JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and the Emergence of a Great President (59 page)

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Authors: Thurston Clarke

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Presidents & Heads of State, #History, #United States, #20th Century

BOOK: JFK's Last Hundred Days: The Transformation of a Man and the Emergence of a Great President
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The lead editorial

He witnessed the power
Ibid.; Armory speech, JFKL Web site.

Decades later, a
St. Petersburg Times
St. Petersburg Times,
November 11, 1999.

He told the crowd greeting him
Miami Herald,
November 18, 1963.

Speech to the Inter-American Press Association
JFKL Web site.

“God, I hate to go out to Texas”
Martin (
p. 451, based on an interview with Smathers.

“Look how screwed up it’s going to be”
Beschloss (
), pp. 665-66.

“Thank God nobody wanted to kill”
Martin (
), p. 477.


Lincoln remembered Tuesday
Lincoln (
Kennedy and Johnson
), p. 203.

He sat in a rocking chair
Ibid., pp. 203–7; Lincoln Papers, Box 6, JFKL. Some authors have doubted that the conversation happened as Lincoln reported it in her 1968 book. Box 6 of her papers, however, contains the shorthand notes that she made on a White House memorandum pad as he spoke—conclusive proof that Kennedy told her that he was considering replacing Johnson.

Sanford would later say
Sanford, JFKLOH.

“Oh, God, can you ever imagine”
Jacqueline Kennedy, p. 278.

In 1964, Sorensen would ask Jackie
Sorensen (
), p. 249. `

At a 10.00 a.m. ceremony in the Rose Garden
November 20, 1963.

Back in the
Oval Office
Mahoney, JFKLOH; Mahoney, pp. 284–85.

It called for improving relations
Hilsman, p. 352.

He had told Marie Ridder
Ridder, author interview.

Dean Rusk said they often discussed it
Rusk, p. 283.

“You know, Mr. President”
Mahoney, JFKLOH.

“I just want to tell you”

and picked up an article
George Mills, “JFK
Could Lose,”
December 17, 1963 (printed and on sale before November 22, 1963).

“What do you think of that?”
Mahoney, JFKLOH.

Attwood called Bundy’s assistant
Attwood (
), p. 262.

Chase wrote in a memorandum
National Security File, Country File, Cuba, Contact with Cuban Leaders, 5/63–4/65. The memorandum was dated November 19, 1963, headed “Approach to Castro,” and filed under “Top Secret-Sensitive.”

Bundy called Attwood back later
Attwood (
), p. 262.

Castro told Jean Daniel
“When Castro Heard the News,”
New Republic,
December 7, 1963.

Kennedy studied the photographs
Beschloss (
pp. 666–67.

“I’m sure glad the Secret Service”
Helms, p. 227.

He held a final briefing on Tuesday
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 389.

“When you come back”
NBC White Paper on Vietnam, December 1971, cited in Newman, pp. 426–27; Schlesinger (
Robert Kennedy
p. 722. The Forrestal-Kennedy conversation is also recounted by Brandon (
), p. 30.

“Wayne, I want you to know”
Boston Globe,
June 24, 1973, cited by Schlesinger (
Robert Kennedy
), p. 722.

“I’m still very much in favor”
Heller Papers, Box 6 (Kennedy-Johnson files), JFKL.

Lewis Weinstein, a distinguished
Lewis H. Weinstein, “John F. Kennedy: A Personal Memoir, 1946–1963,”
American Jewish History
75, September 1985.

He called Weinstein the next day

“I wish I weren’t going”
Salinger, p. 3.

“Don’t let the President come”
Ibid., p. 1.

But Lincoln had no qualms
Lincoln (
My Twelve
), p. 305.

“If they are going to get me”


During their weekly White House breakfast meeting
Manchester (
), p. 14.

His mind was wandering, and he drew doodles
JFKPP, Box 12, JFKL.

He complained to Dr. Burkley
JFKPP, Box 48 (medical), JFKL.

signed a lease
Manchester (
), p. 14.

asked Lincoln to check on the forecast
Lincoln (
My Twelve
), p. 305.

told Turnure to make sure
Manchester (
), p. 10.

“A bit of old-fashioned Boston”
Bishop (
A Bishop’s
), p. 386.

He added some words of friendship
U. Alexis Johnson, JFKLOH.

Joan Douglas noticed
William Manchester Papers (
Death of a President
), Box 43, Wesleyan Library.

“You’re going off to Japan”

Dillon thought he was “in wonderful form”

The Supreme Court justices also remarked
Ibid., Box 44.

Ethel Kennedy thought he seemed withdrawn and preoccupied
Manchester (
), p. 18.

Bobby Kennedy spent almost forty-five minutes
Ibid., p. 619.

Bobby told one of his guests
William Manchester Papers (
Death of a President
), Box 43, Wesleyan Library.

He asked O’Donnell if he had seen
Mahoney, p. 288; Manchester (
), p. 33.

O’Donnell said he had decided
O’Donnell and Powers, pp. 18–19; Manchester (
), p. 34.

Jean Daniel delivered Kennedy’s message
“When Castro Heard the News,”
New Republic,
December 7, 1963.

she read him a letter from her mother
William Manchester Papers (
Death of a President
), Box 43, Wesleyan Library; Sally Bedell Smith, p. 435.

he showed her a tongue-in-cheek letter

“There are going to be all these rich”
Manchester (
), p. 10.

She held up some dresses and outfits

After dinner he received a call from George Ball,
Ball, p. 310.


Kennedy was edgy
Lincoln (
My Twelve
), p. 305.

As soon as he arrived at the Oval Office
Ibid., pp. 305–6.

He met briefly
Darlington, JFKLOH.

“I feel great. My back feels better”
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 4.

Nanny Maud Shaw was opposed
Manchester (
p. 59.

she and Shaw waved from the roof
Shaw, p. 160.

He grinned and scrawled
Bundy Papers, Box 34, JFKL.

Boggs . . . was passing the White House
Manchester (
), p. 60.

spent the short flight
teasing his son
Lincoln (
My Twelve
), p. 306.

When John learned
Manchester (
), p. 63.

Kennedy tucked a file card
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 4.

Johnson planned to introduce him by saying
Wright, p. 47.

“You two guys aren’t running out”
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 20.

He poked his head into Jackie’s compartment
Gallagher, p. 312.

“I don’t think Barry is going to have time”
Reston, pp. 262–63.

Gonzalez now took him aside
on Air Force One
Ibid., p. 263.

“Oh, and by the way, Henry”

Teenagers filling the observation deck
San Antonio Express,
November 22, 1963.

Gonzalez had been standing
Reston, p. 265.

San Antonio in 1960 . . . motorcade
San Antonio Express,
November 22, 1963.

“despite the conglomeration of Secret Service agents”

He kept a close eye on Jackie
Manchester (
), p. 75.

Seeking shelter from the wind
Reston, p. 266.

There were some sour notes
San Antonio Express,
November 22, 1963.

A constable on traffic duty overheard

The Secret Service failed to keep a mental patient

Asked by a reporter to comment
November 22, 1963.

JFK speech at Brooks
JFKL Web site.

Five minutes later he stood in a laboratory
O’Donnell and Powers, pp. 21–22.

Before leaving Brooks, he invited
Cooper, p. 179.

Kennedy was jubilant
John Connally, “Why Kennedy Went to Texas,”
November 22, 1967.

He asked Powers to estimate
O’Donnell and Powers, p. 22: Powers Papers (Vanocur interview), Box 9, JFKL.

As they pulled into the Rice Hotel
William Manchester Papers (
Death of a President
), Box 43, Wesleyan Library.

Johnson had told his friend Horace Busby
Thompson, p. 253.

His meeting with Kennedy was so acrimonious
Manchester (
), p. 82; Reston, pp. 269–70.

He had complained to Bobby earlier
Dallek (
), p. 41.

After Johnson stormed out of the suite, Kennedy told Jackie
Manchester (
), p. 82; Reston, pp. 269–70.

“I just can’t bear him sitting there saying”
Jacqueline Kennedy, LBJLOH.

He doodled on a sheet of hotel stationery
Greenberg, pp. 156–57.

He and Jackie dined in their suite
Reston, p. 268; Yarborough, JFKLOH.

The atmosphere was more cordial
Leaming (
Mrs. Kennedy
), p. 332.

“Mrs. Kennedy, on her first official”
November 22, 1963.

“Gosh, Mary, you’ve been such a great help”
Gallagher, p. 314.

From this vantage point he could see
Valenti, JFKLOH.

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