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Authors: Jacquelin Thomas

Jezebel (18 page)

BOOK: Jezebel
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our husband has his radio program,” Elton stated when they met two days later at an apartment he kept on the side. “I wanted you to be the first to know. I'll give him the good news later this evening.”

“Thank you so much. I'm telling you—you won't regret it.” Jessie Belle pulled an envelope out of her purse and offered it to him.

He looked puzzled. “What's this?”

“I told you that I'd make it worth your while,” Jessie Belle stated. “I'm a lady of my word.”

“I was thinking of something a little more intimate,” Elton responded with a leer.

“I have a couple of girls working for me. You can take your pick. They are two of the most beautiful women in the world. You—”

Elton's voice was soothing but insistent. “I don't think you're hearing me. I want
, Jessie Belle.”

Jessie Belle had known this was a possibility, so she'd had her detective check Elton's background. He owed some pretty scary people money. “I'm a married woman.”

“Your husband doesn't have to know,” Elton uttered with a chuckle. “It'll be our secret. Jessie Belle, we could be so good together.”

Why does every man think he and I are so great together?
she wondered silently.

“I'm sorry, Elton, but I'm not available for your pleasure.”

He took a step toward her. “I want you, Jessie Belle. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since that day you sashayed into my office looking all good and sexy.”

“Elton, take the money….”

“I don't need your money. Or your girls. A deal is a deal—if you want Traynor to have a radio show…well, I think you get the picture.”

She'd totally misread Elton. Jessie Belle had been sure he would take the money and the girls. The last thing she wanted to do was bed him.


She swallowed hard, lifted her chin and boldly met his gaze. “I think I'll pass,” Jessie Belle uttered. “If I were in your shoes, I'd take the girls and the money. You need money, don't you?”

Elton stared at her. “What do you mean by that?”

“Just that I know you need money.”

He tried to kiss her.

Jessie Belle moved her head. “I said no, Elton, and I mean it.”

“I've never met anyone like you,” Elton uttered. “One day I'm going to warm that cold heart of yours.”

He took the envelope out of her hands.

Jessie Belle released a low sigh of relief. “You won't regret this, Elton.” She headed to the door.

“Why are you in such a hurry?”

“I have to get home to my family. In case you've forgotten, I do have a husband. It was nice doing business with you.”

Elton followed her to the door. “You don't have to be so cool to me.”

“Our business is done, Elton.”

He reached for Jessie Belle, but she successfully stepped out of his reach.

“I'll expect to hear from you before the week is out regarding my husband's radio show. Elton, I caution you against reneging on our business arrangement.”

“I'm a man of my word.”

“See that you are.”

“What! No good-bye kiss?” He laughed.

She threw open the front door and rushed out, practically running to her car. Jessie Belle wanted to get as far away from Elton Newman as possible.

As soon as she arrived home, Jessie Belle jumped into the shower.

After she toweled off and slipped on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, she paid the babysitter and sent her home. Jessie Belle spent the rest of the afternoon with her son.

“Mommy just got Daddy a radio show,” she whispered. “Isn't that wonderful? I almost had to pay a high price to get him that show and I would have. Because I know that in the end it'll pay off big. You see, I'm betting on your daddy.”

Jessie Belle planted a kiss on his forehead. “You're just like him. I can see it already in your personality. Holt, you're gonna have a wonderful life. Mommy's gonna see to it.”

Jessie Belle stormed out of her house muttering a string of curses.

That Elton Newman was a greedy ol' dog.

Not only did he order her to send the girls over to his apartment, but he wanted more money.

Fifty thousand dollars

She didn't have that kind of money lying around, and even if she did, Jessie Belle wasn't about to give it to Elton. Something was going to have to be done about him, she decided. She wasn't going to continue to let him extort money from her.

She still had an ace up her sleeve. The detective had given her a complete dossier on Elton Newman. Jessie Belle knew, not only that he gambled away thousands of dollars, but also that he cheated on his wife, and that he'd been taking money from record companies to give their artists airtime.

“Is that illegal?” Jessie Belle had asked the detective, since it really didn't sound like a big deal to her.

“Payoffs like that violate state and federal law,” he'd explained. “Songs selected for airplay aren't really based on artistic merit and popularity. Most times airtime is determined by undisclosed payoffs to radio stations and their employees. Record labels have offered a series of inducements known as payola to radio stations in the forms of outright bribes, expensive vacation packages, electronics, contest giveaways for stations' listening audiences and payments to cover operational expenses.”

When Jessie Belle asked for proof of the transactions, she was told, “I have copies of everything. Apparently he's not paying his employees enough.”

Elton Newman had taken steps to try to conceal most of the payments by using fictitious contest winners and making it appear as though the payments and gifts were going to radio listeners instead of him.

Promptly at one o'clock, Jessie Belle strolled into the apartment wearing a smile and feeling in control.

“It's nice to see that beautiful smile of yours again,” Elton uttered. “I take it you're getting used to our little arrangement.”

“Actually, no, I'm not,” she responded. “I have no intentions of continuing
our little arrangement
, as you put it.”

“Jessie Belle, I don't think you understand. I call all the shots here.”

“Elton, darling, it's you who's confused.” Jessie Belle tossed a thick manila envelope into his lap.

“What is this?” he questioned.

“Some lovely little pictures of you with a whore,” Jessie Belle stated with a look of triumph. “Quite racy, don't you think? I thought your wife might want to know what you're doing when you're not home with her.”

He had the nerve to give her a look of confusion. “Jessie Belle, what's this all about?”

“I want you to leave me alone.”

Leaning back against the sofa, Elton shook his head no. “I'm not ready to do that just yet.”

“If you don't, you might find yourself behind bars. I know all about the payouts you've been getting. I have copies of all of your little black books.”

His expression turned ugly. “I don't believe you. Besides, I never figured you for stupid. You don't want to make an enemy out of me, Jessie Belle.”

“Are you willing to test me?”

He held up the envelope. “Is this the only copy?”

Jessie Belle gave a short laugh. “Of course not. I have several copies—for insurance.”

“I want all of it—the pictures, the records…everything,” he growled.

“So you can go to Traynor?” Jessie Belle shook her head. “
I don't think so
. This is my insurance. You leave me alone and I'll do the same for you.”

“Nobody comes in here and tries to blackmail me,” he yelled. “Especially if they have half a brain.”

She refused to lower her gaze. Jessie Belle didn't want to give Elton the impression that he scared her. It would give him the upper hand.

“So you actually believe that you're the only one around here capable of blackmailing?” she chuckled. “You're the one who doesn't have a brain.”

“You're making a huge mistake, Jessie Belle. I like you, so just hand over what you have and we'll just forget about this momentary loss of sanity.”

“Elton, I'm dead serious. I'm holding on to my file—it'll be locked away in my safe-deposit box. If you agree to my simple terms, then you have nothing to worry about. Just stay away from me and let Traynor keep his show—the file never sees the light of day.”

He spewed a string of curses at her.

She shrugged in nonchalance, unaffected by his profanity.

“Woman, you don't know who you messing with.”

“Traynor's show is one of the highest-rated shows at your station. He's bringing in thousands of dollars in advertising…. Why would you want to take money out of your own pockets?” Jessie Belle paused for a moment before saying, “It's not about the money—it's control. You want to control me.”

Blocking her path to the front door, he uttered, “I
control you.”

Jessie Belle gave a firm shake of her head. “It ends tonight.”

They faced off, each glaring at the other.

Finally, Elton moved away from the door. “Get out of here.”

She gave him a tiny smile. “Gladly.”

Jessie Belle walked past him, holding her breath. She wasn't entirely sure Elton was going to just let her leave like that. When she was in the elevator, she released a long sigh of relief.

“Thank You, Jesus,” she murmured. However, Jessie Belle knew she wasn't entirely off the hook—she'd made an enemy out of Elton. There was no telling what he would do next.

Traynor was upstairs when Jessie Belle pulled her car up into the driveway. Even from his view upstairs, he could tell that she was upset about something. And she nearly jumped out of her skin when he made his presence known.

“You scared me,” she told him. “I didn't expect you to be home so early.”

“I thought I'd come home to surprise my wife—only you weren't here. The babysitter told me that you had a meeting.”

“Sara and I have been trying to think of some new ways to get the children interested in attending Vacation Bible School. Numbers have been dwindling for the past couple of years, you know.”

He nodded in agreement.

“Traynor, I thought you'd be at the church until after Bible study.”

“I decided that I wanted to spend some quality time with you and Holt.”

Jessie Belle's eyes watered. “You're so sweet to me, Traynor.”

When she neared him, he could see her trembling. “You're shaking. Jessie Belle, what's wrong? Did something happen?”

“No honey, I'm fine,” she lied. “I just want to take a hot shower and go to bed. It's been a long day.”

Traynor wasn't convinced. “You sure you're okay?”

She nodded. “I'm sorry for being gone so long and for snapping at you—it's not been one of my better days.”

“I made some dinner. Hungry?”

Jessie Belle shook her head no. “I'm not hungry. I just want a bath and a sleeping pill.”

Traynor didn't push. She would confide in him whenever she was ready. Jessie Belle didn't like to be pushed when she was in a mood. He'd learned that a long time ago.

He watched her ascend the stairs.

Traynor had noticed that Jessie Belle hadn't quite been herself over the past month or so. Almost around the same time he'd gotten the radio show. If he didn't know better, he might assume that it was the reason for her recent mood swings.

I wouldn't have the show without her, so Jessie Belle can't be upset about that,
he reasoned silently.

So what's going on with her?


hey found Elton Newman shot to death last night,” Traynor announced when Jessie Belle came downstairs to fix breakfast.

“I just heard about it on the television,” she responded. “I'm shocked.”

His death was all over the news. Apparently one of his
had gone to the apartment and found his body. She'd called the police to report the crime but ended up with a lot of explaining to do. Jessie Belle recalled her encounter with him a few days ago. “I guess he pissed off the wrong person,” she stated. “I can't help thinking about his poor wife…. I feel so bad for Minnie. Losing her husband that way.”

Traynor agreed.

“I'm just stunned by the news of Elton's death,” Jessie Belle murmured. “I just can't believe it.”

“They think he was murdered by one of the promoters he was taking money from or by a drug dealer,” Traynor responded. “They found drugs in one of the drawers in the bedroom. They're saying it looks like a deal gone bad.”

“What a shame.” Deep down, Jessie Belle didn't really feel a thing.

When Traynor left to run some errands, she put on some praise music and danced around the house.

Now that Elton was out of her life permanently, Jessie Belle could proceed with her plans to elevate Traynor's ministry. The radio show was doing well and getting good response from the listeners.

It would be nice to have a show like that on the radio daily—not just once a week.

Suddenly another thought occurred to Jessie Belle, bringing a smile to her lips. She couldn't wait to share it with Traynor when he returned home three hours later.

“I was just thinking that we should buy the radio station.” Jessie Belle scanned his face, trying to read his expression.

Traynor glanced over at his wife. “For what?”

“We could make it a Christian radio station—Lord knows this town needs one.”

“Why don't we pray about it and let the Lord guide us,” Traynor suggested.

“If that's what you want,” Jessie Belle responded. “We'll pray about it.”

While Traynor was praying, she would be taking the necessary steps to buy the radio station. Her husband would appreciate her efforts in the long run.

Jessie Belle decided it was in her best interest to spend some time with Elton Newman's widow. She would need a friend in her time of grief.

Minnie burst into a round of tears as soon as she opened her door and saw Jessie Belle standing there.

She immediately embraced the sobbing woman. “I'm so sorry about Elton. I can't believe he's gone.”

Minnie wiped her face. “I don't know what he was doing at that apartment…. Drugs, a girlfriend…all the horrible things I'm hearing about my husband—it just doesn't sound like Elton. Jessie Belle, I feel like they're talking about a stranger. I keep telling myself that they can't be talking about my Elton.”

The man was a greedy dog

Jessie Belle followed her into the house. “Who knows what's really true, Minnie? But you shouldn't be worrying yourself with that mess. You've got enough to deal with.”

“So many people have been over here….” Minnie sighed softly. “I think mostly they just wanted details surrounding my husband's death. Elton did a lot for the people in this city, but all they want to remember is that he died in an apartment I didn't know he had and he was found by the woman he was having an affair with.”

Jessie Belle shook her head in mock disgust. “Such a shame,” she murmured.

“I don't even want to turn my television on. I just can't take anymore. This is such a mess.”

“Minnie, why don't you let me help you? If you want, I'll deal with the media and anybody else. I'll be the family spokesperson.”

She wiped away a tear. “Jessie Belle, thanks so much. I don't know what I'd do without you. I've got to deal with his family, legal matters and the funeral.”

“I can help you with the funeral and probably the legal stuff, but Elton's family—I'm afraid you're on your own with that one.”

Minnie smiled a real smile. “They're my biggest challenge. All his family wants is to know if Elton's left them any money. They don't like me much—never have.”

“I have a bat at home if you need it,” Jessie Belle teased.

“I may take you up on that offer,” Minnie responded with a chuckle.

Jessie Belle spent most of the morning helping Elton's widow plan his Homegoing Celebration. When other relatives started to arrive, she decided that it was time to leave. She didn't want to get in the middle of family mess.

“Call me if you need me to come back over later.”

Minnie nodded. “If you don't mind, please come back around three. I have to go to the funeral home and I'd like you to go with me.”

Jessie Belle nodded. “I'll have my babysitter stay with Holt and I'll be back. He's with his father right now, but I'm on my way to pick him up.”

“Thank you for all of your help.”

“Minnie, it's no problem. Elton was a friend,” Jessie Belle managed between stiff lips.

Traynor and Holt were out in the yard when she arrived.

“How's Minnie?”

“She's grieving,” Jessie Belle answered. “Traynor, the poor woman doesn't know if she's coming or going. She wants me to go with her to the funeral home this afternoon. I'm going to have Carly come over and watch Holt.”

“Just bring him by the church,” Traynor suggested. “He can spend the rest of the day with me.”


He nodded. “Sure. Holt and I have enjoyed our time together. Right, son?”

The little boy nodded.

“Thanks, honey,” Jessie Belle said with a smile. She wanted to become Minnie's best friend so that she could subtly convince her to sell her the radio station.

Traynor and Jessie Belle attended Elton's funeral three days later.

They sat a few rows behind the Newman family. Jessie Belle noticed that there were a lot of female mourners in the congregation.

Apparently, Elton didn't have a faithful bone in his body.

She sat listening to all the wonderful accolades being tossed out. He sure had a lot of people fooled, Jessie Belle decided.

When it was time to pay respects, Jessie Belle and Traynor walked up to the open casket.

She stood there silently gloating.

That's what you get for trying to steal money from folk. What goes around, comes around.

Traynor took her hand and led her back to their seats.

They left the church when the service ended and went to the cemetery.

After witnessing several emotional goodbyes, Jessie Belle decided she'd had enough. She and Traynor got up to leave.

“I hate that I didn't have the chance to get to know Elton more,” Traynor stated as they walked down the path toward the cars. “He sounded like a great man.”

Jessie Belle wanted to gag. He was anything but great as far as she was concerned. “Don't forget that he was found in an apartment he was renting by a girl he was having an affair with. He wasn't faithful to his wife. And Minnie's so sweet.”

“We really don't know what was going on.”

“Traynor, why did Elton have a secret apartment? Because he needed somewhere to take his women. I know he's dead, but Elton Newman wasn't the saint everyone was trying to make him out to be.”

“I'm sure they were just trying to be sensitive to his family's feelings. Despite what he did—Elton's family loved him.”

“You're right,” Jessie Belle murmured. “But I feel bad for Minnie. She didn't deserve to be married to a man like Elton. She's so heartbroken.”

“With time, her pain is going to lessen,” Traynor stated. “I hope she's forgiven him.”

“She will,” Jessie Belle replied. “Minnie loved that man. He was her whole life. I don't know how the woman is going to function. That's why I've been spending so much time with her. I feel it's my Christian duty.”

Traynor assisted her into the car, then walked around to the other side and got in.

“Minnie is very lucky to have you, sweetheart.”

Jessie Belle settled back in her seat. “I think so, too. She's got so many people coming out the woodwork wanting money. I don't want her money. Minnie trusts me.”

BOOK: Jezebel
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