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Authors: Voting for Hitler,Stalin; Elections Under 20th Century Dictatorships (2011)

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Thomas M. Bohn
is Professor of Russian and Soviet History at the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Germany. His research focuses on historio-

graphy and urban history. As a specialist on Belarus he recently prepared a

Ein weisser Fleck in Europa.
(Bielefeld: transcript 2011)

Paul Corner
is Professor of European History at the University of Siena, where he is also Director of the Center for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes. He has published extensively on issues relating to Italian Fascism.

His recent research interests are centered on the wider question of popular

opinion in mass dictatorships, both before and after the Second World

War; his latest publication on this theme is the edited volume
Popular Opin-

ion in Totalitarian Regimes. Fascism, Nazism, Communism
(Oxford: Oxford

University Press 2009).

Enzo Fimiani
is director of the Provincial Library of Pescara (Italy). For many years, he taught contemporary history and history of political parties

at the University of Chieti-Pescara. He has published books and essays on

plebiscitary phenomena in Europe, political propaganda, Italian fascism,

World War II, including: “Per una storia delle teorie e pratiche plebiscitarie

nell’Europa moderna e contemporanea”, in
Annali dell’Istituto Storico Italo-

Germanico in Trento
(Bologna, 1995);and
Vox populi? Pratiche plebiscitarie in
Francia, Italia, Germania (secoli XVIII–XX)
(Bologna: CLUEB 2010).

Wendy Z. Goldman
is Professor in the Department of History, Carnegie Mellon University, and is a political and social historian of Russia. She is

the author of two books on Stalinist terror,
Inventing the Enemy. Denunciation
and Terror in Stalin’s Russia
(New York: Cambridge University Press 2011), and
Terror and Democracy in the Age of Stalin. The Social Dynamics of Repression
(New York: Cambridge University Press 2007), which focus on the issue of



mass participation in the terror. She is also the author of
Women at the Gates:
Gender and Industry in Stalin’s Russia
(New York: Cambridge University Press 2002), a study of Soviet women and industrialization in the 1930s,

the State and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917–1936
(New York: Cambridge University Press 1993), and numerous articles on Soviet

social history.

Peter Heumos
received his PhD from Ruhr University of Bochum in 1972

and was, until 2003, research fellow at the Collegium Carolinum in Mu-

nich. His fields of research are social aspects of modern Czech/

Czechoslovak history (mainly peasant and working-class movements) and

the political history of East Central Europe immediately after World War

II with particular regard to Socialist and Social Democratic parties and

their relations to Western European left-wing parties and the Socialist

International. This is also the topic of one of his recent publications, as

Europäischer Sozialismus im Kalten Krieg. Briefe und Berichte 1944–1948

(Frankfurt: Campus 2004).

Ralph Jessen
is Professor of Modern History at the University of Cologne, Germany. As a social historian he has published on several topics of modern Germany history, including on police, crime and welfare state in nine-

teenth-century Germany, on the history of academic elites in the German

Democratic Republic, on collective memory and on the history of the

Revolution of 1989 in East Germany. His books include
Akademische Elite

und kommunistische Diktatur. Die ostdeutsche Hochschullehrerschaft in der Ulbricht-

(Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1999) and, as a co-editor,

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