked her about her past, or doubted the rumor that prison had been a part of it. For all he knew, Martha had a hatred of lawmen based on personal experience.
He stared at the eggs hoping she hadn’t gone to prison for poisoning someone. Taking another mouthful, he smiled. If she didn’t kill him for all the wild things he did growing up, she wasn’t going to poison him for sleeping late today.
Travis stood shoveling in the last bite of bacon. “I have to go into town. Do you want me to pick up any supplies?”
Martha shook her head. “I get my supplies on the first of the month, and anything I forget we can just do without until the first rolls around again.”
“I’ll be back before supper, I hope. If not, I’ll leave word with Anderson. I have a feeling Teagen will by riding over tomorrow morning to see if his saddle came in, so tell him if he doesn’t see me tonight, there will be a note waiting.”
She didn’t even look up as he left.
He caught two horses in the corral and saddled one, then headed for the back trail through the hills. It was faster than the bridge road. Travis pushed hard, thinking that he should have been at the trading post before dawn. By now the wagons would be a few miles north. He’d catch them easily on horseback, but he could have saved time if he’d reached the post before his green-eyed thief left with his horse.
When he stopped to talk to the owner of the trading post, old Elmo Anderson claimed there was no woman named Molly with the travelers. He’d supplied every wagon himself and could not remember any woman fitting Travis’s description. Elmo also swore that if a McMurray bay had been among the horses, he would have noticed it. Most of the wagons had been pulled by oxen, a few by mules, and the few riders between the wagons were on nags. Anderson couldn’t remember even a cart pulled with one horse.
Travis took the time to talk with a peddler who’d traveled from south of the post. He said he hadn’t seen a soul all morning, so she couldn’t have gone south. Any other direction would be open country and far too dangerous for a woman to travel alone. His little thief seemed to have vanished.
Travis rode on to the wagons hoping that she’d joined up with the rest somewhere along the north road. If she were on the bay, she would have been wise not to let anyone near the post see her ride away. The cowhands might not recognize Travis, but they’d know a McMurray horse.
Two hours later, when he caught up to the settlers snailing their way across a shallow river, he saw that Anderson had been right. No horse. No woman who’d called herself Molly was among them.
She’d disappeared.
The travelers were newly arrived from Germany and few spoke English. He’d seen them at the dance, keeping mostly to themselves. Travis had assumed Molly was with them even though she’d tried to act like she was Irish. Since Anderson hadn’t known her, she wouldn’t have been a daughter of a local family. How could a woman walk alone into a dance and no one notice? Or, for that matter, walk away with a horse without a soul seeing her go?
Molly with the green eyes was growing more interesting by the minute.
He told himself he knew how she’d done it. Like him, everyone thought she belonged with someone else. No one at the dance knew everyone, so pretending to be with first one group and then another would have been easy for her.
Grinning, he realized that at one point she’d pretended to be with him and no one had questioned her.
William Ackland, the oldest and self-appointed leader of the group of Germans, offered to share their noon meal after Travis made sure all the wagons made it across the river. Ackland spoke a passable English and didn’t mind acting as interpreter. The women, shyly at first, asked questions about what lay north—the people, the weather, the settlements past Fort Graham. The men asked about the land, and then what danger they might encounter.
When Travis finished answering their questions, he asked a few of his own. Not one remembered a redheaded woman at the dance. He was beginning to think she’d been a dream. Only a dream wouldn’t have kissed him or stolen a horse. A dream wouldn’t have spread her fingers over his chest as if needing to know he was real as dearly as he had wanted to hold her when he’d danced with her.
One woman said she met a young woman named Sally who might have had red hair beneath her scarf, but she seemed too afraid to even join the women in conversation. The German woman thought she must have been a local.
Travis doubted that would be his fearless Molly who’d run past a dozen men when she thought she was saving his life. But it made sense that she’d play more than one part; after all, she’d played two with him.
When the leader asked him to travel with them for a while and scout, Travis couldn’t decline. Most of the men looked like farmers, and no one, as far as he could see, carried a gun handy. The new settlers had no idea how treacherous Texas could be. They thought their eight wagons would protect them.
“I’ll go as far as the next trading post,” he said to William Ackland. “From there maybe you can find a supply wagon heading for the fort. You all will be far safer traveling with men who know this part of the country.”
As Travis swung back into the saddle, he decided heading north to find the redhead was as good a direction as any. If he didn’t find her, he’d need the ride home to think of a reason he’d lost the bay.
RAINEY ADAMS CRAWLED OUT FROM UNDER THE SAGE-BRUSH where she’d curled up to sleep and stared at the trading post a quarter mile away. Even the late sleepers from the night before had long ago left the area around the barn where the dance had been held. But to her surprise horses were gathered at the entrance to the mercantile. Too many, she thought. Something, besides everyday trade, must be going on.
Rainey pushed back through the brush and into the shadows of live oaks growing near the creek. This had been her refuge since she arrived almost a week ago, and the clearing was starting to feel like home. The branches, newly green, formed a roof and the rocks were her furniture. The few belongings she had were safely hidden away in her traveling bag behind a fallen log.

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