Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (51 page)

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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, what are we going to do, break in?”

I’m pulling Hailey by the hand around to the back side of the stadium. “Hang on, I got this.”

I stop us in front of the big Hawks-blue-and-white painted side door to the locker rooms.

Hailey gives me a look. “Dalton, I’m pretty sure it’s locked,” she says, nodding her head at the key-code door.

“I’m pretty sure you’re right,” I grin at her before I turn and punch in the code.

The door clicks open.

I turn back to her, wagging my eyebrows. “I’m also pretty sure your dad shouldn’t write the passcode down on the front of play-books.”

Hailey laughs as I tug her inside the dark of the locker room.

“Listen, mister, before you get to thinking this is just another chance to get me alone in the locker room, I
actually want to see the field,” she giggles as I pull her into the defensive coach’s office.

“Oh, did you
want me to bend you over this desk, pull your shorts down and bury my tongue in your pussy?”

Hailey’s eyes flash as she sucks her bottom lip between her teeth, and I grin. “Tempted, aren’t you?”

“Um, yes please,” she says moving towards me with a wicked grin on her face.

“Lord have
I've created a monster,” I murmur as I pull her against me and sear my lips to hers. She whimpers, her hands sliding up my back as I slide my tongue into her mouth.

She pouts as I reluctantly pull away from her. “Where are you going?”

I smirk as I walk around the junior offensive coach’s desk. “Hey, I told you I’d show you the field, didn’t I?” I bend down to the mini fridge hidden under his desk and pull out two beers.

Hailey raises a brow and I shrug. “Coach Atkins has a hard time making it past three in the afternoon without a few,” I say with a wink as I pull her back through the dark locker room.

“Alright, close your eyes,” I murmur into her ear, pulling her hands up and placing them over her eyes.


“Trust me.”

I lead her, eyes covered, down the long, dark hallway that leads out onto the field.

Some colleges keep their stadium lights on all the damn time, and while it looks cool sometimes, it never made much sense to me. Luckily, the University voted last season to kill the lights when the stadium isn’t in use in an effort to make the school more energy efficient, and I am
okay with that - especially tonight.

“Open up,” I whisper in her ear.

Hailey gasps as she opens her eyes. “Oh

We’re standing at the fifty-yard line in the very center of the dark, moonlit field. Lights from the campus buildings glow faintly over the western bleachers, but not enough that you can’t still see a whole swath of stars across the sky.

Hailey’s entire face lights up in a smile as she looks up at them, her eyes sparkling, her mouth slightly open, and her hair blowing gently in the soft breeze.

The hell with the stars, I could gaze at
all night.

We sink to the ground, and I crack the beers as she leans against my chest, still looking up.

“Pretty awesome, huh?”

“God, it’s
out here. It’s so peaceful.”

I grin. “
different when the lights are all on and there’s forty-thousand people screaming at you.”

Hailey snorts, “Yeah,
. I like this version of the field better I think.”

“You know,” I run my lips over the back of her neck. “I might too.”

“Okay, something I’ve been dying to ask you.”

I arch my brow. “Shoot.”


I grin, “Do I
need to explain the nickname to you, darlin?” I start to go for my fly but she rolls her eyes and slaps my arm.

name, horn-dog, not the nickname. Tennessee. I know you’re not
there, so I was just curious.”

I laugh as I quickly kiss her. “Williams.”

“As in Tennessee Williams?”

“The very same. He was my dad’s favorite writer, I guess.”

She nods, “Huh.”

“Not quite as dramatic as the nickname, is it?”

She laughs as I pull her into me, but then I furrow my brow. “Wait, hang on. I don’t even
your middle name.”

Hailey’s face goes red and she shakes her head. “Nah, next question.”

I’m curious.

“C’mon, spill it,” I grin, tickling her and loving the way she giggles and squirms against me.

“Stop!” She shrieks, laughing and burrowing into me as I run my fingertips up her ribs. “It’s just stupid, okay!”

“You’re talking to the guy whose nickname is literally a cock-reference,” I smirk at her. “C’mon, let’s hear it.”

Hailey rolls her eyes and groans, “Mary.”

I frown. “Wait, what’s so bad about-”

It suddenly clicks, and my mouth opens as she shakes her head. “

“Wait, wait,” I’m grinning at her. “Hang on, your name is
Hailey Mary
? As in-”

“As in a last-second long-shot of a football pass?” She rolls her eyes again. “

“That is

“I mean, you’ve
my dad, right?” She grins through the red blush of her cheeks. “My parents had been trying for a while I guess, and they were about to give up when I came along.”

I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close. “The last-second long-shot, huh?”

“That’s me.”

Hailey laughs quietly as she sips her beer and looks down around us. “You know, I always thought it was fake,” she frowns, running her hand across the grass.

“Yeah, in the NFL it mostly is. Still the real stuff here,” I murmur into her ear. I set my beer down and bring my hand to her jaw, cupping it gently and turning her head as I lean in to kiss her. Her hand snakes back and into my hair, pulling me into her as her mouth opens for me, her tongue eagerly finding mine.

real?” She whispers, pulling back just enough for her eyes to dart hesitantly over mine.

I’m no saint. I’ve lied to plenty of girls who’ve asked me questions like this before. I’ve side-stepped answers, I’ve told half-truths, I’ve broken hearts, and I’m not proud of any of that. But I was playing a game - not football, but the game that comes with being famous, and
by everyone around you.

It’s the game you play to keep yourself sane, and keep yourself
, when everyone wants a piece of you. You wall them off, you shut them out, and you take, giving nothing in return.

I’m not playing that game anymore.

I’m through.

I’m done hiding behind this bullshit version of myself. I’m done going through the motions, and done running every damn second of every damn day just to keep my head above the tide of people who want to drag me down into what
want me to be.

And all it takes is one question from one particular girl for me to know that, without a second thought.

I’m done, and there isn’t even a single particle of me that thinks of a
to say, or what words might get me into her pants, or what the media wants to hear.

I only have to tell the truth.

And the truth? With her?

Well shit, that’s easy.

“Yeah, this right here?” I grin as I lean in, my lips brushing across hers. And it’s not fevered, or demanding, it’s just a pure, true kiss.

is real, darlin.”

Hailey falls into me, her mouth melting against mine as we fall backwards onto the grass. Her pillowed lips press against mine as her tongue eagerly searches for mine, her hair tumbling down around us as she lays across me.

My hands slide down to her ass, making her squeal as I grab it and pull her up to straddle my waist. She sits up, her eyes flashing at me as she slowly reaches down and hooks her fingers into her t-shirt. She doesn’t hesitate - this new, bold version of Hailey - as she pulls it from her body, slipping it over her head and dropping it to the side.

I’m leaning up, my hang going to the back of her hair and taking a fistful of it as I kiss her again - hungrier, harder this time. Her fingers find the edge of my shirt, and she’s pulling it from my body, her mouth dropping to rain kisses on my chest as she pulls it off.

My mouth goes to her neck, sucking hard at the tender skin there and loving the way she gasps. My fingers slip to the clasp of her bra before I pull it away from her, and my lips find her rosy pink nipples hard and wanting.

Hailey’s hands are at my belt, tearing at it feverishly and moaning as I tongue her nipples. Her fingers get my fly down, and then she’s reaching inside and running her fingers over the bulge in my jockeys.

“Take these off,” she husks, pulling my head up to her lips and kissing me fiercely.

I grin against her mouth. “Oh and why’s that?”

“Because I want to ride you, that’s why.”

There’s no blush, no lip-biting bashfulness this time. Her look is fierce and hungry, her eyes blazing as she meets my gaze.

“Please,” she whispers. “I want to feel you inside of me.”

She stands from my lap, and I’m growling as I reach between us, pushing my jeans and my shorts down in one motion.

Hailey stands and turns away, swaying her hips and bending slightly at the waist as she starts to peel her shorts and her panties down over her ass. She makes it to about mid-thigh before I grab her, my muscles holding her tight in that standing position as I push my face between her thighs and drag my tongue across her slit.

She’s moaning, reaching back to run a hand through my hair as I slide my tongue deep. And she’s
wet - so wet that it drips down my chin. I feel drunk on her taste and her scent, groaning loudly as I push my tongue deeper inside, pulling her tighter against my face.

But she pulls away, dropping her clothes and whirling to pounce on me. And then she’s in my lap, her legs around my waist, her mouth hungrily tasting herself on my lips, and my cock throbbing between us.

Suddenly, I pull away and groan.

“What is it?”

“My wallet,” I swear under my breath. “It’s in the car.”

She bites her lip. “Do you…”

“No,” I groan, shaking my head. “Hang on, I’ll be right-”

“No,” she says quietly. “No, it’s okay.”

I shake my head. “I can be back in just a few. There’s no way we’re
doing this right now.”

But she’s quiet, her eyes still smoldering and her mouth still red from my lips. “No, I mean, it’s

“Hailey, I-”


The look on her face says it all, and I can feel my cock lurch as I move back against her. “Are you sure?”

She nods quickly. “I- I want to feel you,” she says, her voice dark and thick, her eyes burning into mine. “I- uh, don’t want to ask, but-”

“I’ve never,” I say quietly, my lips brushing against hers. “Never
used one, that is. Not ever, and I know I’m clean.”

She nods quickly. “I’m on the pill.”

She’s reaching between us even as she says it, her fingers curling around my thick shaft. And when I nod, for once in my life, I’m fucking
for words as she slowly rises up in my lap.

Hailey moans as she lowers herself, rubbing her slit against my cock. She gasps slightly as she starts to lower further, easing the head just inside.

you’re big,” she moans, her face pulled tight in pleasure, biting her bottom lip as she stares into my eyes. My hands slide up her legs to cup her ass, and as she slowly starts to ease her way down my cock, I let the groan escape my mouth.

Fuck yes.

Hailey’s moans get louder and breathier as she slides all the way down, until I’m sheathed to the hilt inside of her.

So good…
” she whimpers out, her mouth hanging open as she lets her head drop back. I grip her firm little ass in my hands and slowly start to grind up into her, rubbing her
inside with my cock as she moans and starts to rock her hips on me.

She slowly eases up, her tight pussy gripping every inch of me as she slides up, before she rocks back down, making both of us groan as I slide balls deep inside.

Hailey leans forward and kisses me fiercely. “Lie back,” she whispers. “It’s my turn.”

Her hands on my chest push me back to the grass, and as I lie down, she starts to roll her hips on top of me. Her hands drop to my abs, fingertips scratching at my skin as she starts to ride up and down my big cock. I groan as I ease back, my hands on her ass and her thighs as I just
her ride me. God she’s fucking beautiful. She’s like this utter fucking angel, her skin glowing in the moonlight, her hair tossed back and wild, and her eyes locked on mine as she moves up and down on me.

It’s perfect, and for the first time in my entire life - for the first time in all the women that came before - I’m actually
the moment. I’m right here, right now, and it’s just her and I, without another thought or intrusion in the world.

All the meaningless, empty sex in the world doesn’t hold a
to that singular feeling of being connected right there with Hailey. We’re moving as one, breathing as one, our pulses hammering as one, both of us moving towards the same place.


This is making love

And with all the shit that came before - through all the women whose faces I can’t even remember - this is a first.

She moves like liquid moonlight above me, her body rocking faster and faster, moving with the tempo of our hearts until it becomes a frantic, frenzied dash. And there are no words, because there doesn’t have to be - we both know when it’s coming just by watching the other.

And when she comes, I lean up and wrap my arms around her, holding her tight and letting her drown her cry into my lips. Her body shatters around me, clenching me, milking me, shaking on top of me, and it’s the last piece to push me over the edge.

BOOK: Jock: A Secret Baby Sports Romance
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