Joan of Arc (38 page)

Read Joan of Arc Online

Authors: Timothy Wilson-Smith

Tags: #Joan of Arc: Maid, Myth and History

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Rigolet, Yann,
Jeanne d’Arc, ou l’étonnante pérennité d’un mythe, à Orléans, de 1945 à nos jours
, n.d., n.p. Salomé, Laurent
et al., Jeanne d’Arc, les tableaux de l’histoire, 1820–1920
(Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2003)

The Grove Dictionary of Art
(Macmillan, London, 1996)


Brecht, Bertold,
Saint Joan of the Stockyards
, trans. Ralph Manheim (New York, Arcade, 1998)

Bullough, Geoffrey (ed.),
Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare’s Plays
, vol. 3 (London, Routledge, 1960)

Cazamian, Louis François,
Andrew Lang and The Maid of France
(London, Oxford University Press, 1931)

Corrigan, Felicitas,
The Nun, the Infidel and the Superman: the Remarkable Friendships of Dame Laurentia McLachlan with Sydney Cockerell, Bernard Shaw and Others
(London, John Murray, 1985)

De Quincey, Thomas,
, vol. 3, ‘Joan of Arc in Reference to M.
History of France’ (Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1863)

Hume, David,
The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Accession of Henry VII
(London, A. Millar, 1761)

Lang, Andrew,
The Maid of France, Being the Story of the Life and Death of Jeanne d’Arc
(London and New York, Longman, Green, and Co., 1908)

Rapin de Thoyras, Paul,
Histoire d’Angleterre
, vol. 5, trans. N. Tindal (London, Knapton, 1731)

Schiller, Friedrich von,
Mary Stuart, Joan of Arc
, trans. Robert David MacDonald (London, Oberon, 1987)

Shakespeare, William,
Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies
, published according to the true original copies (London, printed by Isaac Iaggard and Ed. Blount, 1623)

Henry VI, Part I
, ed. Edward Burns (London, Arden, 2000)

Shaw, Bernard,
Saint Joan
(London, Penguin, 2001)

Southey, Robert,
Joan of Arc
(Bristol, Cottle and Davis, 1796)

Speed, John,
The History of Great Britaine under the Conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans their Originals, Manners, Habits, Warres, Coines and Scales, with the Successions, Lines, Acts, and Issues of the English Monarchs from Ivlivs Cæsar, to ovr Most Gratious Soueraigne King Iames
(London, William Hall and John Beale, 1611)

Thurston, Herbert, SJ, ‘A Rationalized Joan of Arc’ in
The Month and Catholic Review
, vol. 112, July 1908, 12–24

——, ‘Joan of Arc’, in
Catholic Encyclopedia
, vol. 8, 1910 (London and New York, Robert Appleton) (reproduced on

Twain, Mark,
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
(New York, Edward Mellen, 1997)


Astell, Ann W. and Wheeler, Bonnie (eds),
Joan of Arc and Spirituality
(Basingstoke and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2003)

Bancquart, Marie-Claire,
Les Écrivains et l’histoire d’après Maurice Barrès, Léon Bloy, Anatole France, Charles Péguy
(Paris, A.G. Nizet, 1966)

France, Anatole,
Vie de Jeanne d’Arc
(Paris, Editions Alive, 1999)

Bernanos, Georges,
Jeanne, relapse et sainte
(Paris, Librairie Plon, 1934)

Boileau, Nicolas
et al
Chapelain décoiffé: a Battle of Parodies
, ed. Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck (New York, Institute of French Studies, 1932)

Oeuvres Poétiques
, vols 1–3 (Paris, La Veuve Savoye, 1768)

Chapelain, Jean,
La pucelle, ou, La France delivrée: poème héroique
(Paris, Augustin Courbé, 1656)

Dansette, Adrien,
Histoire Religieuse de la France contemporaine
(Paris, Flammarion, 1965)

Faguet, Emile,
Mgr. Dupanloup, un grand evêque
(Paris, Hachette, 1914)

Goy-Blanquet, Dominique (ed.),
Joan of Arc, a Saint for All Seasons
(Aldershot, Hampshire and Burlington, Vermont, 2003)

Hales, E.E.Y.,
Pio Nono, a Study in European Politics and Religion in the Nineteenth Century
(London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1954)

Michelet, J.,
Jeanne d’Arc
, vols 1–2 (Paris, Hachette, 1925)

Péguy, Charles,
Oeuvres Poétiques complètes
(Paris, Gallimard, 1975)

Sainte Thérèse,
Théâtre au Carmel: recréations
(Bayeux, Editions du Cerf, 1985)

L’histoire d’une âme
(Paris, Editions du Cerf, 1972)

Tardieu, Marc,
Charles Péguy: biographie
(Paris, F. Bourin, 1993)

La Pucelle d’Orléans
in Besterman, Theodore Besterman
et al
. (eds)
Complete Works
vol. 7 (Geneva, Institut et Musée Voltaire, 1970)

Abrégé de l’histoire universelle
(better known as the
Essai sur les
) (London, Jean Nourse, 1754)


Balladur, Edouard,
Jeanne d’Arc et la France: le mythe du sauveur
(Paris, Fayard, 2003)

Brasillach, Robert,
Le procès de Jeanne d’Arc
(Paris, Gallimard, 1941)

De Gaulle, Charles,
Discours et Messages
vol. 1 (1940–46) (Paris, Plon, 1970)

Foch, Marshal
et al
For Joan of Arc: An Act of Homage from Nine Members of the French Academy
(London, Sheed and Ward, 1930)

Gildea, Robert,
Marianne in Chains
(London, Macmillan, 2002)

The Past in French History
(New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1994), pp. 152–65

Griffiths, Richard,
Marshal Pétain
(London, Constable, 1970)

Kaplan, Alice,
The Collaborator
(Chicago, Illinois, University of Chicago, 2000)

Maurras, Charles,
Jeanne d’Arc, Louis XIV, Napoléon
(Paris, Flammarion, 1937)

Winnock, Michel, ‘Jeanne d’Arc’, in
Les lieux de mémoire
, under the direction of Pierre Nora, 3 vols, Les France (Paris, 1992)


Astell, Ann W. and Wheeler, Bonnie (eds)
Joan of Arc and Spirituality
(New York and Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillian, 2003)

Cristiani, Msgr. Léon,
St Joan of Arc: Virgin-Soldier
(Boston, St Paul’s Press, 1977)

Greer, Germaine,
The Female Eunuch
(Flamingo HarperCollins, London, 2003)

Guitton, Jean,
Problème et mystère de Jeanne d’Arc,
Oeuvres Complètes
, vol. 6 Oécuménisme (Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 1986)

Maritain, Jacques et Raissa,
Oeuvres Complètes,
vol. 8 (Fribourg, Editions Universitaires, 1989) and vol. 13 (Fribourg, Editions Universitaires, 1992)

Rearick, Charles,
The French in Love and War: Popular Culture in the Era of the World Wars
(Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1997)

Warner, Marina,
Joan of Arc: the Image of Female Heroism
(University of California, 1981)

Wheeler, Bonnie and Wood, Charles T. (eds),
Fresh Verdicts on Joan of Arc
(New York and London, Garland, 1996)


Hill, Holly,
Playing Joan
(New York, Theatre Communications Group, 1987)

Morley, Sheridan,
Sybil Thorndike
(London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1977)


Some films on Joan of Arc are easy to find, such as those by Victor Fleming and Luc Besson. In England, Carl Dreyer’s and Robert Bresson’s films can be seen at the British Film Institute. The papal newspaper
Osservatore Romano
included the Dreyer film in its list of the ten greatest religious films, published in 1995 for the centenary of the film industry.


The following are useful sites for studying Joan of Arc on the Web:
(scholarly introduction to source material)
(access to ‘The Medieval Sourcebook’)
(Joan’s coat of arms)
(house and centre of Joan of Arc, Orléans)
(site for city of Orléans)
(Joan of Arc Museum, Rouen)
(Americans and the cult of Joan in the First World War)
(The International Joan of Arc Society)
(enthusiastic introduction)

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